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17598192 No.17598192 [Reply] [Original]

I read Rational Male: Preventive Medicine and it was decent. Is it worth reading the first version (Rational Male) and the third version (Rational Male: Positive Masculinity), or are these just repeating fillers. What about The Way of the Superior Man?

>> No.17598212

What is this book about?

>> No.17598215

How to be an incel

>> No.17598218

It kind of looked like it, thank you for clearing it up

>> No.17598239

All you have to know is that women want winners
If you're not a winner you have no right to complain

>> No.17598268


>> No.17598285

The first book has great information but horrible editing. I'm not sure how much will be new if you've already read the second though. All three of his books are pretty decent but after reading one you get the general gist and the rest is just extra.

>> No.17598292

All PUA/MRA/TheRedpill books are pure cope for men who look like shit. They want an easy way out instead of putting in the years of work to stop looking like shit.

>> No.17598301

Are you retarded? The book is about having to put in effort instead of crying about it lmao

>> No.17598306

PUA helped me get laid tough, I´m not bad looking I just never had experience with women, so they provided me a good kickstart point. I obviously don´t need them anymore because I have my own experience to relate to, but I don´t understand the hatred for them

>> No.17598311

If it doesn't say anything about looking good, it's pure cope.

>> No.17598317

>I´m not bad looking
..."pure cope for men who look like shit."

>> No.17598320

But it does? It says that maximizing yourself in every area - social status, mental (game), physical - gives the best result. Sounds like you're the insecure coper here.

>> No.17598325

You do know women aren't attracted to looks as much as men are right?

>> No.17598332

Quote me what the book says on the importance of looking good. If it does, I'll concede it may be worth reading.

>> No.17598333

ok anon

>> No.17598334

Check your neurotypical privledge. One of the most incel people I know is a 9/10 super-autist.

>> No.17598337

holy cope

>> No.17598339

No, I'm not looking it up for you. Trust me that he doesn't deny the looks aspect but he focuses on much more than that. Don't want to read it? Do whatever you please but stop spouting your insecurities.

>> No.17598340

this too lmao, I have a friend who´s a blue eyed blonde with perfect face structure, fit body because he works out all the time, could unironically be a professional model, and yet is a complete sperg around women and gets 0 pussy

>> No.17598342

What's cope about it? I know ugly goblin guys with charisma who get laid regularly while good looking autists don't. Looks help, but they're not the be all end all.

>> No.17598352

>You do know women aren't attracted to looks as much as men are right?
Coping shut-in.
If you don't want to leave the house to see how delusional you are -- and if you were home-schooled -- then literally all you have to do is sign up to a dating site and try to get better results than the 1,001 bb-misc'er experiments.

>> No.17598359

>Trust me
No thanks.

>> No.17598361

I´ve gone to dating websites and get a billion matches and start convos everyday, what´s your point? that you´re a blackpilled loser?

>> No.17598365

Anecdata, probably lies even.
Funny how none of the ugly copers can replicate all the online-dating/Tinder Chad experiments.

>> No.17598368

Looks can get you their attention, but if you want to seal the deal you need charisma and/or social status. Those do obviously correlate, but not necessarily. Ugly guys who can prove themselves to be masculine generally do better than good looking guys with no social skills. Stop projecting your insecurities and be realistic.

>> No.17598369

Prove it, ugly coper.
inb4 excuses.

>> No.17598376

Do whatever you want with it, retard.
Nope, not lies, but anecdotal sure. You do know you can meet women outside of dating apps right?

>> No.17598377

>Funny how none of the ugly copers can replicate all the online-dating/Tinder Chad experiments.

Okay, and? what´s your goal here, to have pussy flockin around at the snap of a finger? Is everything below "the 1% result" a failure? You´re the one who seems coping

>> No.17598379

Leviathan is massively redpilling, especially in historical context. It shows how tyrannical most governments currently are in their desperate effort to hide the reality of their interaction and negotiation with citizens.
And as far as the historical context goes, Hobbes complained about the following pop issues of the 1600's:
>people using improper definitions of words and arriving at absurdity
>universities teaching nothing of value and corrupting the youth en masse against critical thinking
>people believing what they read in a book purely based on the authority of the printed pages and becoming monumentally stupider than people that don't read
>that democracy would only lead to more corruption as there would be a larger number of powerful people engaging in the inevitable corruption of high political office
>people calling monarchs "fascists"- sorry, I meant to say "tyrants" - just so that they (read: wealthy, power hungry, psyopping aristocrats) could overthrow them righteously
This game has been happening forever.

>> No.17598382

>Ugly guys who can prove themselves to be masculine generally do better than good looking guys with no social skills.
lmao, is this the power of /lit/ autism?
Stop rationalizing your laziness. Lift and stop being an uggo.

>> No.17598384
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>> No.17598385

Who hurt you? Why are you coping and seeting so?

>> No.17598391

Are you retarded? I never said not to lift or not to put in work. I just said looks aren't everything, you sound like the actual autist with an obsession about looks here. Being jacked and good looking do nothing if you have no social skills.

>> No.17598392

>I´ve gone to dating websites and get a billion matches and start convos everyday, what´s your point? that you´re a blackpilled loser?
> chinlet-speechbubble.jpg

>> No.17598395

depressed incels will do everything in their power to confirm their blackpill outlook. Its sad really

>> No.17598401

nobody is buying your LARP, uggo.

>> No.17598411
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>> No.17598422

Yeah it's kind of sad how their insecurities about their looks become some sort of tunnel vision, their sense of reality is warped

>> No.17598432

don´t be too hard on them tough, they usually never had someone to help them through these things, they´re just confused and frustrated

>> No.17598440

I guess you're right, the funny thing is reading books like this one would probably actually help them understand their insecurities but they think they're above it for some reason.

>> No.17598444

>Funny how none of the ugly copers can replicate all the online-dating/Tinder Chad experiments.
this, desu.
I don't think irl necessarily functions like online, but anyone who thinks they can Shakespeare themselves into better results online than GigaChad is clueless af.
It's amazing the level of mental gymnastics people go through to explain away all the GigaChad experiments while producing literally zero counter-experiments to show a 4/10 dude doing as well.
I don't think it's IMPOSSIBLE to get an 8/10 chick or better if you're a 4/10, but lol @ the idiots who underrate the importance of male looks.

>> No.17598454

Talking about people in the third-person to score points is so low-test female. I was with you guys until this expression of butthurt.

>> No.17598464

The thing is no one here is denying the importance of looks, just saying you need to improve in other areas as well. Being good looking with no social skills and no social status won't get you far. Further than being ugly with no social skills / status though, admitted.
Good for you, retard

>> No.17598467

no you weren´t, you´re larping as another anon instead of the one we were bullying

>> No.17598468

I wasn't a fan of all the PUA terminology, but Tomassi nailed it when he explained how the female mind works and comparing it to solipsism.

>> No.17598475

>we were bullying
yeah, you guys are lying about the hyper-masculine thing for sure.

>> No.17598499

>he explained how the female mind works and comparing it to solipsism.

how tf does that work? kek

>> No.17598511


>> No.17598576

Most of them are snakeish too, they feign amicable relations with you while trying to steal your girl.

>> No.17598658

Heh, I saw that happen about ten years ago. Was out having drinks with my brother and sister-in-law for my brother's birthday and this chubby manlet decked out with fedora and other 'peacock' bs all came to the table and bellowed "Hey, guys" and started talking to me (a dude) with phony enthusiasm. It was cringey af, and even my brother and sister-in-law, who knew nothing about PUA faggotry, knew what he was trying to do.

>> No.17598684

The PUA/RP community is a slippery slope, OP. It’s missing the moon for the finger. I would suggest you back out now.

>> No.17598693

A slippery slope towards what?
That's not what the book in OP is about though

>> No.17598706

It's prevalent in their communities nonetheless, just like the quran doesnt explicitly tell muslims to blow themselves up

>> No.17598728

Yes and you can find an example like that for every subculture/religion/ideology. Now what? Guilt by association?

>> No.17598736

The deceptive practices are a direct result of their "women are whores so it doesn't matter how I get them" mentality, promoted by books mentioned itt.

Also, have sex for defending this bullshit.

>> No.17598760

It doesn't say women are whores. Why are you like this? It says women act in a way that is most beneficial to them, which in some cases makes them want to whore themselves out. It's also amoral, not immoral. It's knowledge of how people work, you can do with it what you want. Do some people abuse that? Of course, but like I said, that happens with every ideology/religion/subculture.
>Also, have sex for defending this bullshit.
Lmao, did your wife's boyfriend not allow you to go outside today?

>> No.17598790

It is obvious that anon has never read the book, but thinks the average sad anti-woman posts he sees on this site can encapsulate it.

>> No.17598799

To be fair that's basically every thread here and every topic, but you're right.

>> No.17599001

I was talking about PUA's as a whole

>> No.17599033

But this book isn't about PUA specifically, you're just trying to induce guilt by association

>> No.17599661

Where did I try to do that?
You may stop replying now, either outcome will be the same for you.

>> No.17599691


>> No.17599714

>bring forward a fact
>lol you are trying to guilt us wah wah

You can put your reddit politicology and le logical fallacies right up your ass.

>> No.17599739

Then why did you bring forward that fact? Why was it relevant otherwise?

>> No.17599779

Look who I was replying to originally

>> No.17599803

the way of the superiour man is not good. it's self help garbage of the worst kind, written for pathetic nuMales, i thought it was going to be somthing much more profound when i picked it up, its terrible. Better to read Dr seuss

>> No.17599853

Yes, you were reinforcing his point which does exactly what I say it did. So you proved my point.

>> No.17599901

It's relevant information about PUA's and about the thread you are posting in.

>> No.17599928

Why is it relevant when, as was stated, this book is not about PUA? What are you trying to achieve by posting that? It's obviously a very coloured account.

>> No.17599939


>> No.17600947
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> I don't understand the hatred towards them
The only thing PUA probably helped with was reminding you to take a shower and talking to irl people. Shit you should have understood already before a book ever told you.
They also pretend to understand female psychology, their pseudoscience works so well that all the failures who buy their classes just keep believing that they aren't enough of a douche bag alpha male and haven't yet found the prettiest woman with the lowest self esteem.

>> No.17600975

Everyone acts in a way that benefits themselves the most. Put a man in a situation where his most viable alternative to climb a social hierarchy is by doing sexual favors for a powerful woman and you won't be surprised.

>> No.17601018

So it's guilt by association? Great, thanks for proving my point.
I mean that's basically what's happening now. But it doesn't correspond to nature and no one is happier for it. Women are made to believe they can live their lives just like men but they only later found out that doesn't give the average woman much fulfillment. Men are being taught to be nice and that will get them the girl but that's not how it works in reality.

>> No.17602344

It's not, but (you) are bent (on proving it), and failed miserably.

>> No.17602375

>Men are being taught to be nice and that will get them the girl but that's not how it works in reality.
That's exactly how it works, but you need to undeestand being her lackey will make her dry as a desert. That is why these books attact autists primarily: they don't understand the tacitly implied notion of showing their intentions to them.

If you are nice, in a confident way, to a woman and she ignores you then you're ass ugly.