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1765796 No.1765796 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you are foreveralone.jpeg?

And if so, do you think that maybe certain books have changed your views regarding the matter??

>> No.1765804

Steppenwolf is the ultimate book on forever alone.

>> No.1765806

I'm not ronery but I am reading Desolation Angels right now and that is the picture on the cover. Pretty good so far.

>> No.1765807

You're always alone no matter who you try to get to construct an illusion otherwise. Books didn't help me re-adjust how I viewed relationships, the person I'm with did. However, relationships will always end (if not by a grand rebellion against the ephemeral natures of human romance, by death), and so if you're not 'alone' now, you will be again. So, fill your life and seek joy elsewhere, and enjoy relationships for what they are, while they last, as hard as it can be to view them truthfully and objectively.

>> No.1765810
File: 43 KB, 324x500, The_Stranger.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and yes

>> No.1765812

yeah, forever alone ausfag here

>> No.1765818

Not I. I play the field in between serious relationships. I'm okay with that.

>> No.1765821

After reading The Sorrows of Young Werther I decided that I'm going to kill myself if I'm still foreveralone by the time im 30.

>> No.1765848
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>> No.1765857


>> No.1765863

I facepalmed so hard my chair spun around.

People like you are the most convincing reason for banning books.

>> No.1765866


But i do go on lengthy self-imposed bouts of solitude...people become annoying

>> No.1765868

Yeah, I wish.

>> No.1766188

The Fall

>> No.1766202

I generally prefer to be alone. I'm a self indulgent narcisistic misanthrope. Feels great, man.

>> No.1766221

Is it unusual that I'm on /lit/ and I actually like people?

>> No.1766233

It's hard finding anyone who's read Infinite Jest, GR, and A Confederacy of Dunces, much less an attractive young lady who would call them her favorites. And I'm not ugly.

>thanks for the buzzkill, man.

>> No.1766549

Foreveralone reporting in.

after reading a significant amount of philosophy, one finds that finding and maintaining a relationship with a girl is about the least of my concerns

>> No.1766558

Foreveralone reporting in

after reading a significant amount of philosophy, one finds that finding and maintaining a relationship with a girl is about the least of one's concerns

>> No.1766561

You are only alone for as long as you choose to be.

Unless you are ugly.

>> No.1766563
File: 10 KB, 200x155, flx2046772_2007115161662007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm foreveraloneish. Books have definitely changed my views on it, but it's difficult to be precise in describing how.

>> No.1766568
File: 123 KB, 600x450, 110205_a_b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your serious concerns, then?

I don't care what other people read. I care about character. I don't find any correlation between intelligence/knowledge/culture/taste/etc and character in my experience.

>> No.1766577

Character by far should be the main factor in determining someones relationship potential. I couldn't care less if they haven't even seen a book in 15 years, so long as its enjoyable being with them.

>> No.1767490


>> No.1767501


For me its the rigor of the pussy's tightness.

>> No.1767518
File: 97 KB, 550x415, 200605_nhk_ni_youkoso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a book(W-well, there is a novel of it) but it's an anime.

Welcome to the NHK. Pretty much the epitome of foreveralone!

>> No.1767533


book came first

>> No.1767560

The Invention of Morel
for I.