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17768977 No.17768977 [Reply] [Original]

why is every good women poet a lesbian?

>> No.17768987

All women are lesbians, or bisexual specifically.

>> No.17769008

Have you met a lesbian? They’re all
>obsessed with nature and beauty
>obsessed with moods and textures
>emotionally tumultuous and tormented
>live on their own in seclusion and have time to write since they don’t have kids
aka the perfect poetesses

sappho, woolf, barnes, wittig...

>> No.17769057

All men are bisexual too

>> No.17769127


>> No.17769147

>thinks he's straight

>> No.17769153

>n-no if I'm not straight everyone else must not be either!
Being "gay" isn't a real identity. It's an immaturity.

>> No.17769164

I've fucked dudes before so I can straight up tell you the statement "everyone is bi" is nonsense with no basis in reality. Many people go their whole lives without thinking about it. Hypersexed coomers think they know shit.

>> No.17769202

the apollonian spirit of poetry attracts manly psyches, like the lesbians ones.

>> No.17769227

because to impress women, you have to challenge and improve yourself. young women who are purpseud their whole lives don't learn the value of becoming a better person until they've already hit the wall, and gotten over the copes of being low value after a few years. This is also why women tend to start their creative streaks in their late 30's, early 40s

>> No.17769243

how would you know if you've never bottomed for a man far stronger than you, and yet he shows you a complete compassion?

>> No.17769249

Could you repeat that? It's hard to hear you when you're so far in the closet

>> No.17769252
File: 131 KB, 992x992, 1612905507870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds gay

>> No.17769267

>Being "gay" isn't a real identity. It's an immaturity.
Winner winner chicken dinner.

>> No.17769274

>not being the top

>> No.17769276

Lol I repeated Carl Jung. A man who couldn't stop cheating on his wife. Try to be a bit more objective, faggot.

>> No.17769280
File: 84 KB, 421x600, 6722C880-E9E8-422B-8792-8599E13CCBE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I wish!

>> No.17769284

Who claimed it's an identity again?

>> No.17769285

This thread was carefully crafted butterfly bait and it worked.

>> No.17769290


>> No.17769334
File: 233 KB, 960x682, free-outdoor-library-1188728777-11fa5905cd3441f687fb58d88b02410c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know those "Little Library" boxes? Every time I see one I cleanse it of gay literature. When I do I think of you.

Actually I don't think of you but maybe I will from now on.

>> No.17769351

>Believes he's straight
>Reads Jung
You can't make this shit up kek

>> No.17769373

I'm sorry for your homosexuality. Hopefully Iran makes a cure.

>> No.17769395

Why is every great writer a degenerate?

>> No.17769396

Tfw you'll never have two cute bi female poets as your lovers

>> No.17769403

I'm sorry for your repression. Hopefully one day you'll find a daddy.

>> No.17769404

Because being a writer is self abuse

>> No.17769431

Nah. Poets are almost exclusively a chaotic mesh of masculine and feminine qualities. Byron for example.
Poetry itself is apollonian, yes, but poets are hardly paragons of masculinity. Let’s be honest here.

>> No.17769464

Don’t bother arguing with fags. They’re pathologically delusional. It’s an inherently narcissistic condition so they can’t help but project.

>> No.17769486

>Pretends he wouldn't love his lips around a hot cock

>> No.17769497

Sapphos wasn't even a lesbian; she purportedly killed herself because a man rejected her. Even the most famous "lesbian" poet was just a bisexual.

>> No.17769529

Lesbians aren’t even real lmao most of them have relations with men at some point and most today call themselves men

>> No.17769647

That’s a bisexual, anon.
There’s also a thing among homosexual teens. Some of them feel an obligation to at least see if they like straight sex. (I didn't do it) but it really is only their business to decide. Don’t say we don’t exist. I never call straights closeted bisexuals, I never say you’re not real

>> No.17769662

And Homer was a black man from Syria. We know next to nothing about her really.

>> No.17769821

Straights ARE closeted bisexuals. Men and Women. Women have a lust for women the same way men have a lust for cock

>> No.17769836

You'll never be a woman

>> No.17769841


>> No.17769847
File: 48 KB, 894x773, 5bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you're just a closeted faggot.

>> No.17769848

t. feverishly searching "straight man seduced by gay"

>> No.17769863

insecure much?
All women are bisexuals. You know this.
All men are bisexuals. You want daddy's cock in your ass

>> No.17770093

Naw. Maybe the majority, but not all.
What is it anyway? People want to settle on one way or another it seems

>> No.17771137


>> No.17771161

There's more domestic violence between 'lesbians' than any other type of couple.
Guess what they fight about.

Also, gay marriage isn't real.

>> No.17771165

It's strange when people extrapolate the idiosyncrasies of their own psychology onto wider society but even though I have no problem avoiding that I'm not even sure how I do it.

>> No.17771188


>> No.17771196

How does that disprove the existence of homosexuals?

>> No.17771227

>why is every good women poet a lesbian?
They aren't, obviously. Not even a majority are. But it's true that a decent proportion of decent female writers are. (A couple of lesser-known examples from lighter fiction are Mary Renault, who wrote respectable thrillers & historical novels, and Tove Jansson, who did the Moomintroll books.) There might be some complicated reason for this but there are a couple of pretty obvious reasons too:

* A lesbian is less likely to put her energies into raising a family.

* A lesbian is more likely to feel herself at odds with society. This estrangement can be useful fuel for an artist — if you feel your viewpoint is getting lost/ignored/swamped by the prevailing cultural currents, you'll be more compelled to make your voice heard.

These things obviously apply to homosexual men too.

>> No.17771425

>Lesbians are constantly fighting about infidelity because they're constantly cheating on each other with Chad
>Lesbians are real

You may choose one, but only one.

>> No.17771464

cos poets are gay lol

>> No.17771586

All sexualities are ambiguous and made up so yes I can call your identity fake

>> No.17771698

Has anyone ever packed these with Mein Kampf and Nazi literature? Might just have to at some point

>> No.17771957

only romantic feelings for a woman can bring out true poetic beauty in one's writing
gays are better at prose, but poets who were attracted to women mog fag poets fatally

>> No.17771978

Underrated post

>> No.17772069
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>only romantic feelings for a woman can bring out true poetic beauty in one's writing
Based and Graves-pilled.

>gays are better at prose
Naa, although some are pretty good.

>> No.17772319

What if I want him to choke me and tell me how much he hates me?

>> No.17772352

What about Ted Hughes? He looked Chad

>> No.17772424
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Just a reminder that I would really love to find a way to filter all american IPs.

>> No.17772585
File: 177 KB, 1080x1350, 617A9ADF-47E0-4332-88CE-FBF094C1011A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake post from a bot. 0/10

>> No.17772938

bEcAuSe BeInG a LeSbiAn Is HaRd

>> No.17772948

All the lesbians I've known have been violent retards.

>> No.17772969

Shut the fuck up, you're not only an obnoxious faggot, but also an absolute brainlet

>> No.17772970

Second this

>> No.17772984

Is this true? Is chad so powerful that he warps the sexuality of those around him? That’s pretty fuckin based ngl.

>> No.17773087

what good pussy does to a mf

>> No.17773164

Explains why I always seem to fall for lesbians

>> No.17773552


A woman's face making contact with a woman's vulva is very poetic.

>> No.17773894

People are homosexual like adults who wear diapers for sexual pleasure. It's a fetish with no basis in genetics or biology. The only gay animals are simply horny without the ability to fuck females. Is it natural? Obviously. Is it inherent? Hell no. Lesbains can't penetrate, so they suck at sex. It's a step above the softcore porn I watched as a kid. Gay men literally perform enemas to get all the shit out of their ass so they aren't packing straight fudge. Otherwise all gay men have a scat fetish. It's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.17774117

That's what people usually call "daddy issues".

>> No.17774329

*Insert upset wojack here

>> No.17775326

It happens all the time. The DV stats bear out their high rates of interpersonal violence. I've personally witnessed three lesbian couple fights and in the one where the aggrieved party was actually screaming complete scentences it was about the other cheating on her with a guy.

Lesbians don't real. It's a poltcial identity they can't actually maintain. Look up "lesbian bed death."

The ones who DO hang onto the "lesbian" identity their entire lives are the morbidly obese incels. They literally don't fuck anyone. Those are all molestation victims.

>> No.17775715
File: 602 KB, 2048x1478, 1599470876327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you can't truly understand beauty if you don't love women

>> No.17775746

Sappho was a bisexual pedo into little girls and boys. Edna Vincent Millay was bi. That girl who wrote about the wood nymph was gay.
Other than that I can't think of lesbian poetesses that aren't posers. Akhmatova was straight, so were most of the Victorian poet women

>> No.17775888


Enjoy anal prolapse retard

>> No.17776424

kindly rope

>> No.17776477

>Sappho was a bisexual pedo into little girls and boys
prove it

>> No.17776795

Easy. Read Sappho.

>> No.17776819
File: 78 KB, 1024x683, 1615499778453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have

be specific

>> No.17776823

They have higher testosterone concentrations and tend to be higher IQ within the female distribution averages

>> No.17776840

All women are chadsexuals

>> No.17776857

Lesbians, unlike straight women, have to actually compete for their romantic partners, and so develop male traits of exceptionalism

>> No.17777360

I bet you never get invited to any of the cool prolapse parties

>> No.17777868

What is this picture supposed to prove exactly your sexual identity is still worthless after you posted it