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17711729 No.17711729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that discuss social ramifications of female hypergamy and prove that sexual revolution was a net negative for the majority of men?

>> No.17711734

kill yourself you retard

>> No.17711743

Nooooo not the menerinos!!!!

>> No.17711746
File: 67 KB, 607x582, 6F954616-CBC5-4E6E-8626-B87767FDCCB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick tock
watch the clock
roasties time will come

>> No.17711752
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Good overview from a Marxist perspective.

>> No.17711762

The virgins will just grow up to be conservatives, its not super healthy but its the best option weastern society offers them.

>> No.17711765

incels should be shot

>> No.17711771

It's not sustainable in the long run though because Western societies are becoming less and less conservative.

>> No.17711774

Whatever and Atomised by Houellebecq

>> No.17711776

good hope they kill you soon

>> No.17711779

they are becoming MORE conservative. postwar morality is a variation on Victorian morality.

>> No.17711780

I'm not a conservative. That was just an observation

>> No.17711784
File: 56 KB, 720x696, plpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tik Tok image
>Immediately gets a billion replies

/lit/ really is dead

>> No.17711785

I wish female hypergamy was real

>> No.17711786

Reminder that there is no viable solution for the incel problem, and thus, you should dedicate your time to something else instead of moping about your unfortunate situation of being a casualty of history. Be glad that you have hands and porn to masturbate.

>> No.17711795

>he doesn´t know

>> No.17711796

>Reminder that there is no viable solution for the incel problem
No? Civilization is an attempt to solve it and giving the state the role of thr father is the cause of our current crisis.

>> No.17711798

i'm being honest. kill yourself you retard


>> No.17711800

you need to go back to lgbt

>> No.17711802

Female hypergamy is most definitely real. You're confusing hypergamy with poligamy. Hypergamy is a type of poligamy where one sex (in our case women) flocks towards few representatives of the opposite sex (in our case men) who are deemed to have the highest sexual market value. Hypergamy =/= every woman mating with every man like in Aristophanes' Assemblywomen, it's the opposite of that

>> No.17711804

It is, but you're not Chad.

>> No.17711806

It was a negative for women too. Literally not a single positive thing has come out of the sexual revolution. Fertility rates are dying, demographics are becoming fucked, most relationships end in failure, most kids are born out of wedlock, romance is performative and dead, women are insufferable narcissists and men are isolated losers. What a fucking disaster gender relations are, to where most people today deny that gender even exists or that men & women don’t naturally belong.

>> No.17711810

>most kids are born out of wedlock
oh no

>> No.17711813

I really wish I never downloaded TikTok. I'm 27, so obviously everyone on there is much younger. Gen Z has to be the most depressing generation I've encountered. It's truly doomed.

>> No.17711817

None of these are a negative for women from their point of view, it's a small price for them to pay to get away from dependence on mediocre men for marriage

>> No.17711819
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>> No.17711820

Hell, if you want sex that bad just fuck a whore. But women will never, NEVER genuinely desire you, and no forcing them through fascism, state enforced girlfriends or some other bizarre extreme solution is even worse; you admit to being so undesirable that you literally need to force women to be with you. This is not a political issue. This is not an issue of women per se either; it is an issue of nature.
Stop coping. Women don't want you. You're flawed, by design. There's nothing you can do about it. The "state" will never make a woman like you; she will deeply loathe you and wish she was with Chad instead.

>> No.17711821

You're an isolated loser, the male gender is not.

>> No.17711833

kys seething roastie

>> No.17711837

If everyone on this website died the world would lose absolutely nothing of value

>> No.17711839

>It was a negative for women too.
Your post proves the opposite of that.
>Fertility rates are dying
Women view that as a good thing. They are inherently vile creatures and matternity was their choice only because there were no other available options. The moment the lifestyle of a housewife had to compete with a hedonistic lifestyle made possible by invention of the pill and legalization of abortion most women didn't hesitate. Maternal instinct is a christcuck cope invented by religious leaders to delude gullible men.
>demographics are becoming fucked
Women don't seem to be troubled by that.
>most relationships end in failure
Women are not monogamous, relationships were never their first choice.

>> No.17711846

Unfathomly based

>> No.17711853

Fucking based. Can't wait until this shitty species finally dies.

>> No.17711855

It's not an issue of nature though, we used to have marriage and sex was taken seriously. The reason women don't bother with less attractive men is because they no longer have to, they won't recieve any social kickback for joining the harem of an 8/10+ man. That is indeed nature, but usually in societies we don't just let our natural drives run amok if we want the society to actually last.

>> No.17711862
File: 106 KB, 573x429, apu and teddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at a social gathering the other day. Because I was late, I had the displeasure of being seated at the female end of the table. My God, are women dull, dull, dull. I would gaze longingly at the male end of table, wishing I were there. A couple times I got out of my seat and walked there. The conversations were equally banal, yet it's remarkable how something as innocuous as "what's your name, what do you do for a living, how was life during lockdown" can switch from being a lively conversation to being an excruciating exchange. It's not even that the words are different. Between men, there's such a spark in the eyes. Such a desire to learn, to expand, to meet new people and be exposed to new ideas. Among women, there is none of- t. It's obvious to me that the women of my generation never developed any social skills whatsoever due to the halo effect. I managed to crack a witty comment or two and get all the girls at my end of the table to laugh. The same can't be said vis-a-vis.

Imagine. Half the human race is lifeless.

>> No.17711863


>> No.17711871

I´ve had countless similar experiences but honestly its better this way because when you find an interesting girl she´s usually unmatched

>> No.17711876

The problem is that society is a lie, you can't expect women not to question society forever. This, again, was only natural and bound to happen.

>> No.17711891

It's obviously not real, women aren't having more sex than men.

>> No.17711892

how is it a lie? if we accept that our society is fucking dying because of sexual liberation then it wasn't good. appealing to nature is meaningless, rape and murder are natural to us also.

>> No.17711905

How exactly do you plan to make women believe they're inferior to men again and that they shouldn't fuck whoever they want just because some men decided she can't? Please, enlighten me.

>> No.17711910

he is cute

>> No.17711911

Women have far more sex than men do.

>> No.17711918

They are though, much more, but altogether young men and women have such little sex and have so few functional relationships these days that it doesn’t matter and still pales in comparison to every generation of women prior

>> No.17711919

Couldn't we just start aborting say 50% of all male fetuses? Or just the ones looking a little too incel-y

>> No.17711922

Why do all Zoomers have metrosexual haircuts. Get a buzz you faggot.

>> No.17711924

Not even an incel but want to see their uprising desu, either it will be hilariously embarrassing or some savage shit. Wil be kino of the ages. I also kind of sympathize with them and women should be knocked down a peg

>> No.17711927

What do you mean, it's a reality - men are physically stronger than women. Just subjugate them, it's not that difficult. All it takes is other men getting out of the way.

>> No.17711930


>> No.17711938

Feminism is a product of our material conditions. If you want women to go back to a more maternal and domestic role in society you would literally need to change the way the world is structured or eliminate technology. Your only realistic option is to get rid of the necessity of women working by giving everyone affordable wages and good living conditions, either that or Islam, maybe a combination of both.

>> No.17711939

Okay post the evidence.