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17349465 No.17349465 [Reply] [Original]

I’m not particularly spiritual or religious and I want to start reading the Bible to gain a better grasp on it’s stories, parables, and just a general understanding of why and how people live their lives in accordance with it. But how the fuck am I supposed to read this thing? Do I just flip through it cover to cover like a normal book, or is there a specific part where I should start? Any help is greatly appreciated.

>> No.17349545

Read the Holy bible king james version. read it as it is written. I Suggest you start in matthew and finish the new tetament first then head for the old testament. If you really desire to know the truth then literally dont watch nor read anything ABOUT the bible, just read THE bible. you have to see it for what it is. The word of God is truth, it is a weapon against the lie. How CAN you tell a lie from truth unless you know the turht for yourself first. Thats why you have to establish yourself in the truth first before heading out into the world asking or proclaiming anything. That way you will know a wold a deceiver early on. You cannot be deceived by lies about the word if you know it by heart. I have been down that road and it cost me precious years and amounts of arguing and power drainage i'd like back. Hope this will help anon :)

>> No.17349572

Those are wise words anon. But one more question, and I’m gonna be honest this is kind of a boomer question. What’s the difference between the King James Bible and the New American Bible? I know the King James is more for Protestants and the New American for Catholics, and being raised Catholic I figured the New American would be more fitting, but I have no qualms with reading the King James if that’s a truer translation.

>> No.17349575

read cover to cover. don't fall for memes

>> No.17349612

im planning on having an oxford annotated NRSV version (lots of context and footnotes) of the bible to read (traditional "study" bible translation used by clergy) while having a KJV on-hand for reference since, lets be honest, that is still THE english language translation of the bible, 400 years later

>> No.17349709

If you aren’t pretty well read or already familiar with a lot of passages in KJV, don’t read that one yet. Personally I like the ESV, it’s still a literal translation like KJV but without the confusion of having a lot of words and phrases mean totally different things nowadays. Nothing wrong with KJV, but don’t just read it because it’s the most “pure” way to read. If you don’t understand what it’s saying half the time, it’s not gonna be very pure at all

>> No.17349713

karen armstrongs the history of god

>> No.17349740

I’ve been doing some research, and I think the NAS is probably the best one. From my recent research it seems a lot was purposely left out of the KJV in order to keep it more in line with what was being practiced in England at the time (1611). The NASB seems to have most of these missing parts in it, however I haven’t researched this a ton and know close to nothing about the other translations.

>> No.17349776

First, pick a gospel. If you pick Luke, follow up with Acts. After that, read from front to back. Read a few chapters a day. Don't read it like a novel. It's meditation literature. Think on what you read. The Bible is meant to be appreciated holistically. Everything is connected and everything leads to Christ. You may not be religious, but it's important to give it a Christological reading to understand how it influenced western culture.

>> No.17349778

Just started it, about to finish Genesis. As of right now I’m kinda regretting it, this thing is a fucking slog.

>> No.17349780

Pretty interesting, I’ll check it out

>> No.17349802

Start at the beginning and read through all the way to the end. It's a long read but you only have to read it this way once. It actually is organized to be read in order, everything that happens in the New Testament packs a much bigger punch when you have the books of the OT fresh in your mind.

KJV is the only one in English that can be considered a literary masterpiece

>> No.17349805

genesis is one of the best books bro..

>> No.17349843

I don’t think it’s bad “plot-wise”, it’s just so archaic and repetitive (I’m reading KJV).
>and these are the sons of [Insert One of God’s Chosen Ones]: Zebulah, Ronan, and Er
>repeat 12 times
The garden of Eden stuff and Noah’s ark was neat, but when Abraham is introduced and everything after Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt, it becomes very dull. If this is one of the better books, I think I’m gonna run.

>> No.17349849

you think the stories of jacob and joseph are dull? cmon

>> No.17349951

You read the Bible in Greek and Hebrew or else you'll create heresy with your feeble, demon-swayed mind.
>inb4 Shut up, Latin is the correct Biblical language
Latin is good for translating Greek, but your gross English barbar language isn't fit for translating from Latin, with your schismatic KJV that spawned not only the faggotous Anglican Church but also the Mormons.
Διὰ τοῦτο λέγω ὑμῖν, πᾶσα ἁμαρτία καὶ βλασφημία ἀφεθήσεται τοῖς ἀνθρώποις, ἡ δὲ τοῦ πνεύματος βλασφημία οὐκ ἀφεθήσεται.

>> No.17350091

Use your eyes to look at the words, use your fingers to turn the pages, and use your mind to understand the meaning.

>> No.17350143

>Oxford Annotated NRSV
The only choice.

>> No.17350155


lol fuck off psued, it's the pozzed choice

>> No.17350232

Genesis really surprised me with how fast paced it was when I actually sat down to give it a serious read for the first time. Creation, the garden of eden, and the Cain and Abel story are all wrapped up by like the 2nd page.

>> No.17350259

Even the gospels put me to sleep. Skip out on Jewish fairytales, read the Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Odyssey, Iliad, Kalevala and stuff not written by desert goatfuckers

>> No.17350304
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I think the essence of Christianity is the life and teachings of Jesus, so the gospels should be of primary importance.
Also Psalms is excellent, very noteworthy.

>> No.17350324
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Oh my fucking christ you guys. This thread is a mess.

OP. Hey, OP. If you're still here, heed my fuckin advice.
DON'T read it cover to cover.
Start with the Old Testament wisdom literature/'writings'. That is, start with Job, and go on until you get to the end of Malachi.
Then go back, and read Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I & II Samuel, and I & II Kings.
THEN read the Pentateuch.
When you've managed your way through all of that, t h e n read the New Testament.
This will give you a better understanding of the way the religion actually developed over time, branched off into new religions, etc.