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17803407 No.17803407 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else annotate and put sticky notes on their books or is it just me?

>> No.17803412

I do if its non-fiction and poetry but i'm very unlikely to do it for fiction anymore although I might start doing it again.

>> No.17803434

I do use sticky notes but only sparingly. Usually it is to mark passages I like and may want to revisit when I'm done reading the book or to mark things that may be important later in the reading. They're essentially a lazy way to take notes

>> No.17803438

Same as >>17803412. Only do it for non fiction. However, I have a separate piece of paper for interesting quotes and whatever for scifi book I am reading because I find that it has a lot of interesting quotes and fragments

>> No.17803562

I use post-its as bookmarks and annotate in the margins.

>> No.17803571

that's what girls do lol

>> No.17803590

Based Dyer

>> No.17803601

I highlight passages every once in a while but for the most part no, I read for pleasure

>> No.17803620

Don’t you wanna be able to refer to significant passages

>> No.17803667

I never write in the book, but I do put several sticky notes throughout.

>> No.17803703

what do you do with the sticky notes? do you write your thoughts on the sticky nots or is it just to mark passages?
i never liked it when people wrote in the margins at school

>> No.17803736

I use it to mark significant moments in the book. And I write in the book as well, it’s a habit from school.

>> No.17803749

Just you.

>> No.17803791

I do it in some books but not others. Not sure my internal logic. I think I'm less likely to annotate if the book was more expensive or seems physically nicer. I have a cheap penguin Epictetus that I've read three or four times, annotating and underlining each time, and it's extremely comfy for me at this point to have a bunch of things and connections ive noticed preserved, but if I gave it to someone else they might find it annoying.

>> No.17804314

Same. I retain a lot more of what I read since I started using stickies.

>> No.17804326

no but I use index cards. each fiction book I read typically has at least one index in it that summarizes the plot and the themes of the book. for non-fiction, I take quick notes in a notebook then write those up online. my gf says I am autistic