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17651975 No.17651975 [Reply] [Original]

Spengler writes about how religion in the west will become more syncretic and mechanized.
Do any of you have any ideas what this will look like, or if Spengler talks more about this elsewhere?
>inb4 no religion in the future

>> No.17651981

He's just talking out of his ass

>> No.17651993
File: 81 KB, 1156x291, aud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else get the new audiobook yet?

>> No.17651996

Yeah i know but Spengler has this uncanny ability to make some accurate predictions even though his methodology is questionable, so im still curious.

>> No.17652103

>listening to books

>> No.17652213

>tfw when dyslexic retard and I have to listen to audio books else it takes me months to finish a book.
For Spengler's model the morphology of a culture informs what aspects it takes out of the religions around it (or religions it creates). Spring is an intuitive time of mysticism, summer is when reason mixes into the religiousness sentiment, autumn is when religion becomes less meaningful to the culture and its something that is generally ignored or mocked. The few that do still practice it are those who are "backwards" or those who do so out of habit. Winter is when the culture breaks down so much that the people become timeless again and reach back towards religion in their hopeless with the world of reason causing a second religiousness. Look at the middle east if you wish to know what this looks like.