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17013468 No.17013468 [Reply] [Original]

Billionaires read a lot, but what do people like Warren Buffett read?

Everything related to business too

>> No.17013471

the catalog of child sex slaves on offer at jeffrey's this quarter

>> No.17013491

Bill Gates posts a list of his top 5 books every year. Mostly just New York Times non-fiction best sellers it would seem

>> No.17013498

idiot books for morons

it's not like being a cunt requires intelligence

>> No.17013537

a lot of the tippity top 1% are simply mid-wits - the sample size of ultra-super-real-elite-rich is too small to really have a 200 IQ dude with a taste in literature

i'm sure the rest of the high iq/high wealth group consists of STEM/lawyers/bankers have some real readers in there

>> No.17013553

They don't. They have subscription services where professional readers summarize all the important books for them, and if they want to know about something obscure they just pay somebody to read it for them.

>> No.17013559

the Talmud

>> No.17013565

Lol. You expect a bunch of poorfags to know?

>> No.17013581 [DELETED] 
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Everyone knows he read this. Funny fact: when Buffet applied for a job with Graham's firm he got turned down because he was a gentile. He eventually got hired though.

>> No.17013583

>I am poor, therefore, everyone must be poor.

>> No.17013633

Keep working, you'll get there.

>> No.17013651

>I have to work, therefore, everyone must work.

>> No.17013686

Almost there.

>> No.17013692
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>> No.17013716

Warren reads balance sheets.

>> No.17013725

They really expect us to believe a billionaire or an important politician spent his time reading the fad of the month self-help book or a shit novel by Ben Lerner. It's never something from Musil or Proust, it's always meme shit.

>> No.17013739


>> No.17013866

Non meme answer: he often recommends "How to make Friends and influence People" as well as "The intelligent Investor".

>> No.17013879

Nobody reads the Talmud except for Rabbis pretty much. Nobody else would subject themselves to torture like that.

>> No.17013951

That's cute.

>> No.17014119

If you think he even read those book you must be stupid

Those books are the most vanilla, soft and safe thing you can find

>> No.17014123


>> No.17014126

This isn't true

>> No.17014142

>14 posters
>only two serious answers

>> No.17014143

I could definitely see a sociopath recommending a sociopathic book such as How to Make Friends and Influence People. The only thing I found useful from that book for a normal person is to be direct and upfront with what you want in an email/letter, rather than meandering and wasting people's time while they fight to get to your point

>> No.17014211


>> No.17014234

It is, I had a job as a professional "data collector" for a wealthy elite. I had to explain fucking Naomi Kleins Shock Doctrine to the daft cunt.

>> No.17014248

It's a projector.

>> No.17014308

>implying all rich people are smart

It really depends whether they have intergenerational wealth or they are self made

>> No.17014328

Weak bait, nobody can be this stupid

>> No.17014333

I'm honestly not sure. The present themselves as reading painfully mainstream garbage. I don't know if this is indicative of the fact that billionaires are created entirely by the establishment, or if it's a smoke-screen to cover what they actually read.

>> No.17014351


>> No.17014364
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Jeff Bezos is known to make his top execs read books and then discuss them. I know he did Black Swan, but he also did some obscure stuff like some book from the 90s about a video games called Creatures. And of course he said Remains of the Day was a book that influenced him to quit being a quant at D.E. Shaw and start a bookstore on the World Wide Web instead.

>> No.17014384


holy shit this dude's essays are actually interesting unlike that chud from yc

>> No.17014391

Is Remains of the Day just another one of those "what might have been" novels or is there more too it?

>> No.17014397
File: 29 KB, 324x499, 51tWXQ3rmdL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something I think about. Buffett at least recommends finance books. However, he clearly reads more than that. His favorite book is The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham. When Graham died, Buffett wrote an obituary and in it referenced by name the author of pic related, which is a book that claims to teach how to control the masses. The billionaire Peter Thiel is reportedly obsessed with Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy. I'm almost positive Thiel has read the Unabomber, given how he references the him as a philosopher in his book. Several world leaders have a professed obsession with Robert Caro, whose books, while often criticizing power, are also extremely detailed accounts on how to obtain it. The Best and the Brightest is another book read alongside Caro. I'm not positive what it means, but I've kept those books by my side since

>> No.17014399 [DELETED] 

There's a lot to it, but most people aren't close readers nor thoughtful. It might even be secretly "based", but that's for the reader to determine.

>> No.17014484

Please tell more. Must have been funny.

>basically the book says you and your family destroyed Irak and made the american taxpayers spend billions for nothing

>> No.17014503

Based post and based rec, Lippman is extremely important to understanding modern propaganda.

>> No.17014518

Yeah it's one of those, the author also wrote Never Let Me Go which is more nihilistic and dystopic, but Bezos talks about living life through the lens of "regret minimization," a concept he got from the book

>> No.17014532

That's not what it's about. There's no where in the novel were the protagonist wanted to do something else with his life. If anything it's anti-modernity, and anti-working class.

>> No.17014535

epstein had underaged girls though, and buffett is definitively a homosexual pedophile. he needs alternative sources

>> No.17014540

>professional readers
how does one acquire this job?

>> No.17014679

>my individual perception is the way all rich people behave
With such poor world-modeling skills I think you’ll fit in quite well here

>> No.17014695

Does he really make his top execs... read books?
I cannot imagine top execs of a company letting themselves be schooled like that. It's a company, not a fucking book club.

>> No.17015072

Karl Popper and Milton Friedman

>> No.17015204

The majority of the wealthiest people in the world are bland people with little intellectual curiosity. They got their wealth by privileging economic success over all other matters, so they aren't going to care about anything esoteric or obscure. There's a reason most of the great geniuses of history were apathetic to wealth.

>> No.17015278

>OP asks what billionaires read
>this guy gets some kind of an answer
>"No, no. I wanna know what billionaires REALLY read!"
Give it up, you'll never be satisfied with any answer that doesn't confirm your bias. And unless you get a spy camera into a billionaire's house you will never know for sure what they read.

>> No.17015395

They read whatever they want you to buy and the things they've invested in. Warren switched the soda he drank in public to convince people to buy more of the soda he invested in.

>> No.17015641

self-help books about how to become rich

>> No.17015654

Surely they read whatever they are interested in, whatever their Self expresses interest in for them to develop, as if they are self made billionaires they have surely achieved self realisation and developed what they are interested in i.e. their area of buisness

>> No.17016122

This. Lots of 10-Ks and govt. Reports.

>> No.17016127

>sociopathic book such as How to Make Friends and Influence People.
>sociopathic book


>> No.17016326

The concept of mid-wit is total bullshit
it's stupid to think George Soros reading Infinite Jest

>> No.17016912

So what does he read? Just finance books?

>> No.17016914

YA and genre fiction

>> No.17017056

Billionaires don't read a lot, but like many /lit/izens they tell people they do to maintain social standing. The difference is they have the easy job of lying about self help books and fad books like Sapiens.

>> No.17017077

I wonder who his favorite Harry Potter character is.

>> No.17017091

Money people are good at one thing... making money.
It's not that hard. You have to master the economy, finance, be patient, live under your means.
That's not very complicated once one get it.
That's also one reason in my opinion why the proletariat has a chance to finally take over. Indeed, these "elite", are not as smart as they think they are. How much of this superclass has read and mastered Hegel really?

>> No.17017105

I actually met Steve Jobs when I was in Uni, I know he read Dune. The reading this is largely a virtue signal, they read about as much as most people in all reality.

>> No.17017110

They read financial reports, financial newspapers, financial books, maybe books about things they want to invest in, etc. They don't really read self-help bullshit, that's for sure.
Also you can look all this stuff online. Buffet himself has recommend his favourite books before

>> No.17017116

Often it was quite funny, basically I would read a few chapters and via the phone explain it too him. The first chapter is primarily about psychology, and he was utterly pissed, because he thought he got memed into buying a book about Economic policy. I had to explain that it's not all about psychology. Pretty much everything I said he just said Bullshit! Afterward. He agreed that its plausible that they hide policy behind crisis, but stubbornly insisted that this was a good thing and a necessary evil. "Dumb bitch doesnt mention how many jobs we saved." Etc. He was essentially filtered by the more complex chapters like ch. 5, and completely dismissed anything negative about the world bank and the IMF. "We'd still be living in caves if this woman had her way." "People take this shit seriously." Etc.
Mostly I read economic reports and files about his company (aerospace) and it was boring, but cultural phenomena books like Kleins or Debt by Graeber i had to go through and loosely interpret, probably so he could sound informed when he bashed them.

I feel bad now, because I'm sure someone has had to read all of the critical race and gender theory to the old bastard and I can only imagine how aggravating that is, as it's dense boring and the popular shit is often just terrible.
I never said it's how all of them behave midwit. Some do, and he implied that othee people had employees who do the same, though maybe it was his ego talking.

>> No.17017133

The pay has got to be worth it.

>> No.17017149

George Soros is a follower of Karl Popper, and has essentially monetized his ideas.

>> No.17017164

You read the Bible but do the opposite.