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16946162 No.16946162 [Reply] [Original]

What was the meme trilogy before Ulysses was written?

>> No.16946172

Search of Lost Time
Anna Karenina / W&P

just a dilettante guess of mine. Feel free to shit on me

>> No.16946344

Old Testament
New Testament

>> No.16946395

Would much be lost reading a translated version of Gravity Rainbow? I'm pretty sure Ulysses is one of those books you have to read in the original language, but I read a Brazilian Portguese translated version of Infinite Jest and absolutely loved it

>> No.16946442 [DELETED] 

Gargantua and Pantagruel
Don Quixote
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.16946459

La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel
El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

>> No.16946528

Maybe it's readable in another language, but a number of the paranoid interconnections depends on the same letters used at beginning of words, similar to how the letters V, W and M are used in 'V.', which I think would be difficult to translate. If they translate it wrong then a great wealth of meaning is lost. Occasionally there are very intricate uses of puns and wordplay which would almost inevitably be butchered.

>> No.16946551

They have to be Anglocentric like the current meme trilogy.

>> No.16946573

oh, shit, right. I can't be fucked, but Mobius Dickus is obviously one

>> No.16946606

>Tristram Shandy

>> No.16946906


>> No.16946969

The Idiot
In Search of Lost Time
The Golden Bowl

>> No.16946972


>> No.16946980
File: 763 KB, 919x472, 18th century meme trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16947399

I feel like the core of the meme trilogy is how daunting, difficult, and intellectual-for-intellectual's sake these are, ie not a fun summer read. Keeping that in mind my picks would be:

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

>> No.16947451

I agree, but I was trying to keep in mind the books' origins and inspirations. I felt dissatisfied with my choice of Hamlet.

>> No.16947471

Tolstoy is fairly well known for not being difficult to read

>> No.16947569

Maybe for adults that actually still read books and novels, however I think your average person looks at War and Peace as a big book, a book that if someone tells you they've read it, they're probably just lying to make themselves look smart, something I think Infinite Jest and Ulysses both share in common.

>> No.16947573

A tradução do Galindo é uma merda. Macaco que coloca MPB no meio do Wallace não merece atenção.

>> No.16947581

Paradise Lost
The Canterbury Tales

>> No.16947599

Moby Dick
The Faerie Queene
Boswell’s Life of Johnson

>> No.16947609

This is probably the closest. I think you’re all massively overestimating just how relatively recent praise for Moby Dick is.

>> No.16947618
File: 15 KB, 320x180, F9C03943-61BC-41D0-BE75-E24E9849F464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the wrong thread to ask but if I haven’t read anything since high school English class ten years ago what should I read?

>> No.16947630

The books in the OP image

Read them all then come back

>> No.16947656
File: 121 KB, 500x775, 96345C04-CC83-4587-BAA6-89049A6AE9F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges, Saunders, Orwell
See how you like them

>> No.16947715

Will they be too difficult for me? I haven’t read in a decade

>> No.16947717

Butterfly, I disagree that Borges should be started with after basic burger high school lit. That's a fine wine better shelved for later, don't you think?

>> No.16948529


>> No.16948592

They’re short stories. Orwell is easy, lost of great nonfiction and essays to pour over. You’ve read Homer?

Perhaps. I dived in and wasn’t overwhelmed.
You pay me complement

>> No.16948884

>The Idiot
>In Search of Lost Time
>The Golden Bowl

Really like the first two
the golden bowl worth reading?

>> No.16948896

*pore over

>> No.16948901


>> No.16948930
File: 1.33 MB, 2499x1242, 1571370450141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ye Olde Meme Trilogy ofc

>> No.16948973

Is tristram shandy really that intricate? I never read it but I was under the impression it was a lightweight comical read