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17630000 No.17630000 [Reply] [Original]

Pirate edition
Previous Thread: >>17622882

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Does it trouble you?"

>> No.17630090

Can someone explain why HP Lovecraft named his cat The Great Faggotini and why that continues to be so controversial? A lot of people had anti-Italian prejudices back then.

>> No.17630119

Anime sucks

>> No.17630124

As do general threads

>> No.17630126

Fact check: TRUE

>> No.17630135

Agreed. OP's pic hurts my eyes.

>> No.17630137

Are there any novels where the characters look like anime? I don't just mean the novel has an anime style cover, I mean the characters are described as having anime like features and such.

>> No.17630155
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Did he ever feel fear?

>> No.17630191
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Is the Cradle series any good? It gets consistently decent ratings on Goodreads and I’ve seen it recommended fairly often in r/fantasy and shit (yes, I looked on Reddit. Crucify me later), but after actually looking into the content it just looks like run-off-the-mill Xianxiashit. So is it actually worth taking a look at or am I just being memed on?

>> No.17630270

What do you mean by anime like features? Like with weird colored hair?

>> No.17630277

better than average chkshit written by a westoid so avoids some of the typical issues, still chkshit tho

>> No.17630284

the most anime fantasy I ever read was the Mistborn trilogy, there are a few characters who would fit right into most modern anime.

>> No.17630286

probably not, times he may have

vs nonman fireballs, when his wards were broken at golgotterath, in the outside, on the circumfix, running from the skin spies, and most likely when he was knocked out of his possession by Kelmomas and taken, something totally outside TTT

>> No.17630300

Anime eyes, anime styled hair, anime expressions. The characters should look like they'd look in an anime.

>> No.17630339

Just read a Japanese light novel? The vast majority of English written fantasy aren't going to use anime descriptions.

>> No.17630363

Do light novels actually describe the characters as looking like anime? Are they any good? Aren't they just young adult books for Japanese and weaboos?

>> No.17630370

>how did the original dunyain just stumble into this secret fortress in the first place
I think it was just damned luck. They were starving, likely fleeing sranc hordes. Being smart, they ran where no one else did... to precisely the place that the designers chose, because it was remote. The OG Dunyain declared it divine providence iirc, and the fact of the prince a sign of their just mission.

>> No.17630397


I personally believe the Dûnyain originated as a secret project of the Nonmen in their search for Oblivion. We know the Nonmen are capable of advanced selective breeding of humans: Emwama. The Dûnyain began as program to create a human soul capable of transcending Damnation and grasping Oblivion. This is why they eschewed sorcery, yet clearly the magical bloodline of the Anasûrimbors managed to hold strong over 2000 years, and were probably the dominant Dûnyain genetic line. TUC spoiler Like the Inchoroi were to the Progenitors, the Dûnyain were a vehicle for the Nonmen created in hopes of escaping their own damnation in the outside. Like the Inchoroi, the Dun were separated or orphaned from their original masters, and went astray, pursuing their original mission to the point of absurdity and blindness.

>> No.17630412
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>Do light novels actually describe the characters as looking like anime?
>Are they any good?
Japanese prose doesn't translate well to English. I found it difficult to pay attention.
>Aren't they just young adult books for Japanese and weaboos?
Yes, mostly. There are light novels targeted toward adults but those won't have anime tropes.

>> No.17630430 [DELETED] 

i don't have any friends :c would anyone like to add me on discord and we can be friends:?

>> No.17630437


>> No.17630438
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>> No.17630441
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>> No.17630448

I don't have friends either. But I refuse to have social media accounts.

>> No.17630454

Sanderson. Literally a fucking fairy moves around with the main character.
It's manga/anime in book form.

>> No.17630464

Yes, the Girgallic vision at Celmomas' death is likely an illusion either created by Ajokli or time-traveling Kellhus. In either case, the Celmomian prophecy was inserted into that moment to pre-predestinate Kellhus' arrival as the Harbinger. We already have evidence of time travel as seen in Saubon's death, which Bakker freaking brilliantly pre-placed all the way back in TWP.

>> No.17630466

Are we talking about a magical fairy, or the fruity gay guy kind of fairy? Because I'm not reading the book if it's the magic kind.

>> No.17630478


>> No.17630496

whoever convinced me to finish reading Dust of Dreams, thanks. The ending was great.

>> No.17630514

good work on finishing a book anon. i haven't managed to finish one this year yet but i'm getting close

>> No.17630516

Bro you're talking to a guy who wrote a short story about a guy who got nicknamed Fruit by the Foot because he was flamboyantly gay and had a huge dick, do you really think being called a faggot (by a tripfag no less) bothers me?

Stop posting and stop reading anon, it's almost two whole months into the year!

>> No.17630519

all of those events would have been fking scary and dangerous in the moment, maybe kellhus' reptilian fear center would have kicked in, he is still "human" after all. there's the scene in TTT(?) where esmi slips and kellhus is surprised at his vestigial sensation of worry. on the other hand, when he walks in the outside, don't the ciphrang prey on fear, hence the head on a pole to keep him fearless?

>> No.17630522

I know the pain. I only read a couple books last year but I'm forcing myself to read at least an hour a day this year and so far I've stuck to it.

>> No.17630528

there's this literally magical fairy in the series, like the one in Berserk. tiny, small thing (a girl) flying around the protagonist.

>> No.17630539

I picked Gulliver's travels so it's a bit difficult to read it because of the antiquated English. I definitely am not understanding a lot of what is going on but it's very funny and creative regardless.

I only had a trip in case someone wants to add me on discord and maybe work towards being my friend

>> No.17630555

You don't make friends by calling people faggots anon. You make friends by calling people cocksuckers.

>> No.17630568

cocoa shunter

>> No.17630588

Did you get to the nipple scene already?

>> No.17630604

Yes, desu it made sense. I couldn't believe that scene was part of some people implying the book was misogynistic.

>> No.17631110
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Is this series any good? I want to read a fantasy series by a female writer that isn't terrible

>> No.17631214

Read something by Bujold then

>> No.17631384

Has anyone read the English translation of The Witcher?

I've read the first two short story collections and the first novel. When does it get good? The short stories weren't bad but Blood of Elves just felt really bad. I'm not sure if it's the translation or the inherent narrative structure but I'm just not "feeling" it.

Anyone else got any opinions on it?

>> No.17631392

the books suck, the games are also overrated

>> No.17631397

Stop using vtubers

>> No.17631410

my understanding is that the short stories were the only ones worth reading. I've not heard good things about the novels.

>> No.17631698
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Blessed digits

>> No.17631706

Shit thread. I will make sure I start making the next.

>> No.17631776

Thought it might be the case. Cheers

>> No.17631821

Overseas sexy guys and ladies, I started to reread Bakker and noticed that the use of magic in Inrau's suicide scene is completely unlike any other magic in the series. My view of the series is ruined. Bakker is a hack who makes things up as he goes along.

>> No.17631835

I was actually thinking it was a Cishaurim

>> No.17631877

What was?
Inrau had never used magic before, but he just starts out canting war cants that somehow make him super fast and strong (which is something no other mage in the books can do) to the point he BTFO a skin spy in melee combat.
Later it is explained that the Mandate training starts with cants that don't do anything but give you the mark. So Inrau, who had no mark, was not at the stage in his training where he could use any magic yet. Which makes sense because he hadn't touched the heart yet, so he actually would have been an immense risk. If the spires had caught him he could have taught them gnostic magic. That's absolutely insane.

If the books ever get a re-release I'm sure that part will be changed. Him using magic doesn't accomplish anything, it's just rule of cool, and it breaks a lot.

>> No.17631880

>If the books ever get a re-release
Let’s not get ahead of our selves.

>> No.17631894

There's a couple more instances of weird magic, like the Psukhe communication thing that shouldn't work, and Akka compelling Inrau to the meeting somehow without marking him.

I think it would be interesting to see a rework, but I also doubt it. I pray the series ever continues at all.

>> No.17631902

It doesn't

>> No.17631925

Short stories are neat. If you really like them - and not just the interesting twists they offer - read the rest of the series.

>> No.17632160

is peter pan an anime for you too?
are you retarded?

>> No.17632207


>> No.17632272

Also yes

>> No.17632349

It's pretty entertaining. All the over the top craziness of chinkshit without the inhuman sociopathic characters written by bugmen devoid of any human compassion.

>> No.17632418

Has anyone read any of the “Lord Darcy” books?

>> No.17632589

>I want to read a fantasy series by a female writer that isn't terrible
have you tried ursula k le guin?

>> No.17632675

Earthsea is pretty bleh. Paper thin characters and a plot that feels like reading a cliffnotes version of itself.

>> No.17632813

I dunno about the translations but BoE is probably the worst of the Witcher, it's mostly build up for future without much payoff and I've seen it said said payoff was cutoff by editors who made two books out of one. That said if you're not enjoying the cast already, the dialogue,the humour, the action, then I don't think it'll get better for you. Next book gets into main plot in earnest but it's a pretty meandering series afterwards.

>> No.17632947

It's acceptably dumb fun. It's like the Undying Mercenaries series, nobody is ever going to call it "good", but a lot of people will enjoy the ride.

>> No.17633073

Someone give me a quick run down on the Xanth series. I read the first book last night after it stumbled over it and it was decent enough. How the fuck are there nearly 50 books in this series, and are any of them worth reading or necessary reading?

>> No.17633094

Isn't fear or any kind of strong emotions that might move your soul unprompted the "Darkness that comes Before"? I thought succumbing to those would be anathema to the Dunyain. I wish they there also was some kind of primitive surgical procedure where they just lobotomized every apprentice Dunyain to remove their "fear center" or something akin to it, because "he shall know no fear through conditioning" just breaks my suspension of disbelief.

>> No.17633137
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Is.... Is /bakkake/ finally over?

>> No.17633196
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Read Berserk.

>> No.17633363

No thanks, I’m not a woman.

>> No.17633398

FUCK berserk any time I think about berserk I think about dark souls and any time I play dark souls I get bored and frustrated and wind up just using cheese strategies and no matter what I do I never have any fun.

>> No.17633435

imo the dunyain have effectively suppressed/abstracted away self-preservation fear. Not eliminated, but contextualized and trained into a controllable, understood corner.

With Esmi, the Dunyain have not conditioned themselves deliberately against what vestigial remnants of love might be called up during a protracted 'romance', as that is a situation totally foreign to the Dunyain environment.

>> No.17633603

akka invisiblity spell

>> No.17633605

yeah ur meant to read the left hand of darkness

>> No.17633609

author is an actual pedo. misogynist freak, not the meme version

>> No.17633620

Why are fantasy book covers so bad?

>> No.17633625

Mature people don’t read fantasy

>> No.17633768

How does one grasp the absolute?

>> No.17633769
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Just started The Wheel of Time series. What am I in for? I just want it to be cool, not life-changing or anything.

>> No.17633775

First book drags a little, second book improves, third book hits its stride. It's a great ride if you go into it just looking for something entertaining.

>> No.17633780

It’s trash, unironically.

>> No.17633786

Funny how you didn’t mention the rest.

>> No.17633789

It's not funny, you're just looking for an excuse to complain about something.

>> No.17633792
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Any good robot sci-fi (not by asimov i've likely already read them all, and loved them.) you guys want to recommend?

>> No.17633811

ok cool, thank you. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I'm just gonna listen to the audiobooks while I walk around.

>> No.17633833

I second this >>17633780
There's a good trilogy somewhere in those 12 books but they aren't it.

>> No.17633835
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Most fantasy takes place in an ancient/medieval inspired world, a renaissance inspired world, or more recently, mid-1800s or a "western" inspired world, but are there any fantasy works that take place in a early 20th century inspired world? The only ones I can think of are early weird tales like Lovecraft's work, but he was mostly writing about the times he was living in, and the steampunk genre but that's mostly Victorian-inspired. Other than that, the only thing I can think of is that one Disney movie about Atlantis that takes place during WW1

>> No.17633852

There's plenty, not even super niche unknown series either. Just off the top of my head there's the Abhorsen series by Garth Nix, the Xanth series by Piers Anthony, and the Soulkeeper series by David Daglish.

>> No.17633875

It’s funny to think that autists like you enjoy the Waste of Time.

>> No.17633886

hmm, I guess Ill just give the first one a chance and go from there.
Really I'm just looking for a sprawling fantasy series with a good audiobook that can waste some time with. Just good old-fashioned escapism. If The Wheel of Time ain't it, what else should I check out? Please no Sanderson.

>> No.17633890

Path of Daggers - I think the author managed to kill the last flickering light of this series, the Rand arc. What was always the last bastion of plot, progression and soem semblance of common sense is now too inundated in sea of filler. Also I just want to say it, you don't see it quite clearly until like book 6 but the fucking politics in this series are so absolutely nonsensical it's actually amazing.
I'm on book 8 and I want to stab myself everytime I open it. It had some potential early on but rather than improve as a writer from some of the early rough parts Jordan gets worse and worse, stringing the reader along is about the only thing he's good at.

>> No.17633895

You're at the low point. Rand's arc recedes into the background not long after where you're at and Mat takes over as the primary character, and his parts are probably the best in the series.

>> No.17633898

Its really good fun. After the first 3 books, I'd say just skip chapters with PoVs you hate.

I really enjoyed the Rand storyline, so in later books I stopped reading Perrin/Mat PoVs.

>> No.17633906

The wheel of time is worse than Sanderson. And by worse, I mean much worse.

>> No.17633921

Been tossing around ideas for a novel for a couple years--is it actually feasible to make a living off of fiction writing or is it a meme?

>> No.17633953

Sure, listen to it, but know that it gets worse with every book. So if you think "I'll tolerate this for now, maybe it will get better", no, it won't, quite the opposite. The last books in the series were written by Sanderson and are actually sort of better than the endless slog through the middle half dozen or so. There's absolutely infuriatingly obnoxious characters right from the star, and no, that shit never gets better. You'll see.

Bakker is unironally good and interesting if you're into more literary fantasy with a miserable settings.
Several characters are genuinely traumatized by their life.
> Some events mark us so deeply that they find more force of presence in their aftermath than in their occurrence. They are moments that rankle at becoming past, and so remain contemporaries of our beating hearts. Some events are not remembered—they are relived.

That aside GRRM and Rothfuss are both pretty fun, but eternally unfinished and not exactly sprawling.

>> No.17633974

tell me something good then. Are there any good contemporary fantasy series?

>> No.17634049

Cool, danke.
Yeah, I've read some GRRM, I forgot where I dropped the series though, somewhere in book 4 I think. I'll look into Bakker and Rothfuss.

>> No.17634097

Bakker, Erikson, Wolfe

>> No.17634137
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I really wish there was some fantasy author out there who captures the morbid, edgy, esoteric feeling of modern extreme metal (if you say Bakker I'll kick your fucking teeth in).

>> No.17634159

What's modern extreme metal?

>> No.17634181

You can be shitter than shit, anon.

>> No.17634202
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I mean fuck, I want something that reads like THIS artwork feels. Literally no one has done it, ever, and I don't know why.

Anything that sounds like this. It's pretentious, abrasive, inaccessible, gory, esoteric, bleak, etc.

>> No.17634229

so you just want edgy fantasy then

they're not books, but check out Mork Borg and Dungeon Crawl Classics

>> No.17634245

I mean have you read him? Exact fucking aesthetic as those images.

>> No.17634259
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just finished pic related and thought it was pretty good.
However I heard the other two stories aren't. What's lit's views? Should I keep reading or move on?

>> No.17634300

Fuck! E William Brown
I know he uses 4chan

>> No.17634304

I read the first one and thought it was great, but I think I only got through half of the second one and I didn't read the third one. I have all three in a single-volume edition on my shelf but I haven't touched it for awhile. I think that, if you're really interested, you should read the second and third ones but the first one works great as a standalone too.

>> No.17634343
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>> No.17634366

check the link in the op for charts, there are some with novels of this type

>> No.17634482
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Good fucking Lord, this book is incredibly mediocre in both plotting and prose. It's so obvious how they half assed the world building to the point any time something made up is mentioned there's barely a description, and when descriptions are included, they're extremely retarded, like something a literal kid would think was cool or exotic
>metals are extremely rare even though every fucking priest ever mention has a ceremonial gong
>swords made of "folded and laminated paper thin leather" as strong as steel
>legendary and rare steel swords made by "the Ancestors"
>there are arrows, swords, knives and spears, but what they're made of is unknown
>Japanese vibes mixed with Aztec/Mayan crap
>Giant ant allies that are brilliant metal workers (capable of human speech)
>six legged cows
>no horses or donkeys
>birds have ears (like a dog's)
It's frankly embarrassing. The MC, a 17yo girl, the ruler and last surviving heir of her family, visits her family's sacred garden and is almost estrangulated to death by an assassin hidden in the trees that's probably some Kali style thug. She's rescued by her loyal guardsman but it's forbidden for everyone except her bloodline and priests to step into the sacred grove. The guard must be executed. After she recovers, she bends the rules and postpones the execution, AND IMMEDIATELY SENDS FOR THE GARDENERS TO RETRIEVE THE ASSASSIN'S BODY FROM THE SACRED GROVE WHERE NOBODY MUST STEP ON. You just introduced an extreme taboo committed by a beloved servant, punishable by death, only to condemn other people to similar fates in the most offhand and retarded manner, but they'll be fine lol

>> No.17634572

No hablo your language

>> No.17634617

Wheel of Time is what you're looking for. It definitely has some problems, especially the author losing track of the main story and the pace thereof, but the overarching story and the setting are top notch. It is a good one for getting lost in.

Check out Perdido Street Station.

>> No.17634647

i probably have the same trilogy book. I was going to keep reading in it but from everyone i heard from said they couldn't make it past the second book.
just curious if anyone has

>> No.17634703

that's literally bakker though

>> No.17634742

I wonder if people shitposting about bakker actually read anything by him.....

>> No.17634784

The majority of them tried Bakker. But the filter proved too strong.

>> No.17634797
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>read so much chinkshit and RR garbage that I think whatever talent I had for writing is gone now

>> No.17634800

I'm sure they have. I just wished they were able to dial down the shitposting because it turns this general into an awful unreadable mess.
Their """effort""" posting could only be done by a dedicated readership. In that respect, they resemble the Wolfepack.
But in contrast, their immaturity is obvious and I can't help but picture them as overly excited edgy teenage faggots. They are /b/tards that feel compelled to shitpost to pass the time. Absolutely no self control. They could do this on a discord or their own general, but they demand attention and external validation to feel their favorite books are indeed special and superior.

>> No.17634817
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>> No.17634842

>The madness of the Meat was lifting...

>> No.17634861

That’s a good thing. It won’t make you delusional or pretentious as those fags from /wg/

>> No.17634883

>no watts under new shit

>> No.17634905

Needs a hard-sf with Red Mars/Mars Trilogy


>> No.17634908
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I was told to read & emulate Hunter S. Thompson, is it doable?

>> No.17634912

no talented writer ever read that shit or stuff of that quality

>> No.17634920
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meant for

>> No.17634929

Why would you stifle your own writing voice in an attempt to copy and imitate a dead author? Why not find your own style?

>> No.17634933

Hunter S. Thompson killed himself because he couldn't live up to the image of Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.17634953

what's the point of making charts with the most basic normie shit everybody has already read

>> No.17634986

>The censored in two ways body problem

>> No.17634997
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As it stands, I'll probably be doing something similar to those RR retards if I don't curb myself with actual literature. My writing is like that of an edgy 15-yearold.

That's just his character being played out in real life, considering how much his characters drink.

>> No.17635021

It is good cultivation/progression series, if you like progression then you will like Cradle.

>> No.17635022

Probably even enjoyed it

>> No.17635050

Writing is a meme, anon. It doesn’t matter what you write, as long as it has the potential to sell well, Publishing companies will ignore the “so-called” well written queries for YA and for good reason. One has the potential to sell in the millions and bring in profit. World building and characters don’t matter anymore. And anyone who tells you otherwise are just in denial.

>> No.17635073
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Feels like you're pulling me to the dark side, anon.

>> No.17635079

I read everything there except WE and Foundation.
What about IQ84? Not listing that?

>> No.17635146

I’m not. Just telling you how it actually is and not whatever ideal/delusional aspiring writers make up in their heads. How else you think Hunger Games, Twilights, etc, sold millions and have movies? By its world building or characters?

>> No.17635260
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I just purchased pic related; what am I in for?

>> No.17635278

feeling like you wasted your money. Why couldnt you have bought actual literature?

>> No.17635303

I did buy some literature; I have a hardcover copy of War and Peace (maude's translate) coming in the mail. Not every peace of literature in my library needs to be high art. Anything enjoyable belongs my shelf, and I've heard that Sanderson is a great writer for action fantasy - which I believe since I enjoyed Mistborn significantly a few years back

>> No.17635317

how many pages is it?

>> No.17635326

A series that declines in quality with every subsequent release

>> No.17635339

I'm going to draw a few manga-style illustrations to go with the fantasy novel I will be self-publishing, cover included. Pretty cringe, I know, but you can't stop me, just wanted to say it.

>> No.17635343
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1,252 pages not counting the magic + vocabulary explanations at the back of the book, 1260 if you do count those pages

>> No.17635352

Lovecraft was severely mentally ill, and Munchausen by proxy.
His dad cheated on his mom, got syphilis, slowly lost his mind and rotted away, all while his mom blamed him and convinced him that he has the same problem. He was fucked up.
He loved science though, so when someone convinced him that Eugenics was this amazing new revolutionary science that proved he is king, and everyone else is subhuman, he latched onto it and became a horrible racist and xenophobe.
Some of his opinions were terrible, but he had a hard life and tried to make amends much later.

Unfortunately, American College Campus Culture can't accept that people make mistakes, have different experiences, and that despite his 'outdated' views, he still single handily created some amazingly beautiful works that truly shown the kind of horrors he was facing. They just see 'racist = bad' and ignore the reasons.

>> No.17635364

What's so light about them?
Are there any Japanese heavy novels?

>> No.17635373

Light Novels is just a term used in Japan to describe an anime styled young adult novel published there - Mushoku Tensei, Fate Zero, and the Montagari series are some popular light novels that've reached mainstream acclaim to give you some examples of the genre

>> No.17635402

goes without saying in epic fantasy

>> No.17635428

Malazan was consistently good throughout the entire series, as was The Black Company series, The First Law Series, and The Lord of the Rings

>> No.17635440

your last paragraph sounds like YA garbage

>> No.17635454

LOTR isn't a series, haven't read Malazan but The Black Company definitely gets worse with each entry

The First Law is consistently crap, the only thing it has going for it is characterization

>> No.17635499

fucking hell I should've gone for the hardcover variant; this book is a bitch to keep open in the first few chapters due to how hefty it is. I don't think I'll ever buy paperback again for a large book

>> No.17635541

Has anyone itt actually ever read every single Malazan novels? I gave up early somewhere in the third or fourth though I'll pick it up again sometimes in the future.

>> No.17635546

Speaking of Raymond and his rift war series, how is the Magician saga he wrote. Is it any good, would anyone here recommend reading it?

>> No.17635581

You fell for the worst meme on /sffg/.

>> No.17635594

The problem with Malazan is the sheer amount of PoVs and the jumping back and forward between disconnected continents and time lines.

>> No.17635595

take the kindlepill

>> No.17635605


>> No.17635654

you are literally asking for bakker
this image could easily describe one of the gods in the series

>> No.17635679

is it really that good that you'd call it best scifi?

>> No.17635680

Marquis De Sade

>> No.17635695

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand HPMOR. The plotting is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of history and political philosophy most of the story will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Harry's political outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation – his personal philosophy draws heavily from Machiavelli’s Il Principe, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the plot, to realise that it’s not just a story – it says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike HPMOR truly ARE idiots – of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the history behind Malfoy's catchphrase “As soon as I'm old enough I'm going to rape her”, which itself is a cryptic reference to mid 18th century French feudal politics. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Eliezer Yudkowsky’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, I DO have a HPMOR tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only – and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin’ personal kid.

>> No.17635705

Naw, but it falls under the 1984, WE, Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 message.

>> No.17635710

>no le guin
>no ada palmer
>no vernor vinge
>no heinlein

big yikes

>> No.17635717

you but it's a best sci fi list, you could list tons of distopia if that's what you're going for

>> No.17635729

love it when i see someone talk about the big yud.. good to see you hpmor fan

>> No.17635742

The Fathering explanation in Ishuäl alone, is a reason strong enough for Bakker to never again find a publisher. Up until now, we were in game of thrones shock factor territory, albeit more intense and intelligently crafted.

Please tell me I’m not exaggerating? I can already see feminist movements boycotting any publisher that dares work with him.

>> No.17635752

Are the first six books of Thomas Covenant worth reading through? Im going to start Lord Fouls Bane but almost always lose interest in multi part series.

>> No.17635755
File: 1.48 MB, 2144x1424, hobbit_invitingnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just want to tell you how happy I am, I've never read any Tolkien books and today I started with The Hobbit, I've never felt this happy and hopeful since the start of the pandemic, I really feel pretty jealous that enjoyed this as a child.

>> No.17635762

Forget the whale mothers. Esmenet alone is reason enough for the woke crowd to cancel him.

>> No.17635772

Enjoy it while you can. The hobbit was the only good thing Tolkien wrote. If you read shits of the Ring you will lose all that joy, just like I and many others did.

>> No.17635778

It's an isekai fantasy about a bitter incel who rapes people, but it was published before the concept became popular in anime and Japanese light novels

>> No.17635785

>I can already see feminist movements boycotting any publisher that dares work with him.
Why would the publishers care? They people that say they will"boycott" a service doesn't even use it in the first place.
It's like vegan groups telling Outback Steakhouse that they will boycott them.

>> No.17635811

Interesting find. I hadn't thought of it.

>> No.17635818

Not only feminist movements, but I heard the Illuminatis despise Bakker and have already prevented the tv show adaptation.

>> No.17635822

holy whitewash

>> No.17635828

malazan declined hard retard, books 2,3,4,5 are way better than 78910

>> No.17635833

whale mothers was bakker trying to be feminist funnily enough lol

>> No.17635840

Lovecraft was a perfectly good and law abiding citizen who did nothing particularly wrong in his entire life beyond express some opinions that are unpopular today

>> No.17635843


This review of HPMOR is fucking amazing. I might actually finish hpmor because of it

>> No.17635876
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, dune__the_tleilaxu_by_alienorb_d68v3tp-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his autistic way, trying and failing to be feminist, literally saying women have lesser souls than men, and alienating what was left of his dwindling reader base. Also it's obviously a rip-off from the axlotl tanks of the Bene Tleilax in Dune. Just like the skin-spies are rip offs of the Face Dancers.

>> No.17635879


>> No.17635885

No one was talking about tv. Joke’s on you.

>> No.17635900

Also, it doesn't help that this scene is preceded by a lengthy several page long description of Mimara's brutal experiences as a child sex slave in Ainon. Bakker tries to evoke empathy (or something), but in this whole region he just comes off as exploitative. Typical autistic behavior desu.

>> No.17635907


>> No.17635914


Are the books at least consistent or is there a quality dip?

>> No.17635930

dunno, only read the first one and didn't like it

>> No.17635934

he was saying the dunyain were shit and obviously kept misoygnistic cultural influences from their early days, among other things..

>> No.17635976

I’m not saying he didn’t want to imply this, but it’s such a fucking gigantic stretch. I don’t even have the words for his/this autistic inception.

>> No.17636010

>ywn hire mimara cosplaying as esmenet for a week
why even live akkabros

>> No.17636025

>kept misoygnistic cultural influences from their early days
Oh no no fren. It’s the exact opposite. And this has absolutely nothing to do with previous influences. The implication is that the Dunyain grew more misogynistic with evolution. They weren’t like that in the beginning.

>> No.17636031
File: 84 KB, 400x388, bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male fragility: the author

>> No.17636041

c'mon TLR isn't perfect by any means but has its moments

>> No.17636042

>Its really good fun.
>just skip chapters
It's impressive how fucking low into the gutter retards need to lower even their standards to "enjoy" trash.

>> No.17636049


>> No.17636070
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1920, 32E7F87D-DB9B-4136-95C9-779C42C8C6DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17636087

wait i read he had positive view on arabs and jew and just disdain negros in america

>> No.17636089


>> No.17636102

>see thread on 1st page
>anime shit
>every single board must have anime shit

I’m sure you’re all nice people, but I’m out.

Shit thread.

>> No.17636106

i think some are also heavily illustrated

>> No.17636109

fuckin chuds, next you are going to say that the whole meat/whale mothers thing wasn't partially a critique of meat consumption and factory farming/pro vegetarian/vegan.

>> No.17636116

he married a jew

>> No.17636117

they called it TLR back in the day and i like it

>> No.17636122


>> No.17636124

Super generic anime, but also poorly written and paced.

>> No.17636127

i think he's trying to say that both the dunyain and the three seas are incredibly fucked up, misogynistic, and evil in their treatment of women. i think he's also trying to say that men are not exempt from vulnerability to this kind of abuse, re: proyas and the scalded, but women are /more so/, and this is wrong. he's trying to say that misogyny/violence against women is hard-coded the dna of eärwa, and by extension, our own world– and this which is a second-wave feminist sentiment i can support.

but yeah the "woman have lesser souls" thing really upset me and i'm still confused by it. i don't think he needed to go that far to make his point, and yes it did cost him the last of the women readers he was ironically trying to court with this chapter.

- tits girl.

unironically this

>> No.17636137
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>Malazan was consistently good throughout the entire series

>> No.17636143 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 450x487, 1558307798299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think he's trying to say that both the dunyain and the three seas are incredibly fucked up, misogynistic, and evil in their treatment of women.

>> No.17636148
File: 73 KB, 559x448, duherrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dOeS iT tRoUblE yOu?

>> No.17636149

Eugenics at the time was basically comparing white and black skull structure and completely shitting on negros, so it's no surprise they were his main target.
He also wasn't a fan of Chinese, but nothing compared to Negros as was the propaganda at the time.

>> No.17636169

happy to stop the support and apologetics for your autistic author if it troubles you so much

>> No.17636179
File: 44 KB, 326x500, 51FSshDZAfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 'Sandman Slim' the better 'Dresden Files'?
Is it worth a read?

>> No.17636182 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 792x691, 2cb61c6f9b820df272c0588cfdb8a65222edc4337fe3091a348a236bf36eae7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but yeah the "woman have lesser souls" thing really upset me and i'm still confused by it. i don't think he needed to go that far to make his point, and yes it did cost him the last of the women readers he was ironically trying to court with this chapter.

>> No.17636200

He thought Italians and Welsh were eldritch abominations.

>> No.17636203

it's 100% true
t. welsh-italian

>> No.17636212

Oh my god no

>> No.17636246

You will never be as hot as she is, with cock or no cock.

>> No.17636250

Ironic shit-posting is against the rules.

>> No.17636282

Just read the part of UNSONG where Uriel is at the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Jesus Fucking Christ, I am amazed this shit didn't get cancelled for that fucking joke about north africa

>> No.17636294

i don't have a cock and i do hate trannies. like i said, i am a second wave feminist and trannies are mentally ill men trying to appropriate womens' bodies for themselves. i unironically hope bakker is anti-trans rights like a good feminist man should be.

>> No.17636309

>FART detected. Cruise Missile inbound

>> No.17636320

You need to lose weight.

>> No.17636326


>> No.17636328

Didn’t he got banned from Twitter for that reason?

>> No.17636338

What’s the difference between first, second and third wave feminism? Unironically.

>> No.17636342

Is Malazan even worth reading? It was on my reading list but I don't see the point in reading something so convulted, obtuse and pointlessly minutiae if the quality of the story drops off halfway into the series - especially when said series is over ten thousand pages

>> No.17636351

no, the amount of pages would be better spent on other books

>> No.17636359

1st wave human rights like let us vote
2nd wave kill all men all piv sex is rape and inherently coercive yass queen lsebian
3rd wave now

>> No.17636363

I would read books 1-4

you can read 4 first since its standalone

>> No.17636365

Imagine thinking there's any man that's going to be anti-tranny but still a feminist.
Imagine your critique of transexualism, the practice of mentally ill people mutilating their genitals and chemically castrating themselves, sometimes performed on children, is some myopic dogshit about your identity being infringed on. Why don't you just attack it on grounds that normal fucking people can get behind? This is why people hate you.

>> No.17636367

can read just 4 i mean and see if you like first

>> No.17636378

The problem with Malazan is that it’s too spread out. He forces you into other continents between books with characters that never met. And then you go though an entire book that’s actually a massive prologue.

>> No.17636388

The "woman have lesser souls" seemed more like in-universe apologetics to me.

That being said, I only read the scene once while ripping through TGO and TUC on a road trip years ago.

>> No.17636415

He also hated Chinks and was afraid of sealife.

>> No.17636432

>I've never felt this happy and hopeful since the start of the pandemic
It’s never too late, I guess? Just rather nonsensical that you waited until the “almost” (hopefully) end of the pandemic to start reading. It was the perfect time to do it. I’ve never read so many books in my life.

>> No.17636444

For all of you chads here.

How do I unironically level up? From sff themed books? (I ran out of good sff books to read)

I’m pretty sure that at least one of you reads other things.

>> No.17636458

>The more I read, the less enjoyable books become.

>> No.17636459

I watch anime and read manga

>> No.17636463

read literary bangers like count of monte cristo

>> No.17636470

The guy clearly said “chads”, not incels.

>> No.17636473

>the more I have sex with women, the more homosexual I feel

>> No.17636546
File: 160 KB, 2000x1333, 5_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sci fi inspired by the Age of discovery or later geographical expeditions, taking place on a spaceship travelling through an inhospitable unexplored region of space and somehow cut off from the rest of human space fleet, where the crew must face hardship, starvation, diseases, breakdowns, forced cannibalism, etc? There might be some conflict with sentient aliens or creepy space creatures, but I'd prefer the emphasis not to be on that. Ideally I'm looking for something like The Terror but in space.

>> No.17636554

seconding this request because I also want books like this

>> No.17636557

It's because he was (rightly) afraid of swarthy greaseballs ruining his quaint anglo community, and he thought it was funny

>> No.17636643

I've read everything except the Ascendancy books and Bauchelain/Korbal stuff. Going to start the latter soon after I'm done with my Bakker re-read though.

>> No.17636678
File: 3.75 MB, 2500x1348, 1555857086806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same way but with Earthsea.
I just love the sea in real life so much, and obviously I am a huge fan of high fantasy, magic and wizards being the first thing, that Earthsea is simply perfect. It's like it was specifically crafted for my tastes. I simply ripped through the first book in one sitting, 2 nights ago.

>> No.17636688
File: 801 KB, 1622x2410, 1583887336133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. The more time I spend with and around women, the more I utterly hate them

>> No.17636712

The way genetics apparently works in Earwa, with children being almost Xerox copies of their fathers, it seems evolution itself half-asses women.

>> No.17636763

spoilers so whatever

At this point it seems fairly obvious to me that Ajokli did some bother and befuddle to the early dunyain. Since time is not linear in the outside, it seems that Ajokli did the reverse thing where he controlled the past in order for the future to be fulfilled. Kellhus was MEANT to be his gateway into the world of Men.
Also remmeber that the Mutilated dunyain, moments before the ending, surmised that Ajokli is "hiding" from the other gods. Lemme find the exact quote:

“He hides here,” the one-eyed Dûnyain said, his face blank. “His siblings hunt him and he thinks he can hide fro—”
The God’s reflection raised a clawed hand, and the reflection of the Dûnyain imploded as if upon a point, skull crumpling like foil, limbs cracking and bursting as if wrenched through a twig-thin embrasure. In a heartbeat, scarce more than mucous ruin remained.
“Four brothers,” the Prince of Hate mused. “Four Horns. Together we shall gore this World, drink of it as a pierced fruit raised high.”

>> No.17636774

Still not reading your chinkshit, Will
That's literally what happens. Sandersu exclusively writes animu
There are no Berserk books, anon
Read the first 4, then just skim the the rest, reading only Mat, Logain, Galad, Lan, and Forsaken parts, and the bits that go into the distant past of the world. The rest is just lace, braid tugging, bdsm, and bitches arguing about kitchenware

>> No.17636791

This is sadly true. Robert Jordans death and Sanderfags takeover actually improved the readability of the series

>> No.17636811

Holy shit I fucking love that cover. Guess I should listen to /sffg/ for once and check out Wolfe.

>> No.17636816

>read all of traveler's gate (trilogy)
>read the nine short stories associated
>read the six short stories included in mailing list
>traveler's gate STILL DEAD in favor of Cradle
>started Morningwood
>STILL haven't finished Disciple of War because it's boring as fucking shit

>> No.17636818

that's a large cover

I just bough the new Folio Society re-release of BotNS - it's a lot cheap than the last one if any other spergs are interested

>> No.17636825

Why does everyone and everything in Earwa (sranc, skinspies, wracu, etc.) have a thicc upward curving benis that pokes them in the belly button? What did you mean by this, Scott? Are you describing your own peen and think they all look that way? Is it somehow a result of Inchoroi tekne? I know you're here fucker, answer me!

>> No.17636847
File: 145 KB, 675x1200, C7xchsEXUAAPU1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is brandon sanderson's number 1 fan. you can't make this shit up

>> No.17636850
File: 38 KB, 553x413, Mailman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess Golgotteraph is the perfect place for an evil god to plot against the other gods.

His shtick is that everyone that takes his deals end up worse off, right? So he probably wants more people to go to hell instead of being saved by some other gods. Kellhus pushing so many people into damnation might not just have been a necessary sacrifice to stop the Consult; Ajokli could've clouded Kellhus judgement so that he would fuck over as many people as possible on his way to the top. Even shit like buttraping Proyas could have been not so much about getting him into the necessary mindset, but pure sadism.

>> No.17636855
File: 70 KB, 554x1000, 3d2a8070cede52a852299028bede5c25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mighty morphin power rangers: the anime book. It's overstuffed YA trash, but fun at times. Read Zelazny instead.

>> No.17636865

kellhus was clouded af near golgotterath, he just yolo'd and hoped for the best

>> No.17637061

What’s the Siqu? Can someone explain? I can’t find it anywhere, and I don’t quite remember.

>> No.17637089

siqu = nonmen who served as teachers to humans during the tutelage in the ancient north

>> No.17637122

Ajokli is longconning just like with Gilgaol.
The glory of War is false.

>> No.17637157

I would at least read a book or two. If you find it clicks with you it's a very lengthy and enjoyable ride.

>> No.17637198

Kellhus would know Ajokli is a scammer though, that's why I much prefer it if based kellhus predicted Ajokli taking him over and that's what the cants he was casting before he entered the golden room were for.

Don't need le genius kellhus to have predicted and outsmarted everyone but he should have contingencigies and come out on top in the end

>> No.17637223
File: 44 KB, 189x193, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kellhus is the bad guy? Nah dude you are stupid af. He's saving the world, it's just like Malcolm X man, whatever means neccessary, and he supports women's rights as well.

>> No.17637238
File: 19 KB, 300x284, sad wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, I don't put much stock in that as I said. I think Kellhus wants the Tekne over being the No-God at this point.

>Whatever happens, Dagliash is Bakker's Helm's Deep and I can't fucking wait. I can already imagine. Achamian as Gandalf riding to their aid at the last minute leading the Nonmen as Rohirin. And I can't wait to see Kayutas on the walls.

>> No.17637250

I suspect Bakker worked really hard to get this effect. Didn't he mention in some interview that he originally never intended to have Kellhus POV even in the first trilogy, just like the AE series, but had to add them in later after many test readers kept thinking of Kellhus as the archetypal hero?

>> No.17637291

Ahoy nerds. I'm going to write a fantasy novel tomorrow. I'm going to let you decide what I write about. I'll be writing under the pen name of Frederick Gardner.

>> No.17637300
File: 142 KB, 653x926, 1610548792758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide if I'm going to continue writing my books I should probably read some of what's new and popular
>Go through a vicious cycle
>Pick up new and relatively well received sci fi or fantasy novel
>Get like a third of the way in
>Get bored or frustrated with it and put it down for months

I just kind of hate all of it right now. Maybe something is wrong with me.

>> No.17637308

Literally who held that hope?
I really doubt it. Kellhus was losing his marbles hard. Remember his discussion with Proyas after he crucified him. What was the point of that? He admitted he couldn't kill him because then he could be serving a darkness he could not see. Yet he wasted the time and breath to tell him these things rather than, say, fall into the probability trance or regain strength or do any number of things. Hell, can you imagine what Kellhus could accomplish if he snuck into Golgotterath like Seswatha and Nau-Cayuti did? Instead he speaks to a dead man, for no reason.

>> No.17637325

>Maybe something is wrong with me.
>Posts on 4chan
Anon, I...

>> No.17637326

Write whatever you want. Don't be bound by what sells now. If you write a lot and publish a lot you can find yourself a niche audience. You only need about 1000 true fans to get by.

>> No.17637334

I think that name is already taken, buddy. However, I challenge you to write the generic gook isekai in NotTolkein setting but make it interesting.

>> No.17637369
File: 130 KB, 597x1024, 1607253896577m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, but I think you'd be surprised to find it's not as unpopular a place to visit as you think.

Thanks for the vote of confidence anon, my goal with this has just been to have something simple and comfy to sit down and write and practice with. One day I'd like to be someone who could survive off of his writing, I dont want to be rich, just comfortably able to entertain others with my words.

>> No.17637375

I want the same, anon. Enough money to get by and to write and write.

>> No.17637558

nah new stuff just sucks lol

>> No.17637561
File: 18 KB, 300x250, BAKKER MOBILE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it trouble you?

>> No.17637763


>> No.17637771

new around here?

>> No.17637795

I have no idea what some washed up writer has to do with what we were talking about.

>> No.17637817

Umm excuse me? Here we READ our anime, right Sanderson bros?

>> No.17637857

he has enough money to get by and write

>> No.17637905
File: 32 KB, 620x413, B8E25170-CB34-4799-862F-C5E30613C335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more she shat on his stiff pink mast, the more her cunt became the world, an arousal which was arousing.

>> No.17637949

>Black seed jetted across the famed heights of the dread citadel beneath the boggling might of the howling warriors as death came swirling down.

>> No.17638028

Feed both authors into a text generator and see what comes out.

>> No.17638054

I shall combine Legend of Galactic Heroes, Lord of the Rings, Berserk, A Song of Ice and Fire and Babylon 5 to create the perfect sff book series

>> No.17638070
File: 142 KB, 801x1100, skull ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us a taste.

>> No.17638116

No you wont. No balls

>> No.17638208

Recommend me an Epic Fantasy novel with ONE pov character. Generic is fine, I love stories where a farm boy picks up a sword and then goes on an epic adventure to slay a great evil

>> No.17638222

The Belgariad, I'm pretty sure I remember only one POV. It's exactly what you describe.
Also Eragon, it's really not bad. At least the first two books, those are the ones I read.

>> No.17638249

Come on, it's Kellhus. Of course he had multiple contingency plans. Decapitants, Cants, etc. Kelmomas was a surprise, but there's no way he went into the Golden Room without some kind of backup. Which I guess we'll never know what that is unless Bakker can overcome his pride and take self-publishing pill.

>> No.17638260

>read Iron Prince
>mc's best friend starts a relationship with the asshole bully who hates mc behind his back
Not sure if I am more livid at this or at me reading YA trash and expecting it not to feature some bitches and whores shit.

>> No.17638302

The one I'm writing

>> No.17638320

The summary of this sounds like every xianxia/xuanhuan novel ever written

>> No.17638336

realistically speaking if I was put into Earwa world and put before Kellhus I would just become a dicksucker, even though I have meta knowledge and know he's a manipulator he knows I know and even though I know he's still going to manipulate me

>> No.17638376

Yeah, that's what "progression fantasy" more or less is. Well, I am glad I only pirated this garbage.

>> No.17638385

Good joke anon

>> No.17638404

He doesn't though. He doesn't even have a publisher and he's been black balled by the industry

>> No.17638406

He won't realize you are from another world because that isn't something he know is possible. It's like when he met Lesweth, or when Moe met Kell. They don't know what they don't know. They just assume you are crazy: use that as your trump card.

Also, be arrogant. Kellhus himself thinks it's one thing that raises resistance to his jedi tricks. It's spelled out in one of the original three books, I forget which, but I think he was going on about Conphas then.

>> No.17638426

i believe that conphas was a pathological narcissist (that's why kellhus said he had a 'defect of the womb.') dunyain mind tricks don't work as well on people who have zero empathy+overinflated egos.
>He won't realize you are from another world because that isn't something he know is possible
nah. he'd figure it out within minutes, and revise his cosmology accordingly.

>> No.17638428

he should realise I know he's a fake and he has no incentive to not just have me killed since I don't seem to offer much of a benefit to him.

actually.. if kellhus is so smart why didn't he invent guns or something?

>> No.17638436

yeah he didn't know magic was possible either, adapted pretty well.

>> No.17638446

why does kellhus send malowebis body to fuck up zeum? all that matters is golgotterath no?

>> No.17638482
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>nah. he'd figure it out within minutes, and revise his cosmology accordingly.
Why would he figure it out? Think about it logically: is it actually more likely that you are from another world or that you are insane and think you are from another world.

Not only would he not believe I'm from another world, I myself might start to doubt that and start to think that I must've imagined my whole life.

You should just avoid him. He barelly interacts with anyone but nobles and schoolmen. He isn't going out of his way to talk to every crazy beggar on the street (which is what we would quickly become).

He doesn't seem to have any knowledge of chemistry. There doesn't seem to be a single of sulpher nor salteper, no cannons nor fireworks. So there isn't really anything for him to pick up on. The Dunyain also apparently didn't "get" how atom bombs work, since they just fixed one and couldn't reproduce it.

>> No.17638491

He was already crazy evil by then, I think.

>> No.17638517
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Any good fairy tale/fable reimaginings or retellings?
Doesn't need to be overtly dark but it's always fun seeing an author taking a new spin or even a continuation on these long shared stories.
Even better, is there a book that combines these characters into one story?

>> No.17638523

Why not? He already knew Zeum was against him. For just a little bit of effort he endangers the whole nation's stability. When he succeeds at Golgotterath they're that much less of a threat/obstacle.
>the Dunsult fixed the Dagliash bomb
:O :O :O why didn't I consider this before! It makes so much sense.

>> No.17638545

>why didn't I consider this before! It makes so much sense.
in the golden room kellhus literally says the nuke at daglish made him suspect that the dunyain had taken over the consult

>> No.17638554 [DELETED] 

That's all very interesting, but niggers aren't people.

>> No.17638557
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You know, I've given this some heavy thought. There's a theory that racism stems from the disgust factor, and that conscientiousness and racism go hand in hand. Industrious and organized people (or those by temperament) tend to be this way, and they're usually conservative to boot. For example, the Japs who everyone on 4chan seems to love because they're racist and orderly.
When I look at Lovecraft's works I feel like he tapped into that side of him and turned it into archetypal representations of his disgust factor in the works as the terrors of his books. Despite that, he married a Jewish woman, so what happened?
Essentially, he had a very high disgust factor probably due to what >>17635352 said, and had legitimate fears and hatred for other races because he instinctively felt they were diseased monsters, it wasn't personal, or not entirely. He just had demons and didn't know how to deal with them.

>> No.17638629

anyone wanna be my friend and talk please add this discord alias cupersat #7563

>> No.17638852


>> No.17638875

A bit early

>> No.17638881

Bump Limit

>> No.17638932


>> No.17639346

Its moreso the latter books drag their feet, so you ignore the newly introduced shit and keep on following the storylines set up in the first couple books.

>> No.17639369
