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17725017 No.17725017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books like this one from people who aren't schizos who believe in magic?

>> No.17725021

>not believing in magic

>> No.17725022


>> No.17725034
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Socialists are pretty measured in their critiques of capitalist modernity. There’s a long list of them.

>> No.17725039
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I see you're an aliens guys, good choice.

>> No.17725042

The large majority of leftists are the cause and a part of the modern world. There are a few catholic leftists who aren't that but they're rare.

>> No.17725066

Every book lets you listen to a guy dead for thousands of years, and every book reorganizes your mind. You’re telling me you don’t believe in magic?

>> No.17725080
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The Leninists and other tankies have contributed to the mess in that they’re state centralized capitalists. Mad modernists socialism, yes, but there’s lots who are not.

>> No.17725086

Guenon? Not sure, never read him.

>> No.17725087

All the anarchists I've seen want to abolish any concept of tradition and tear down the borders.

>> No.17725122

The only thing that comes to mind straight away is Decline of the West. Spengler was kind of schizo in his own way though.

>> No.17725123

can someone tell me how someone like evola can exist? how can you be a racist and misogynist and dislike christianity and at the same time have an interest in mysticism and spirituality? ive never read his works so i don't know the specifics

>> No.17725142

Are you implying those traits were unique to Christianity? Most of the non-Christian world is, or was, racist and misogynist (case in point: Japan), it's not hard to imagine. In fact I'd argue the pre/non-Christian cultures of the world were probably more racist and sexist than the Christian ones. Catholics idolize the Virgin Mary, something rarely seen in pagan cultures.

>> No.17725167

>how can you be a racist and misogynist and dislike christianity and at the same time have an interest in mysticism and spirituality?
any person can exist, your inability to comprehend diversity is your own deficiency.

but the answer is that your premise is wrong. it also contributes to an ongoing problem of making words, in this case racism and misogyny, meaningless. not a good thing when they really do exist, most often in those distorting the words.

>ive never read his works so i don't know the specifics

humanism is born of christianity. it is the opposite. all of >>17725123 sensibilities
are rare, specific to european christian culture.

>> No.17725168
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So you believe in old decaying empires rising up. King Arthur kind of. Lord of the Rings is fun and all, but c’mon. Reality is we make a new modernity in the ashes of the old

>> No.17725175

>muh tradition
>muh borders

>> No.17725178

he's trying to say anarchists aren't serious they're social ideologues who unabashedly fight for the establishment

>> No.17725184

>ashes of the old
You mean throwing the ashes of the old into the sea and taking a shit on the floor. That's what the modern left is doing lmao

>> No.17725188

when I said dislike of Christianity I was referring to his interest in mysticism, not the racist/misogynist part

anyone can exist but it's an incredibly unique combination. and how would you explain his views in your own words?

>> No.17725192

See. Leftist ideas are great but leftists are not my allies.

>> No.17725207

>when I said dislike of Christianity I was referring to his interest in mysticism, not the racist/misogynist part
Every non-Christian tradition in existence also has a mystical aspect, from Hinduism to Buddhism (esp. Tibetan forms) to Shinto to the old (now non-existent) European pagan traditions. Christian mysticism is, generally speaking, very weak in comparison and totally bars off what's known as the "left hand path" in mystic circles. The left hand path was Evola's leaning, ergo his dislike of Christian mysticism and his movement towards eastern schools.

>> No.17725209


>> No.17725251
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>social ideo
That’s not fighting for the establishment, that’s feeling around for the way to make an ACTUAL revolution. A political revolution is just a coup. We’re after a social revolution here.

>> No.17725255

Dangerously based.

>> No.17725273

That guy doesn't understand. I know you guys are fighting against the establishment I just think the world you guys want isn't ideal for the reasons I stated above.

>> No.17725283

Wait until you find out that it's actually all real.

>> No.17725326


>> No.17725346

Guenon = Aristotle
Evola = Plato

>> No.17725351

It might be better summarized as Evola = Heraclitus, Guenon = Parmenides.

>> No.17725424

Magic is real but people who start and end their philosophies with Evola are retards. Guy based his metaphysics on Christianity not being true, so a lot of it is worthless. Cool guy though and his critiques of society are good.

>> No.17725452

They are even more retarded because Evola based his magical system on both the Western and Eastern Esoteric traditions, and even cited prominent esoterists and occultists in Introduction to Magic.

>> No.17725454
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René Guénon, you can read Crisis of the modern world here:


>> No.17725457

Guenon believed in all sorts of occult phenomena as low level manifestations of metaphysical forces and later on he thought evil wizards were putting curses on him.

>> No.17725478

I heard Guenon was briefly in a counter-tradition organization. He learned things that spooked the shit out of him and got the fuck out.

>> No.17725489

What books do I read to learn about counter-tradition magic? None of the Guenon or Evola stuff works.

>> No.17725505

Extremely based

>> No.17725508

I don't know any books, but I do have a few articles on the story bookmarked on my pc. I'll post them when I get home.

>> No.17725563

Namedropping books you havent read again I see

>> No.17725569

t. cuck basedboy modernist "TRUST LE SCIENCE" reditor

>> No.17725588

Maybe he's just as anti-egalitarian/reactionary as Evola but an atheist/materialist. In that case maybe consider Hobbes?

>> No.17725658
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>OP specifically said *books that YOU have read that are like this without the schizo magic shit*
Except no.
And I have read some of them. Plan to read the others

>> No.17725698

this book is wrong in every single way, from its thesis to its epilogue
anarchism is truly a cancer of the mind

>> No.17725727

Prove it.

>> No.17725739

Anything by Nietzsche.

>> No.17725868


>> No.17725881

>That’s not fighting for the establishment
it is if the establishment defines and controls it

>> No.17725888

>defines and controls it

>> No.17725891

how the fuck do you think leninists and tankies come about retard? holy FUCK why are leftists so far up their own asses?

>> No.17725894

no, mentally sound people don't write things like this

>> No.17725920

not him but you still cant even explain step 1 of viably establishing an anarchist society, I asked you yesterday and you just sperged out and left the thread lol are we gonna have to go through all of this again. you were literally so stupid you said dumb shit like "economic troubles will magically unify people behind anarchism" even though this is demonstrably untrue

are you going to bless us with more vague meaningless platitudes about unifying humanity without any sort of concrete plan of action?

>> No.17725924

May e you need this.
Past=good old days/tradition
Present=modernity/whaaaa bad
Future=?????/hopefully better

The present is always modernity.

Again, another weird glib point. What do you mean?

>> No.17725925


>> No.17725928


you literally cant get anything out of this pseudo intellectual except "it will just work"

>> No.17725939

>its just a coincidence that movement that involve reshaping society inherently default to centralized authority, its just a coincidence that every single leftist movement of any significance ends up this way
>it has totally nothing to do with leftism!

>> No.17725974

>step 1 of viably establishing an anarchist society
I did give outlines. You just don’t want to acknowledge this. Keep in mind I am not writing a book or essay for you.
Organize. We must spread and improve all tactics so that they’re easily self replicating. There’s a variety of methods to self reliance and carrying on without the increasingly psychotic state. I do worry about it’s fragile and vindictive nature at this stage, but they can’t jail us all for growing our own food or gifting our friends with services. The majority of the military would defect. I’m describing a more methodical and large scale Paris commune, or more, I am describing a fungus

>> No.17725993

>I am describing a fungus
Well at least you're being honest I guess

>> No.17726007

you already spouted out this vague platitude, "organize" does not explain anything, do you seriously think every leftist movement before you didn't know to "organize"? saying "organize and grow vegetables" does not explain how you plan to make trillions of variables fall into place to integrate humanity into your cause and bring it into full fruition without centralized power structures

>> No.17726011
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No, it’s faulty praxis. Lenin is a giant fool bourgeoisie. The who scientific socialism things has really poisoned the movement. I was just telling some poltards about IQ tests not being scientific. Same goes with economics smashed together with sociology. You can’t solve it with a calculator and slide ruler. You have to feel your way through it. Region by region, culture by culture. Every generation shifts it to nearly unrecognizable positions.

Like the way it grows underneath the ground without your knowing, without your permission

>> No.17726022

Organizing is key and I can’t tell you how one group is going to accomplish any facet of it. Don’t like it? Tough shit.
Come up with a specific question or shut up. I’ll ignore the next one

>> No.17726044

im sorry but you telling me to cope after you hand wave off inherent problems of leftism as being the fault of people that perfectly represent what happens when leftism is put into practice absolutely stinks of irony

this is why I told you to pull your head out of your ass. this a religion to you so your afraid to be critical of it youre always on the defensive looking for justifications, NEVER introspection; like every other leftist you just pass off problems as "betrayed revolutions" and never exercise any sort of introspection regarding the integrity of your religion, so the same thing happens over and over and over. you people are honestly so pathetic. the only problem is you actively try to destroy the lives of everyone around you with your religion

>> No.17726054
File: 23 KB, 400x293, FD4493C6-BAE2-4B25-9A6B-411240C5E7AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state centralized capitalism is leftism
A’right. You better start running

>> No.17726061

>im just going to spout the same vague platitude again
I already posed you specific questions but i will pose some more i guess, you just cited the paris commune as an example but the paris commune had literally no way to enforce its sovereignty and collapsed instantly after a lot of deaths and suffering, how do you get around this problem?

>> No.17726064

Are you mentally deranged? even the biggest lefty intellectuals don't deny IQ test. IQ test are used to diagnose mental disorders like Dyslexia and the like. The lefty arguments against it is that's it doesn't tell you much outside of extremes, like having a IQ less then 80. I don't think you know much about the topic

>> No.17726070

Read more, you’re wrong

>> No.17726080

>it will be different next time! its not REAL communism!

have you seriously never opened a single history book regarding leftism? what exactly do you think it looks like when a organized revolution takes up complete administration of a nation? do you think the means of production just magically redistribute themselves and industry just keeps on functioning and distributing vital goods and it all just works out with the power of friendship?

this is easily the dumbest post ive ever seen you make lol

>> No.17726091
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It won’t be different with bitcoin
It can be different with non accumulative currency and a free economy

>> No.17726099

what are you going to do, bleed from your tranny axe-wound?

>> No.17726102

none of the things you said address the specific problems we are talking about here in any way?

>> No.17726106

We were talking economics...
>what exactly do you think it looks like when a organized revolution takes up complete administration of a nation
How many ways can I say it?
Complete failure because the participants are committing a coup, not the Revolution
> do you think the means of production just magically redistribute themselves
The phrase is that the workers seize it. That’s the magic. There’s no need for a vanguard party to grant workers their means of production. Hollycrapforbrains.

>> No.17726116

You do remember how the Paris Commune ended right? You know that's how it going to end every single time right?

>> No.17726119

>We were talking economics...
no we were talking about you hand waving away problems of leftism ny pointing fingers everywhere else while refusing to commit to any sort of introspection because its become a religion that you have to defend no matter what

>the phrase is that the workers seize it. That’s the magic. There’s no need for a vanguard party to grant workers their means of production. Hollycrapforbrains.

so you think the best way to do it is a literal free for all where everyone just takes control of what they can without any sort of direction? you dont see the problems in this and how it could create inequality, not to mention chaos for average people who rely on smoothly functioning industry to survive?

>> No.17726131

Would you at least admit your beliefs are a bit of a cope? The people won't even vote for a center left candidate The bookchinist revolution is very unlikely to happen.

>> No.17726158

>akchually literally every revolution ever didn't conform to my expectations because they just really didnt have their heart into it, its not because there is problems with my theory which i refuse to even consider as flawed

sweet mother of pseudo intellectualism

>> No.17726167
File: 57 KB, 287x428, C6B33C34-441F-429E-BAB5-4C81732B2C68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you speak English?

Statism isn’t leftism
Capitalism isn’t leftism.

But okay. Let’s pretend for a second that this is Leftism.
What problems do you see with China’s economic ascension? The 21st century is theirs and the US is going to crash harder than the UK did. What about the problems of liberalism?

> so you think the best way to do it is a literal free for all where everyone just takes control of what they can without any sort of direction?
So you just got here? Hi. I’m the advocate of Direct Democracy. Who are you?

>> No.17726170

el bastέ

>> No.17726172
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>> No.17726189

wow deep bro. So if you admit it's star trek ideology tier why talk about it? No one gives a shit about your ideal utopia world.

>> No.17726196

Deep? So deep it went over your head. Funny.

>> No.17726214

>Statism isn’t leftism
>Capitalism isn’t leftism.

once again what do you think it looks like when a revolution defeats a state and takes over administration of a nation? do you think food is produced and distributed, sovereignty is enforced, counter revolutionaries are eradicated, all by the power of friendship? the problem with leftism is it is self defeating, its goals for completely remodeling society inherently require authority, thats why literally every single leftist revolution turned out the same way, not because "their heart wasn't in it bro it wasn't a real revolution"

>> No.17726221

Keep avoiding the question

>> No.17726229
File: 225 KB, 500x448, F3D0ECA5-ED33-4551-AC0B-D6CA10ADA8D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think it looks like when a revolution defeats a state and takes over administration of a nation?
This is the definition of a coup.

>> No.17726243

Why do you think Chaz failed?

>> No.17726252

Muy basado

>> No.17726257

You aren’t nice or even slightly intelligent, but I’ll give you second answer, because I believe you can think if you try real hard.

I don’t have a belief, I have a goal. I research how to make this goal happen. I believe only that an end point could produce generally positive results that would please masses of people. I don’t believe it’s inevitable. That would be a “cope”.

You have no idea what people want during one of these elections, you don’t know what Left is, how could you possibly know what “center left” is?

You talking about that TAZ? It’s in the name. Guess.

>> No.17726258

Spengler or Heidegger.

>> No.17726261

i really wish you weren't fucking retarded and could communicate in more than one liners, it would make this process so much easier

so what exactly is the point you are trying to make here? you want to destroy a nation's administration and industry without offering any sort of replacement so everyone who doesn't have immediate access to vital goods dies among the immediate chaos, and either existing parties move in to fill the power vacuum or new parties form to do so?

>> No.17726272

>I don’t have a belief, I have a goal
and as these threads have shown time and time again, you believe that goal can be achieved, and based purely on faith, literally "it just works"

>> No.17726273

>You have no idea what people want during one of these elections, you don’t know what Left is, how could you possibly know what “center left” is?
I've read all the books you've read. And you have read none of the books I have read. I know more than you.
>I believe only that an end point could produce generally positive results that would please masses of people
So then it's irrelevant and you can be handwaved. As long as you admit it's nothing but a nice idea you would like to happen.

>> No.17726275

Spreek je engels taal

>> No.17726279

I think she is baiting. She knows she doesn't have a serious worldview she could defend which is why she can't do anything else but one liners. To write a paragraph on how her system would actually play out in the real world is impossible for her.

>> No.17726281

Again. No english skills.

What country am I speaking with?

>> No.17726285

Dude, it's about organizing and stuff, a better world is possible man.

>> No.17726288

Holy fuck imposter

>> No.17726294

whats wrong, afraid to answer the question? what a trite little pseud you are lol. what sort of mental gymnastics are you going to do to reconcile your inability to justify your religion with your faith in it, since we all know you are are a pseudo intellectual religious zealot who does not alter perception based on new information

>> No.17726381

there is no tradition without esoterism, so no

>> No.17726396

unironically fpbp

>> No.17726424

you guys are overly mean to ol' butterface, she's a girl, stop expecting her to have a worldview founded on autistic male traits like logic. what she believes is harmless compared with the myriad of nanny state control freaks on the left

>> No.17726433

It’s a logical conclusion to reject statism

>> No.17726437

yes dearie. (i do too in the sense that i think "fuck 'em" but i don't think a world without controllers is possible)

>> No.17726448

I think the closest you'd get to is something like Decline of the West or A Study of History. Being and Time to some extent. Possibly Archeofuturism also, but I've not read that to be able to say much about it.

>> No.17726454

The controls are multiplied. Not with bureaucracy but with the people, (falling asleep)

>> No.17726455

No, it's impossible to be rightwing without being schizophrenic, religious (same thing), a science denier, autistic, or all of them at the same time.

>> No.17726458

See, you gotta present the path to the logical conclusion. That's what's so infuriating about your participation here. Without providing the reasoning these are just random outbursts, meaning you won't benefit from having your views challenged which turns the entire thing into an exercise of your psychological needs (whatever the hell those are).

>> No.17726459

then why do you completely and utterly fail to provide any sort of logical justification for it every time you are pressured to?

>> No.17726475

you have a sunny view of man, i don't. regardless of the system man will always be a bastard and the worst of them will rise to the top. the micro community thing you spoke of the other day could just as easily be a reactionary, oppressive world than one of mutual cooperation and universal love.

>> No.17726480
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>> No.17726490

she is literally too stupid to understand that criticizing the current foundation of human society is not a "logical conclusion" unless she can prove it is illogical by providing a viable alternative

>> No.17726505

he said no magic

>> No.17726509

>it works for a fungus, it will work for 8 billion human beings
>it did not in any way work for the paris commune, it will work for all of humanity for some reason?

butterfly is honestly top notch political themed entertainment

>> No.17726515

Because you’re not very bright

I have a realistic understanding of the brain

>the micro community as reactionary
A small community is only as well of ass it’s relations with the neighbors

Read a book someday

>> No.17726517

Damn IQ tests are faulty? Your whole world view is predicated upon muh science which produces studies that can’t be replicated 50% of the time.

>> No.17726518

Your assigned book, English 101

>> No.17726526

Where are your trips faggot

>> No.17726529

not an excuse, prove It’s a logical conclusion to reject statism by providing a viable alternative

>> No.17726530

Anons trip over their second language enough as it is

>> No.17726559

butters how come you never answered my question about your own citation of the paris commune as viable anarchism. the paris commune had literally no way to enforce its sovereignty and collapsed instantly after a lot of deaths and suffering, how do you get around this problem?

>> No.17726666

>Like the way it grows underneath the ground without your knowing, without your permission

Why not call yourself cancer at this point?

>> No.17726983
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>> No.17726994

Show me one example of an Anarchist revolution that lasted more than 3 years.

>> No.17726994,1 [INTERNAL] 

You’re asking me to repeat myself, but you won’t listen/read it again.

Because I know how cancer works. States are the cancer.
