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/lit/ - Literature

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17720179 No.17720179 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your hecking mind

>> No.17720181


>> No.17720184
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I read 5 books from Nietzsche just because /lit/ always discusses him but I still think he's a mediocre philosopher

>> No.17720187

cool pic

>> No.17720190

ok reddit

>> No.17720224
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sometimes i say dumb things so anons can correct me and feel better about themselves if they're feeling down

>> No.17720332
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There more I think about it, the more likely it seems that I have mental illness(es). Not trying to sound edgy here.
I had a happy childhood but I stopped having friends when I entered high school.
Things really started to go downhill when my parents divorced and I stayed with my mom.
That year was the worst in my life, I had depression, my grades were failing, no friends at school. I seriously considered committing suicide.
I'm also saying this because my mom told me repeatedly that there's a history of mental illness on my father's side. My grandpa was a manic-depressive that got locked up into an asylum and my dad is a high-functioning sociopath that doesn't give a shit about me.
I've never tortured animals except bringing matches to the attic and burning and impaling moths with them, but that was after becoming an adult.
Whenever I stub my toe or hit myself with a piece of furniture I get angry and start punching it, then kicking/kneeing it when my knuckles start to hurt.
I have an intense sense of justice and get murderously angry when I read about what the elites are doing.
I often fantasize about torturing and murdering the people who wronged me in revenge. Gouging out eyes, slitting throats, giving people Glasgow smiles and bashing skulls against the floor/wall repeatedly.
I have an intense dislike for criminals but greatly admire terrorists. The former kill innocent people for the shits and giggles while the latter use violence because other means like democratic voting and diplomacy don't work.
I'm attracted to extremist ideologies like Fascism and Communism and also often fantasize about leading a revolution against the international Jew banker neoliberal elite.
Hitler and Stalin were in the right in killing so many people, there are many evil people in the world and to achieve utopia you have to kill them.
Liberals really do believe that CEOs, bankers, human traffickers, drug kingpins and other scum are just going to drop what they are doing and sing Kumbaya if you just ask them nicely to.
Dogs get executed, trials are for men. That's why I'm attracted to characters like Rorschach from Watchmen.
If I ever was to do a mass shooting I would target a police station, a company's office or aa government building. Might as well go after the bastards that make society shit than kill innocent people.
Now couple this with how society treats young men like me like garbage, being raised by a single mom and I'm actually scared that I'm going to become a statistic and get sent to prison and ruin my life. I've never told any of my therapists about this because I don't want to get thrown into an asylum either.
Visiting this website has also been pretty bad for me. I got redpilled on /pol/ around 2015/2016, I don't visit it anymore but when I learn all about the pieces of shit at the top making society the cesspool it is I get violently angry.
I don't know if its the environment or if I am or if I'm genetically predisposed to mental illness.

>> No.17720353

it's getting really hard not to feel bitter towards my friend

>> No.17720358

that's adorable anon

>> No.17720364

JANNY remains dead
anon Has killed him
DONT blame me

>> No.17720370

kill yourself, not even joking

>> No.17720392
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I saw it coming. The hollowness and desolation. I knew I fucked up and couldnt change a thing.

There were so many signs, one after another. I think Sil was the main one. It wasnt meant to be, I can accept that. But now I'm stuck here all alone. Maybe it was for a reason.

Now my only refuge is silence. Where I can detachfrom this sensory stream amd get a glimmer of an idea of whst to do next. I just want to be strong and powerful. I'm tired of wanting anything else.

Every love I couldve had was taken from me, and God knows I wont hope for anything here just to go through that again. The only thing that matters is understanding, going beyond the basic polarity of pleasure-pain, when it all is experience to be grasped and understood.

Past that...I guess I could write more, but I had my thoughts on that too. It's not hard. It's easy. I just hate the demands placed on a writer. I only want to write a work beyond time, not merely conforming to the times.

Maybe I know how to do that already. Guess I'll see.

>> No.17720395
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Proud of my boy

>> No.17720407
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>I'm attracted to extremist ideologies like Fascism and Communism and also often fantasize about leading a revolution against the international Jew banker neoliberal elite.

>> No.17720418


>> No.17720430

the main reason for why Nietzsche is popular is because he criticised germans, Christianity, and antisemites. Kierkegaard is the superior 19th century romantic.

>> No.17720439

Fucking hell, I just had my heart broken by an article on a kitten that woke up in the night (as seen on night vision camera) and got all sad when he realized all his brothers and sisters were adopted and he was now alone in there.

>> No.17720446

Why do jannies hate feet so much?

>> No.17720451

that's just an old men falling in love with a child.

>> No.17720461

post it

>> No.17720489


>> No.17720519
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lmao. saved

>> No.17720533
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Give it to me straight /lit/.
Do I have the right to resent my father for being an alcoholic fuck-up and ruining much of my childhood?

>> No.17720541

Good, now entertain the thought that despite this sad moment that kitten will still have a better life than you.

>> No.17720545

That's slave morality bro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ressentiment

>> No.17720561
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>muh kitterino

>> No.17720563

I hear you but he's not superior to me so there's no sense of envy. He's essentially a 60-year old man child living off the state. Still, I will think about what you said.

>> No.17720579

I guess it really does depend on what you consider philosophy. He would agree with that sentiment probably and that’s ironically what makes him an important philosopher in a way.

>> No.17720674

Anyone have that one picture comparing actual scientists commenting on God and then those modern popsci fags throwing the whole concept out the window?

>> No.17720721

I turned 25 last month. Since then I haven't been able to shake this feeling of dread, like I wasted my youth and now I'm approaching the bleak desert of boomerdom.

I'm afraid that I'll march forward, just reinforcing the underdeveloped outlooks and ideas of my early 20s, maybe even regressing to something simpler and more comforting, the way I watched my parents do when they phased into middle age. Maybe I'm being a dramatic faggot, but I've watched all of the adults in my life follow such a similar pattern than I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to avoid it.

I wish I pushed my brain to work harder over the past decade, but I didn't. I didn't read much philosophy, I didn't study math, I didn't practice any artistic skills.
If I was just a retarded normie from the get go I think I would be fine with my mediocrity, but instead it feels like it's my own fault that makes it unbearable.

>> No.17720726

My cat (I adopted and fed it myself when 13-14 y/o) is not big, but it gave birth to 6 small cats in one, on the roof. One time I found in their place only 5 small cats and a half-eaten corpse. Two days after I knew that corpse was of a mouse because I found the 6th cats lying cold in a pile of boxs and rubbish. That was a cold winter. Another small cat fell to the ground, probaly dead sometime after I put him back on the roof. Only two small cats survived and both of them looks weak. They got adopted.
Cats that stayed in our house (same as many in other homes) all went missing at some point, probaly got caught outside and ended up as food or something, mine no exception. At least it survived geting hit directly by a car, and eating poisoned dead rat (it did get sick hard though). It did not had a beautiful life. I'm not christian, but if I can come to a church, there is one thing I would want to confess.

>> No.17720729

>I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to avoid it.
keep reading and thinking and discussing
>. I didn't read much philosophy, I didn't study math, I didn't practice any artistic skills.
then start it now

>> No.17720938

they have bpd. so, sometimes they'll get fucking mad for no reason, and then not tell me why. We've been friends for a long time, and I love them, but now they're not responding to my texts or picking up the phone and I don't know if they're hurt or if they're just mad at me. It's getting harder and harder not to get bitter about how hard it is to keep up with their moods, or how I get punished for things I don't know that I did.

>> No.17720952

but their sex is important here anon

>> No.17720980

she. I wanted to avoid a bunch of smug incel replies.

>> No.17721122

wait, till 30 drops.

>> No.17721464
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I saw a webm on /pol/ of some guy killing himself by jumping from a building and he killed a baby in a stroller. The mother was so distraught she had to be sedated.
I dont feel like there is a God in such a callous world.

>> No.17721466

The truth of the world, the absolute truth, is the overall synthesis of self consciousness in relation to other consciousness. To produce the objective world consciousness must first produce subjective experiences. The objective is reflective of the subjective experience of consciousness. Through consciousness knowing and becoming aware of itself, gradually expanding, and becoming aware of other consciousness, we drive the discovery of truth. The perspective of the self in relation to other consciousnesses is dialectical. Both the self and its relations are dynamic. Subjective realities and their relationships with other reality are established in this way and are the existence of mind. Subjectivity is self consciousness of the self's relationships to the world and phenomena. It can be both not separate from the other and that which interacts with itself. Subjective experiences of the past and future are mediated through abstraction and understanding. Each experience is attached to a unitary idea or idea-concept which constitutes what is perceived as objective reality.

>> No.17721495
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Not space, not time, just night and night
Just night, from night concealed
... a pregnant whirring.

>> No.17721512 [DELETED] 

did you see that video in the nypost today of some lady crossing an empty street looking at her phone and a backhoe backs up and nails her right in the head and then drives over her body? i was like i don't even think liveleak allows stuff like that anymore.

>> No.17721518
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>I'm turning 31 in November

>> No.17721534

passing 40 is better because then you can start the countdown to retirement.

>> No.17721554
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>> No.17721639

I've been watching Netflix's Daredevil lately. It's not mind blowing, but the acting is so unbelievably good. I've never seen any of those actors anywhere else, despite how good they are. What do people like about big hollywood actors?

>> No.17721694
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>I have never worked a day in my life
I mean, at least I'm "officially" unable to work, due to being mentally retarded

>> No.17721726

Casting directors sometimes don't want to go through the effort of auditioning a bunch of actors. It's less of a financial gamble to hire an established actor who might even be a selling point for your film.
That's why you get shitty child actors only hired by how cute they are.
Mikael Haneke is an Austrian director who spends ages casting so that none of his actors are weak, including the kids.

>> No.17721728

Dude, I've seen fucking amazing acting in youtube sketch videos.
Success is 90% luck. Hollywod actors got a lucky break, that's all.

>> No.17721773

8/10 of us will never retire

>> No.17721782

I have severe artistic impostor syndrome

>> No.17721793

start maxing that roth now brah, you can do it!

>> No.17721841
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I plan to become a mendicant pilgrim when I turn 60 bro.

>> No.17721913

I dreaded turning 30 for the latter half of my twenties for some stupid reason. Now that I am 30, I can tell that I'm not as spritely and springy as I once was, but there's a benefit to having a more stable and regulated mind. The range of my possibilities has narrowed, it's true. But I still fuck 21 yos and most of the stuff I liked doing when I was younger I'll still be able to do until infirmity comes into play 40-50 years from now. With any luck I'll be dead by then or the world will have ended.

>> No.17721982

Change is achieved not through violence, which is the effort of an individual alone, but through power of the unified mass, the collective effort of all persons.

>> No.17722001
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>> No.17722014

Based. Keep riding the tiger.

>> No.17722039

Writing prose or reading it with a dissecting mind reminds me of a style of painting that I have never seen before. Time flows in an equal pace and carries with it scenes and even single things which are in fluent steps drawn from greatest detail to a quick thrown sketch, such that for example cats are seen on piles of trash but only for a single line like calligraphic "cats on trash", while other times a scene may grow into a painting of its own and stand alone in several paragraphs and unrelated beauty. Really awesome stuff. Like: Damn son, that's so cool writing!

>> No.17722053

Hey anons, how’s this style of poetry? Ought i continue writing in it?

the purple song of twilight fills the sky,
willow emeralds have become rust.
Torpor’s taste rests in my mouth,
tears of sky cover orchids.
a pale hand grasps my own
but I am not yet ready.
my heart’s flame turns to ash
perfumed with rue.

sapphire shadows pass through the sky,
in darkness I rest singing songs of sadness.
remember the cold moon
 as she stares, forgetting her own form.
nothing is behind the eye,
Lost, so long have I not known the way
And I am too ashamed to ask.

>> No.17722088

I like it. Except the ending. It's, uhm, too direct? I don't know. The stuff before is kind of trippy and vague. I guess the ending is also vague, but angry? Like, speaking down to someone. I don't like that. You should probably write many different poems.

>> No.17722107

The whole poem is meant to convey laziness, missed chances, loss and self disappointment, I guess the last two lines are too much like conversation which muddies the heavy imagery.

But thanks anon I’ll try to write more in this style.

>> No.17722198

im tired of this genderism.

>> No.17722219
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Contracted a pretty bad inflammatory problem that makes me look physically ill. Thought I could fight it with doctors and medicine, eating a very very strict low inflammation diet, but now it's been years without improvement and I've pretty much lost all the people I used to socialize with. I rarely even talk with my family as I don't like people seeing me sick. Feels like this loneliness/depression is destroying the person I used to be, but I refuse to give in. Thinking of this as a "test" - a test of will power and endurance like in The Odyssey. Will work to cure this problem and channeling the pain to positive endeavors like my online business and music. It's crazy to think that things are going so well in one direction (financial net worth and creativity) and so poorly in another (mental health, social life). No idea how long I can keep this up. I just remind myself "where focus goes, energy flows" everyday.

>> No.17722268

how do you deal with inevitable death?

>> No.17722318

Embrace it. Hagakure, Mishima.

>> No.17722364

Something's happening. I skip more and more love scenes whenever it would be literature, movies or songs. I just cant relate with it at all. Not in a way that i had but now i dont but i never had in the first place. I wish i'd have some sort of balancing mindset like being very religious but there's nothing. Its eating me away with each day.

>> No.17722544
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I feel so fucking terrible. I'm not looking for advice, I just need to write this shit down and blurt it out somewhere.
I've been doing long distance schooling since last march, with a single one month period where I had in person classes but I've basically been home since then.
I was a perfectly mentally healthy person before this whole ordeal. Recently I've started having anxiety attacks and I've developed a crippling masturbation addiction to numb the pain. I feel nothing but I do it once or twice a day anyway.
My academic performance hasn't been hurt, but my attitude has. I used to be excited to be challenged by new material, but now I loathe every assignment I have to do and delay it until the last possible moment to avoid the suffering. This attitude has bled over into my other activities as well. I used to be on the prowl for new video games to play and new activities to explore, but now I've devolved into just playing games I'm already very comfortable with over and over again, even something like modding a game I already know, say Minecraft, makes it feel different and by extension hostile. The only area of my life where I'm still open to new things is literature and I've found myself reading way more than I usually do.
I've no history with alcohol but I've been feeling very powerful compulsions to drink. I haven't given in yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I'm very afraid, I've seen what surrendering to the drink does to people.
Sometimes I curl up under my desk and do nothing in particular, I just sit there for a bit and think. I feel like it's safer there, but I'm not sure what it's safer from.
Despite making new friends and keeping old connections with long distance solutions I still feel completely hollow and alone in the world.
Sometimes I really want to scream, about nothing in particular, just in general. I don't because I don't want to worry the people living near me.
This is what's on my mind.

>> No.17722549

How do you talk to your family and friends about normal and happy things right now. It’s like whenever I see them the only talking points are the insanity of lockdowns, failing energy grids, and so on. They don’t share my interests in literature so wtf are we supposed to talk about?

>> No.17722557

I don’t plan on living to 60 and I’m subscribed to the Smith and Wesson retirement plan

>> No.17722628
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Just pay those SS taxes until you decide to "retire", ok anon?

>> No.17722630
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It's been years since I've actually went through a piece of media completely blind. Every book I've watched, movie I've seen, videogame I've played, etc. in the past few years has always been spoiled to some extent, sometimes to a small scale while other times in almost its entirety.

I think I just unconsciously seek out spoilers of things I'm interested in.

>> No.17722640

Read Way of the Pilgrim?

>> No.17722663

Looking forward to going to be, my tummy is a little too full though, and I still need to brush my teeht. Might need to poop. I'll wait a little longer to see if I do need to poop. I wouldn't want to go all the way downstairs to use the bathroom, only to find that once I got back upstairs, I needed to go down again to poo. I might try a different soap today as my anus has been a little itchy since I started using this new soap to bidet.

>> No.17722740
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I didn't need to poo. So I'm getting into bed. Goodnight /lit/, I like to read a lot, but I'm not as smart as you guys but I enjoy coming here read all the clever things you all have to say.

>> No.17722800

Yes I have. I was also inspired by this guy:
Assuming I have no familial responsibilities I will trust in God to survive for as long as I can.

>> No.17722847
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In its broadest (and most conceptually rigorous) formulation, 'objectification' refers to the process by which the full spectrum of a person's humanity is collapsed into a specific mode or category, such that their personhood can be more easily operationalized within some broader, exterior pursuit. A feminist interpretation of objectification refers specifically to the societal-scale reduction of women's subjectivity into immanent bodies, subordinated by (and contingent upon) male desire. In popular discourse, this paradigm of objectification grasps feminine sexuality as essentially modal in character: a register than can be activated or deactivated (sexualized and desexualized) at the will of a motivated observer. Under this paradigm, the female body is conceived as a smooth surface, a blank slate upon which male desire is projected. Aside from reaffirming archetypal notions of essentialized female passivity, this discourse has the unfortunate side effect of rendering abject substantial regions of the female body; politically problematized no-man's lands, constantly threatening to betray the integrity of a woman's self hood to the gaze of the male exploiter. This internal contradiction serves as a motor for escalating biopolitical panic: see the frentic disavowal, dissimimulation, mitigation, and masking of formerly public female sex characteristics. The removal of breasts, the removal of hips, the erasure of buttocks: a seemingly familiar campaign of censorship, enacted not out of puritanical shame or evangelical bias, but conducted under the auspices of their ostensible ideological opposites: feminists seeking their own empowerment! The cruel reality is that though sexualization (and thus objectification) may be projected from without, it also emerges from within: a woman's post-pubescent body having evolved to signal health, to capture the attention of prospective mates. Far from being a blank slate, the female body's sexualization is (at least partially) intrinsic; to the (usually repressed) horror of feminists, nature itself is complicit in the act of objectification. And to the detriment of all, men and women alike, a conflict between a political project of erasure and dissimulation, and nature itself, can only result in the progressive scarification of the female body.

>> No.17722894

Just making my weekly post about how much I hate smartphones. I look at groups of people and they aren't even talking to each other, they're just staring at their phones. Occasionally they show someone else a meme or tiktok on their phone and then go back to browsing. How don't people see how FUCKED this is? I literally can't have a normal social interaction where people look at each other and just chat. It really baffles me that people seem totally fine with this, the only people I see complaining are ancient boomers on Facebook.

>> No.17722920

Well I can read books outside without having to lug a physical copy around thanks to them

>> No.17722931

Learn by Heart This Poem of Mine

Learn by heart this poem of mine;
books only last a little time
and this one will be borrowed, scarred,
burned by Hungarian border guards,
lost by the library, broken-backed,
its paper dried up, crisped and cracked,
worm-eaten, crumbling into dust,
or slowly brown and self-combust
when climbing Fahrenheit has got
to 451, for that's how hot
your town will be when it burns down.
Learn by heart this poem of mine.

Learn by heart this poem of mine.
Soon books will vanish and you'll find
there won't be any poets or verse
or gas for car or bus - or hearse -
no beer to cheer you till you're crocked,
the liquor stores torn down or locked,
cash only fit to throw away,
as you come closer to that day
when TV steadily transmits
death-rays instead of movie hits
and not a soul to lend a hand
and everything is at an end
but what you hold within your mind,
so find a space there for these lines
and learn by heart this poem of mine.

Learn by heart this poem of mine;
recite it when the putrid tides
that stink of lye break from their beds,
when industry's rank vomit spreads
and covers every patch of ground,
when they've killed every lake and pond,
Destruction humped upon its crutch,
black rotting leaves on every branch;
when gargling plague chokes Springtime's throat
and twilight's breeze is poison, put
your rubber gasmask on and line
by line declaim this poem of mine.

Learn by heart this poem of mine
I can stay with you so. You might
this millennium perhaps survive,
some short years will be fine in view,
for bacilli with their raging
revenge attack still won’t come through,
and greedy divisions of hoped
technology will set power more
in motion than the entire globe -
from your memory do recall
and hum with me just one more time
these lines: for what has become of
all that beauty and love sublime?
Learn by heart this poem of mine.

Learn by heart this poem of mine
so, dead, I still will share the time
when you cannot endure a house
deprived of water, light, or gas,
and, stumbling out to find a cave,
roots, berries, nuts to stay alive,
get you a cudgel, find a well,
a bit of land, and, if it's held,
kill the owner, eat the corpse.
I'll trudge beside your faltering steps
between the ruins' broken stones,
whispering "You are dead; you're done!
Where would you go? That soul you own
froze solid when you left your town."
Learn by heart this poem of mine.

Maybe above you, on the earth,
there's nothing left and you, beneath,
deep in your bunker, ask how soon
before the poisoned air leaks down
through layers of lead and concrete. Can
there have been any point to Man
if this is how the thing must end?
What words of comfort can I send?
Shall I admit you've filled my mind
for countless years, through the blind
oppressive dark, the bitter light,
and, though long dead and gone, my hurt
and ancient eyes observe you still?
What else is there for me to tell
to you, who, facing time's design,
will find no use for life or time?

>> No.17722937

the best part of a book after it's contents is the book itself, you are missing out on half of the fun.

>> No.17723047
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>Be me, God
>Create profound and beautiful world
>Gift my children with life
>Gift them with free will
>Some fuckup retard jumps off a building
>Kills a baby
>Everyone thinks im not real or evil

Thanks nigger.

>> No.17723065


Buy a book called "how to eat mvoe and be healthy" by paul chek and FOLLOW IT

I can almost garuantee it will fix your problem. I have a honours degree in biomedical science and have been studying health for a year now, so do yourself a favour and listen to me.

>> No.17723077

I finally made it bros. Everything's falling into place. The future looks bright for once. Very bright.
Been lurking these threads for over a year and I want to say I appreciate all of you anons. Some of the best posts I've ever read have come from here. I thought it was over for me for the last two years. No hope at all. I was wrong. If I can do it, so can you. It's never too late.

>> No.17723157

Watched 1st episode of twin peaks for the first time. 90's seem way too comfy and music is superb, it really adds the emotional atmosphere.

>> No.17723336

The fact that you are aware of it strongly suggests it is not mental illness, mentally ill tend to lack the ability for self reflection. Honestly, you sound angry, depressed and isolated from anything/anyone of worth/importance to you. Most of all you sound like you lack confidence and have receded into a your fantasy world where you are big shit, where there is no risk for failure, which is what you really fear. So you fixate on doing things which will likely have no risk of having to face failure since they would almost certainly result in your death regardless of outcome.

You have a choice, grow up and move on or die in a pathetic and meaningless act of martyrdom, it will be pathetic and meaningless regardless of how much you build it up in your head with your edgy ideology.

>> No.17723363

Just turned 40, retiring this year. Buying a boat and living cheap on my savings until I die.

>> No.17723484

The greatest trick the system ever pulled was making guys like you think that randomly killing a bunch of people in a lone act of defiance and then dying or rotting in prison is "fighting back." The system wins against decent people because decent people are either blind and docile, or they go nuts and snap and only hurt themselves and a few others.

What's really needed is people who can keep their hate for evil alive over a lifetime, use it to raise a generation of healthier minds who can themselves raise generations of healthy minds. None of these people will be terrorists, they will be people willing to tell the system to fuck off. No that isn't easy or satisfying but that is why the system loves it, because they know nobody in your current state will be satisfied by such a long strategy, they want to go become a terrorist.

The system doesn't want people like you raising a good family and teaching them to be self-sufficient. It wants that minority to stay a minority, slowly dying through suicide or stupid bullshit, while the docile people slowly die to fentanyl overdoses and poverty. Instead, play the long game against the system. It can be done out of pure spite. If life isn't worth living, live entirely out of spite for the evil cocksuckers who make life hell for good people. Pass on knowledge and will to resist, not a futile act of resistance that will be spun by corrupt CNN journalist pieces of shit to hurt your case no matter what cause you even thought you were supporting.

The system isn't scared of one violent guy any more than it is scared of Islamic terrorists torture-killing a hundred Parisians every few years. It loves when they do that. 100 Parisians down, who cares because none of them were rich elites, and in exchange, now Parisians are more distracted, more confused, more at each other's throats instead of at the system's.

>> No.17723619

Went ahead and got the book, thanks for suggesting it. That said my diet is literally just chicken, oats, vegetables, fruits, fish oil and olive oil. I workout and sleep at the same times every day too. Hopefully I'm fucking something up so I can fix it.

>> No.17723642

Is using drugs to produce spirituality really such a good thing? Wouldn't spirituality itself then become simply a matter of manufacturing, since it's generally guaranteed? And then what is spiritual in that?

>> No.17723649
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Extremely based.

>> No.17723788
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I also fantasize about hurting people.

One peculiar fantasy I keep having recently is one where I'm in a therapy session with a psychologist, what happens is that I'm having a conversation with my him, and he starts prodding my insecurities, this causes me to get progressively angrier until I lash out and start beating him up until a bunch of guys barge into the room and take me away from him.

I wonder what reaction would an actual psychologist have if I told him I fantasize about beating up people like him, maybe he'd think it was funny.

>> No.17723813

>I wonder what reaction would an actual psychologist have if I told him I fantasize about beating up people like him
Fairly common. Tell him, see what happens, that is what you are there for after all.

>> No.17723848

might not wanna tell em, or else the cops get involved and youll be taking the serotonin reuptake jew for the rest of your life.

>> No.17723881

Not a smartphone user, but this part of the trend has unironically made it much easier to spot people with bad habits. This has a double pay off because it consequently makes it easier to spot those who judge poor life choices, and how severely and publicly they're willing to do it.

>> No.17723905

Anger towards and fantasies about violence towards psychologists/psychiatrists/therapists is common, the textbooks all have whole sections devoted to it and how to deal with it. Part of their job is to tell people what they do not want to hear, this is going to irk some people and often times the lack of anger/desire of violence would be a bigger red flag than the anger or desire itself.

>> No.17723960

Regardless of gender, it's still important to take care of your mental and emotional well-being too especially with dealing with high-octane people. You're not her therapist or a caretaker, you're a friend--feel free to take a step back.

>> No.17723966

That's a pretty standard fantasy. I'll save you the cost of the session
>Be u
>Be insecure faggot
>Reassure urself ur no fag
>I cant b fag i stronk! I fite! I moar dominant than faggyman who can see my insecure faggyman tiny peepee flaws
>Instead of fix flaws I just get in fite an me so stronk it take five mens to stop me NO TWENTY MENS
>then faggy /sci/kaiatree man realise I no faggy small man hurt by truth(reality), he faggy small man hurt by truth (mi fists!)(fantasy)
>mebbe then the twenny big stronks men's who had to pull me off him will pull me off so they can all see I am not super gay but just super!
When you get into minor arguments with people and go nuclear on them and they make that face like "where did that come from?" they are also simultaneously realising what an insecure faggot you are. Not being able to take criticism constructively is going to condemn you to fantasies which stunt you. You're literally describing attacking someone whose supposed role is to make you grow past your insecurities. It's toddler tier.

>> No.17724000

Do you think it’s true that you do irreparable damage to loved ones when you die young, by your own hand?

>> No.17724015

At 25, you are still young. On one hand, don’t he tricked into thinking you ever had to do anything in particular with your time here so far. On the other hand, don’t let anymore time go to waste.

>> No.17724030

My former college roommate hit me up a week ago out of nowhere. I hadn't spoken to him since September, which was the last time I visited him at my old university (I dropped out before last semester began). Well, as it turns out, he and I have had a remarkably similar life in the intervening period. I mean addiction issues, bizarre synchronicities, fears of insanity, strange dreams, etc. a whole host of mind-fucks. The fact that our paths have been so similar isn't exactly world-shattering (we're both the same age, male, went to the same college, had similar interests) so from a purely statistical standpoint it is more than probable. But the other way to look at this whole thing is by taking our shared experiences at face value: the fact that he is the only person I could've explained my situation to, coupled with the fact that he is also the only person to have experienced the same exact shit, has to mean something. And this something, as it turns out, happens to be both of our tickets out of this horseshit. So I told him how my plans involved joining the military. I'm not patriotic or anything like that, its just I considered it'd put some money in my pocket and help pay for my degree if/when I decided to finish it. His plans, however, involved moving to Hawaii. When he told that to me it was like I received a second sight. So many of my desires, so many recurring thoughts and dreams I've had, not just since we last spoke, but really for the better part of my young adult life, were combined into this single vision of moving out there with him. To be fair, he comes from a much more secure economic background (as we speak I have a negative bank account balance and owe money to three people), so on the surface my moving to Hawaii with him is a puff of smoke at best. Of course, I'm getting a considerable amount of cash from income taxes and have every intention of saving up to pay for, at the very least, my portion of a deposit on an apartment, first month's rent, and all the bills and amenities. I have it worked out, but of course all of that can go to shit on a whim and there I'd be stranded in a state on the other side of the fucking country.

>> No.17724037

No, but usually yes. Very few places have a social attitude which allows you to off yourself for any reason, and most of the places that do have very limited reasons. There are some places that assume suicide is a personal choice which loved ones should support. However, moving to the last case, this isn't a guarantee any given loved one will take the common social attitude to heart. On the flip side, there are clusters within places which view suicide as a total taboo who will support a loved one's personal choice above the prevailing social attitude too.
>tl;dr maybe

>> No.17724040

I can't stand it anymore. No amount of theories or beliefs can stand up to raw experience. I don't even care what is true or who is to blame, I simply know this, I will never, never, ever live around minorities again as long as I fucking live. I finally understand prejudice in a way I never could as a small town person with limited experience of people different from me. Prejudice isn't like they teach you in schools, it's not a conscious thing about considering yourself superior or wanting to dominate others. It's at the level of instinct and gut feeling. I can't stand these sloppy, stupid, rude, criminal pieces of shit and I never want to see them again. It's like a stink that permeates everything and drags everything down to its level. I never want to see these sloppy destructive chaotic parasite leech people again.

>> No.17724072

Now, the absolute kicker in all of this is that, upon telling my parents of my plan, they were so against it that they threatened to kick me out of the house if I committed myself to it. I understand their reasoning: they believe they would be willingly setting me up to fail if they provided me with housing and transportation (I am dependent on them for rides) while I pursue a very stupid immature dream. I can't quite work out if they are more afraid of looking stupid themselves or if they genuinely care about my own well-being. I don't want to be cynical about their expressed feelings, and am trying to see things from their point of view. But, and here is where I'm sure many will start to see me as some overly romantic faggot, this sudden image of moving there is not just a vague fantasy, but the logical conclusion of a variety of events in my life represented in a single, overarching motif. I had a dream last night that I was flying (my grandfather called it the shaman's dream) over an archipelago. The sun was shining fierce orange and made the tops of the waves sparkle like a field of stars. Another dream, a week earlier, featured me diving in some tropical zone near a coral reef. As I reached the seabed I saw a sunken treasure chest, out of which sprang an octopus covered in barnacles. At first I was terrified of him, but eventually the fear subsided and I grew fond of him.

>> No.17724082

Do you think it’s reparable? Do you think it’s something people can move on from?

>> No.17724103

Some places it wouldn't even cause a rift to be repaired. Some places would treat it as an incurable wound. There's a whole spectrum in between, and it really depends on how your loved ones view death, grief, suicide, and other subjective interpretations of the world. Some places approve of repairing grief, and some are scandalised by the thought of ever stopping grieving.

>> No.17724182

>dude just pass the problem to your children
>while the state gets a tighter and tighter grip over people and makes change more and more impossible
Some good people having children and putting in enormous effort into raising them well against the current of society won't do anything besides creating more suffering piggies. You won't counter the state's ubiquitous social engineering and surveillance, which will only keep getting better as technology progresses. In several generations, things will be much more fucked than they are now. This is nothing but a cope to avoid taking responsibility and staging a coup before it becomes actually impossible, instead of very unlikely.

>> No.17724220

Cut down bread get more sun if you can king prob what other anon said too

>> No.17724238

Why do you think a place matters so much? You seem to think there’s a socially conditioned aspect which is dependent on the place here and I don’t understand that.

>> No.17724322
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new tobacco dropped

>> No.17724363

i tried a chemical exfoliator and now i am moulting all over the house. it is kind of fun. i feel like a reptile.

>> No.17724400

/lit/ is unusually retarded today. Check the first few pages of the catalog. I wish we had some soft, naturally occurring mechanism for purging weak faggots and tourists from our ranks. Even a minimal barrier of entry would eliminate 90% of the fucking retarded zoomer faggots with their tweaked out perpetually distracted white noise minds.

>> No.17724419

based let’s mandate a captcha that requires anons to solve a long-division problem before posting

>> No.17724426

no government has ever collapsed except by external threat or a internal collapse, people don't start revolutions unless they are starving and desperate

>> No.17724469

I want to become a writer, but I am so hyper aware of my lack of skill, that the prospect of me throwing myself into a project feels futile. I just want to create something that would make someone feel something. I think I have good ideas, but the connective tissue that would connect those ideas and concepts to form a cohesive story is missing. I know I need to be patient and focus on improvement, but seeing so many people who are younger and better than me is frustrating, it makes me feel like I should invest my time into something more useful, like business or something. I would feel soulless if I did that though.

>> No.17724487

most aspiring writers are terrible

>> No.17724488

>ultra-cliche "business is soulless" take on entrepreneurship
>thinks they will produce any literature of value

>> No.17724535

Hawaii is a very expensive place to live, I know someone who grew up there and they said it was rough. Nevertheless I feel that if you don’t follow your dreams now, you will spend the rest of your life imagining of what could have been.

>> No.17724568

I think all literature is valuable in a sense. One day I just want to create something that would inspire someone. Also, I was not talking about entrepreneurship, that is almost as unrealistic as trying to become a writer. I was talking about getting a degree in business and ending up at some shitty advertising agency for the rest of my life.

>> No.17724580

It's stupidly expensive. Even if I plan to radically change my diet and lifestyle to accommodate this surge in prices, I still think i'll be a broke bastard. I mean I feel that I can avoid the romanticizing of poverty bc if I'm being honest I've lived just above the poverty line my whole life. I don't want the money issue to be the only thing stopping me from doing this. I may end up hating the damn place, but I know for sure that there will be some opportunity, some jumping off point there as opposed to where I'm at now.

>> No.17724588

>heh i am the expert at spotting cliches ;) you don't want to be CLICHED do you?

>> No.17724591

Well that post was written out competently so carry on.
It'll take you like 6 months or a year to level up in a substantial way that you can notice yourself, just like other disciplines.

>> No.17724599

you sound a little triggered, pal

>> No.17724601

It is expensive but you start at like $20 and hour working part time in fast food. The pay is good there, especially if you get in on the tourism $$.

>> No.17724624
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>time for my monthly visit to 4chan. with my sword, CALL THEM THE SAME NAME THEY CALLED SJW SNOWFLAKES IN 2013, and my buckler, TYPE IN LOWERCASE SO I'M CLEARLY A WOMAN/TRANNY/TOURIST, i'll easily pwn a few n00bs ;) their precious ben shapiro cant save them now.....this will be a caturday the 4Chan/pol tards will never forget...

>> No.17724625

If I have learned anything in my life, it is that indecision will be your biggest regret, if this is truly something you want, then you should pursue it. Just make sure you have a plan.

>> No.17724651

this probably won't end well, but the experience will be worth whatever minor damage it does your finances. when i was like 18, a friend and i bought one way bus tickets to sf from new england and left the same day with nothing on but our clothes and a walkman with one pair of batteries, and later i realized the shirt i was wearing had a rip in it, so i was already ragged before i even got there. after bumming around the tenderloin, haight-ashbury, and the beach at santa cruz, i finally had to call my parents to send me a ticket home. i don't think i even had id, thank god this was before sept. 11th or someone would have had to drive me back, lol. anyways 20 years later still one of the dopest memories of my life, so yes, going to hawaii with nothing but your tax return is a terrible idea, but also a great idea. doo it, doo it.

>> No.17724677

Because there is a massive social aspect to suicide. How suicide is socially perceived by a country, society, language, are all predictive factors of that population's suicide risk. It not only influences if you kill yourself but also how. It influences whether your family think it's a good idea, especially since a doctor will be handling it, or whether they think it's a bad idea, especially as you're bad at it and keep costing them in hospital bills. It affects whether your family will perceive you as choosing a new existence, or whether they're going to assume you're now unclean or unmentionable, or whether they think life can be wasted. There is a great social aspect to death and grief in general. You wouldn't expect some middle class white parents in the US rust belt to give their kid a Hindu funeral, just like you wouldn't expect someone to show up to a funeral without money in the Far East. You wouldn't expect someone in Ohio to kill themselves the same way that someone in Korea would, or for them to have the same rate of suicide as a population, or for their loved ones to attend the same kind of grieving rituals. They are largely socially influenced, with small clusters of people who buck those social norms and get treated like weirdos. If there's a social norm to feel irreparable loss and grief after a suicide in a place, your loved ones would have to want to buck the social trend for whatever reason (whether it was your wish or theirs). If you want to judge the local social mood, imagine you attend a loved ones funeral and say "I'm so happy for you", and what social pressure you would feel as a result. Some places that would be kind, but in a lot of places you might be forcibly ejected from the venue and lose a lot of friends.

>> No.17724756

Do you want to be a writer or do you want to write? There’s a difference.

>> No.17724779

>You wouldn't expect some middle class white parents in the US rust belt to give their kid a Hindu funeral
So? That’s ritual. This is something else. I’m not sure I see them as differently as you do.

>> No.17724871

didnt read, suicide is cringe

>> No.17724883

So you think the kid's parents would be okay with you swapping out their rituals for Hindu ones? After all, it's just ritual. People get very upset when you try to interfere in their funeral rituals.
Suicide has its own funeral rituals. In some places, the fact you are a suicide might be hidden from everyone in order to grant you a funeral for normal deaths, because the funeral for suicides will mark your social reputation or theirs. In other places, it's a point of pride to put a permanent marker in place to celebrate your choice to die.

>> No.17724886

J'ai reve que j'etais chez moi et j'ai vu ma vieux professeur d'art de ma l'ecole primarie passer devant mon maison. En plus j'ai vu et j'ai parle avec une fille qui s'habite a face de moi de quelque chose. Ensuite j'ai pense dans la reve de mon philosophie d'existence et croire en ca meme quand je suis en face de mort.

>> No.17724899

Did you Google translate this or something?

>> No.17724908

No I'm just a beginner

>> No.17725047

I assume you can't do accents with your keyboard? Mon ancien for "my old" as in "former". "Ma l'école" is also not right- it is like saying "my the school". Mon école. Ma maison.
I'm having trouble trying to work out what the next sentence means to fix it. Does she currently live opposite you?
À* Ma** philosophie, and I don't know what you're trying to say with the end of that sentence either. I think you mean pense à (think about something), rather than de (think of something)

>> No.17725132

Writing is such a good way to learn, it does something to your brain that reading doesn't. Or only does much more slowly. Somehow actually using all the things you've learned forces you to crystallize them. Keep at it anon.

>> No.17725226

Sorry gentlemen I was out walking my dog and thinking on on the trees and my clean-shaven face

Thanks for the advice/encouragement lol

>> No.17725541
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So today's international women's day, laddingtons. How are we celebrating?

>> No.17725549
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>> No.17725809

Going to buy a cake for mom

>> No.17725997

The whole situation I'm in has created perverse incentives in me. I can remain unemployed and continue to collect unemployment covidbux and live at subsistence levels and complete my book, which is far more important to me than anything. Or I can take a job, which I just did, and make an amount of money that makes having a future possible, but my writing output will take a violent plunge. I have just started this job and I have already sensed myself become stupider. My mind has dulled, blunted by the diminutive short term things of which almost all work is concerned. Though my life was poorer financial wise before, I had a different kind of wealth, a fruitfulness of the mind and imagination that, to me, felt like it touched the eternal. I don't know how anyone finds it possible to do anything after 8 hours of work, let alone have the inspiration to write. After a workday my mind is drained, not even in the sense of lost energy, but in that it's been emptied of all its capacities of discernment and curiosity. I am simply done using my brain after eight ours applying it to drudgery, and by the time I clock out, it has been blunted and numbed. All my sensations are wasted on such doomed tasks. It's not accurate to say I have no more energy, but rather that I have no more consciousness left to write at the end of the day.

>> No.17726012

brain don't work anymore

>> No.17726186


>> No.17726264

I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.

>> No.17726290

Riding my bike looking at shops fun fun fun music on guitar rip dong look at the trees with sun shine sssssssssssssssssssssssss hine rip a fart on my bikeseat haha grass is going green again spring spring its going green fuck a man with a machine boom mankind dorothy is a witch loook downn terraria look at the wifi router and keyboard with light in it lighting rainbow fuck fuck damn poetry petra poezie proze prose latin man saying dress did a book with a pen of ink in the inikewell writing storyiesss near a river leaf bam paw a carpet in the forest aladin dindnt fly woop zooooooooooooppppppp rock music on guitar rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrip rock music was good with the man with the bucket bucket of fish chum bucket spongebob

>> No.17726324

>Go to /wg/ to share my writing and have an in-depth discussion about writing
>Its all shitpost, blogposts, trolling and other assorted bullshit.
>Animefags are the only ones doing any actual writing
Just fucking kill me.

>> No.17726336
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>doing any sort of writing

>> No.17726347

Critique threads used to be for that, /wg/ has never really been to useful, thinly veiled fanfic general. No idea if the critique threads are still any good, been awhile since I have visited one.

>> No.17726348

I feel u! I wish that you somehow manage to gain strength and hope, that you will have more stamina and that your work will not burden you too much or that you will find a new job that you like. I can understand your situation so well, including the thing with the book and how it makes you feel "fruitfulness of the mind and imagination that, to me, felt like it touched the eternal."

As for your description of your exhaustion, they say that 80% of the energy you have available during the day is spent on thinking alone. And let's say if you are distracted and frustrated and stressed all the time at work, then that consumes a lot of mental energy, which would explain the reason why you feel so empty and exhausted afterwards. Even if you don't carry logs all day now. I'm always exhausted too even though I don't do a lot and I would say that is the cause.

I have a similar situation myself and have already been in such a situation several times and the only tip I can give you is to try to stay cool and not to use too much energy but to stay mentally positive so that you feel better overall.

May your goals come true, good luck.

>> No.17726365

Critique Threads were supplanted by Writing General. I don't think they're coming back. Besides, I don't think I want them back. If a thread dedicating to writing only has animefags doing any sort of writing, while the rest just shitpost, blogposts, and trolls, I can't help but to shudder what the current state of a critique be.

>> No.17726377

we still have semi regular critique threads and the few I have been in since the creation of /wg/ were decent with most anons staying on point.

>> No.17726382

Oh thank god, If only /wg/ can stay in point.

>> No.17726385

You know, I already realised there’s nothing I can do. In life there’s nothing else, just sex and short lasting love. Therefore I don’t care about anything else, I praise Dionysus. Good luck with your masterplan.

>> No.17726392

The only reason why /wg/ has been shit is because the animefags are the only ones writing and for some anons who tout themselves as some great future writers causes them to seethe.

>> No.17726412

It was honestly, my first mistake.

>> No.17726415
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Well in reality I've never had outbursts like that, it's only a thing in my mind. I suspect that in reality if I felt like the psychologist was digging too deep I'd tell him that I don't feel comfortable enough going there, worst case scenario I might end up running away crying to my home, unlike the fight which is just a fantasy I've actually done this in the past several times.

>> No.17726443

Now you know.

>> No.17726445

Seriously, just start reading psychologists.Their proxy analysis through your lense is probably more helpful than a therapist you mistrust.

>> No.17726476

I feel like I am unable to think for a long time on any of the issues currently defining my life. I'm aware of them and can dwell on them, but find myself unable to expend any significant mental energy on them. I feel like I need an entire weekend to just THINK but I'm terrified to do so.

>> No.17726479

I'm fucking freezing, I don't know where I put my coat, I can never find it when I actually need it.

>> No.17726488

I'm leery of this idea for the simple reason that society seems to value self-diagnosis far more than it ever has, and a fair amount more than it should. That said, it's probably good advice in a vacuum.

>> No.17726497

>I'm leery of this idea for the simple reason that society seems to value self-diagnosis far more than it ever has
Really? Not the anon you're replying to but all my life I've always heard from people that self-diagnosis is basically worthless, so if anything the impression I got is that society places almost no value on self-diagnosis.

>> No.17726524

I never fell in love with the person who fell in love with me. It was either i loved her but she didnt care about me or she loved me but i didnt feel anything towards her. Here i am at almost 30 with ruined life because i wasnt at the right time in the right place. My life is a cruel cosmic joke.

>> No.17726539

Well I have never fallen in love, period.

>> No.17726545

Should have just got it on with the women you didn't have any feelings for.

>> No.17726576

Not even a crush? I remember writing to cringy middle-school tier poem for her birthday. Next week a saw her french kissing the bad boy.
I couldnt. I dont want to lie to other people even if its the only way today.

>> No.17726588

>I couldnt. I dont want to lie to other people even if its the only way today.
Well, anon, don't complain when your actions catch up to you.

>> No.17726629

I guess you're right, i've been asking for too much all this time.

>> No.17726632


>> No.17726633

Should have just settled.

>> No.17726635

>Not even a crush?
Nope, atleast not that I remember.
>I remember writing to cringy middle-school tier poem for her birthday. Next week a saw her french kissing the bad boy.

>> No.17726651

I cut contacts with a person I really liked. I did it because some time ago I realized that we were never on the same page about our friendship and I just couldn't bear it any longer. It was an online thing and as pathetic as it sounds it was the closest thing to a friend I had. I hoped that he will add me back just to try make things right, I remember he has done it in the past for others but it wasn't the case. I guess I was just not too good enough. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth whenever I think about it.

>> No.17726653

Yeah, i did a lot of cringy things to crushes. I do realize that my gestures are not that cringy if its for gf.

>> No.17726659

You were just being a beta male, nothing to be ashame about.

>> No.17726710

>nothing to be ashame
easy for you to say when you never did such pityful deeds.

>> No.17726718

You were just filling in your social obligations as a beta male.

>> No.17726720

I literally cannot stop coping, seething, and dilating.

>> No.17726730

This but without the dilating part.

>> No.17726731

Most everyone did it at some point, and those that didn't probably have lived a lonely life. It is part of life and learning.

>> No.17726734

I guess, being just a fertilizer for others doesnt make me feel any better. Its better not to play the game than play as beta.

>> No.17726735

I wish I were able to be 16 again and blast bands like Adept or Sonic Syndicate all day long again, or play WoW in that one private server and have the time of my life. It was so much more peaceful back then and I was somewhat hopeful my life will go somewhere.

I also wish my grandparents were still alive. You don't really know what you have until it is gone and I miss them dearly.

>> No.17726768

>Its better not to play the game than play as beta.
Now you're just acting like an omega.

>> No.17726772

who? arent there only alpha, sigma and beta? is there whole greek alphabet for this?

>> No.17726773
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I fucking HATE people saying: "try reading a book for once :^)", "read a book for once :^)", "illiterate", etc. A book is even worse for propaganda purposes than anything else, a book is the author spewing his biased opinion at you for hundreds of pages, while a TV show is 30 minutes minimum with multiple directors, a book is the author and editor. A book is going to be a thing much more concentrated in bias and brainwash. A book is just one other medium of propaganda and is HARDLY better for you than just watching things. Reading is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.17726778

I agree, which is why I've never read a book in my entire life.

>> No.17726792

Personally I see myself as a yotta male.

>> No.17726802

Omega male in social terms is an outsider yet notable for distinction, someone worthy who does not conform to the existing peer hierarchy. It has been said that an Omega is someone of zero worth, as ethologist use Alpha, Beta and Omega in pack descriptions with omega being the lowest position. This has little to do with the socially developed human hierarchy originally used by sorority sisters in the united states to easily label males according to a set of hegemonically established criteria. For example if someone is described as the "Last word" in men, that would hardly be a pejorative description. To use Omega as a negative term is to fail to recognize that losers did not exist in relation to the thought process of the college/university girls who popularized this system, and as such get no mention at all. They only mention people who are socially significant in some positive way as to merit their attention.

Omega is a logical choice, when faced with the problem of describing people who are clearly not subservient to an alpha yet cannot be described as an alpha themselves, There is no set criteria for an Omega, the sole common trait is one of being a rogue social wander who avoids binding attachments generally rejects social hierarchy treating everyone equally based on personal judgment, and refuses to be drawn into tribalistic feuds between groups of people

>> No.17726839

So if i understand correctly omega is the shadow of alpha and betas want to become alpha hence being subservant?

>> No.17726847

I honestly wouldn't listen to all this beta/alpha shit.

>> No.17726889

Omegas sound pretty based

>> No.17726966
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I've never fallen in love, and no one fell in love with me. I never talked to girls, and I didn't have any friends since high school.

>> No.17726996

Ah, so you're literally me huh? I probably made this post myself and just forgot about it.

>> No.17727014

I fucking despise the pedestal in which traditional publishing stands on /lit/. It’s a dying industry.

>> No.17727152

I've fallen in love with a girl, but I'm pretty sure she only likes me as a friend and nothing more. I could get over it if she wasn't the only other person I know who actually reads. She even reads proper literature, not the usual YA fantasy trash. Oh well, at least we'll remain friends.

>> No.17727189

What should take its place?

>> No.17727193

What's she reading?

>> No.17727216 [DELETED] 

I think about going to trades but i graduated uni and hs with highest grades. Doing so would be like saying that my effort never mattered and i was an idiot all this time.

>> No.17727217

Self-publishing. Web serials.

>> No.17727220

Sounds gay

>> No.17727224

No because I don't save pseud shit

>> No.17727238

same desu

>> No.17727255

Stuff like Graham Greene, Waugh, Nabokov, and plenty of others. Plus she's learning/proficient at Latin which is also incredibly impressive (I am too admittedly, it's how we met). It's disappointing, but I suppose I have to get over her, and it's not like we'll never see each other again.

>> No.17727260

it would sure help you get over her if you didn't see each other again lol what's the point of that

>> No.17727322

Because we're friends you retard. I'm not going to cut her out of my life because she doesn't like me romantically. What kind of idiot would do that?

>> No.17727346

someone who isn't a weak willed masochist bitch. you wouldn't know you got no balls

>> No.17727417

>I'm pretty sure she only likes me as a friend and nothing more
>I'm pretty sure
Ask her out, then. And if she rejects your request, stay friends with her if you can. And if you can't stay friends, bear that too. Why live if you never gamble.

>> No.17727460

yeh i think this is the perfect response desu

>> No.17727462

Hey thats literally me

>> No.17727467

Your life is pathetic and meaningless regardless of how much you build it up in your head

>> No.17727471


>> No.17727656
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My father is a cripple since i was born. Seriously thought and thinking about how much my and my family members life would be better if he'd just go away.
But i fucking love him...

>> No.17727779

I want to become a games journalist because I think I could do some great work, find pressing stories and actually elevate the standard of writing in those fields. The people who currently work as games journalists as the most retarded, narcissistic, disgusting, corporate, inbred cunts and I would HATE to have them as my colleagues.

>> No.17727814

She sells sea shells by the sea shore,
But the value of these shells will fall,
Due to the laws of supply and demand,
No One wants to buy shells cause there's loads on the sand

Step 1: You must create a sense of scarcity,
Shells will sell much better if people think they're rare you see,
bear with me, take as many shells as you can find and hide em on an island stockpile 'em high until they're rarer than a diamond
Step 2: you gotta make the people think that they want 'em
Really want 'em, really fuckin want 'em
Hit 'em like Bronson
Influencers, product placement, featured prime time entertainment
If you haven’t got a shell then you're just a fucking wasteman

Three: it's monopoly, invest inside some property, start a corporation, make a logo, do it properly
"Shells must sell", that will be your new philosophy
Swallow all your morals they're a poor man's quality

Four: expand, expand, expand, clear forest, make land, fresh blood on hand

Five: why just shells? Why limit your self? She sells seashells, sell oil as well!

Six: guns, sell stocks, sell diamonds, sell rocks, sell water to a fish, sell the time to a clock

Seven: press on the gas, take your foot off the brakes
Run to be the president of the United States

Eight: big smile mate, big wave that's great
Now the truth is overrated, tell lies out the gate

Nine: Polarise the people, controversy is the game
It don't matter if they hate you if they all say your name

Ten: the world is yours, step out on a stage to a round of applause You're a liar, a cheat, a devil, a whore
And you sell seashells on the seashore

Not mine, but I can't get it out of my head

>> No.17727822

>Well, as it turns out, he and I have had a remarkably similar life in the intervening period. I mean addiction issues, bizarre synchronicities, fears of insanity, strange dreams, etc. a whole host of mind-fucks. The fact that our paths have been so similar isn't exactly world-shattering

Me too

>> No.17727832


>> No.17727890

Yes. Yes. Finally my eyes are open: It is not "life in current year" that is shit, it is "life".

>> No.17727941

Which philosophers are you into?

>> No.17727987

Does anyone try to write criticism or general creative nonfiction that tries to articulate any interesting ideas? Does anyone publish their own stuff anywhere? I think all of us writing in threads like these would be able to put out something worthy of reading. In all of these kinds of threads there are people talking about depression and general life struggle and alienation, and it seems like a lot of us are around the same age; maybe I'm wrong. I enjoy reading what other anons have to say because I think we can all see a little bit of ourselves in each of these posts.

I doubt I'll ever get any sort of work in writing but I'm thinking about going to grad school for something in the humanities, how many anons would recommend this path? It seems like most people say it's not a good idea unless you enjoy financial pain. I'm thinking about at least applying but I'm not sure, I might also look into law school (unlikely) or education (I work at a school now but it's not my passion at all).

How many other anons are in the same boat as me, decent job but still living with parents (in comfy suburbs) to save up? I was inspired by anons hawaii dream I want to get out of the cold forever desu

>> No.17727998

The whole alpha, beta stuff is discredited. Ethologists don't even use it anymore to describe animal behavior, and now even wolves aren't thought to have that hierarchy.

>> No.17728010

Thanks for the encouragement, anon. <3

>> No.17728050

I dont know why i even write here. Perhaps i'm looking for catharsis after venting emotions but it never comes. Maybe i'm seeking the impossible.

>> No.17728054

post link to peer reviewed source saying primates don't organize this way

>> No.17728092
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working is worse than being sucked off by vampires. at least vampires are vicious creatures and maybe female and not mindless flesh mills without vaginas. i hope i get hit by a car and my head flies off into a crowd of senior citizens eating spaghetti. in the evening you are dead tired and in the morning you have to throw up. there is no job that is bearable, except one where you can to do exactly what you want to do. everything else feels like burning time. i go home with a mouthful of ash every day. i want to write. i was told: go to the newspaper. i did. i wrote stuff i didn't want to write. before that, i was a secretary in a lawyer's office. i wrote every day. it felt just as pointless as not writing at all. i don't want to write articles or letters, but dada garbage. now i'm working towards a grandiose death. something wacky. there's no hope. either you can bear to be an ant, or you can be something else.

>> No.17728093

For what it's worth the guy who coined the distinction, David Mech, has since abandoned the idea. If it's not applicable to wolves it can't be generalized to other species. Dominance hierarchies are more nuanced than this.


Mech, L. David. 1999. Alpha status, dominance, and division of labor
in wolf packs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77:1196-1203.
Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Page.
(Version 16MAY2000).

>> No.17728096

that being said: become a lawyer.

>> No.17728106

The discrediting is rather overstated, there are obviously dominant males, that is what people mean when they say alphas.

>> No.17728109
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I have a well paying job but I find it hard to try because I genuinely do not know if the economy will not either crash or hyperinflate my income out of existence by a few years from now.

I cope by lifting weights but I feel like I have no job security ultimately and only feel dread when I think too hard about the future.

>> No.17728131 [DELETED] 

first link says wolves in nature are based around family structure, uh oh, that is going to be problematic for the people who say the family is a social construct, out of the frying pan into the fire with that?

second link doesn't work.

>can't be generalized to other species
maybe the problem was generalizing primate behavior to wolves

>> No.17728134

Not him, but primates as best we can tell form alpha beta omega groups. I know the problem with the wolf studies were they were captive wolves (suggesting such a hierarchy is a sign of captivity) but non-provisioned alpha baboons etc will still hoard all the resources.

>> No.17728152 [DELETED] 

>someone gave a "well paying job" to some guy who thinks hyperinflation is a threat, and can't even come up with inflation protected assets to store his wealth in if it were true

tech recruiting is broken

>> No.17728193

There's only one link, the rest is a citation for it.
The point is that there isn' a pre-establish harmony in the pecking order. What might be considered a "beta male" in a chimp troop . In this case a beta male is just a potential alpha waiting for the current leader to get old and weak. And what defines the alpha is whoever has sex first, not necessarily the biggest and strongest. Also there is a huge amount of variation in primate species, gorillas for instance, usually have one dominant silverback who has a harem of female gorillas, but the remaining male bachelor gorillas form their own dominance hierarchy, and they don't vie for power like baboons. They just form their own harems once they reproduce.

>> No.17728209

In case anyone was wondering what it’s like to be a male in his late twenties with an affinity for romantic drama and romantic comedy anime, it’s both shameful and not.

>> No.17728217

>isn' a pre-establish harmony in the pecking order
Of course there isn't a pre established harmony, the point of the hierarchy is to direct violence. That's why provisioning results in more violence, not less.

>> No.17728232

try having affinity without ever experiencing love

>> No.17728405

It’s true I don’t know that feel. I had a single love from my early 20 and we dated for a few years although the last few years were long distance and unpleasant before she ended it saying she didn’t love me but I did love at one point.

>> No.17728437

Looks, it's pretty annoying trying to test me constantly, I'm not forcing you to do or believe and I have more reason to doubt you then you have me. It only shows that you haven't interacted with people that have a brain before. Get off my ass.

>> No.17728458

Also whats more annoying is trying to get me discord or accuse me of begin on it, you have no fucking clue how much I despise these type of people.

>> No.17728481

I'm depressed and I wish I was dead

>> No.17728623
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Watching too much SnK.

>> No.17728734

It seems like many men my age, and anons here, seem to only really care about relationships, getting married, having kids as their primary goal in life and I just don’t understand. I mean, I think I want to get married and have kids too. I’m 27 and single so I don’t know if it will ever actually happen, but I think I would like it to. It just doesn’t feel like it’s my primary goal or would make my life worth it in itself. What exactly am I missing here that they get but I don’t?

>> No.17728841

I guess most people tend to want what they've never experienced or had.

Look at it like this, say you've never had a milkshake and everybody you've known, heard of or never even met in the universe has had a milkshake and told you how ridiculously life changing and important it is, adding to the fact that everything else in the universe like media, entertainment, general biology, laws of reality etc tell you all these insane things about milkshakes, milkshakes this, milkshakes that, milkshakes start fucking wars, open minds, and has done so much for humans (also animals, organisms even, fuck it) on a psychological, universal level, well then I guess it's natural for a human being to want to, in fact, want to have a milkshake.

>> No.17728851

It's a natural thing to seek. If you're not interested in it - you're a defective one for better or worse.

>> No.17729650
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I've never really cared about relationships to be honest, I often see people here complaining about not being able to be in a romantic relationships but I've never been able to relate to them, I've never had this impulse to seek out a woman to start a relationship with that pretty much everyone seems to have.

>> No.17729779

God, I hate working out so much, I dread workout days so much, knowing that I have to exercise today ruins my mood for the entire day, I wish I was one of those people who could enjoy exercising.

>> No.17730090
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When Stirner silently reveals his teaching to you and you feel your power rising

>> No.17730181

Just do it first thing and then every exercise day should get better than it started

>> No.17730194

There is no heroic death. Car accident, drug overdose, unholstering the gun of one of the cops in front of you in line... there is cowardly death. Dying alone in a nursing home the worst of all. What we are doing to our elders is fucked. Visit your grandmother. Shut the fuck up and listen to her before she dies. You can even schedule visiting your grandmother weekly, that's her life: the scheduling of appointments and medication dosage. What the fuck do we have to say to anyone anyways? Visiting your grandmother beats the fuck out of paying a psychologist to pretend to listen to you. There is an older psychologist nearby with a PhD related to psychoanalysis who has received negative reviews from a few angry women due to falling "asleep more than once in our sessions" and "losing his attention several times during the conversation." Imagine spending more than a decade of life going into debt to read Freud and Lacan so you can be certified to listen to women in their 30s realizing the rest of their life will be like this. Sleep away, PhD. Nevermind a psychiatrist that just wants to prescribe Xanax and say time is up so he can jerkoff in his office. Yea sure, it's a problem of chemical imbalances dickhead. If the words serotonin or dopamine are used one more time, there will be a cowardly death, a violent one. This is off point. This rant is not about how to die, it is about how to live.

There are two feelings that this seems to cause in many of us. The first is a sense, or maybe a hope, of imminent collapse and the second that nothing is imminent and that we live in post-history.

>> No.17730212

Did you skip the middle part of my paragraph where I said I was interested in it but it wasn’t my primary or only goal?

>> No.17730222

That’s a good point. I actually did have a serious girlfriend once when I was fairly young and the relationship was just okay. Maybe if I hadn’t had that, I would feel differently.

>> No.17730281

Not that anon, but you are differentiating your own level of interest from the level of interest you perceive in others. Anon is right that the more an animal lacks the will to reproduce the more likely they are to be somehow deficient, inherently or circumstantially. An exception to this rule is if the primary goal is to acquire superfluous resources, but unless your other goals consist of things likely to make you able to set up your own rogue state where you can fuck 40 different bitches a day if you want and feed all your little bastards primo beef, then it's probably not a primary goal which trumps genetic success at a species wide level.

>> No.17730284

I regret my education and career choices so much.

>> No.17730338

tell me about it. i finished a degree in a field i never want to do anything ever and i'd rather kill myself than ever work a job like my first one.

>> No.17730381

The acid comes to you !

>> No.17730460

Do you have debt to? What do you do now? I haven’t managed to escape...

>> No.17730476

That's ahrimanic and faustian (in the lower sense of naively promethean). Gnosis is not something you can cheat your way into. Look up Voegelin's discussion of the golem.

>> No.17730547

I dont have debt (eastern europe) but my degree would be worth a shit in any western country. I have given up and been 5 years neet (1 year in that job) since. I'm looking towards career change but i'm too much of a coward to do it as it would mean that my efforts didnt mean a shit in the end.

>> No.17730567

>If life isn't worth living, live entirely out of spite for the evil cocksuckers who make life hell for good people
what level of mental gymnastics is this? yeah bro just work your ass off and pay taxes all your life, it's all out of spite bro

>> No.17730598

I love her shitposts.

>> No.17730606

Yeah I don't get it either, I mean, atleast if you kill yourself you're depriving the government of taxes.

>> No.17730619
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>> No.17730692

Life sucks, yes. But why? What is missing? More free time? More money?

>> No.17730703

Inability to control your time

>> No.17730734

>More free time? More money?

>> No.17730806

I don't know what to live for. I feel like my life lacks a higher purpose, and if I succeeded in life in the normal sense, there would still be no eventual blessing for my efforts.

I don't really want to engage with society, because I feel separate from it. It seems like everyone is so individualistic and caught up in their own affairs, that they do not have a collective goal or even a concept of a collective. I think people are just turning into these money makers and money spenders.

What I feel attached to in this world is my family member's future wellbeing, and to that of my extended family, and maybe to my general ethnic sphere. I would be happy to labour until the end of my life if it meant that I was helping to create something good for my greater group or for an society.

But I lack a coherent ideal, and I feel like developing myself beyond self sufficiencey would be fruitless, apart from maybe being able to live some boomer paradise after which my children inherit the same chaotic and dishonest society as I did. The opposite extreme would be to continue being a bugman, who works 10 hours a day, and just consumes media as a distraction. It would not be enough for me really.

Im not too socially retarded either, but I feel like everyone is on a different frequency. I am also a booklet.

Anyone have books for this kind of space?

>> No.17730828

the elementary particles

>> No.17730834

One thing I’ve noticed, at least in America, is how no one really tells you how life is going to be. For example, no one tells you how if you don’t find a would-be wife in high school, university, or your first few years of working, you’re not likely to find one after that. And it makes sense when you think about it, so why did our parents not tell us this? In countries like Japan, China, Russia they do. Instead, our parents sell kids on nonsense stories about this or that career while we watch them jump from divorce to divorce to divorce. My mother’s had 2. My father has only had 1 but he’s on his, I don’t know, sixth or seventh girlfriend since then. There’s tons of examples like this. We actually just have really awful parents here.

>> No.17730868

>more blackpills
Ill take a look though, thanks.

>> No.17730900

psychology and psychiatry are the biggest threats to liberty of mind and people are cheering and being totally ok with psychology or psychiatry guiding their own, unique instrospection. is something eerie, i almost cant believe people are really giving their inner life to some academic field.
somehow everybody is perfectly ok with this and i think there is something deeply flawed in it.

>> No.17730907

the "main" plot is about a metaphysical shift away from individualism due to advances in biology. to be fair, a significant part of the book regarding the characters' lives is the tired pessimism that you point out. but there is a very clear hope for a collective future as well. here's an excerpt:
>In this space of which they are so afraid, human beings learn how to live and die; in their mental space, separation, distance and suffering are born. There is little to add to this: the lover hears his beloved’s voice over mountains and oceans; over mountains and oceans a mother hears the cry of her child. Love binds, and it binds forever. Good binds, while evil unravels. Separation is another word for evil; it is also another word for deceit. All that exists is a magnificent interweaving, vast and reciprocal.

>> No.17730917

psychoanalysis, however, is the only path to true freedom

>> No.17730956

It does sound good anon. I have a very superficial idea of schopenhaur's work. And that bit there sort of gives me the same vibe. Have you read schopenhaur and do you recommend him?

>> No.17730962

I want to introspect but i suck at it. I cant even stop my cowardice.

>> No.17731043

you sound like a new age retard. are you aware of that?.

>> No.17731112

are you aware that psychoanalysis and "new age" philosophy are completely at odds with each other?
Im not talking about any self help bullshit, I'm talking about raw philosophy; coming to terms with the inaccessibility of your unconscious. Don't give a shit about any of that ego psychology therapeutic nonsense.
Do more research anon

>> No.17731215

look, im saying in my post that psychiatry and psychology are a threat to liberty of mind and your answer is "psychoanalysis is the ONLY path to true freedom". how this is not a cult that, somehow, have social approve?. how can i take seriously your post?.
you are just a believer, and its fine, i cant care less, probably will always exist believers in whatever nonsense. the problem is all the people who go to psychiatry and psychology thinking blindly they go to the Truth of their mind. who, people like you and your total faith in psychoanalisis only can reinforce. i just cant believe people talk of this things like it was nothing, accepting go to psychiatry, not viewing it as just philosophies of mind.

>> No.17731284

Thought about this while wasted + your pic reminded me of it

Do you know how many dimensions all beings on this planet are made of?
It's three: height , width and depth.
All things , living or not exist within these spaces, unaware of anything else for reasons we can't explain or understand.
Now, imagine an infinetly thin surface, like a piece of paper, but much , much thinner then that. Take a piece of paper close to you, and draw a closed shape. Anything will do. For reference , let's say you drew a circle. Now imagine that circle is a sentient being, like a human, who posses human-like traits and intelligence.
Specifically, imagine it's eyes. How would see the world?
It would see only what is in front of it, in close proximity. It would never be able to look up and see us, as the concept of the third dimension, height is foreign to it. Now imagine this...this circle this 2D creature, somehow ascended and became a ball ,finally able to see humans as we are. Do you think the circle would be able to speak with us, or allow for some type of a cultural exchange?
No. Not even close. The amount of information entering it's brain, the sheer difference in existence would override it's mental capacity to understand what we are, or what it has become (a ball). In other words the circle would go completely insane.
What about us? We can only see three dimensions. In theory if we could see the fourth dimension- time, we would be able to see ourselves as our younger versions when we turn around. We could see every single version of us that is even a second younger then us up until the day we are born. We could even speak with them. Same goes forwards. We could speak with versions of us that are much older, up until they day we die.
According to some physicists the reality is made out of eleven dimensions. If god(s)exist(s) they would live in these planes, and to them we would be so inferior that it's not even worth a single glance, just how we view a circle drawn on a piece of paper as that much lower then us.
If god exists, he would not look like a man or animal or anything we know.

>> No.17731296

The closest thing to "it" would be something akin to the Cthulhu mythos of HP Lovecraft. Something so disgusting and incomprehensible we would go insane just by slipping a single glance at it.

>> No.17731297

you misunderstood. Psychoanalysis and psychology/psychiatry are very different things. With that being said, I agree with your assertion (it's hard for me to understand exactly what you're saying) that people accept some sort of truth blindly. The freudian tradition however is not about total faith in anything like this; it's true that its practitioners may be sort of cultlike but that's beside the point. With that being said, what I am talking about is simply philosophy of mind, which I believe is wholly worthwhile in grasping the idea of freedom. I'd be happy to discuss this more but again I suggest looking further into it

>> No.17731363

but i dont care nothing about "philosophies of mind". i dont care at all.
people are going to psychology/psychiatry because society as a whole tell them psychiatry/psychology have the knowledge of the mind. the final truth. they go to psychiatry because they really believe it. they are so serious saying they have this or have that because they believe psychologists have the knowledge and the truth of human mind.
and psychologists nor psychiatrysts are honest enough to say, "hey, this is just philosophy, there is plenty different and right outside". and dont try to exonerate psychoanalysis, because its the start of all this, just because nobody cares at this age its not like they do the same exact movement in the past. psychoanalisis gain traction with the same mindset. (this is serious, this is not just a philosophy/religion, esoteric, this is truth, this is science of the mind. )

>> No.17731384
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This is going to seem hyperbolically negative, especially given how vague it is, but I need to think it through. There's something about /lit/ that really depresses me and actively puts me off th whole concept of books, until I actually get back into reading something or talk to other people outside the gloomy /lit/ vortex.

It's hard to pin down, but I get the same feeling from people I follow on twitter who read book after book but without any sense of directedness or wider project, and I think that compulsion to see books as bricks in a mind-palace you feel obligated or compelled to build ties in to the claustrophobic loneliness and bitterness on the board. It's the same bitterness that drives people down all these dead ends of canon wars and idpol wars and irony wars and female psychology speculation.

The aesthetic I associate with /lit/ is also the one I most instinctively dislike, it's a kind of highly allegorial cosmic Harol Bloom, Master and Margherita, Dante feeling, and it seems like a totally different sphere to the things I like. I honestly get the same feeling from reading the Elliot Rodger manifesto, like life is this closed video game or mansion you progress through, with archetypical figures you need to please or overcome or at least put in their proper archetypical position.

>> No.17731444

I think you think about /lit/ too much

>> No.17731448

/lit/ is 90% percent cancer

>> No.17731575

I agree that professionals often fail to point out the primarily philosophical nature of all this stuff, and it's especially frustrating when people think it can solve their problems. I only defend psychoanalysis because you mentioned freedom, and I think the conception of freedom requires some criticism where psychoanalysis can be of use. Politics is about desire; everyone has a desire to be free. I want to look deeper into that and use the tools that psychoanalysis has given us. Many philosophers of mind essentially used psychoanalysis centuries before freud, but it was freud who discovered the unconscious as a scientific fact and gave his best shot at understanding things like dreams, which are still largely deemed a mystery. I agree the therapy aspect of it all is where it went wrong. But if you don't like philosophy, why are you on this board?

>> No.17731690

butt butt butt butt butt butt butt


>> No.17731711

I hate my body, I hate my face, my hair, my voice, my past, my present, my tendencies, almost everything. How am I supposed to overcome that?

>> No.17731722

>and it's especially frustrating when people think it can solve their problems.
you are telling it like that was not the foundation of psychoanalisis, psychology and psychiatry.

>Many philosophers of mind essentially used psychoanalysis centuries before freud, but it was freud who discovered the unconscious as a scientific fact
this is so wrong on so many levels i cant even comprehend you really believe this. you really think unconscious is a empirical scientific fact?. when only two posts ago you say "coming to terms with the inaccessibility of your unconscious.". this is a fucking mess.

>I agree the therapy aspect of it all is where it went wrong.
but they are nothing without therapy. they are a medical career. "mental health" is a real term. people really believe in it and people judge each others according to this mental health. they dont teach philosophies, what i am trying to say is that we as a society need to acknowledge that they are just philosophers at best. because people go blindly thinking their approachings to the mind are absolute truths. you think a psychiatrists is comfortable if we see them as philosophers?. no, obviously not. they are doctors. with all the prestige a doctor have.

>> No.17731787

How do you even meet a potential girlfriend once you’re over 22 and out in the workforce? I’m 27. I dated a girl from senior year of college until 25 and at 25, she left. I haven’t met a single girl ever since and I really don’t find apps appealing.

>> No.17731830

Romans 7:15-25 is a good description of my life.

>> No.17731848

Family and friends. That's how it's been for most of human history and its still the best way.

>> No.17731878

it says in the Quran, probably (it only says it once and there is some ambiguity in the semantics, but the case is stil very strong because of it being juxtaposed quite tellingly), that God is "the Manifest" (the Quran has a number of these titles/names for God). This is very, very much on my mind. God is simultaneously the Hidden. Those two are one.

>> No.17731889

You're not supposed to overcome it but accept.

>> No.17731902

yes, the unconscious is a fact and it is inaccessible to you-- if it was accessible, it would be your conscious. Dreams give us a hint at the unconscious, a good psychoanalyst might take a swing at it as well. When you are speaking to someone but feel nervous and your eyes dart around or your leg shakes, guess what, that's your unconscious.
Again, it seems hard for you to figure out the difference between the philosophers of the past and psychiatric "scientists" of today, whom I don't give a shit about. But as you hopefully know science cannot exist without philosophy; were in agreement on the blind faith thing so not sure what your qualms are there but as for mental health yea psychoanalysis is what helps us understand that don't try to act like someone like freud didn't make valuable contributions lol.

>> No.17731934

while it's true that psychoanalysis was the beginning of where things went wrong with ego psychology today I am simply talking about a rich tradition of 20th century philosophy that has nothing to do with therapy outside of a few metaphors based on patient/analyst interaction. Your frustration is ironic given that it can be analyzed as a fear of confronting something within yourself.
What's really going on, anon? Everything okay?

>> No.17731945

Thank you, anon. Truly.

>> No.17731964

the first season of south park is arguable the best one. not because it is outrageous or hilarious, but because it is nice.

>> No.17731990

What if I don't believe in gnosticism?

>> No.17732041

penis cocks

>> No.17732052

Why? Wouldn’t it be better to just end my dissatisfaction?

>> No.17732065

My family is pretty fractured and I’m the oldest of boys by enough where I would never meet a girl via my siblings. As for friends, well, I had those in high school and college sort of but kind of a similar thing is going on there.

>> No.17732072

if something is inaccessible you dont have any clue nor any authority to say you "know it" or is "a fact".

>psychiatric "scientists" of today, whom I don't give a shit about.
good for you. i only talk about them because they are the ones who keep the flame freud started. fortunately freudians and psychoanalisis in general dont have any power of conviction today and is seeing almost as a pseud science and a deeply flawed theory. so its no danger to nobody except a niche of people really interested in their "philosophy". which is fine with me. also, you have to understand that all your beloved psychoanalists dressed themselves as "scientists" too. and they go with that dress til the end. i only talk about patients and how they are blindly manipulated by psychology/psychiatry disguised as pure medical science. they are millions of people, is not a tiny niche, is enormous. you dont care?, ok. it care to me.

>> No.17732082

i have problems with authority, in general. but authority of the mind sounds to me like some orwellian world. just that.

>> No.17732097

do you have any hobbies? one of the things that helped me out of this self-hatred was making artwork, or some kind of craft. could be anything. drawing, knitting, woodwork. nothing beats being able to see your own improvement or gift something to someone else.

>> No.17732122

Yeah. Reading, obviously. I write as well. I also draw and I’m looking at picking up the a musical instrument. I also go for long walks and hikes and that helps me relax at least.

>> No.17732155

Perhaps you're in the wrong body?

>> No.17732162

I have the same problem, there is nothing I like about myself.

>> No.17732179

i really hate the type of bullshit similar to kahneman's thinking fast and slow. fucking nobel prize winning best seller pop science israeli load of crap. it's poison.

>> No.17732237

If any of you are fat, or even just slightly pudgy, and you’re younger than say, 23, please, for the love of God, lose weight immediately. Not only is it good for you health, but your life will be better. If you don’t, one day you’ll be 26, 30, 35 and realizing all those years of youth were actually wasted when you were fat.

>> No.17732247

Are you 24 or 25 years old?

>> No.17732253

I actually lost weight years ago but I ended up gaining it all back and more, I'm trying to lose it again but I'm finding it really hard, I don't know how I did it the first time, I feel like I'm much weaker mentally than I was a few years ago.

>> No.17732254

I’m turning 28 in a few weeks.

>> No.17732274

>i only talk about them because they are the ones who keep the flame freud started
what on earth are you talking about lol these people see everything freudian as irrelevant and they have since like the 40s.
Look, I'll level with you. Im only into this stuff because I got redpilled by one of my english professors. Im interested in the philosophical work of lacan, zizek etc, which is not only separate from the pseudo medical psychiatry you are condemning but also directly opposed to it, in other words in agreement with your assertions. But it's still in the tradition of psychoanalysis because it addresses the problem of reality vs perception using concepts such as desire and drive. You may have disagreements with the philosophical works of these thinkers but my guess is you probably haven't read them, and my advice to everyone on this board is to not critique things you haven't read with such fervor.
If you do read them someday you'll find that in no way do they prescribe some sort of "authority of the mind," in fact the exact opposite. It all comes back to lack, we are driven by what we lack, and it's true that we cannot know something inaccessible to us but we can theorize and thus understand it as incomplete through the existence of symptoms, which I pointed out are simply undeniable once youre in a social setting.
The thinkers I am in favor of are theorists and do not position themselves as scientists, believe me we are in more agreement than you think.
That isnt to say people use the powers of psychoanalysis for ill, there's no denying that. Every philosophy contains contradictions, and I like psychoanalysis because it usually does a good job of addressing them in the psyche. We will never be whole as the scientists claim we can be, but we should view that as liberating rather than depressing.
By the way, orwell is for children, again you might be lost on this board

>> No.17732286

*This isn't to say people dont

>> No.17732332

I feel the same. I lost almost 40 pounds a couple of years ago, gradually gained it back, now struggling to get back into the same method I used to lose it.

>> No.17732408

>what on earth are you talking about lol these people see everything freudian as irrelevant and they have since like the 40s.
that was my entire point. they are keeping the flame of "cure" people who freud and psychoanalysis once had.

i dont read zizek or lacan but i do read freud. and the guy consider himself a scientist, jung consider himself a doctor too. zizek or lacan are posmodernism mess, specially zizek is just charlatan tier. i dont read no book of him, but just in his interviews and articles i can see the guy is not so brilliant. he is a follower at heart.
i mean, like you said, we are talking the same. you believe in psychoanalisis and somehow refuse to admit they were the same authority of the mind as psychology/psychiatry is today. i dont know why you refuse to it, but its ok. at least you dont believe in them today.

>and it's true that we cannot know something inaccessible to us but we can theorize and thus understand
you go from "its a fact" to "we can theorize". just saying.

>We will never be whole as the scientists claim we can be, but we should view that as liberating rather than depressing.
maybe you misinterpret my post, but my thesis is that psychology, psychiatry nor psychoanalsis shouldnt be science. specially because people dont understand the philosophical ground they have. they just trust.

>> No.17732418

Went through a phase of thinking that society was rapidly collapsing and that I and my family would probably starve to death in a decade or two. Now realising that I was being dramatic and that although our society is in a state of decline it will still be around for a while. Still not enthused about the falling standard of living but I can live with it, at least now I can get on with my life without overwhelming dread and anxiety plaguing my every moment.

>inb4 society actually is rapidly collapsing

>> No.17732448

Yeah I think societal decline is happening and things will reach a point where life for anyone but the 1% will be terrible, but it will take a while to get there.

>> No.17732460


>> No.17732583

Expect serious crisis within 5 years and remember this post.

>> No.17732665

I agree it's not science, been saying that from the start
>postmodern mess
While it's true that they're difficult to read they are against postmodernism completely, their ideas (same with freud) are entirely against deconstruction and all that; that title is much more appropriate for someone like deleuze who like you saw psychoanalysis as some sort of authoritarian evil and was more of a charlatan than anyone in recent history
Im doubling down on the unconscious because it is a fact but again can only be realized through its symptoms. Have you ever had a weird or scary dream you didn't understand? What about fetishes, can you control what gets you off? Have you ever been speaking to someone and said, dare i say, a freudian slip? Has someone ever pointed out an insecurity about yourself that made you flustered because it was a truth you had buried? What about trauma, has an event from your past ever come up out of nowhere and completely thrown of your emotional state? These are all proofs of the unconscious at work, and thus the reason why I "trust" some of the points they make. The point is there are parts of the ways the brain functions we are still contemplating, otherwise we would all just be thinking like computers.
If you actually delve into these thinkers, who are hegelian in origin (completely opposed to postmodern) you will find that they are completely against the blind faith and authority you have constructed out of them. Its all about recognizing contradiction and just leaving it at that, because, for zizek, psychoanalysis can be used to understand ideology, which no one can escape. Again, all of these thinkers are hated by the scientific community

>> No.17733234

This is a very funny thing to post considering the fact that we have been living through an unimaginably 'serious crisis' for an entire 12 months now. Isn't it strange that the pandemic can grind things to a halt and yet many people's lives are not really that much different.

>> No.17733697

happens to the best of us, anon