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File: 76 KB, 954x544, Bernard_Bolzano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17354640 No.17354640 [Reply] [Original]

hello i am Bolzano AMA

>> No.17354704

How can I become as based as you?
Literally just started reading your Wissenschaftslehre.
I decided to read it before anything by Frege (your successor, born the year you died.)
I've already read Russell though.

>> No.17354718
File: 190 KB, 1600x1349, Wissenshaftslehre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also...yeah...I'm reading a translation :(

>> No.17354936

Is Kant in hell?

>> No.17354953

Kant was a good Christian.
The worst thing he ever did was espouse racist theories despite never leaving Königsberg.
>inb4 some /pol/ack says Based

>> No.17354990

Incredibly based. Would only be more based if I learned he was also agoraphobic and rarely left his home.

>> No.17355225

what are your disagreements with Kant?

>> No.17355373

>OP hasn't replied to anyone.
So I'm guessing you haven't actually read Bolzano...

>> No.17355748
File: 28 KB, 619x453, SadApu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were are you fren?...are you...dead?

>> No.17356624

where to start with Bolzano? I know german
Supremely based.

>> No.17356638
File: 297 KB, 587x1859, soypain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b..b..back to /pol/!

>> No.17356653
File: 57 KB, 543x672, Soybot+help_4041ea_8078826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too :,(

>> No.17356665

didnt think this thread would get any replies. sorry!!

>> No.17356825

Understandable, you made a thread about fucking Bolzano of all people, kek, and I imagine not one STEMlet i/lit/erate retard on this board has read him but you also...made the thread so keep it alive you fucking faggot. No use taking up space for no reason.

>> No.17356855

have you read him?

>> No.17357191
File: 75 KB, 482x427, WitheredWojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, who the fuck has actually read this guy? I don't even think OP has read him despite OP LARPing as him.
Every fucking academic in Logic, Mathematics, Language, and Epistemology references him and pretty much everyone knows who this guy is but has any nonacademic pleb actually read him?
Is this the greatest pre-filter filter ever?
>he hasn't even read Bolzano yet
Seriously, where do I start I don't want to be a pleb but https://archive.org/details/bbolzanoswissen03bolzgoog/mode/2up is the only place where I can find a copy of one of his books and I can't fucking speak German.

>> No.17357202

are you retarded? there is an entire Theory of Science on z-Library

>> No.17357237

4 volumes of 400-500 pages each? even kant is not that long. why do we have to read him anyway?

>> No.17357239

What do you think about Capitalism?

>> No.17357270

Second most based philosopher after Leibniz.

Frege is hardly his successor beyond some common interests and a few propositions. Russel even less. They would disagree on almost everything. If nothing else, he started the syntactic focus bullshit when Bolzano was a pure semantic Chad. Russel also didn't know about him.
The successors of Bolzano are found in people that knew about him. Meinong, Twardowski, Hilbert. Above all Husserl who single handedly took him out of complete oblivion.

Unironically everything. The Theory of Science contains long passages just roasting Kant and Kantians. His disciple also wrote on his behalf a small book called the New Anti-Kant. Can provide more information on specific subjects but it is simply too extensive to list in a small post.

You can buy the entire Theory of Science on amazon like me. It was 200 bucks at some point.
He has decent editions in German. Short of German, if you read French the Vrin library editions have published many of his most interesting texts over the last 20 years.

>> No.17357271
File: 131 KB, 1533x961, Don'tKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Butterfly has nothing of interest to add to the conversation.
Typical. Not him. Don't know.
He was a pacifist, catholic priest, and classical liberal, make of that what you will.

>> No.17357278

i have read him and also written about him thats why i made this thread lole

>> No.17357281

is there a compact selection of his most important works in german? I don't think I am ready for the whole of the "Wissenschaftslehre" yet.

>> No.17357345
File: 751 KB, 1214x933, 2122741-169_assassins_creed_III_gameplay_xbox360_102212_bury_hatchet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17357406

You won't like Bolzano (pbuh), tranny. He was a priest, hardline on his views of morality based on duty, refuted hedonism, disliked the 1848 revolution. In societal matters, he was vaguely "progressive" in a 18th century sense which was already comically outdated at the time.

Perhaps, though I don't know one. I speak/read German at a plebeian level and admit I'd rather read translations of philosophy if available.
I'm afraid on his main area of interest he really focused on writing the Theory of Science. Apart from this his other main writings, all much shorter, are
>the mathematical method
>the concept of beauty
>the paradoxes of infinity
>the new anti-kant (written posthumously by his student from notes and plan agreed with Bolzano before his death)

>> No.17357442

>You won't like Bolzano (pbuh), tranny. He was a priest, hardline on his views of morality based on duty, refuted hedonism, disliked the 1848 revolution. In societal matters, he was vaguely "progressive" in a 18th century sense which was already comically outdated at the time.
not true

>> No.17357458

Bolzano was pretty much socialist
>The basic equality of all citizens shall be recognised by the state, and
women shall of course have the vote as well as the right to serve in government. There shall be no state religion and, except in extreme cases,
the state shall take no steps to regulate religious practices or beliefs. Nor
shall a person’s religion prevent him from exercising any profession, inside or outside of government. A system of redistributive taxation will
keep inequalities of wealth within reasonable limits, and 100% inheritance taxes will insure that wealth is not a function of one’s parentage.
A dense network of social services is also contemplated to ensure equal
opportunity for the citizens of the best state, including universal public
schooling, socialized health care, insurance schemes for the ill, infirm,
and elderly, and the state’s absorption of the costs of raising children

>> No.17357467
File: 254 KB, 1366x768, AmazonBolzano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks nigger, I'm reading it now. Don't usually read e-books and when I do, it's through the Gutenberg Project. I'm also a good goy and usually don't pirate but I'm broke right now and need to read up so I'll save this site.
Wtf, are you a literal rich fag? I'm way too poor for that shit. Sure, Physical > Virtual but bruh, come on.
>Still haven't actually said anything
What did you write and where did you publish?

>> No.17357486

Yes, true. Roleplaying as a Joseph II supporter in the 1820s, let alone the 1840s, was comical and participated in his ending up underrated. His anti-hedonism is also very clear and quite extreme.

>> No.17357500
File: 41 KB, 249x249, BFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you can't win them all.

>> No.17357502

>The next area of his lecture themes were social questions. Here he firstly formulated his social-utopian opinions on the human society based on the absolute equality of all the people, later refined in the book Von dem besten Staate (About the ideal state), which was first published only in 1932. Bolzano refutes the inequality arising from the differences and privilegies received by inherited estate and fortunes. The only aristocracy, which he accepts is spiritual aristocracy, which we achieve by learning during life and real morality. The ownership of extensive property should not merit the respect of society, but should awake rejection and suspicion , that it was not gained in a moral and legal manner. Wealth - even properly obtained - Bolzano believes to be only the "quest of riches blessed by law". He very strongly despises the bourgeoisie, who grew fat on their riches and let other people work for them under poor conditions. He indicates that many people have to work very hardly for a living, and this damages their health and leads to early death.


>> No.17357519

that guys question was about capitalism not whatever the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.17357646

The guy (admitting butter is a man, which is fair) has well known positions, not well in line with Bolzano's. Bolzano's occasional weird nazi sentiments weren't my focus. The opinions that you consider make him a socialist are standard Josephist fare, which were the laughing stock of socialists.
Capitalism also doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.17357721

>The opinions that you consider make him a socialist are standard Josephist fare, which were the laughing stock of socialists.

>> No.17358500


>> No.17359222


>> No.17359864

Anyone else thought this was the best part of Assassins Creed? After that the quality went to shit

>> No.17360565
File: 30 KB, 320x256, OPWillDeliverLetsJustWait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP still hasn't delivered