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/lit/ - Literature

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17798838 No.17798838 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you suddenly realize that you're too old for this board

>> No.17798846

why? there's nothing useful to learn here it's like a gentlemen's club

>> No.17798850

What lvl oldfag are you?

>> No.17798858

i too realized this. it was the thinker thread wasnt it?

do young people even have awareness of their self? i wonder that. it was not until 26 years i acquired individuality

>> No.17798869
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>it's like a gentlemen's club

>> No.17798878

I'm 27. I'm currently in a /lit/ bender for a week or two, then I won't touch it for another year. I hope to break the cycle.

>> No.17798900
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Same boat here. I spent 2 years off 4chan but since I’ve been stuck at home cause of virus I’ve naturally returned. I mostly hate it, but hopefully starting another job soon and I’ll be away again

>> No.17798901

im 24. similar
4chan is where you fall when you feel like you're failing, or when you're first getting into internet culture. that's why it's such a shit stom.

just go get out there anon. I know it's easier said than done, but just log off and try your hand at whatever you're into. You'll get it <3

>> No.17798910

same. abolish liberal governments for forcing us back to this shit hole

>> No.17798915


>> No.17798923

I remember 23.

>> No.17798928

Yeah but you’re a tripfag so infinitely worse then any brainlet zoomer

>> No.17798929

What do you guys think it's the borderline age for this board? I'm 21

>> No.17798931

That place looks comfy.

>> No.17798934

I think 30 is pushing it.

>> No.17798946

What happened in there anon? I don't want to spend the time to go through the replies.

>> No.17798947

I sincerely hope I'm not here past age 24 at least.

>> No.17798948

im 28

>> No.17798949

If I’m still here when I’m 30 chances are that my suicide will be in the post

>> No.17798995


>> No.17799013
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24 been here since 12. Not the worst thing ever, really, but I should take a break.

>> No.17799025

What the hell are you guys talking about?
Out of all the arts literature isn't the one, which you get too old for.
I rather talk to a /lit/ard, who's older than me and I'm sure, if this board was frequented more by 40+ guys, the quality of this board would rise significantly.
Also out of all the 4chan boards, this one is probably visited by the most normal people (on a 4chan level).

>> No.17799045

Okay, where else would you go? We all need to use social media to some extent, otherwise you'd socially isolate yourself. Reddit? I'm pretty sure that's where Moot goes now

>> No.17799053
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>> No.17799065

This is pretty much the only reason why I’m here. I have no other social media (deleted all of them 2yrs ago) but this is the place where I’ve actually found good literature I otherwise wouldn’t have read, and had conversations that I couldn’t have with my friends because none of them really read. For better or worse, I feel normal and accepted here, and I think the anonymous aspect goes a long way in that respect

>> No.17799120

I think the moment you repeatedly spam f5 for (you)s is the point you should quit

>> No.17799134

I'm 35. I can't relate to you kids, but I have nowhere else to go. I've been here since 2005.

>> No.17799160

pewdiepie and the eel. god what a classic gamer moment.

>> No.17799166

I have instagram as a messenger to keep up with people. 4chan boards are just parasocial and you need real social connections to develop not to die, even if they're just online at this point; people you can talk to 1-1 because we can't post personal threads on here because muh literature board.

>> No.17799172

29 here, only board i visit. Got a job, got a gf etc normie shit. I just think this is the best place for finding new shit to read.

>> No.17799195

wojakbrains are intolerable

>> No.17799472

I'm not finding this website fun anymore.

>> No.17799613
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>zoomers, leave my board

>> No.17799639
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I have now reached a point where my worldview has become too idiosyncratic and esoteric for anything I say to make sense to anyone in fleeting conversation. At least that is the impression I get here, since most of the time when I try to contribute to a discussion I either get no replies or one or two replies calling me a retard. I actually don't browse lit much anymore because of it.

>> No.17799649

(You) :^)

>> No.17799653

time to write a philosophy book and explain your current position

>> No.17799671

It's a medium to convey thoughts, ideas. There's no age limit for that.

>> No.17799677

You sound like this one fool I knew who thought he was too old for nightclubs at 24.

>> No.17799695

There's a reason why most nightclubs have an age limit of 24. If you're caught over that age by the nightclub police, it's automatic jail time, and they're not gentle with over-24 nightclub perverts in jail

>> No.17799715

I have this realization every day and yet here I am, every day

>> No.17799768

I'm 32. I don't think I'll ever stop coming here, even if I become more of a normie.

>> No.17799770

In the same boat.

>> No.17799799

I am nearly 30. I’ve spent 15 years of my life on 4chan. Zoomers aren’t going to come here. We are all going to grow old together on this god forsaken website.

>> No.17799808
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> there are no decent literature discussion forums on the internet for people aged over 25.

>> No.17799812
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Sometimes I feel pic related but it's worse because I naturally don't know if I'm surrounded by children or not. I sometimes wonder if all the erudite people who I've had discussions with here about various things have all moved on without me realizing it. It's a disquieting thought.

>> No.17799813

i started coming to 4chan at 14, i'm 29 now. it wasn't just 4chan back then, i just grew up on forums and blogs and shit. but then reddit ate up 90% of forums and blogs little by little died or at least they weren't as well managed anymore.

the internet went becoming more centralized. the only real thread between that time and now is 4chan. it's fine, it's a part of me, i'm going to be here forever.

>> No.17799820

I also wonder about all the anons I've spoken to here who have roped. There would have to be a lot, considering all the misery that gets posted here.

>> No.17799824

Same, I'm 21 now so it's harder to relate to a lot of the kids here.

>> No.17799828

I was raised in the Misc bodybuilding forums back in like 2009

>> No.17799830

>he never watched an anon attempt to kill themselves live on webcam
missed out on a quintessential early 4chan experience desu

>> No.17799833

also discord ate up irc. irc still has the same old gen x ppl on it as always, but less and less young people join it so the average age on a place like efnet is probably like 40.

>> No.17799838

lol same

>> No.17799842

>I sometimes wonder if all the erudite people who I've had discussions with here about various things have all moved on without me realizing it.
Don't kid yourself, conversations on this board don't amount to anything but surface-level water cooler chats, and no one who qualifies as erudite would deign come here, for these types have better things to do.

>> No.17799864

There are some very smart people who come out of the woodwork occasionally, granted things used to be much better. The quality of discussion has dropped dramatically over the years.

>> No.17799872

>The quality of discussion has dropped dramatically over the years
Or maybe it has always stayed the same, but it is you has matured?

>> No.17799877

for me it was music forums like terminal boredom and modding communities like civfanatics. those two still chug along like moribund animals, you can tell how most people either stopped going on forums all together or they migrated to r*ddit.

holy shit i had totally forgotten about the existence of irc. i think it was through irc that i found out about 4chan in the first place.

>> No.17799880

Maybe a bit of both. Rummage through the archives and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.17799900

>it's fine, it's a part of me, i'm going to be here forever.

>> No.17799910

anyone remember that anon who used to write his posts in verse and call everyone monsieur? I miss him.

>> No.17799923

Yes, the infamous monsieurposter.

>> No.17799926 [DELETED] 

17 here - sincerely hope Im not here tomorrow desu

>> No.17799931

oh boy

>> No.17800003

I barely went on 4chan at all for most of my life and only occasionally for the past couple years. Been here a lot lately but only because Covid made it so I have nothing better to do and no one to talk to so I come here to argue and be insulted and insult others really just so I can have a form of human interaction even if negative.

>> No.17800009

>writing a chapter
>trying to live by the maxim show, don't tell
>have loads of clues and details about various things happening, but also completely torn about whether my readers will even notice, or put those details together
>considering just explaining shit just so I can be sure they won't miss what I want them to know

Fuck bros what do I do.

>> No.17800012

I remember when 'feels bad man' was a fresh and hilarious meme back in highschool.

>> No.17800049

32 y/o here

Yeah i'd say people under 24 for the most part are not worth communicating with . it's pretty easy, being actually well read, educated, and intelligent, to spot young, retarded pseuds anyway.

>> No.17800065

Wow... You must be smart. Is that why you are on 4chan?

>> No.17800096

That should be about when you realize you've read everything this place talks about.

>> No.17800107

21 here, only reason I even get on here is because of my job(restaurant host) I have. I get a lot of free time to get on my phone, so I come here. Once I quit this job in 2 months I hope to leave this place for good. Don't hate this place though, I've laughed the hardest from the shit posted here over the years. I came here on the 2016 wave.

>> No.17800127

Born in 2001 here, I've started frequenting 4chan these past few months and /lit/ is the one I use the most. I like it, I'm starting to get into reading again and can talk with many people here who have experience in this. I don't think it's as bad as you make it seem as long as you don't open every thread made here daily and read every autistic post.
I wanna make it clear that I'm not some kind of election poster. I'm not going anywhere near /pol/ or /b/ and all the nsfw boards cause I know that's how you start becoming autistic beyond saving. Also nice digits

>> No.17800176
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>> No.17800177

I'm a sucker for "vintage"/old websites 2000s/early 2010s forums. Can you give me some examples of famous IRC web clients please? I wanna try some out

>> No.17800188

I'm trans btw

>> No.17800196

You're better off having literature discussions on Twitter.

>> No.17800454

I've written five books and am 75ish pages out of planned 300 into my first romance novel and yeah...it feels lonely.
I grew up on 4chan too and pop out of the shadows occasionally but yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this.

>> No.17800549

Same. 20 years old and I only ever browse /lit/ and /out/.

>> No.17800566


>> No.17800656

30 here, on 4chan since 2009

Finding I use Urbit more and more instead but it's still not really a replacement

>> No.17800665

Have you been published?

>> No.17800684

Self published on Amazon but got stuck in an advertisement quagmire. Outside of buying a giant billboard I'm not even sure what to do. (Which would require an artist btw.)
It's nice to be able to order book copies and give them to like, the library and stuff but I'm still working a full time job.

>> No.17800714

I'm 34. What's wrong with it?

>> No.17800715

I need a wife and kid, i'm getting too old for this....

>> No.17800833

this board is the best thing we have
>go on Twitter, get harassed by grifters and cultists
>go on an old school forum, too cliquish and goofy
>abandon the internet entirely, lose the essence of your character
when you really want to leave, you won’t say goodbye

>> No.17801143

Depends on the board, really. Despite shitposters, I'd say there's not an age that's too old for /lit/. There's no other place on the internet devoted to discussing literature that isn't plagued with either YA and fantasy novels or shitty woke novels written by minorities just so white people can virtue signal and circle jerk

>> No.17801144

Ik that feel

>> No.17801177

I'm 38 and though the repetition gets a bit old there are still good threads from time to time

>> No.17801255

Oh look a thread designed to attract people who take themselves too seriously while being the most worth of mockery.

>> No.17801267

Nigga, I am twice as old as you are.

>> No.17802145

Yeah this place is newfag central

>> No.17802189

Replace YA and fantasy with puerile philosophy takes and new age mysticism. This board is as terrible as any forum on the internet.

>> No.17802202

It's just terrible to different types of person. If you are more horripilated by puerile philosophy, you're are welcome to try reddit/twitter. If you prefer puerile philosophy to YA/fantasy, /lit/ is pretty much the only place for you.

>> No.17802218

Third, 27. Meme books change with the seasons, Butterfly stays the same.

>> No.17802223
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>> No.17802430

One of you oldfags has to have the 1st ed. Dante's Inferno copypasta

>> No.17802688

there are academic experts and professors of the humanities on here. these types have lunch breaks and mandatory zoom meetings, ergo screen time to effortpost here.

>> No.17802712

The age you were when you started posting on 4chan is the age you remain for the rest of your 4chan life.

>> No.17802724

You guys go on about the same books though.
I read what I want as much as what gets recommended. That does stay the same.

>> No.17802727
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I'm 34. Not only am I 34, I have a Bachelor of Arts in Great Texts, and by the end of this year I will have a Master of Arts in English Literature.

But I like 4chan because it keeps me on my toes. I am terrified of slowing down, of my brain becoming less plastic, less adaptable. This is very pointed for me because I am a writer and a poet. I spent all of 2020 writing a great work of literature, the beginning of a story which I hope to publish. I hate the idea that time and age will slow me down. I think this site helps keep my mind young and alert, and flexible. This is one of the reasons I keep coming here.

That, and maybe I can help the younger Anons. Between my undergrad degree, my MA, and the reading I've done in my free time, I've read a fuckton of books. I've read quite a lot. I want to help Anons younger than me, I want to steer them towards good books. This board helped me when I was much younger; it helped me discover Borges, and Gene Wolfe, and Chesterton, and so many other great writers. I want to pay it back now, and help younger Anons learn great books in turn. I think I can do that. I want to help the teenage and twentysomething Anons. I don't believe in hording knowledge, rather I want to share what I've read with everyone.

>> No.17802738

blessed post

>> No.17802753


>> No.17802762

>Yeah i'd say people under 24 for the most part are not worth communicating with .
bump the age up to 28 and I agree with you.

>> No.17803482

Do libraries accept self published books?

>> No.17803495


>> No.17803496

pro tip
try /tv/

>> No.17803507
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Thank you anon, you're cause is very honorable. When I was just underage I came on here very lonely and with only a very slight interest in reading from childhood that I hoped to continue. I was blessed with many great recs on this board that made me very happy in a dark time and expanded my taste from there. As I get older I see that this board has not much left to offer me but I still come here to post recs and help other anons out. It's the small efforts that make this board a little fuller. For every 5 shitposts, they'll be one user helping another out. Not for notoriety, reddt karma, or some other shit, purely anonymously out of the kindness of their heart.

>> No.17803512

Im 30 and it does feel to old. You should probably quit when you hit 25, after that you just have too much experience and wisdom to have any connection to this board anymore. Although with the arrival of zoomers things got even worse than they were. One of the reasons I stick around now is to see through zoomers what the future generation will look like and im legitimately scared to see that the elites have managed to produce an entire mentally devastated generation incapable of any kind of attention span or original thought, which forms relations to the real world strictly on a consumerist connection to hot-takes and identities. Its scary really.

>> No.17804320

This, 22 right now and finally beginning to enjoy my own reading and work and people in my life than coming here first learning about philosophy and literature as a kid

>> No.17804335

Holy shit humanity btfo

>> No.17804831

I've been on 4chan for 11 years and this board for 8. We've long since passed the point where it has anything to teach me. I only come here for the Londonfrog threads now

>> No.17805259

This a board for children.
I'd bet my internal organs the average age is around 17.
Filtering out the predictable baby talk, one's left with no more than 20-30 threads, and even they are of highly variable 'quality'.
People are trash, and they prefer to blindly sugarcoat their shit.
It's so suboptimal.

>> No.17806925

27. I'm done with this "humour" and the constant and obvious quest of everyone here for forging an identity by subverting whatever is popular at the moment or making a "hot take". Everytime I see I wojak I feel like kiling myself.
I've gotten some good recommendations from here, and I've seen interesting discussions once in a blue moon. But I'm afraid it's no longer enough. This palce, and all places resembling it, are cursed. I just can't stay here anymore.
Do you know, by any chance, some confy place far away from here?

>> No.17806939


>> No.17807828

I'm writing from America, but when COVID hit they shut down the libraries here, but I gave them my book series (which was at the time about 1,500 pages trim size is 8.50 by 11.00) and they told me they had a backlog since they had no staff to review it, and if I gave it to them it'd be probably after COVID and things get to normal before they made a decision.
So to answer your question I'm in judging limbo and can't confirm or deny, but libraries have been fighting Amazon to get them to be more open so we'll see how it goes. I've probably got a few more months to wait, plus on Amazon there's an option for libraries/schools to buy the books cheaper so that wouldn't exist if they didn't buy them.

>> No.17807866

>4chan is where you fall when you feel like you're failing
This. I have only started browsing after years of a break because I am desperately craving the cynicism of this place again.

>> No.17808363

>lose essence of character without internet
uhh, sure...

>> No.17808418

why do you need a replacement? you’ll get to the same point. the final solution is to embrace true solitude, disconnect. have no need for the digital noise of other people. with that being said, it’s ridiculously difficult

>> No.17809307

the comfy thing is being comfortable in your own skin, reading at your own pleasure, conversing briefly with non-literary friends about what book you're reading and why you like it, and overall having a relaxed and curious nature towards life.

>> No.17809314

I turn 27 in two months

>> No.17809652
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>People here thinking anything below age 40 is old

>> No.17811035
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>tfw you're constanly confronted with how little you know