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/lit/ - Literature

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17927541 No.17927541 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate? How long does it take you to read a book? I haven't read anything more than 350 pages in years. Most of what I read is between 200-300 pages and that takes me two days. If I had to guess, I'd say I read 3 hours on each day. Maybe a little longer.

>> No.17927561

that's definitely bs

>> No.17927565

It's true

>> No.17927574

depends on the book obviously

>> No.17927579

How long does it take you? Longer or shorter? If it's really good I'll take my time and reread passages or sometimes entire sections to really soak it in

>> No.17927583
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Read at a pace that will give you an understanding and appreciation of the work you're reading.
If it takes you 5 hours, read it for 5 hours.
If it takes you 15, read it for 15.
It's not a contest to read. Speed-reading is pointless if you can't actually understand and appreciate the work.

>> No.17927593


>> No.17927601

So it takes you 6 hours to read a 200-300 page book, and your google result says 5.6 hours for a 200 page book, and you’re asking if it’s accurate? It’s p close to how you read.
For most fiction I read about a page a minute, maybe 2 minutes if it’s dense or an older book with flowery prose.

>> No.17927614

I want your flowery prose brother

>> No.17927616

I thought this was supposed to be the most intelligent board on this site. What kind of non-answers are these? It's a simple fucking question.

I'm asking if it's accurate for most people. I obviously know whether or not it's similar to my results, dumbass.

>> No.17927627

About 2.5 hours if you are a competent reader.

Reading at a speed of 700 words per minute and a wall of text in a hardback being 400 words per page should put your speed at 1.75 pages/min.
Now you can take a 30 min break because such prodigious reading is draining, then another hour and you are done with 210 pages.

>> No.17927649

Just the page count doesn't really tell you anything. The amount of words on a page can range from 200 to 600. Reading a dense philosophical text for example is also a lot slower than a novel. I wouldn't worry about reading speed, it will improve as you read more naturally.

>> No.17927699

I'm not worried about reading speed. I'm 32 years old and have been reading my entire life.

>> No.17927750

I remember reading all of the hobbit in an afternoon when still a kid, but it can take me a week to get through certain books now, depending on xyz. I'd bet that the 'max speed' of a reader with a simple but enjoyable book is somewhat faster. Like 300 pages in 6 hours.

>> No.17927772

You're retarded holy shit

>> No.17927789

How am I retarded? Please tell me. How the FUCK am I retarded? Kys, tranny

>> No.17927796

You were given an answer then you whine when you don't get the answer you want. Also you're projecting about trannies again

>> No.17927827

You need to take your meds sir you're having a mental breakdown

>> No.17927911

Projecting? What the hell do you know about projecting, faggot? Go fuck your ass

>> No.17927919

What are you talking about with meds? Like tylenol? How the hell is that going to help me?

>> No.17927937

You're a fucking retard lmao. Have you tried sticking a butter-knife in a toaster? Mediocre piece of shit. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.17927961

No not tylenol you need something stronger. Drink whatever is under your kitchen cabinet for starters and get back with me.

>> No.17927971

>Try Blinkist for free
I wonder if this article could be biased in any way.

>> No.17927976

Depends on book, how good you are already, if you're tired and distractions. Easy reads are 40s to 1 minute per page for me, so I'd say a maximum of 4 hours.
Those 5.6 hours are probably for people who read 1 book per year.

>> No.17927987

Less posts makey and more meds takey retard

>> No.17929341
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>> No.17929462

I read frankenstein in 1 day but it took me a month to read the bibliotheca of apollodorus and those 2 are (kinda but not realy) similar I length.
take for example the table of nations from the bible. it's just 1 page but you could spent literal hours trying to understand who all those names are

>> No.17929530

Red herring. Reading is not just physically moving your eyes over all the letters, you should be stopping to think and respond to what you are reading and that makes it take a lot longer.

>> No.17929534

Depends on word density per page.

>> No.17929583

you are a very arrogant dick. No wonder you're posting on 4chan at 32 like a loser

>> No.17929592

I hate this shit man. Generally I read 20 pages in 1 hour, but I've taken 2 hours to get through 5 pages of really complicated theology. Maybe I'm a retard though.

>> No.17929596

The bible is completely different. People spend their lives interpreting even a single line of the bible.

>> No.17929608

dont worry about how fast you read, the only thing that matters is that you understand what you are reading.
what good is it to read 1 million pages in 10 minutes if when I ask you what the book is about your only answer is "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh"

>> No.17929627

my point was, asking how long it takes to read X number of pages always depends on the kind of book you are reading

>> No.17929636

people keep talking about page density, which is relevant but not nearly as much as prose density. Reading East of Eden at 600 pages took significantly less time than The Sickness Unto Death at 160 pages

>> No.17929661

Youre right, but still people mock me for how slow I read. Mean assholes. I hate political science students. Literal trailer trash of the humanities.

>> No.17929662

Reading 50 pages takes me several hours. I get obsessive about it and have to make sure I understand and take in everything. It's exhausting and I've stopped reading because of it.

>> No.17929667

>that (You) on the semifinal post
so this guy screencapped his own epic post?

>> No.17929679

Seems a bit much Tbh

>> No.17929697

"That guy" is me, you know

>> No.17929757

this tbqh, i can churn through ln trash in less than a week at the expense of temporarily losing my sanity but actual literature takes me a while to read

>> No.17929843

Depends on the book. I'll reread passages as I go and go back to previous paragraphs in the book that connect. I like to try to connect it all as I go and then towards the end I skim through some of those parts again. Other times I just read and don't worry about it. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.17930699

isn't 5.6 = 6 in sexagesimal

>> No.17931618

I need at least four hours for 100 pages, but maybe I'm just slow witted

>> No.17931675

sexagesimal uses ' instead of .

>> No.17931745


>> No.17931982

Me too Fren, it's okay, most people aren't destined to be above average let alone impressive.

>> No.17931996

about 50 hours if you've taken too many linguistics classes

>> No.17932000

the more you read the longer it takes to read
the more i know the dumber i get

this is a pointless topic of discussion

>> No.17932052

it's not a non-answer. i read a lot of different books and my mood is quite variable so i can't say. hugely different reading some YA fantasy vs a philosophical text, or just vs some decent literature. page count is also a bad metric because it is not consistent.

what books do you read?

>> No.17932409

You are responding to a statement no one made. He was just asking if pic was true.

>> No.17933861
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idk i don't really pay attention to my reading speed while reading

>> No.17933893

Same but I only do that with dense prose and I am fast enough to get through 50 pages in 3 hours or so. This habit has made me real choosy however, I drop authors real fast unless their language is very sharp and evocative.

>> No.17933902

What book?

>> No.17934534

>8 hours sleep
he's not a retard so he probably gets 6. that's 730 extra hours of wake time a year.

>> No.17935121

I would say that's about right for me lately

>> No.17936201

With novels, I can read at a pace of 30 to 45 pages an hr depending on what I'm reading. For philosophy, it might be 10 to 20 pages per hr since I like I to take notes and reconstruct what I'm reading as I read it.

>> No.17936233


Believe it or not dipshit, Hegel and Harry Potter have to be read at different speeds.

If we averaged it out with a medium difficulty book and an average intelligence reader, a minute, two minutes for each page makes sense. So yeah, most people can probably read a 200-page book in six hours. Most people do it over multiple days though and not in one massive six-hour block.

>> No.17936395

That was very mean, rude and uncalled for.

>> No.17937101

>It's exhausting and I've stopped reading because of it.
This is a big problem for me as well. I have to stop reading entirely for a few weeks to recover after finishing a really dense book.

>> No.17937158

For fiction about 100 pages/hour