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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 198x254, daddy_che.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17375022 No.17375022 [Reply] [Original]

Any good communist literature comrades?

>> No.17375027


>> No.17375049


>> No.17375058

We're not your comrades, faggot. Neck yourself.

>> No.17375065

Are you asking for writers that were communist or literature with communist themes?

>> No.17375068


>> No.17375071

why do you people insist on being rude and annoying?
just read lenin OP. you aren't gonna gonna get anything better. although, I'm a communist and really like catcher in the rye and david foster wallace's interviews with hideous men so

>> No.17375078

Oh ok. Louis Zukofsky and George Oppen were communists I think. And Halldor Laxness had communist/socialist sympathies.

>> No.17375079

Is Zizek communist? I bought some of his books. I also recommend the economist Richard Wolff's book on "Understanding Marxism".

>> No.17375082

>I'm a communist
Nobody who has a profession is a communist. Check back with us when you've become someone.

>> No.17375085

Zizek is a meme. And Wolff has an awful reading of Marx.

>> No.17375087

why are you on this board if you've never read a book in your life?

>> No.17375089

If you don't have a profession you fucking die. It's not a choice. Stop believing in the bullshit of the 1%.

>> No.17375106

I dunno, just read Capital or something.

>> No.17375107

>any propaganda?
Apart from the well-known tomes and several pamphlets, there is no authentic specifically Communist literature.

>> No.17375116

James Joyce, Franz Kafka, George Orwell, Leo Tolstoy, Ernst Hemingway, HG Wells, Ralph Ellison, Emile Zola, Upton Sinclair, Jack London, Ursula K Le Guin were all socialists.

>> No.17375119

Same with Einstein and Betrand Russel. Many Intellectuals are socialists because it is an economic ideology based in reality.

>> No.17375132

Stalingrad by Grossman. Vastly superior to his more popular book Life and Fate.

>> No.17375158

You know i hate to say it but i think i may agree with butterfly.
Anarchism may be possible in america.
I mean everyone is already a gun nut psycho so we could disband the army and replace them with militias.
This is no spaniard commune this would be millions of gun nuts willing to kill anything resembling a ruskie or chinkoid.

>> No.17375164

anarchism is for children

>> No.17375167

Automation, Ai and Universal Basic Income are probably gonna make Capitalism obsolete.

>> No.17375168
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>it is an economic ideology

>> No.17375172

OP should check out Everything Flows y Grossman too. Really good book about communism

>> No.17375175

god what a fucking retarded thing i just wasted my time reading

>> No.17375186

>Is Zizek communist?

Lol no. Žižek is as capitalistic as it comes. He donates no money, not even to his native Slovenia, and gives no un-obligated money to the State. He will pretend to be communist as long as it keeps the cash flowing in, but he is not communist in practice.

You've been had.

>> No.17375188

tell me why this wouldnt work.
Disband the army, replace fiat with labor vouchers, seize the means if production...
thats it.

>> No.17375193

>He donates no money
I agree that he's not a communist but donating does nothing and is just for poseurs. It is just feel good shit. Nothing to do with communism.

>> No.17375204

you'd have people wanting to be cops in an instant. literally look at the capitol hill thing earlier this year

>> No.17375208
File: 34 KB, 329x500, F6F4F24D-6580-4963-8F2C-70C1A16048CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anarchism is for all!
Anarchism is love!

>> No.17375211

Psst. He doesn't even donate to the communist party. Let that sink in.

You. Have. Been. Had.

>> No.17375216

Fair enough.

>> No.17375234

thered be no cops, everyone would be a militia man and justice would be implemented via mob justice.

>> No.17375236

Most Communist parties in the west today are a joke and donating to them will only put you on a watchlist. The CPC are the only communists that are big players today.

>> No.17375276

No one can be communist in action because we don’t live in a communistic society.

>> No.17375341

State and Revolution by Lenin is the most clear and well summer piece of communist literature out there

>> No.17375346


>> No.17375390

communism is for zoomer kids trying to be edgy and "we live in a society"

>> No.17375406

Ok boomer/fascist

>> No.17375454

Umm i read the iron heel.. it was dry but not too bad. Granted i read it 10 years ago so a reread may produce different results

>> No.17375461

Reminder if your critique of capitalism is grounded in instability, unfair rent distribution, or struggles between sociological classes, you're to marx essentially utopian & advocating for the sort of socialism the schumpeters of the world found reconcilable with capitalism. if you think the real meat of the problem is simply that surplus value extraction is unfair you'd be much better adjusted being a georgist or roemerian coupon socialist type, a lot less to figure out.
a critique of capitalism is properly grounded in all human life becoming through its embedding in commodity relations merely an appendage of unthinking capital sitting over us and brooking no escape.

>> No.17375462

That's not true. Maybe are in academia

>> No.17375526

>grapes of wrath
>the iron heel
>it can’t happen here
>animal farm
>brave new world
>the jungle
>Les miserables

I mean, many classic literary novels have major socialist undertones and themes.

>> No.17375531
File: 72 KB, 600x640, che-guevara-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17375543

Don’t forget Germinal

>> No.17375666
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This is the one quote that rightist weasels will repeat on and on for the purposes of discrediting and defaming him (as if they weren't racist scum themselves).
Context of the quote: From the diary that Che wrote before he was the ‘revolutionary’ Che, before he was a Communist, when he was only 24, and when he had just made contact with blacks for the first time in his life. These are the often quoted passages used by rightist weasels to establish Che’s prejudice, and they are definitely racist, but completely typical for an Argentinian of his time. It is safe to say, historically speaking, that the 24 year old Che was in fact a racist. After all, Che was a 24 year old sheltered man in the 1950s who had left Argentina for the first time in his life. These views were not out of the ordinary for his time. This was still when segregation was in the US. However, after his motorcycle trip and his conversion to Marxism, Che became a committed anti-racist and anti-imperialist.

>> No.17375680

no anon, lenin was trying to industrilize a feudal society.
The US is not a feudal society.
What good is reading theory if you just regurgitate like an automaton.

>> No.17375682

Because I would put my dick in your ass and you wouldn't have the nanny state to stop me

>> No.17375691
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>> No.17375692

if anybody steps out of line the mob woukd enact mob justice.
Thats assuming a sizeable portion reaches class consiousness.
Just like isis doesnt put dicks up each others asses maybe.

>> No.17375700

Böhm-Bawerk is amazing, read him after Das Kapital

>> No.17375718

Wishful thinking. People would revert back to tribalism.

>> No.17375747

OP would be that cunt in the breadline who won't stop talking and then you get to the front of the line and there is no more food and he still keeps talking.

>> No.17375748

youre probably right.
Damn niggers.

>> No.17375773
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>> No.17375891
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>> No.17375906

take your meds

>> No.17375943

I find it really hard to believe Trotsky coined the word "racism." Any citation?

>> No.17375957

Nevermind, I don't need your fake citation.

>The Oxford English Dictionary's first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.

Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.

Although Pratt might have been the first person to inveigh against racism and its deleterious effects by name, he is much better-remembered for a very different coinage: Kill the Indian...save the man.

>> No.17375977

is news from nowhere really interpreted as anarchism? i don't think that's how morris saw it

>> No.17376005

It’s the end result of the revolution. It is a utopian commune and perfectly anarchistic. Marx and Lenin just go on about the stage in between. Which Morris depicts as rather brief

>> No.17376014

are you the real butterfly? What happened to your trip?

>> No.17376046

Brave New World
Communist Manifesto
Das Kapital
Zizek youtube videos

help me out here

>> No.17376049

>Brave New World
Was Huxely a socialist too?

>> No.17376052

No, but it's basically an ideally realistic description of communism.

>> No.17376082

I should also add, the only potentially un-communist thing about it is the division of the society into genetic classes which are bred by dedicated labs. Theoretically speaking I think communism would be against this, but, at least in this universe, it's seen as a humane way to get people to do mundane labor without feeling like they are forced, or feeling socially alienated or exploited by those who have superior jobs (The A/A+ classes or whatever they were called). It's perhaps just a practical necessity that communism would have to allow for in reality if all labor cannot be automated.

>> No.17376093

>why do you people insist on being rude and annoying?
Ask you comrades who killed millions of people.

>> No.17376163

I am. I never liked trips.

>> No.17376366

could honestly not imagine how retarded and soulless I would have to be to think this will actually happen

>> No.17376457


Socialist is these writers sense has nothing to do with communist. Doesn't even necessarily mean leftist. I mean, hitler was a socialist. I despise hitler by the way

>> No.17376614

>I'm a communist
You could have just said that you are retarded.

>> No.17376746

We aren't defaming him, we are quoting him because we agree with him. Guevara wasn't similar to you subhumans at all. In fact, he waa exactly like us

>> No.17376801

Reflections Concerning the Causes of Liberty and Social Oppression by Simone Weil
then continue reading Simone Weil, and see the beauty of God

>> No.17377025

Communism is what all socialists are trying to achieve kek

>> No.17377032

>hitler was a socialist

Is this western education in action? Shameful. No wonder it’s always been in decline

>> No.17377137
File: 108 KB, 347x367, bordiga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read bordiga

>> No.17377155

Zizek is great

>> No.17377218

Communism and literary masterpieces are incompatible, like calvinisim and literature. Go read The Demons.

>> No.17377227


Illiterate retard

>> No.17377683
File: 249 KB, 600x875, Bertolt-Brecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's the collected plays of Bertolt Brecht: intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor. But seriously, read them, they're great.

>> No.17377704


>> No.17377706


I can't fucking wait.
Hasn't the lake on top of the dome moved something like 500m in the last few years?
Better be soon.

>> No.17377819

It is estimated more have died to Capitalism due. Examples: Imperialism, Wars started for monetary gain, Lack of healthcare, etc.

>> No.17377836
File: 15 KB, 318x414, 35282232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Viva Posadas!

>> No.17377847

I live just outside the yellow line. Would be interesting to be like "omg this is crazy and affecting me thoughts and prayers please" even though I might have to barely dust ash off my car before going out.

>> No.17377850

He was also a nationalist. It sounds like you have a degree from pragerU you fucking nigger. (Also the Nazis purged the socialists first. The Nazi's hated socialists and communists. They were economically center. It is obvious you right-wing tards don't know fucking anything. )

>> No.17377911


>> No.17377916

>He was also a nationalist.

And his specific brand of nationalism made it impossible for him to actually implement any socialist measure, really. You can be NatSoc and be a lot more socialist than the Nazis where.

>> No.17377929

He wasn't like you at all. After he experienced the world after being sheltered he flipped. Read the image.

>> No.17377959


He was very much a radical, however. He though if Cuba had to be blown up so that war can finally start between the US and the USSR, wiping the both of them, so be it. He was a big supporter of Posadas, saved his ass multiple times.

>> No.17378007


>> No.17378019



>> No.17378026

During the cultural revolution, Mao was a piece of shit.

>> No.17378038



>Zizek is a great meme

>> No.17378066

Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

-uncle A

>> No.17378186
File: 31 KB, 800x534, man-showing-fist-to-scared-nerd-isolated-white-191801810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-B-Buh that's not philosophical or intellectual! Strong people aren't allowed to have philosophies

>> No.17378217

>queen luise to napoleon: it was permitted to the grandsons of frederick the great to attempt the impossible.

>bakunin: who hesitates from trying the impossible, will never achieve the possible.

>guevara: lets be realistic, dare the impossible.

why do commies always steal?

>> No.17378310

"How to prep a blxck bvll" by Trotsky

>> No.17378324

Pick one retard

>> No.17378333


I wonder what he would think of his son leading Canada in 2020.
Weird timeline.

>> No.17378351

The famed leftist meme appears

>> No.17378369

ah there we go, now that you're defending an ideological ally you point out that racism was normal. But against your enemies racism is always bad, regardless of the era in which it takes place. I see.

>> No.17378375

I made that pic last night

>> No.17378376

adorno - minima moralia

>> No.17378378

>he needs to contextualize racism while lamenting "rightists" being racist


>> No.17378384

No racism is always bad just put things into context. Rightists really are weasels huh.

>> No.17378396

Communists don't read, they pick up rice and eat dogs on a daily basis

>> No.17378417


>> No.17378428

>feudal society
Fucking emancipation reform has been done in 1861
What feudal, lefty shitter?
Maybe modern GB is feudal too?
Why western leftys so fucking dumb?

>> No.17378431

>good communist literature

hell of an oxymoron, anon. try the history of the fall and decline of the roman empireby edward gibbon

>> No.17378438

And he turned into an ally after he stopped being racist. He fought against colonialism and racism the rest of his life and weasel rightists take that quote from his early life when he was sheltered and say "ya see he was racist just like us it's good to be racist :^]." Just btfoing the stupidity and ignorance of weasel rightists.

>> No.17378440
File: 263 KB, 1015x641, commie_scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mein kampf

>> No.17378449 [DELETED] 

Not in the way Morris imagined, no. But you are like everyone else, soulless, and retarded from taking action to build your own world. Leaving it to sociopaths and would just as soon see you dead now that there’s no need for so many laborers

>> No.17378452

Che Guevara fought against racism and colonialism the rest of his life. Rightists are just weasels that belong in camps.

>> No.17378458

Not in the way Morris imagined, no. But you are like everyone else, soulless, and retarded from taking action to build your own world. Leaving it to sociopaths who would just as soon see you dead now that there’s no need for so many laborers

>> No.17378475

>Che Guevara
you are a fucking idiot. He literally said niggers are lazy and worthless. Why are commietards always trying to rewrite the racist history of communism? Marx railed about niggers and so did Trotsky. Kropotkin and Marx railed on jews as well.

Either you have no fucking clue what you are talking or you are purposefully lying. Being a communist I imagine it is a fair mix of both since you are all stupid as fuck sociopaths.

We should turn Her (Russia) into a desert populated with white Niggers. We will impose upon them such a tyranny that was never dreamt by the most hideous despots of the East. The peculiar trait of that tyranny is that it will be enacted from the left rather than the right and it will be red in the literal sense of that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all the losses of human lives in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale before them. The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win the Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funereal remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its knees before it. We will show what real power is.”
(Aaron Simanovich, “Memoirs”, Paris, 1922, Molodaya Gvardiya, Moscow, No. 6, 1991, p. 55.)
— Leon Trotsky (born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) in Petrograd, December 1917. Trotsky was both an ardent Zionist (Israel proponent) and Bolshevik. He was also one of the biggest human butchers of the 20th century during the Red Revolution (1917-1921). After a major internal power struggle with Joseph Stalin, he worked for the subversion, degradation and eventual overthrow of White Western society from his villa in Mexico City, until Ramon Mercader (probable NKVD agent of Stalin) put an ice pick through his skull in 1940. Trotsky died soon after.

>> No.17378526
File: 54 KB, 500x481, commieLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rightists are just weasels that belong in camps.
Communists belong in ditches

>> No.17378551

Finally someone who actually knows who Trotsky is. And you actually forget about fourth international and so on
That bastard is pure evil

>> No.17378563


>> No.17378586

t. a guy who thinks a shittily made image like >>17378526's is better than an obscure website

>> No.17378592

Whoops meant to link >>17375666

>> No.17378612
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x3225, Commietards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you very clearly have no clue wtf you are talking about or you are lying which is why you are railing about the location of the material to deflect from the discussion at hand. I dont give a fuck if it is written on toilet paper with shit dripping off it. I only care whether the information is true or not. All communists need need to have the walls painted with their empty fucking brains

>> No.17378664

First quote has no source and is made up
Second quote gone over here
Che Guevara fought against racism and colonialism his whole life. You are just a weasel and a creep.

>> No.17378690
File: 45 KB, 1147x636, wellwellwell bigots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cant escape nature >>17375691

>> No.17378712
File: 83 KB, 942x667, che.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iT's jUsT mAdE uP bRo

>> No.17378739
File: 630 KB, 528x444, antiftwats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu tranny, there wont be free hormones and bottom surgery for you. No matter who wins you will be in a ditch in the end where you belong

>> No.17378751


>> No.17378762
File: 93 KB, 720x560, Screenshot_20210125-121427(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not read the rest of the article or are you just being a weasel on purpose? Also Che Guevara fought for black liberation.

>> No.17378764

He probably fought racism and colonialism out of ideological vigor rather than personally believing the races are equivalent. I sincerely doubt he believed in a ONE RACE, THE HUMAN RACE. But I am open to information disputing my claim.

>> No.17378854

That's just you projecting

>> No.17378935

Both Guevara and rightists shot faggots, I give you that

>> No.17378942

He didn't

>> No.17378955
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Take your meds, commie.

>> No.17378971
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>Progressivists think that communism would be good for them.

>> No.17378988
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>Lack of healthcare
Like in North Korea?

>> No.17379045

He happily did

>> No.17379080
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Che was /lit/ as fuck.

>> No.17379237

First of all imperialism came as a result of mercantilism which stated that there was a set amount of wealth in the world and so you must take from others if you want to get richer. Capitalism states that you can increase the wealth through an increase in buisness and production when private buisness can operate. Things like laissez faire capitalism kills a lot of people yes but something like state capitalism doesn't. Plus communism kills with the exact same examples you gave. USSR had bad healtcare so people died a lot. Communists wanted to spread their ideology through war and threw people in the gulags to make money for gods sake. Just because someone lives not in a communist state doesn't mean it is capitalisms fault they die. I guess commies truly know nothing about economics

>> No.17379424

Typical low-IQ commie response

>> No.17379436


>> No.17379444

very true, capitalism with Chinese characteristics is p cool

>> No.17379472
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>> No.17379500

i dont understand people who say this, these would literally keep capitalism alive

>> No.17379518

all of those things existed before capitalism for at least 1,000 years.

>> No.17379547

>why do you people insist on being rude and annoying?
Why do you people insist on posting in places where you aren't wanted? Go post about it on bunkerchan you fucking massive faggot.

>> No.17379556

Yes anon could you wait for me facing the wall over there?

>> No.17379559

>all caps

>> No.17379574

>Einstein and Betrand Russel
of all the intellectuals in the world you pick a tv star and a literally who?

>> No.17379587

THE CHAD CAPS Vs the virgin lowercase

>> No.17379599
File: 53 KB, 643x650, EsbPvCkXMAMVw-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-nooooo i'm a chad you don't get it seething is chaaaad

>> No.17379649

so what you're telling me is that the anglo is the real cuck enabler and the real jew? huh...

>> No.17379689

they always do the same kek

>> No.17379710


>> No.17379720


>> No.17379726

This person is wrong

>> No.17379814

>here are things this person literally said but now being a faggot tranny indoctrinated pseud with a gender studies degree I will make shit up and lie and say it doesnt mean what he clearly said and meant
kys you fucking tranny

>> No.17379871

Read Kafka, Thoreau and Lenin

>> No.17379916

nope he is right

>> No.17380050

bump also Brecht was trying to cultivate a revolutionary subject trough his art. Somewhat of an ethical project.

>> No.17380058

>trying to cultivate a revolutionary subject trough his art

>> No.17380110

sounds like you want an echo chamber which makes you just as bad and mid-witted as the average twitter norman.

>> No.17380127
File: 110 KB, 452x363, 8343168424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds like you want an echo chamber
don't care fuck off

>> No.17380143

>basedjack posting
>generally an abrasive, annoying cunt.

i will kill all /pol/ack teenagers with my barehands

>> No.17380150

fucking knew it. go back faggot.

>> No.17380158

any more unique and unheard of insults to fling? you've already used a wojack and told me to go back, maybe a cope or a seethe for style points?

>> No.17380162
File: 42 KB, 800x450, EsgJeqVXMAgxiyf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"basedjak desu onions"

>> No.17380177
File: 2 KB, 258x65, 46783652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe cope seethe dilate etc. faggot

>> No.17380186

>the state of lit
go back to your containment board.

>> No.17380192

Go back to your entirely different website.

>> No.17380197

like clockwork.

>> No.17380208

>ending your post with 'so'
Faggot, this isn't Twitter.

>> No.17380214
File: 224 KB, 1097x1600, 71UQ3oQRbbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Required reading for any marxist.

>> No.17380227

>fascism is just capitalism in decay bros!!!

>> No.17380230
File: 96 KB, 1242x1251, Er-dP7sXUAIJA3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What clockwork you fucking double nigger?
>post on board you don't actually frequent
>scree all over the board about gommunism
>can't even bother to pay attention to filters
>get called out
>"like clockwork."

>> No.17380247

You think being snide makes you seem clever but it actually just makes you out to be a massive pretentious faggot.

>> No.17380280

>implying i don't frequent this board
>implying i'm a communist


>> No.17380294

>implying i don't frequent this board
>onionsjak desu
You obviously don't.

>> No.17380308

>implying i was onionsjak desu poster
yea, i'm done squabbling like school girls with your presumptuous ass.

>> No.17380326

>implying i was onionsjak desu poster
Yeah, you just replied to the post absolutely seething about it just as the "other" anon stopped. Cry about it faggot.

>> No.17380349

Burgers who can't manage their finances, plan ahead, make contingencies are not the equivalent of a state controlled food shortage and distribution program.
Please mothman.

>> No.17380364
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cry about it faggot.

>> No.17380383
File: 19 KB, 572x409, EsMEkiFXcAUETtX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any more unique and unheard of insults to fling?
>no u

>> No.17380400

thanks for the (you)s

>> No.17380406

You can't be opposed to economics anymore than you can be opposed to physics or mathematics. You can think that mainstream physics or mainstream mathematics is completely wrong, but a science is just a field of investigation, not a prescribed set of beliefs.
Since Marx was concerned with investigating (and speaking on) the things that economists investigate, he was an economist.

>> No.17380417



>> No.17380422
File: 4 KB, 96x93, ErqTCz0XMAEbhSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea, i'm done squabbling like school girls
>thanks for the (you)s

>> No.17380430
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>> No.17380692


"Arguments" on /lit/ in 2021.

>> No.17380703

>comparing economics to mathematics and physics

>> No.17380718

>thinks it's just 2021

>> No.17380736

What person in history wasn't racist?

>> No.17380744

No these technologies will make humans obsolete. Technology doesn't create job growth.

>> No.17380747

You'd probably fail at your own suicide. The only thing you're killing is your mother's hope for ever having her son succeed in life.

>> No.17380755

In a way he's actually right because none of them are real.

>> No.17380760

Kek, post hands.

>> No.17380768
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>> No.17380771

i said hands not a paw you lard fuck

>> No.17380774

Your hands are as big as a gorillas.

>> No.17380782
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>> No.17380900


>> No.17380928

>i got called out
>time to call them newfags!

>> No.17380952
File: 116 KB, 744x1130, ovtbhurjmf5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called out
when? for what faggot? nigger doesn't even recognize a 3 year old stale /b/ pasta and thinks i'm getting "called out"

>> No.17381024

Aw shucks, i don't keep up with a degenerate boards' shitty and unpopular "memes".

>> No.17381041

>Aw shucks, i'm a newfag that doesn't even browse boards and i act like i belong here
spoiler you don't

>> No.17381053

troglodytes gonna troglodyte.

>> No.17381066

>troglodytes gonna troglodyte

>> No.17381070

also blueboard masterrace, not gonna browse an orange boards degenerate and shitty quality posts to kill time, grew out of that years ago.

>> No.17381077

>grew out of that years ago

>> No.17381086

approximately 4 years ago

>> No.17381150

If you think Einstein is a tv star and you don't know who Bertrand Russel is you are a disgrace to humanity. Brainwashed Capitalist pigs think they know shit.

>> No.17381162
File: 24 KB, 259x400, 81a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, first off, I'm a oldfag and I don't need a kid talking for me, I can do that by myself. And yeah um, excuse me but yeah, I only browse the BIG BOY boards. Pft yeah that's right... Orange boards? Yeah, bud those are for little kids, I grew out of that years ago, now I post on the masterrace blue boards. You probably think I'm some sort of newfag, but actually (kek), I've been here longer than you. I've been here since the start. I'm actually glad they split up the boards like they did. Now I don't have to associate with those racists and homophobes and TROLLS on 4chan. Yeah, that's right, I'm a 4CHANNEL poster now buddy. Can't wait to see how many upvotes this screencap gets on r/4chan. Thanks for listening.

>> No.17381182

>seething this hard
holy shit, i really struck a chord.

>> No.17381197


>> No.17381209

the irony must be lost on you

>> No.17381227

Terrible pasta

>> No.17381228

Einstein is a meme. He doesn't even exist.

>> No.17381237
File: 3 KB, 158x144, Ery89QNWMAEV0QZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel targeted moth?

>> No.17381275

i'll show newfaggots stay off my site with this one!

>> No.17381291

Kill yoursekf faggot

>> No.17381294

I can see the poster amount samefagging retard.

>> No.17381298

heh, they totally won't think i'm a pedantic faggot when i show them my meme expertise.

>> No.17381303

i know, and i don't care. >>17381298

>> No.17381313

lmao, fucking loser

>> No.17381321

coming from the gatekeeping faggot, doesn't really mean much.

>> No.17381332

It’s campy and unbelievable

>> No.17381335

>mommy mommy they're g-g-gatekeeping
lol cry faggot, gimme another 2-3 (You)s per post

>> No.17381342

>It’s campy and unbelievable
they all are, you think my name's john or flying lotus are believable?

>> No.17381359

Unironically kill yourself, you dont belong here

>> No.17381368

>i typed out a longwinded dogshit pasta
>heh cry more.

>> No.17381390

>get these new faggots off my board, reeee!!!

>> No.17381415
File: 102 KB, 300x256, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh you did something that is totally normal to do on here that'll teach you

>> No.17381437

>heh, i did something that everyone does on here, i fit in, you don't. get off my board newfaggot!
>argument boils down to: you can't sit at my lunch table!
you must've been bullied hard to keep that attitude past high school

>> No.17381453

>i fit in, you don't
>you can't sit at my lunch table
yeah, you can't. gonna cry? gonna piss your pants maybe? maybe shit and cum?

>> No.17381464

>heh, let me meme on him some more that'll show em!
you're terribly banal

>> No.17381469

baby gonna cry? poopy diaper big baby cry? big poopy peepee baby?

>> No.17381472

seethe and cope mode: activated.

>> No.17381487

poopoo peepee poopy diaper big doodoo pants cry baby mode activated

>> No.17381490

if only you were good at writing pasta

>> No.17381503

>if only i wasn't crying and shitting my diaper

>> No.17381512

believe it or not, that one actually wasn't me.

>> No.17381520

>fishbrain already forgot about postercount

>> No.17381528

>troglodyte forgot that theres another 75 posters who can revisit this thread whenever they want.

>> No.17381534
File: 26 KB, 499x500, 64afabc57b4d9313c3f05972dfa38eb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revisit this thread

>> No.17381536

>continuing to display he's a pedantic faggot.

>> No.17381547

lol you don't even used pedantic properly sood. you're the same faggot who's posts make up half the thread along with my own and you're going to keep shitting it up along with me till it's dead and that's fine by me cause i don't see any more commie book recs coming any time soon.

>> No.17381556

i'm aware and am paid by mossad to do so, you're still a troglodyte living in his momma's basement doing this because
>muh newfaggots
>muh gommunism

>> No.17381564

also i did use pedantic properly, there's still probably a better word ill concede that.

>> No.17381565

>paid by mossad to do so
based. I'm actually in my own basement.

>> No.17381572

learn to put all your shit in one post you jittery adhd addled retard

>> No.17381584

i'm trying to reach the bump limit retarded nigger faggot.

>> No.17381591


>> No.17381655

>communism is about donating to charity, and the more you donate to charity the more communister you become

>> No.17381722

how about I donate my hot thick fucking load to the back of your throat faggot? how's that for communism?

>> No.17381736

In a way, yes. It's about giving your money to the State.

>> No.17381779
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>> No.17381808

capitalism is about giving your labor surplus to Jeffrey Bezos

>> No.17381814
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>> No.17381835

Oh look, an economylet!

>> No.17381851

Yeah actually it's about me plunging balls deep missionary into your tight puckered asshole

>> No.17381876


>> No.17381889

the surplus value of your labor*, happy?

>> No.17383540

only person in this thread whose read a book

>> No.17383843

Hows man's fate/the human condition by malraux

>> No.17383912
File: 249 KB, 466x660, Absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good? Most certainly not.