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17475892 No.17475892 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me other series to read for a while. Im on my 6th reread of the series and need something to entertain me before the next one.
Also ask me questions, I know 99 % of things you CAN know about it.
>inb4 lol fantasy

>> No.17475947

Never read it but Dunsany is one of my favorite fantasy authors, so perhaps try reading some of his work. Here’s a rather low fantasy story of his. He’s usually much higher fantasy.


>> No.17476080
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Thelorast & Curdle > Bugg & Tehol > Kindly & Pores >>>>> Isk*ral Pust

>> No.17476314

I second this, while it's not malazan like as you asked, you'd be remiss not reading King of Elfland's Daughter

>> No.17476328

Looks like Ill have to take a look. Does it have lots of book though? I need something to read for a WHILE

>> No.17476720

Im so bored, no one likes malazan?QQ

>> No.17476740

He has a ton of stories and plays. I have his complete works and it runs 5400 pages. I recommend beginning with the gods of pegana or the gods and time, or perhaps the book of wonder. Do you want links? If so I’ll grab them for you friend.

>> No.17476756

Im looking up his books available right now, is this a series or separate books? Im very stoned, please have patience with me. What should I start with?

>> No.17476762

Maybe I shouldve read your full response. I need to have a book in my hand to focus on actually reading it, screens kill me when it comes to reading. Ill take a look at the ones you mentioned

>> No.17476783

One collected mythos but many interconnected and non collected stories, begin here.


Here’s two more.



Here’s a novel sized story of his.


You can read them out of order but his more higher fantasy works often connect into a cohesive religious mythos(lovecraft and so forth were inspired by him)

>> No.17476817

Read Bakker
Prince of Nothing & The Aspect-Emperor

>> No.17477051

Will I like Malazan if I liked ASOIAF? How do they compare?

>> No.17477132
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They both get pretty gritty and dark, but ASOIAF is way more based on our medieval knights thing, Erikson goes way off into magic and the fantastical, which I love. If you have some time on your hands and liked Martins work, Id say check it out. It starts out pretty hard, throwing lots of things at you you probably will not get until some rereading. Read like 3 books and if it doesnt get you with those, its probably not for you

>> No.17477152

the obvious answer is gene wolfe, mainly the books of the sun, plus latro in the mist. It's the only stuff along with malazan thats any good, at least that i have found

>> No.17477226
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Im lookin up these books right now and its an utter mess on amazon - where the hell do I start? They have single books, compilations, but contradict the publication order Im looking at

>> No.17477253

Just go:

Book of the New Sun

Urth of the new sun

book of the long sun

book of the short sun

incredible that you've read this much malazan but have never tried Wolfe, you are a lucky anon.

>> No.17477292
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Dont get my hopes up please, I cant take more disappointment. Ill go for the New Sun books and make my way from there if I like. Thank you anon

>> No.17477314

You read any of the Black Company stuff? Erikson has talked about the influence it had on him.

>> No.17477329

Cant say I have, I didnt do any reading online or about Eriksons influences. Ill check it out

>> No.17477334

the scope of things is very different, but it is like malazan in the amount going on under the surface that you need to piece together. Wolfe's actual writing is also much better, as is his understanding of philosophy and high culture, if you will.

You can always try Latro in the Mist too, which is only three books and some might argue even better than BOTN. You won't get much out of Latro if you don't know the classics though, especially herodotus

>> No.17477341

It’s on a much smaller scale than Malazan but it’ll scratch the itch.

>> No.17477374

Is Malazan good? What do you like about it so much that you'd reread 6 times?

>> No.17477377

I assumed you at least knew the basics, but if you don't know anything about The Second Apocalypse, check that out. It's more Malazany than Malazan. Some consider that good, some consider that bad.

>> No.17477457
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I just stumbled upon Malazan, pure and simple chance. Blew my mind pretty much, as it was my first excursion into reading in another language. Is Second Apocalypse by Erikson as well? I swear amazon is garbage when looking for stuff like this

>> No.17477505

Its by R Scott Bakker. The first book is "The Darkness that Comes Before"

>> No.17477510
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Thanks anon, author name helps. Im sorry but Im really quite out of it right now

>> No.17477562
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>Is Malazan good?
Yes, it is excellent for something to really sink your teeth into. Its 10 books straight from Erikson and some side-books I havent checked out so far. I love everything it does pretty much, it sets up a gritty and brutal world, lots of characters, lots of lore and ambiguous topics that are very relevant to the story. It gives you a shitload of different points of view, travels all across this world and other worlds with you but still keeps a red thread going thats the 'main' story. It also manages to mostly bring it to a satisfactory end in my opinion

>> No.17477565


>> No.17477674
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Thanks for all the recommendations, should keep me busy for a while. If for some reason there are some more malazan nerds around that keep the thread alive, Ill be back in a couple of hours and tell you why youre opinions are wrong and shit. Love you frens

>> No.17477686

>m on my 6th reread

>> No.17478595

I really love Malazan and when I went to check out the prequel series I was trepidatious but when I finally finished Fall of Light I ended up loving them