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17312508 No.17312508 [Reply] [Original]

Basically the premise of this book is something like:
>women as a class have manipulated men into desiring "slavery" (supporting them and their children)
>The manipulation started even with his mother who voluntarily made herself appear needy and weak
>Because of this men seek a woman who can fill the role that his mother used to
>women guilt men into thinking that women sacrifice themselves to be housewives (when in reality they would much rather clean, bake cakes, and putz about with loads of free time than work in coal mines or factories)
>As man makes things easier for women (more legal protections, increased household automation, etc) women desire even more- leaving man in a constant panic to produce more out of guilt: "I can't believe women sacrifice so much for us"
>As women gained more freedom (access to work, higher education) they simply optimized their mate-selection to get the most bang for their buck
>Women's emancipation movements always fail because they target the very men who (out of a slave mentality) are constantly bending over backwards to make women's lives easier
>This is evidenced by the LACK of women in jobs that aren't "fun" (which we still see today despite this book being written in 1975)

Anyone else read it? Thoughts?

>> No.17313404

>written by a woman

>> No.17313420

Hmm, a book that stirs up meaningless strife between Gentiles. I wonder who's behind this.

>Esther Margareta Vilar (born Esther Margareta Katzen,
And that's one less book you need to bother with.

>> No.17313473

The book is ok.
You should watch her interview with some feminist german woman. It's from the time the book was first published

>> No.17314471

Reading this turned my world upside down. It's easy to think "oh yeah, economic classes/ethnicities/etc. have self-interested influences on society" but I had never even imagined that this type of thinking could be applied to women. It was just "normal" to me.
Don't be mean to Esther, she's a based Jew. Only her linear thinking about "progress" debases her thought.

>> No.17314693

>women as a class have manipulated men into desiring "slavery" (supporting them and their children)
what’s the alternative

>> No.17314737

coom and zoom

>> No.17314747

accelerate the creation of artificial wombs and promptly kill all women

>> No.17314779

Take the sugarmama pill

>> No.17314799
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>what’s the alternative
Buy it.
>Don't have to financially maintain a woman
>No gifts, dates, bills
>Waste zero (0) time padding her ego
>Waste zero (0) time listening to a woman speak like a retard
>More money, more free time, AND more pussy than if you were in a relationship
Take the prostipill, brehs. And now a based poem by a based Leaf:

'Why keep a cow when I can buy,'
Said he, 'the milk I need,'
I wanted to spit in his eye
Of selfishness and greed;
But did not, for the reason he
Was stronger than I be.

I told him: ''Tis our human fate,
For better or for worse,
That man and maid should love and mate,
And little children nurse.
Of course, if you are less than man
You can't do what we can.

'So many loving maids would wed,
And wondrous mothers be.'
'I'll buy the love I want,' he said,
'No squally brats for me.'
. . . I hope the devil stoketh well
For him a special hell.

>> No.17315040

A fucking based woman who shit on some feminist on TV, received death threats from women over the book, and divorced her husband only because she didn't like the institution of marriage and stayed together afterwards.

>> No.17315082

It is a great debate. Schwarzer comes across as the shrill know nothing cunt she is. If this doesn't have the English subtitles, then there is one on archive.org that has them I believe.

Esther Vilar was quite a nice lady it seems. I wish she had written more.

>> No.17315151

pump and dump duh

>> No.17315171

3 minutes into this and I am already in full agreement with Esther. her critique that the feminism pushed by most women is a masculine feminism is a sentiment that I myself have always felt. I'll track down her book and read it right away.

>> No.17315377

Thank you

>> No.17315384

>lastname is literally cat

>> No.17315536

Glad you finally got around to it anon. I think there is so much true in this book. I can recall many times the women in my family complained about working at home all day, pleading for me to do them a favor, and more, only to find them in bed on their phones all the time

>> No.17315592

I love my mum so I'd never call her out on it but she constantly complains about how hard it is to be a homemaker... despite watching tv for 6+ hours every single day. It's just easier to smile and nod some times.

>> No.17315597

idk if it was you but someone on here recommended it a few days ago. Ty, anon.

>> No.17315833

haven't read it but its quite clearly from a womanly frame. the problem is that women are so wholly entrapped in the material world that they can't understand the joy men get from exploration into the forms. yes men work and have worked shitty jobs but when this was more true when women had less freedoms then they do today. without going further one thing that haunts me is how satisfied women are with doing nothing all day. I'm not an Anglo in this respect i love leisurely walks and pursuing things out of curiosity rather than productivity but to think i could be satisfied with nothing but socializing all day is haunting. this said all the arguments the feminist movement makes where true 50-100 years ago now they are bs produced by womanly attachment to comfortable rhetoric..

>> No.17316382

Men are no better. My dad literally spent the entire past 2 weekends watching every nfl playoff game. And how many hours do we each spend Tibetan water-spear posting?

>> No.17316730

>My dad literally spent the entire past 2 weekends watching every nfl playoff game.
i want your dad to be my dad

>> No.17316734

But my mom wasn't a bitch like Mrs. Vilar, anon. She wasn't helpless at all.

>> No.17316793

the point wasn't the amount of time sitting around, it was the amount of complaining about a pretty relaxed life.

>> No.17316856

>>This is evidenced by the LACK of women in jobs that aren't "fun" (which we still see today despite this book being written in 1975)
most of the jobs women have in the atheist democracy is public servants, ie glorified paper pusher from 9 to 5, very easy job, just like they have an easy life outside their jobs.

>> No.17316894

>>Because of this men seek a woman who can fill the role that his mother used to
this doesnt make any sense. just a freudian inevitable flair.

>> No.17317406

>gets all cunty because it's supposedly difficult to make food for a small family and keep a house tidy
>in the meantime, the man, as the sole breadwinner, busts his ass all day on actually demanding tasks, yet still manages to behave pleasantly and not be an asshole because muh job hard
women are a huge meme

>> No.17317466


>> No.17317491


also, have sex

>> No.17317541

Complete joke of a debate. Also, translation on the subs is shit.

>> No.17317557

Sex is overrated
/r9k/ is right about a lot of things but they whine too much

>> No.17317677

Volcel asceticism

>> No.17317886

>three stanzas
>no good arguments against hedonism
>weak position of fatalist naturalism
I'm as traditionalist as fuckbois come, but that's a weak rep

>> No.17317936

Go back, loser

>> No.17317954


>> No.17317961


>> No.17317970

I'll read it and report back. The book will probably be garbage but whatever.

>> No.17318099
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>> No.17318107

thanks fren

>> No.17318137
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File was too big,so I am linking to it.

Very on topic:the plight of the Modern Woman.


And a bonus video from the Grandmaster!


>> No.17318295

what a mess. alice schwarzer doesnt seem to be arguing in good faith at all, constantly interrupting and belittlig vilar.
yet vilar doesnt manage to say anything of value, even compared to the frankly annoying schwarzer, she just regurgitates common anti feminist talking points and assumes the role of the anti establishment position, while embodying the establishment and rhetoric that has been used by men to opress women for centuries. ironic considering that vilar claims that modern feminist movements are created by men and women within those movements are only parrotting men, which is the exact thing vilar does, but from the side of the opressor.
using the rhetoric of the establishment and opressor but claiming you are the opposite of those things is becoming more popular among reactionairies, it confuses me how people still fall for it and how (or if) people genuinely think of vilar as some radical out of the box thinker

>> No.17318404

holy...Proust BTFO?

>> No.17318674

>what a mess. alice schwarzer doesnt seem to be arguing in good faith at all, constantly interrupting and belittlig vilar.
Are you serious? I simply cannot believe that a woman would make emotional appeals and personal attacks in a debate. The preposterous claim is completely unfounded. I bet you're an incel. You are not allowed access to my holes, young man.

>> No.17318686

>women as a class have manipulated men into desiring "slavery" (supporting them and their children)
men are manipulated by oxytocin released as a darwinian reproductive process, to ensure thier offspring survive, this is true for most mammals, women do imagine they control men, but this is mostly illusion as thier behaviour is merely being tolerated
>The manipulation started even with his mother who voluntarily made herself appear needy and weak
wrong. its the opposite, the child in the womb causes cocaine binge levels of oxytocin to be released, forcing the mother to become infatuated with the child. which obviously makes the mother needy and weak to the demands of the child.
>Because of this men seek a woman who can fill the role that his mother used to
>women guilt men into thinking that women sacrifice themselves to be housewives (when in reality they would much rather clean, bake cakes, and putz about with loads of free time than work in coal mines or factories)
>As man makes things easier for women (more legal protections, increased household automation, etc) women desire even more- leaving man in a constant panic to produce more out of guilt: "I can't believe women sacrifice so much for us"
partially correct, its not done out of guilt, and women wont understand this, but men genuinely want to improve the lives of the people around them.
>As women gained more freedom (access to work, higher education) they simply optimized their mate-selection to get the most bang for their buck
this isnt true for the overwelming majority of women, but is a major trend
>Women's emancipation movements always fail because they target the very men who (out of a slave mentality) are constantly bending over backwards to make women's lives easier
They fail, because often what is wanted is recognised by men that it wouldnt actually be good for women or society
>This is evidenced by the LACK of women in jobs that aren't "fun" (which we still see today despite this book being written in 1975)
women want jobs which advance thier posistion within the society that exists, men want jobs that create a better society than the one that exists.
women cut hair to socialise and advance thier social posisiton within thier local group, men build houses so thier local group have houses

>> No.17318691
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Femboys are always such a letdown when you see them sans makeup/filters/good angles. 99% of the time they look like uncanny valley women- if not just men in drag. The idea of a male mind in a female-looking body (though with a peener) is soooo appealing, but sadly not real almost any of the time.

>> No.17318729

oh god that chin

>> No.17318745

>As women gained more freedom (access to work, higher education) they simply optimized their mate-selection to get the most bang for their buck
>this isnt true for the overwelming majority of women, but is a major trend
I disagree here. Women still *almost* never date or marry a man who is economically below themselves. Even for those (evil selfish wasters) who keep their careers-post children, their job and income is always inferior to their husband's. Women are also the one to give up their "career" nine times out of ten after having children. Even more rare than a woman who earns more than her husband is a woman who SUPPORTS her stay-at-home husband and her children. In the few cases this happens the women are absolutely lauded as heroes and goddesses because they are doing... ostensibly what 99% of men do without a second thought. Female working rights ended up being a convenient front for their natural instinct for hypergamy.

>> No.17318784

ok frens who's got the source?

>> No.17318834
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Christ alive I found it and it's not pretty. @seri_yasuha on twitter. Femboybros we got too confident.

>> No.17318903

atheists and their materialism is never right

>> No.17319293


>> No.17319342

I don't want to waste my time - I'm a 28 years old incel and blackpill ideologue, is this book in agreement with the tenets of blackpill philosophy or is this just redpilled garbage?

>> No.17320380

It actually completely rejects blackpill (though not explicitly as it was written in the 70s). It argues that women don't care AT ALL about appearance, only material wealth and status.
>I'm a 28 years old incel
Man you really need to buy a prostitute if this is something hindering your life. Depending on where you are (most of Europe) you can pay as little as like $100 for a 8/10 to ride your cock and mash her tits in your face. If nosex is really getting to you then you should really just hire a girl.

>> No.17320419


>> No.17320517

>It argues that women don't care AT ALL about appearance, only material wealth and status.

for sex or for marriage?

>> No.17320605

Marriage. It was written in 1975 so sex outside of marriage was much less out int the open, though still pretty common.

>> No.17320631

>I'm a 28 years old incel and blackpill ideologue, is this book in agreement with the tenets of blackpill philosophy or is this just redpilled garbage?
incredibly based

>> No.17320740
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>> No.17321503

does incel theory say otherwise?

>> No.17321607

>Sex is overrated
It is.
A man's sex drive fades as he gets older - or at least doesn't stay consistent.
Don't choose a permanent solution (marriage) for a temporary problem (libido)

>> No.17321627

afaik blackpill theory posits that your success with women is roughly 75% dependent on your genetics (which you are unable to change). Incel issues usually go deeper than "eerrrrgh I can't have sex"; they oftentimes also dread how they'll never be loved and authentically desired by a woman for who they are, like they see other men being desired. They know that they could just try to get rich and attract a woman with their wealth, but that doesn't satisfy them because they still wouldn't be loved for who they are as individuals, instead being resource wells for vampiric women.
Wise words. I can't say it enough: if you're thinking of roping because nopuss then PLEASE consider just buying a whore.

>> No.17322367

>A fucking based woman who shit on some feminist on TV, received death threats from women over the book, and divorced her husband only because she didn't like the institution of marriage and stayed together afterwards.
Reminds me of a failed Austrian artists who had the guts to put truth to paper and make people seethe to this day

>> No.17322405

nobody gave this post a serious reply (maybe except the femboy guy) but i think esther's vilar point (if she was trying to drive oen) was that women don't have it bad by being housewives raising children and putting out for their husbands, it's not that bad so SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT WOMEN OPPRESSION.
Anyway that doesn't apply nowadays because women now participate equally with men in terms of work so I'm sure this perspective of the happy housewive is totally alien now

>> No.17322417

Post-op trannies; body of a woman, soul of a man. It won't nag you because its not naturally a woman, he will give you pussy sex, he'll cook for you since he is the "woman" of the house, and you'll always have a buddy next to you to watch the football game with.