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17210566 No.17210566 [Reply] [Original]

Which should I read first? I've heard a lot of good things about both of these books

>> No.17210591

The one on the right is okay. The one on the left is shit.

>> No.17210601

SOVL vs soulless

>> No.17210892

>the definitive masterpiece of 20th century literary sci fi

>> No.17210912

You've been getting memed about both. Read some books on the top 100 list instead, to get a meme on there takes more than 1 dedicated autist

>> No.17211126
File: 2.88 MB, 2380x5466, 202DE9C8-DDF2-486C-AAA5-844FF9CCACBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top 100 lists

>> No.17211218

That's pretty locked bro

>> No.17212607

Call of the Arcade. I actually just finished that last night. Which one should I read next? I’ve heard Cherokee and Crocodile are both good. I haven’t heard anything about the others.

>> No.17213011

I read Call of the arcade because of its meme status. It’s a genuinely riveting cult book. Not sure about the other one.

>> No.17213169

I hope you suffocate

>> No.17213260

hi Gardner imposter

>> No.17213340

Has anybody actually read the right book except the one shill?

>> No.17213354

im not convinced every single gardner post isn't the same person

>> No.17213358

>Which should I read first?
I'd start with Call Of The Arcade. It's a really good book.

>> No.17213368

Let's start the F. Gardener Challenge. The first Litizen who writes five better novels wins.

>inb4 F stands for fuck
>Get wrekt Tao Lin
>Get lost Waldun

>> No.17213409

>This whole board loses

>> No.17213601

Till you do he’s unironically the best writer here.

>> No.17213612

don't fall for these jewish tricks. I read 6 chapters of Call of the Arcade and it's shit

>> No.17213680

>dropping a novella a dozen pages in

Why do all you Zoomers have shit attention spans?

>> No.17213698 [SPOILER] 
File: 194 KB, 1421x735, 1609904903674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of the Cradle is pretty great, too.

>> No.17213722

> you must keep reading a shitty book no matter how shit it is

>> No.17213731

what the fuck is that grammar holy shit is F. an ESL? Does he know how to write a coherent sentence or is it supposed to be this unreadable? Christ dude get someone to proofread your shit before publishing it on Amazon

>> No.17213738

Shouldn’t that other guy’s book be in there?
Wario, Wolando Wolo, can’t think of it

>> No.17213759

You mean Charlie "The Chink Twink" Chan? Why, but of course! If only we had his beautiful proses! He belongs in the hall of literary fame along with Brother Speare!

>> No.17213771

Heh. I think it's more coherent than your post.

>> No.17213782

I'm 99% sure he's an ESL. He has the same sort of grammar errors as RC Waldun, who is also an ESL.

> They both, place commas in, odd places but would, also not put commas where, they should be
> "Both of their dialogue followed the same incorrect formatting" said character. Then they would start action sentences in the same paragraph as the dialogue. They wouldn't separate it. "Then they would continue another character's dialogue in the same paragraph," said another character.

I think it's something that is missing in ESL classes, but is taught in native English classes

>> No.17213793

Probably. But Gardner's more meme worthy cause his books are at least entertaining schlock. Waldun doesn't write wacky fiction so its kind of apples and oranges.

>> No.17213804

fuck, I did the second character's dialogue format correctly. They wouldn't put the comma "Text," in the dialogue

> Another odd grammar convention both of them follow is that their ellipses...start and end without a space between the two clauses

>> No.17213825

Man your post sounds autistic. News flash is this: There are no rules as long as it's entertaining.

Do you think normies give a single shit about the way things are formatted? No.

>> No.17213840

it's shit.

>> No.17213848

lol no gardner is from chicago you retards.

>> No.17213853

ok Ming

>> No.17213857

Maybe learn the rules before you break them. Imagine if I spoke broken unintelligble Mandarin in China and I got angry at the locals for not "getting me." Fuck off.

>> No.17213861

So? Waldun is from Melbourne

>> No.17213864

Yes they speak Nigger in Chicago

>> No.17213913

Oh okay. I wasn’t really paying much attention

>> No.17213953

Another writing convention that Gardner follows is that he writes the same thing 3 or 4 times, but phrases it somewhat differently each time. At first I thought it was a stylistic choice, but now I believe he doesn't edit his or uses this as a way to pad his word count. For example,
> Main character and main character's friend are seniors in high school. They've been in school for 12 years. They're 18 and in their last year of secondary school. This is their last year of grade school. Once they're done with this year of high school, they won't return to school. They'll have to get a job or go to college. This is their last year together as students.

>> No.17214056

Not true. There are no kids in Call of the Kappa. I think that’s only true for arcade and Cherokee.

>> No.17214068

I've only read Arcade, mostly because it was free

>> No.17214591

Gardner is the new Sean Goonan.

>> No.17214593

>38 replies
>14 posters

>> No.17214653

desu a nigga appreciates the hustle ya know. shit, i been wanting to write some shit you know some fantasy some scifi but a nigga been too worked up about it being perfect. so well done to you Gardner. you actually doing shit to get your come up

>> No.17214775

Why correct my spelling? If people don't know these fucktards
, I don't want to give them credit. fuck Jannies!
the fuck is the poi t of correcting my post fags?