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1754089 No.1754089 [Reply] [Original]

Children's books reread as adults? Pic related, it's one of the ones that works.

>> No.1754095
File: 326 KB, 467x475, Love-you-Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The classic "children laugh and adults cry" book

>> No.1754098

I was surprised to find Dostoevsky mentioned in "Harriet the Spy" while reading it to my child.

>> No.1754114

I've seen this somewhere before... I think i read it years ago. Gonna go google that shit

>> No.1754133

>>1754114 one of my favourite books growing up

>> No.1754150
File: 81 KB, 300x155, His_Dark_Materials01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too obvious?

>> No.1754151


>> No.1754160

no to too obvious or no to the books?

>> No.1754162


>> No.1754167

pretty much any Roald Dahl

>> No.1754171

Love Harriet the Spy so much. They're doing a 50th(?) anniversary edition of The Phantom Tollbooth this year which my younger sister is definitely getting for Christmas

>> No.1754172

No to too obvious

>> No.1754179

phew, was getting worried there ...

>> No.1754184

rereading Goosebumps books while high is a blast

but actually top-tier children's writers are geniuses, how hard would it be to channel that kidworld AND write something coherent and literary and moving

WAYSIDE SCHOOL!!!! genius. bridge to terabithia, a wrinkle in time, the giver, all that shit. severely underrated artform.

>> No.1754200

almost as good as re-watching "Are you afraid of the dark?"
On a more literary note though, a lot of the Inklings' stuff, the Narnia books, The Hobbit and so on ...

>> No.1754226

A lot of Dahl's stuff can get quite dark at times, even if I never noticed as a kid. BFG, The Witches,
Matilda, etc.

>> No.1754253

Series of Unfortunate Events
Calvin and Hobbes

I really like Through The Looking Glass too.

>> No.1754261

sachar is a fukkin American hero. Him and pinkwater

>> No.1754274

Motherfucking Tintin, bitches.

Never gets old.

>> No.1754278

tove jansson, y'all

>> No.1754287

I re-read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe a few years back.

I was surprised at how quick I blazed through it, since it seemed so long as a kid. Same feeling when I visited my childhood home--everything was so *small*!

I wouldn't say it was a waste of time, but it wasn't as cool as I remember :(

(side note: loved Catcher in the Rye at age 14, at age 29 it was kinda annoying)

>> No.1754426
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Bought a copy for one of my kids and then was stuck on an airport tarmac for 2 hours and read it again - was still a fun read.

>> No.1754431

The Ramona Quimby series.
"None of your beeswax, Ramona!" Haha, never gets old.

>> No.1754432

ITT: twats with horribly stunted emotional development

>> No.1754487
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>> No.1754489

phantom tollboth fanscinated me. how they ate letters and shit

>> No.1754511

from that fiftieth anniversary edition: http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2011/04/michael_chabon_phantom_tollboo.html

the comments are making me :3. i want to hunt down 'the white deer' now.

>> No.1755768

Artemis Fowl anyone?

>> No.1756467

The best part of rereading Harriet the Spy is realizing that Harriet is a total embryonic baby dyke

>> No.1756581

Fuck yeah

I was disappointed by Lion, Witch, Wardrobe upon reading it again. Later I went through the entire series again and ended up liking it the least.

Silver Chair>The Last Battle>Voyage of the Dawn Treader>Horse and His Boy>Prince Caspian>Magician's Nephew>>>>>>The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

>> No.1756602

I'd put Last Battle above Silver Chair, same with Dawn Treader.

>> No.1756614

The Pushcart War

>> No.1756622
File: 34 KB, 337x350, LittlePrince01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1756630

The problem with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is that it's the book in the series that's most intended to be stand-alone, so it deals less with the actual world of Narnia. All the others explore the world, go into its creation and destruction, and without that the book is somewhat two-dimensional.

>> No.1756639

The Little Prince changed my life

>> No.1756748

Me too