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/lit/ - Literature

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17159613 No.17159613 [Reply] [Original]

She's right you know.

>Houellebecq has captured the noncommittal, transactional and mutually recriminating nature of today’s sexual relations. In all fairness, it doesn’t take a genius to see this or write about it. Then again, most of the writers I respect, many of whom you mention here, are less interesting as theorists or philosophers in their own right than as hoarders of common sense. This is exactly the sort of stuff that’s worth paying attention to and taking stock of because the invisible contortions of ideology actively work to deny it.

>Feminists love to accuse Houellebecq of “objectifying women” by writing substance-less, one-dimensional female characters. This is supposed to be indicative of sexism or misogyny on his part. First of all, asking a French guy to not be a sexist pig is sort of like asking a French guy to not be a racist pig. The French are the only ones who can make chauvinism look charming. Personally, I’m endeared by his horny descriptions of the local trim. His sex scenes are great for airplanes. They bring a joie de vivre to his otherwise joyless view of global monoculture. In my mind, you can’t have one without the other. Or you could I guess, but then he really would be the miserable nihilist his critics imagine.

>Secondly, all of his characters are one-dimensional and lack substance. That’s the whole critique! The men have no more depth than the women; it’s just that as a male author who writes exclusively in a male voice, it would be weird and presumptuous if he suddenly tried to simulate female subjectivity. Who wants that anyway? Though frankly he could probably pull it off better than most. When it comes to storytelling, I’m a big fan of Aristotle’s idea that the convincingly implausible is always preferable to the unconvincingly plausible. That’s my beef with all these Staff Picks Table young women writers: for all of their claims to relatability, none of them could write a relatable character, dialogue or plotline to save their lives. They’re programmed to think exclusively in memes and Joan Didion pull quotes.

>The fact that so many of his critics, the feminists in particular, miss the point proves the point. In making it about themselves, they reveal the lack of perspective and generosity inherent in their approach to criticism and probably to life in general.

>> No.17159639

Why must women write in such a tedious, insufferable way?

>> No.17159669

I wonder what these kinda bitches look like once the klonopin runs out

>> No.17159684

>The French are the only ones who can make chauvinism look charming.
unironically take note, lads: this is the average female mentality right here
if it's charming, it's ok if it's sexist / racist / wrong in general

>> No.17159693

I don't read or listen to women

>> No.17159715

>The French are the only ones who can make chauvinism look charming

It always struck me watching Mad Men, how you guys are glorifying the old days of chauvinism, but we French are still living 100% in that kind of dynamic all the time.

>> No.17159735

What race is this thing

>> No.17159750

I don't see how you can think that thing in the OP is a woman.
Not great analysis. Seems really interested in the political analysis at the expense of actual literary analysis (most extremely with the "hahaha, he's French, how funny, right?).
Sadly, these traits are common in literary criticism these days - it's tough to even think of a major literary critic who tries to stay away from the political discussion of literature and who has a clear understanding of literature that isn't just snarky or able to get clicks.

>> No.17159763

Why must academics?

She is clearly a woman

>> No.17159765

>The fact that so many of his critics, the feminists in particular, miss the point proves the point. In making it about themselves, they reveal the lack of perspective and generosity inherent in their approach to criticism and probably to life in general.
holy BASED

>> No.17159770

To appear smart, coping mechanism

>> No.17159791

>They’re programmed to think exclusively in memes
That's what I hate about contemporary music.

>> No.17159803

Also that's a guy

>> No.17159807

her and dasha are both eunuchs

>> No.17159818


Fucking obsessed.

>> No.17159834

>It always struck me watching Mad Men, how you guys are glorifying the old days of chauvinism, but we French are still living 100% in that kind of dynamic all the time.
I think I gotta take the french-pill.

>> No.17159842
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The baguettes are really good too.

>> No.17159846

what kind of dynamic exactly?

>> No.17159856

> Armenian Jew
When will normies realise the Turks and Germans were the good guys

>> No.17159870

What do you disagree with here? Or do you just not understand what she said?

>> No.17159876

>Genocide good
Let me guess, you're a Nazi as well?

>> No.17159878

literally stop lying and immediately kill yourself one of the most embarrassing things I've ever read if you said this to me in real life I'd straight up break your fucking legs

>> No.17159911

> genocide
literally a made up term that's vague beyond belief and applies only when the political interests of a actor desire it to apply

>> No.17159916

Do you ever reflect on the fact that if the internet were to disappear tomorrow your entire reason d'être would disappear as well?

>> No.17159938

Lmao this isn't even remotely true

>> No.17159940
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Seething Anglos should know their place and be silent.

>> No.17159942

Are you ok?

>> No.17159963

who is the tranny?

>> No.17159964

No, it's a very clear term. You're just a postmodernist.

>> No.17159972

>reason d'être
pretentious faggot

>> No.17159975

Where is her ass?

>> No.17159978


Good band though.

>> No.17159980
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Au contraire

>> No.17159983

Really quite embarrassing when /lit/ attacks Anna for being a woman despite her sharing most of /lit/‘s opinions on things

>> No.17159996

/lit/ doesn't care about ideas and critiques anymore. it's all /pol/ and /r9k/ discourse disguised as book talk.

>> No.17160016


That everyone hates her is reason to love her. Why don't they understand?

>> No.17160019
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True and depressing

>> No.17160032


Women have a feeling of chronic weakness always stirring in the very back of their minds, so they fluctuate between apathy and bouts of overcompensation

>> No.17160051

Literally being fucked by an Arab.

>> No.17160056


France has mostly been even worse than America with regards to male sexual repression and these new sexual strictures. I say mostly because America is now probably the worst in the world, maybe for the past 10 years

>> No.17160060

Read the OP already

>> No.17160064

>She is clearly a woman
why would you assume someone's gender based solely on their physical appearance?

>> No.17160071

She's a contrarian retard, dumber than the feminists she dunks on.

>> No.17160079


>> No.17160084

since when is misogyny not /lit/?

>> No.17160087


> Grégoire Lyonnais
> Arab


>> No.17160091
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>reason d'être

>> No.17160135

Preach girlfriend

>> No.17160152

>France has mostly been even worse than America with regards to male sexual repression and these new sexual strictures.

>> No.17160158

>most of the writers I respect, many of whom you mention here, are less interesting as theorists or philosophers in their own right than as hoarders of common sense
Ah yes, the Ben Shapiro approach.
Her commentary has been written hundred times over by countless hot-take twitterati like her and is too simplistic to warrant discussion.
She's also wrong. What's missing in literature is exactly some respect for philosophy but without denigrating it to common sense. Wellbeck does that, but she wouldn't know. Wait a minute… she namedropped Aristoteles (I hear it's in vogue with anglos nowadays), so she must be right. Yes. Good blog.

>> No.17160161
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>> No.17160169
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is he algerian?

>> No.17160170

You're joking right? That can't be right.

>> No.17160179

First they say she’s too complex to read, now she’s a Ben Shapiro. Oh brother.

>> No.17160203

Should I begin with Serotonin or Whatever? Does it matter?

>> No.17160213


It's not right.
> articles 16-10 à 16-13 du code civil, L 1131-1 à L 1133-10 et R 1131-1 à R 1132-20 du code de la santé publique, 226-25 à 226-30 du code pénal et L 111-6 du code de l'entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d'asile.

Genetic tests on someone else than yourself have to be ordered by a judge (in France), doesn't matter the relation, but they can 100% be used in a divorce case in order to cancel any obligations.

>> No.17160215

It's been illegal since 1994. You get a 15000 Euro fine and a year in prison.

>> No.17160227


Not even, his parents are both French, Christophe and Claudie.

>> No.17160247
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Not my pronoun and I didn't say that.

>> No.17160253

Not really. He basically writes the same book over and over. It's a good book.

>> No.17160258


>> No.17160270

And the judges are all pozzed so they refuse most of the time and favor the woman instead. Just like in the US.

>> No.17160273
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Fuck you and your meme-based intelligence.

>> No.17160280


Please provide jurisprudence as proof.
T. Avocat.

>> No.17160319

That's a good reading of Houellebecq, I like it. I also like the "hoarders of common sense" thing, and the characterisation of New York Times Boundary-Breaking Books of the Year (And Here's Why That's a Good Thing) readers getting Aristotle's verisimilitude backward is insightful.

I liked this, I will post one fewer misogyny today and try to force myself to reflect on whether certain women might have souls.

>> No.17160370

How do I write like this? I was never good at writing essays in school or expressing myself in general.

>> No.17160430


where did you get this? twitter account, or does she run a blog?

>> No.17160446
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, The Weak should fear the Strong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a thesaurus.
>Google "Common french expressions".
>Shoehorn one in where it fits (or not, doesnt matter).
>Google "Famous Greek philosophers of antiqueety" (Google will auto-correct, dont worry).
>pick one, for example, Aristotl.
>Google "Quotes of Aristotle" and pick something that sounds profound
>Shove it in your essay
voila. Make sure to write as if you're just thinking in a stream of consciousness, as if there's no control, order or cohesion in your thoughts. You're writing as a woman, after all.

>> No.17160492


>> No.17160527

I'm so conflicted, normally I love elephant woman beating misogyny poster and agree with him on everything, and normally I hate women, and normally I would say anyone who runs a "blog" or "podcast" or uses "social media" should be killed and specifically the faggots who shill this particular podcast here are obviously normie tourists but I also think the OP quote is pretty decent for a short review essay, and insightful in exploding the milquetoast presumptions of the social media normies likely to read the essay.

Now I see this post and I'm angry. Why would you WANT to read a twitter or "blog?" why would you seek out faggotry? Why is she writing primarily for people like this if they have rocks for brains?

>> No.17160562
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Yeah i have to say, those are the only two things i can fault her for.
The thing is, Houellebecq is a lite version of Céline, and the girl in question is trying to write like Céline as well. There's no shame in that, he changed French literature with his style, after all, but that's simply the way it is.
I like how she calls him a hoarder of common sense; i think Houellebecq himself would agree with that. He said that the point of his writing is to find the wounds in a society, and then press deep.
I still think she could've ditched the Aristotle namedrop, but the French terms are fitting in this case.

>> No.17160706

Anna has never read Celine. She read Huysmans and I think said he was just ok.

>> No.17160774

>where did you get this?

I took it from here:


>> No.17160808

>look up UN definition of genocide
>basically all the points apply to what is being done to whites in their countries
>"no no non, white genocide is a schizoid antisemitic conspiracy theory!"

>> No.17160831
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>First of all, asking a French guy to not be a sexist pig is sort of like asking a French guy to not be a racist pig. The French are the only ones who can make chauvinism look charming

>> No.17160857


>> No.17160870

Racism is always charming

>> No.17160885

For me is Dasha

>> No.17160899

Yeah. And also I just hate that she's trying to be cutesy or whatever. The way she phrases it. Obnoxious stuff. W*men write that way a lot.

>> No.17160915


Seething Angloids.

>> No.17160917


Thank you for your service.

>> No.17160924

I'm black.

>> No.17160941

why did this person use a racist remark to complain about others being racist

>> No.17160943


... so?

>> No.17160945
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>> No.17160958

Is she a Pawg?

>> No.17160959

anglos cannot be black

do you even fucking know your esoteric race science? anglos are a subset of the germanic root race that made a faustian pact with ahriman, blacks would never have anything to do with ahriman

>> No.17160964
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>> No.17160970

She is a TTLG (tall thin lurch gurl)

>> No.17160999

good shit. moar fren moar

>> No.17161005
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So why are you guys wasting time on a random thin dishwater?

>> No.17161009

Bitch looks transgenda

>> No.17161027

In what way?

>> No.17161053

What re you such a faggot? Blogs are a perfectly fine medium for expression, shut the fuck up you insolent gay child

>> No.17161063


Wait, do you actually think "Anglos" mean Brits?
It comes from "Anglophone", you absolute moron.

>> No.17161073

i thought this was a very good review, full of character and wit. not saying i agree with it all but i enjoyed it.

>> No.17161074

Look at this guy trying to twist out of his error. Just take the L and move on. Not the end of the world

>> No.17161084

He probably pretends to read Aristotle for trad cred

>> No.17161088
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>Blogs are a perfectly fine medium for expression, shut the fuck up you insolent gay child

>> No.17161116


> Confirmed the Bell Curve's argument one post at a time.

weird flex ngl, but it is going to be appreciated here.

>> No.17161149


It genuinely wasn't like this from 2013-2015. When Jordan Peterson got popular, the quality of discussion on this board rapidly disintegrated. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying or a newfag.

>> No.17161151

Now you're referencing a book that goes out of its way to mention that IQ is a distribution in which some whites are far below the average even of blacks. Do you think it might be smart to stop digging the hole you're in?

>> No.17161169


>It comes from "Anglophone", you absolute moron.


>> No.17161182
File: 454 KB, 1303x859, how_distributions_work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It occurs to me you probably won't understand the post I just made so here's a helpful visual.

>> No.17161197

I didn't even hear about Jordan Peterson until the beginning of 2018 and I was browsing this board the entire time.

>> No.17161207

You are the newfag. I was here well before that and the only thing that was different before 2013 was that there was an openly leftist mod/janny who deleted anything "problematic" like it was a normie subreddit. And about a dozen tripfags who used the board as their personal chatroom. If you're pining for those good old days, you're in luck, because they still exist at reddit (where you belong).

>> No.17161238


>> No.17161275
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>no kids
>writing this stupid dweebish nonsense about writers that are half dead anyways
Everything she thinks is important matters less than she'll ever know.

>> No.17161289

>7/12 top threads are frogposts

>> No.17161292

>asking a French guy to not be a sexist pig is sort of like asking a French guy to not be a racist pig
wow, what a racist

>> No.17161307
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> tfw you are in the 97th percentile of one of the highest IQ population in the world.
> But black burgers aren't apparently Anglos because Poles are dumber than rocks.

>> No.17161317

>see this face
>hide thread
posting from the front page, just thought you should know. hae a nice day!

>> No.17161365

>When Jordan Peterson got popular, the quality of discussion on this board rapidly disintegrated. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying or a newfag.
i confirm

>> No.17161398

Do you honestly believe she would make a good spouse and mother? There's some people that know their role.

>> No.17161682
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Literally one of the hottest women on the North American continent right now.

>> No.17161694

Blacks, are in fact, an Anglo-Saxon people.

>> No.17161755

"Out of Africa" is on the edge of refutation - this anon is close to the truth

>> No.17161798

I like reading people's opinions and not everyone publishes them as essays, fuck off

>> No.17161833

I want her to sit on me and babble on about her literary criticisms while she plays with my dick, desu

>> No.17162037
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Based source-man.

>> No.17162073

>wanting her to play with your dick
inconsistent femdom is the most pleb thing ever, why would she be preoccupied with your dick if she has dominated you. men are stupid, they ruin every fantasy by reducing it to MUH DICK MUH DICK, if a man says he's into feet it never means he wants to kiss your feet it only means he wants to RUB MUH DICK ON YOUR SHOES MUH DICK MUH DICK CAN I CUM IN YOUR SHOES AND SOCKS MUH DICK PUT YOUR FEET ON MUH DICK, if a man says he's into being your slave it means he wants you to to make an L-shape with your fingers and go YUH DICK YUH DICK JERK YUH DICK FOR ME YOU'RE SOOOO PATHETIC LET ME JUST TALK ABOUT YUH DICK FOR 20 MINUTES

pick a fucking lane and stick with it, at least cringe basic dom men are consistent with their corny napoleon complex bdsm bullshit

>> No.17162125
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>> No.17162160

yo chill bruh lmao

>> No.17162181
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>> No.17162198

Lmao what the fuck

>> No.17162312

Vile creatures.

>> No.17162319

>Get in loser, we're taking a precautionary approach to risk

>> No.17162346

I appreciate the disproportionate emotion but he didn't say anything about domination or slavery he just said "sit on me"

>> No.17162448


>> No.17162467

I love you Butters

>> No.17162485

lmao isnt france the only country where its illegal to take a paternity test?

>> No.17162588

Have to remember this

>> No.17162617
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based and annapilled

>> No.17162657

not the anon, just wanna say you're right

>> No.17162745

If you weren't a woman you would know what its like to have your dick stimulated and you never would have made this autistic post

>> No.17162970

link https://niccolo.substack.com/p/the-zrich-interviews-anna-khachiyan

>> No.17162975

hi annna please shit on my chest i am in rural iowa i am so lonely

>> No.17162982

It seems pretty normal to me.

>> No.17163001

word on the street is shes got a bun in the oven

a jew-bun. a challah.

>> No.17163012

the part in the interview about Wellabecq being a modern day sin-eater and taking all of society's evils into himself and letting them disfigure his face was pretty good i gotta admit. that interviewer is funny and also there is a 100% chance he browses 4chan, there's a good chance either he or Anna posted this interview here desu

>> No.17163236

Ahh, Mr. Nathan Fungus himself appears

>> No.17163240

i dont like that style of undergarment. make the whole lower body look bizarre

>> No.17163422

French """"men"""" are effeminate as fuck, paternity tests are illegal in Fronce, they are coming all africain (the country is already over 20% foreign) how exactly is that based and redpilled and masculine?

>> No.17163465

>coming all africain

>> No.17163484

It’s true

>> No.17163505

As someone who knows Anna personally these threads are so strange.

>> No.17163522

Why so anon?

>> No.17163566

Well Anna is a pretty cool and laidback person, so it's weird to read threads where she is talked about as if she's the second coming of Camille Paglia.

>> No.17163575

Anon you can't "know" Frankenstein in real life.

>> No.17163623

Hello Umeh Divad, how is your day? How has deriving is claims from ought claims been? Your strict, clear lines of causality as good as always?

>> No.17163631

AOC has always been amazing

>> No.17163696


She is Zizekpilled

>> No.17163722

Based Algerian.

>> No.17163738

I listen to cumtown

>> No.17163745

nigga its 4:30am in NYC you dont know anyone

>> No.17163754


> What are prime cocaine posting hours?

Mate you've done made a fool of yourself.

>> No.17163773
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>> No.17163786

it's way past its prime

>> No.17163788

fair point

>> No.17163802

>people who don't know some say things about them that aren't true
>he I will use this to opportunity for something that is not only NOT of the ordinary but is in fact the norm to namedrop for internet from anonymous strangers
Anon I don't even know who this bitch is and am not impressed in the slightest that you do. I do however feel sorry for you that you felt the need to namedrop the way you did. I can only imagine it stems from loneliness

>> No.17163808

anna should talk to keith woods

>> No.17163846

Epic projection my dude. I am just making conversation in a thread about something I have knowledge about, you're clearly the one with some serious personal deficits here.

>> No.17163864
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> I can only imagine it stems from loneliness

> That post also stems from loneliness
> So does this one

>> No.17163870


>> No.17163880
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>Loneliness is key to all frontiers including the internet frontier and America is the land of frontiers above all: America is the land of the lonely

>> No.17163895

i tell you what friends, i read atomised and by the end it had force me into recognising its points and its poignancy. i felt hollowed out after reading it, and its edginess subsided into very real feelings and critiques. but alas, i read serotonin and it seems the edginess is multiplied by 100 and it's just not good at all. i don't get podcast woman saying all his characters are one dimensional, the brothers in atomised aren't. in fact her whole spiel is rather overwrought and annoying, she is dumb

>> No.17163915
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>America is the land of the lonely

My dad used to call Leafland "the Great Loneliness", after MacLennan's Two Solitudes ("the two loneliness).

>> No.17163947

Who is she?

>> No.17163956

Anna Khait

>> No.17163964

Woah, anon, no need to sperg out like that on the internet...

>> No.17163967


The perfect wife.

> You and two female friends are stuck in the men's washroom at a bar on a Friday night. He has the coke, but he's a bit creepy. How do you and your friends extricate yourselves from this predicament?

> "While I wouldn’t welcome this predicament I can’t say I’d resist it either. I haven’t set foot in a bar in almost a year because of the lockdown. I haven’t had a drink or smoke for over half of a year for reasons unrelated to the lockdown. My skin looks great but I’d sacrifice it for a martini."

>> No.17163972

A devout shitposter

>> No.17163999

the butthurt responses this post got prove you were onto it

>>17163846 clearly butthurt, thou doth protest too much response

>>17163870 either so mad he's replying again, or he's posting it to his fucking twitter (lol) or otherwise podcast-listening faggot e-friends, and some stupid broad thought she would "support him" by calling you a creep

tldr kill yourself touristniggers, he had your number

>> No.17164001

There are women, and there are half-women closer to being dickless fags. Throw in IQ distribution of the sexes, and there’s just going to be a lot more cognitive Plain Janes on top of the yaas kween social pressures driving its expression in the arts/academia

>> No.17164398

Or I just thought you were a creep for being so het up over a dude making a simple comment about Anna. Get your head checked you fucking weird cunt.

>> No.17164409
File: 2.95 MB, 600x338, 1608876722316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17164415

dont run this fabulous gif into the ground by using it where it doesnt make sense

>> No.17164432

I don't even know what you're implying. Get off the internet and take your meds, tranny.

>> No.17164455

>the quality of discussion on this board rapidly disintegrated
Yeah, all those ”x is a spook”-threads really were highly qualitative.

>> No.17164627

I like it so much, but you are probably right. I didn't want to reply too seriously to that poster because I sensed a troll. In hindsight, I just wanted to post the gif.

>> No.17164658


>> No.17164760


>> No.17164768

He's right. 'Creep' is a 99% indicator of a woman/someone pretending to be one.

>> No.17164806

Who gives a shit about one privileged liberal taking calling out other privileged liberals?
But at least she is smart for making her name through good old contrarian methods and her bodily beauty.

>> No.17165196

You should see the state of /mu/ these days, it's enough to make a man weep

>> No.17165269

I thought /mu/ was mostly a quarantine zone for teenage girls who want to be cool for browsing 4chan but don't actually have enough of a hobby to post on any real boards?

>> No.17165279

How often do people want a genetic test for someone other than selves on a non-family member?

>> No.17165469

So defensive, Butterfly... Has it really come down to white knighting for ecelebrities?

>> No.17165838
