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File: 219 KB, 1400x2120, BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17725404 No.17725404 [Reply] [Original]

This is blackpilling as fuck. I understand why a lot of people brush off IQ as pseudoscience.

>> No.17725413

Because it is.

>> No.17725417


>> No.17725426
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>> No.17725441
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>nobody can make an IQ test where the races don't change tiers with the same test

>> No.17725458

Formal Bias.

>> No.17725459

he isn't part of the east asian masterrace

>> No.17725463


>> No.17725466


>> No.17725468
File: 22 KB, 1024x546, 1605568798946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some books that discuss dissatisfaction with one's IQ and how to address this psychological problem?

>> No.17725484

Honestly, it's the last taboo we have in the current world along with the JQ and the holocaust.
Break these taboos, and you're free. You see the world like it should be seen. Like it really is. No more filters, the world as raw as possible.
If we don't succeed in breaking them, Europe will perish. 100%.

>> No.17725542

It's one of the only tests where "inequity" between groups is inherently evidence of bias. The only result they won't accept.

>> No.17725557

having the highest verbal iq is midwit tier and for sophists; east asians score the highest where it matters the most

>> No.17725567

You should commit suicide. Everyone you know would be happier. It would be so easy. Like taking a weight off for everyone.

>> No.17725568

>Why yes, I am a bugman
That's not something to be proud of.

>> No.17725577

speaking in childish memes doesn't support your case. maybe the jews can teach you something about verbal finesse

>> No.17725581

I hope you are brutally raped

>> No.17725595

>dismissing the argument for irrelevant reasons
You have learned well.

>> No.17725605

thank you. ben shapiro (pbuh) has taught me well in verbal judo.

>> No.17725613

My fucking sides.

>> No.17725620



>> No.17725622

It’s a basic test for kindergartners progress.

Think a little harder, meatball head

>Poverty isn’t real

No, you.


>> No.17725624


>> No.17725637

>Nobody has ever adjusted for poverty in the results

>> No.17725640

I again refer you to

>> No.17725653

tell me please

>> No.17725654

In all seriousness though, what's the solution to this problem? It's almost certain that an IQ difference exists between the races, and that a non-insignificant proportion of this difference is heritable. It's a civilisational problem. What's the solution?

>> No.17725661


>> No.17725668

it's a genetic issue. some people are good at physical things and others at mental things.

>> No.17725670


>> No.17725669

>toothless West Virginians are smarter than collegiate blacks
Stop trying to justify “race realism”

>> No.17725673

Eugenics/advances in genetic science.

>> No.17725678

Nobody has ever controlled for poverty? Well golly gee wiz what a bunch of idiots we've been! It was so simple this whole time.

>> No.17725679

>It's almost certain that an IQ difference exists between the races,
No it isn't

>> No.17725680

Stop trying to deny science. Your arguments are idiotic. Looking at a simple adoption study would address 90% of the issues you imagine to exist.

>> No.17725684

Are you scientifically illiterate? Do you not understand what controlling/adjusting results is?

>> No.17725690

It is, unfortunately. It's a huge problem

>> No.17725694

The book has been proven faulty numerous times. Gtfo poltards

>> No.17725701

It's not a problem.

>> No.17725702

This is the answer. God I hope it’s perfected soon.
Will either bring about a utopia or apocalypse within a few centuries of it’s completion.

>> No.17725706
File: 123 KB, 970x1024, 1600613178080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh IQ
>Muh science
>Muh genes
99% of white "science" is a coping mechanism for jealousy over BBC

>> No.17725708

Even if IQ tests were bad. (They're not, and what matters is 'g' anyway, but let's supposed so.)
You will have to give me a better explanation for the overwhelming material and statistical evidence of the stupidity and violence of third worlders and Blacks and Arabs living in the West than saying that an obscure, unknown and unconscious "White" privilege exists within WESTERN WHITE countries somewhere to explain that gap.
Twin studies aren't credible enough for you?
OK. And you expect ME to believe in YOUR explanation that consists of citing Gould or that other Jew, what was his name, ah yes, Jared Diamond? ""iTs tHe EnViRoNmEnT".
I don't have to have IQ tests to know that Blacks are unfit for civilization, while the Japanese people who got nuclear bombed in 1945 are today a geopolitical and economical superpower.
At this point, that kind of scientific denial has WAY MORE implications than believing in the gas chambers.

>> No.17725711

Science denier

>> No.17725713

None of which is relevant to the topic has been proven faulty. It's just a mantra your side repeats again and again. The controversial part is just an overview of the mainstream in the field of IQ research. Murray isn't even a part of that, he's a sociologist. Pretty much the only thing that changed since publication is that greater heritability has been established and the field of molecular science has developed to the degree that it is now finding unequal distributions in the genes responsible for intelligence.

>> No.17725722

Guess how many Asian qts I have on tinder chang

>> No.17725724

The book has problems. The concept of IQ and G and race based differences thereof are pretty rock solid though. Very powerful metrics

>> No.17725738

guess how much greater my IQ is compared to yours, Kyle. For every white "scientist", there are 10 Asian Chads whomst are superior in every respect. stay in your lane

>> No.17725746

I don't deny the science. I deny the morality. It's morality that dictates it as a "problem."

>> No.17725747

This nigga really said whomst.
Post cock

>> No.17725749

>statistical evidence of the stupidity and violence of third worlders and Blacks and Arabs

It's mostly Blacks. Latinos and Arabs integrate fine. Granted, Arabs have a few explosive hiccups but that's more principled than it is IQ based.

>> No.17725750

It's more like a 2:1 ratio unless of course you consider Jews white, which they are.

>> No.17725763
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cock lustful faggot lmao, typical white
information relayed to you by jewish sources, no doubt. the jews had their reign, the future belongs to the Rising Dragon

>> No.17725766

For real man I think you'd be happier in your own country, agreed?

>> No.17725769

Of course it's a problem. Africa suffers terribly because of it. Democracy is likely not possible when your average is in the western 'slightly retarded' range. These are enormous problems.

>> No.17725776

Sure, China will be the leading entity for about 10 years and then genetic science will have advanced to a point that the largest populations will have the most brain power, meaning Africa.

>> No.17725777

The solution to this problem is simple, much simpler than any technology mentioned, in fact, it was already done 109 times before in History: Right, so you expell the Jews, the big fucking elephant in the room that's been ploting to get rid of Whites by miscegenation for so long.
Then you'll see things clearly... Your mind won't be polluted by unscientific misinformation anymore, and political activists calling themselves sociologists and intellectuals, and dirty money from dirty Jews trying to pour third worlders into the West by the millions year after year with their ONGs, and calling it a progress if Islam is now rampant in Europe and beheadings and knife / acid attacks a new religious ritual.
The rest is easy, Europeans wake up, they begin to notice how they're losing their countries, and they kill or expell the invaders, or territories are partioned. History's back, basically.
Anyway, and if the Jews are not expelled then, welp. Better luck, next time, on another planet Euro-bros, I guess.

>> No.17725778

You deny the suffering it causes? Kinda fucked up, kinda racist

>> No.17725780

Point to one country that is actually a democracy. Literally all 'democracies' are chock full of buffers against the retarded average person.

>> No.17725786

Suffering isn't inherently bad. You're both effeminately moralistic and shortsighted on account of it.

>> No.17725794

Yes but even a democracy with vast restrictions is functional manifestation of that concept. In Africa it would be like 5% of the people involved in the process. That's an aristocracy and imperial control aside maybe the best they could hope for.

>> No.17725796

>Arabs integrate fine.
Big KEK.
You seem to not live in France.
Let me tell you clearly: Arabs are Blacks with a bit more intelligence, more sadism and with a religion called Islam, which cranks up their violence and hysteria to 11.
All "conscious Whites" in France would tell you the same. Blacks are less a problem in France, even if they imitate the Arabs than the filthy Maghrebis we have. They're an absolute racial scum.

>> No.17725797

I don't actually like Asian girls they're all try hard dorks

>> No.17725806

Kek as if the Chinese haven't been milking that continent just like Mexico for years now and making burgers their debt slaves. China will be the global overlord in the coming years.

>> No.17725810

Suffering is essential but it doesn't help much in character development when you're dead. And do you have the feeling right now that suffering creates enlightened and just societies over there? No, they're raping infants to cure themselves of AIDS.

>> No.17725816

Why is it so difficult for the Asians on here to think rationally? This overcompensation caused by your inferiority complex is really sad. Just move to Asia and get a cute gf.

>> No.17725825

You sound beyond hysterical. Who's raping infants, how do you know this, and why does this make differences in IQ a problem?

>> No.17725838

kek, How many you ugly ass chinks need plastic surgery again? because you are all so ugly

>> No.17725856
File: 127 KB, 843x960, MeanwhileInAfrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, reality is grim.

>A survey by the University of South Africa (UNISA) in South Africa found that 18 percent of laborers thought that having sex with a virgin cures HIV/AIDS. An earlier study in 1999 by sexual health educators in Gauteng reported that 32 percent of the survey participants believed the myth.

It's connected to IQ because the people are fucking retarded. 70 is just the average, this goes down significantly for hundreds of millions of Africans. I don't like this polspeak but we're talking great ape range.

>> No.17725872

I'll have a harem of cute latinas making burritos for me

>> No.17725884
File: 123 KB, 960x640, Sub-animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exterminate niggers. Not a single positive would be lost and numerous negatives would be eliminated.

>> No.17725886
File: 85 KB, 400x399, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i despise being an individual when there are so many great minds I will never be intimately connected with at the biological(dare I say even spiritual) level. i want a reality where all minds are hooked up to form a collective organism, like a benign form of the matrix. this is my dream for the future

>> No.17725889

The amount of lefties cope and seething going on in this thread is glorious.

>> No.17725893
File: 153 KB, 1024x437, Humans then and chimps now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, nigger apologist.

>> No.17725900

You (assuming the average) won't because the evolutionary preference for strength/height is so brutal that you even have trouble competing with blacks. Your males have a really hard time reproducing in western society.

>> No.17725901


>> No.17725905
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x6312, Low IQ countries are objectively inferior to high IQ countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17725909


>> No.17725910
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>> No.17725917
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>> No.17725921

I'll just throw a couple of nigerian blood diamonds to the BBC tribe to protect me and hook a couple of gold diggers up with condos.

>> No.17725923
File: 505 KB, 1120x2499, Genetics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-totally environmental

>> No.17725931
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>> No.17725935
File: 1.00 MB, 2970x2483, Race is everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17725936

im from west africa originally, and yeah my IQ is not all that high by western standards. I struggle to understand a lot of what people on here are getting at. should I feel bad? i dunno, really depressing

>> No.17725942
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You should kill yourself, nigger.

>> No.17725951
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>> No.17725953

not before i have sex with(rape) aryan women

>> No.17725958


>> No.17725962
File: 162 KB, 1024x896, Negroids are objectively sub-animals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17725963

So where does the scientific evidence of differences in IQ being a problem come in?

>> No.17725967


>> No.17725968
File: 47 KB, 431x651, Niggers are worse than WMDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17725971

Black Africans are on average 11% monkey. http://www.sci-news.com/genetics/west-africans-dna-archaic-hominin-08123.html

>> No.17725978
File: 594 KB, 1400x1937, We wuz collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do niggers like to steal the cultural and historical heritages of actual people? Is it because they themselves have none?

>> No.17725979
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>> No.17725980

Sure but they will have an intense desire to aquire genes elsewhere. Either way you will be put into a provider role and will have to compensate financially to an insulting degree. The worst part is that Asians cannot even compete financially until they've properly entered the workforce which on average happens in their thirties. Meaning an existence in inceldom throughout peak sexuality resulting in utter social ineptness before theoretical equity is in reach. It's such a breeding ground for neurosis. Multiracial societies are so depressing, even with Asians who have so much to offer these catastrophic issues exist. None of it works: Jews, Africans whatever. God wasn't joking when he pulled down the Tower of Babel.

>> No.17725982
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>> No.17725989
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>> No.17725995
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>> No.17726000
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>> No.17726001

What do you want to hear? That whites shouldn't have babies with blacks? That societal cohabitation in social democracies will necessarily result in a parasitic existence for blacks? That the African population will quadruple over the next 80 years, hardly contribute to economic or scientific progress while consuming masses of resources? Where does it stop being a problem?

>> No.17726004
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>> No.17726009
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>> No.17726014
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>> No.17726019
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>> No.17726023

If Africans are this stupid then they deserve to be crushed by the wheels of civilization and perish by their own stupidity. Whoever isn't so stupid among them, if any, will suffer first in order to gain footing in the culture and then improve their lot where possible. I fail to see where the problem in this all lies.

>> No.17726029

one day people will understand the meaning of correlation does not equal causation.

>> No.17726030

lol, I think German just has 'Dachpappe' which apparently is translated as 'roofing felt'.

>> No.17726036

Of course there's not much of a problem if you have no empathy. Just didn't know where you were coming from. Thing is though that they will not be crushed, they will just reproduce rapidly and consume the resources of the planet. Meaning we have to help them fix the issue or it will have catastrophic consequences for us,

>> No.17726039


>> No.17726042

Or dumb whites leave Africans to die and starve. Your empathy doomed us all stupid whites.

>> No.17726065

Why does no one use the word empathy right? I have empathy. What I lack is pity, because pity is stupid.

We help them fix their issue by not giving them pity. Civilization is a privilege that requires endurance to possess. If you aren't willing to suffer or aren't capable of enduring suffering in order to obtain that privilege then it would destroy you to have it anyway.

The only thing that would have catastrophic consequences for us is if we gave them pity.

>> No.17726077

They don't starve, capitalism is ordering their societies in a manner that they can accumulate wealth and consume a greater amount of resources every year. Charity is practically no effect on any of this and starvation will basically cease to exist in about 30 years, the population boom should already make that clear. Empathy isn't the problem, that's a simplistic and self-flattering analysis. It's really greed that created the problems.

>> No.17726082

this was supposed to go here:

>> No.17726095

This doesn't work. They will just continuously reproduce and consume the planet's resources. We will have to engage in a large scale project of genetic enhancement. Empathy would be nice but isn't required, it's already dictated by our interest in survival.

>> No.17726101

>We will have to engage in a large scale project of genetic enhancement
So be it. That or their extermination, either way, this is not a problem. They would probably prefer it.

>> No.17726109

The price of civilization is that we cannot engage in easy solutions like holocausts. But that would likely be highly inefficient anyway. The genetically enhanced Africans will give us billions of geniuses, assuming of course that this will still be relevant with AI and whatnot. Difficult to say.

>> No.17726111

It's amazing how this board has been reduced to garbage. It must be intentional.

>> No.17726114
File: 102 KB, 640x704, Chad Brazilian colonization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some of this is correct, except for

>South America, although not comparable to North America because of the US' sheer quantity of immigrants, has a considerable immigrant population. In Brazil there are plenty of African immigrants and people from war torn countries like Syria and Lebanon, but an almost equal quantity of random immigrants come from first world countries like Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and even the US

South America is "largely a jungle" in the same sense that Australia is "largely a desert" and Canada is "largely a frozen hellscape", every country has concentrations of population in certain portions of it, with the mostly not inhabited areas remaining covered by nature and "untouched"

Chile and Paraguay's development compared to the rest of the continent attest to the fact that economic systems and government practices (preferably on the side of laissez-faire capitalism) build stronger countries in the continent, much like Brazil used to be the 4th World Economy in the times of the Empire, and Cuba and Venezuela went entirely to shit when they decided to go full commie

The Brazilian constitution is a dystopic commie piece of shit compared to the US' constitution

The biggest difference between South and North America is the widespread experimental installment of socialist and communist ideologies by first world plutocrats

There is a considerable quantity of dutch, german and italian blood in the South American mix

South America, specially Colombia and Brazil is known for having some of the most physically attractive people, and people of remarkable physical endurance and fitness (dying of the mumps or measles is thought of as bizarre)

Brazilian "pygmies" are 5'7 on average, short but not as ridiculously short as legitimate pygmy populations in Asia

Brazilian big cities are the most filthy, violent, decadent and derelict places in South America, small towns being infinitely more peaceful, civilized and structurally adequate. These cities are also the least white in Brazil and most "vaguely brown"

Mostly conservative, family-aligned, huge offspring birthing and hard working, Latinos are more western-civilization minded on average than any first worlder nowadays

>> No.17726122

Eugenics. read Julian Huxley in "UNESCO and it's philosophy"

>> No.17726124

Clarification: The small, peaceful cities of Brazil are also the least white and most "vaguely brown"

Also forgot to sign the post with "t. Brazilian"

>> No.17726135

Thanks for the litany of brainless stereotyping, seriously, you mention Paraguay as agood thing?

>> No.17726139

hate how all these whiteoids always bitch and complain, being an asian and trying to get into a good college is so much worse fuck you crackers :(((((((((((

>> No.17726143

sorry bro, got to make room for all the darkies on affirmative action.

>> No.17726150

Murray is an established hack who is known to mess with data. You shouldn't take anything he says seriously.

>> No.17726151

>Thanks for the litany of brainless stereotyping,

>Paraguay as a good thing?
It has quickly evolved into a budding and increasingly free economy recently, alongside Chile and Colombia of all things.

>> No.17726155

That's a result of the same affirmative efforts that hurt whites. It's blacks and hispanics that are preferentially treated and often that's a bad thing for them. Initial good intentions aside this is mainly an effort of the left to disgruntle high IQ minorities und funnel them into meme fields that will indocrinate them into their ideology.

>> No.17726168

Stop repeating nonsense and just read the guy or any other book looking at this field of science. This compulsive ideological need to denounce Murray without the faintest idea of his actual work is just annoying.

>> No.17726176

I've read his entire book and I've talked to him in person.

>> No.17726180

>I've talked to him in person
was he hot? I bet you could smell his penis sweat mmmm UwU

>> No.17726181

>any data that doesn't support my pre-conceived beliefs is tampered with

>> No.17726192

That will be the day they reject science as a valid worldview, because the entire superstructure is built on this "fallacy."

>> No.17726194

Oh please. You wouldn't have such an idiotic view of things if that were true.

>> No.17726198

Sure, if you like politically unfree countries that are under the permanent tutelage of the US. I mean why not mention Uruguay, right next door, where quality of life is incomparably better and where it seems to have a far better democratic track record? You could have also mentioned Bolivia, whose economy has also done extremely well, but of course it's a country that's actually attempting to implement economic sovereignty.

>> No.17726205

I read his book Human Accomplishment and he says he did an objective study of Human Accomplishment but then says he took out books that didn't agree with him lol

>> No.17726207

thinking this is a counter argument shows you’re an idiot that shouldn’t have any input on this topic

>> No.17726212

>he did an objective study
Yes, objective means the data has to be objectively valid and applicable. Ergo, the data that is not is taken out. It has nothing to do with whether he agrees with it or not.

>> No.17726213

The book of his I read was Human Accomplishment. You can quiz me on the book if you want

>> No.17726223

Nothing against those countries, I've heard some very good things about Uruguay. Recently I've been reading some articles about Brazilians immigrating into Paraguay so it was the first country to pop into my mind.

>> No.17726226

You don't see anything wrong making an objective history of music and then taking out books that include composers you don't like?

>> No.17726236

An objective history of music has nothing to do with like or dislike. It would have to include all music that existed in each era. An objective meta-study of racial statistics, likewise, would have to include all collected statistics, on the condition that they are reliable and valid, because we are investigating truth behind the statistics. Like and dislike does not factor into the equation.

>> No.17726238


neither of those matter though. t. goy who has contributed usefully to fields medal-related articles and browsed that other one a few hours ago.

>> No.17726239
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>> No.17726242

We're not talking about that book. We're talking about the reality and implications of IQ. Murray is only relevant here in that he wrote a popular book which educated people on the subject. He's not an IQ researcher, he did not create those studies, these are from the field of IQ science (differential psychology/statistical genetics) and represent the mainstream consensus therein. People who talk about how Murray isn't a serious scientists, messes with data or whatever just reveal themselves to never have read it. Murray is completely inconsequential to the science, he's a sociologist who interpreted IQ in relation to social stratification and simply had to present the field in order to make his points.

>> No.17726247

That's my point. He said it was an objective study of Human Accomplishment but then admits that he took out books that disagreed with him yet doesn't disclose this.

>> No.17726248

They illustrate that the IQ difference translates into non-verbal reasoning even if this particular ability is their main talent.

>> No.17726251

We can look at his works to see more clearly how he is a hack. How is this not relevant? He won't even comment on his other works because he can't defend them.