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17936234 No.17936234 [Reply] [Original]

i am a leftist, but i hate the sex work industry. what are some good anti sex work books?

>> No.17936245

have sex incel
also the bible

>> No.17936265
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>leftist who doesn't equate all work with prostitution

>> No.17936787

Ive not read it but 'Libido dominandi' gets a lot of praise

>> No.17936794

are you female?

>> No.17936800

Will you be my gf?

>> No.17936808

>i am a leftist, but i hate the sex work industry
That's only natural, OP. Prostitution is the ultimate demonstration of capitalism. It's putting a price on human beings. Humans as products.

>> No.17936829

Is being a leftist is like being a vegan?
You must announce it every time you post/talk?

>> No.17936875

if there's no money under communism what do i gave the prozzie to get my dick sucked, a potato?

>> No.17936882

What about the labor theory of value?

>> No.17936904
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Andrea Dworkin

>> No.17936907

I'm not too much into that kind of stuff but isn't Andrea Dworkin against prostitution?

>> No.17936945

>i am a leftist, but
Thís is pretty good shitposting OP but wrong board.


>> No.17936971

"Sex work" is a liberal euphemism
I hate the world of hookers and strippers and onlyfans and porn and I despise the sad excuses for men who enable it. I don't think anyone is empowered by it. All my leftist homies avoid that other filthy euphemism, "sex positive feminism."

>> No.17937019

>Sex work
It's a simplification of the term prostitution just as looking-glass and mirror these are synonymous terms.

>> No.17937066

Nah it's a softened umbrella term for a set of jobs which all have names. They're trying to avoid the historical and cultural impact of the specific names, which is their whole project is trying to get it reconsidered as an abstraction outside of historical or cultural context.

>> No.17937087

>sex work
whores, they are called whores

>> No.17937131

"Sex work"
"House work"
"Emotional labor"
Notice how real work doesn't require an adjective.

>> No.17937145


>> No.17937147
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>Sex work is work
Work, on the contrary, is already prostitution

>> No.17937148

office work?

>> No.17937187

lol priest-handed city-slicker, get a real job

>> No.17937199 [DELETED] 

This can be so easily debunked that it isn’t even funny.
It is service you dolt.

>> No.17937208

Stop calling it sex work. It's prostitution and human trafficking.

>> No.17937213

This can be so easily debunked that it isn’t even funny.
It is a service you dolt.

>> No.17937226

5000 years of debt by graeber covers some of it. But no one cares about my recs.

>> No.17937237

Like trannies and eunuchs.

>> No.17937353

Please convert to rightism and become my gf.

>> No.17937606

Human trafficking

>> No.17937640

I never really understood this position, I feel like it could(sometimes) be both, but at minimum it's certainly commodifying the human body.

>> No.17937652

Sex work is the world's oldest profession. It's a tradition that predates human history, and arguably humanity itself. Abolishing it is pure degeneracy.

>> No.17937663

Labor commodifies the human body.

>> No.17937711

Read Prostitution and ways of fighting it by Alexandra Kollontai, most old Marxists called it "the rent of flesh" and despised it, don't confuse red liberalism with actual leftism lile the faggot retards on here
Also if isn't really productive labor by the Marxian and classical definitions, only ny the neoclassical definition (and the meme umderstanding of the labor theory of value everyone on this board has, commomly referred to as the mudpie argument).

>> No.17937731

Depends if you include in kind exchange for sex or not. If so yes. Great apes and many other animals do also have in kind exchanges for sex so it's a timeless tradition. Even the Soviets failed to stamp it out.

>> No.17937752

the best way is just too read and espouse all the pro-prostitution literature there is yet still soup box as anti-prostitution
this will erode every facet of the conversation to the point of episodic insanity

>> No.17937753

Only in great apes that were introduced to the concept of currency. Money really is the root of all evil.

>> No.17937757

ok faggot, you still deserve to be helicoptered

>> No.17937783

>Stop telling me to not call these eggs I painted orange oranges! I painted them orange, they are therefore oranges! Haha what are you saying, not real orangeism!!?!

>> No.17937821

Considering all prostitution as human trafficking is disrespectful to both, prostitutes and victims of human trafficking.
Not really. If something it is a commodification of time, and it that sense it isn’t much different from what >>17937663 stated.

>> No.17937822

As far as i know all chimp populations practice in kind transaction for sex. Some great apes species do not do it, like the gibbons, but that's because they are a strongly monogamous species, which most great apes are not.

>> No.17937826

>but i hate the sex work industry
Makes perfect sense. The commodification of things is what corrupts us

>> No.17937840

You paying for a private session with your favourite cam girl is not the same as having sex, incel.

>> No.17937881

The Bible.

>> No.17937888
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I'm far from leftist but I wanna fuck men and get fucked by men

>> No.17937927

So, a nazi?

>> No.17937937

>anti sex work
you have to pick one.

>> No.17937962
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Funny, I'm a sex worker but I hate leftists, book for this feels?

>> No.17937977

Your diary desu

>> No.17938003
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Well, I don't keep a diary, but neither can I argue with those dubs.

>> No.17938117

That depends on how cute you are.

>> No.17938129

Prostitution predates capitalism. Even apes have been seen to prostitute themselves.

>> No.17938190

what about it?
but not always sexual intercourse

>> No.17938218

how is that relevant to the current discussion? fucking dumbass bottoms thinking someone cares about their opinion

>> No.17938241

the only degenerate thin is work itself wich is exactly why it must be abolished

>> No.17938251

It's not just a service. It's the sale of the most intimate part of humans. Humans aren't trafficked in order to sell you movie tickets, they're trafficked for sex explotation reasons.

>> No.17938264

Not at the level of prostitution.

>> No.17938301

>Humans aren't trafficked in order to sell you movie tickets
thats literally all inmigration is

>> No.17938328

No, it isn't, Pedro. Those are different concepts.

>> No.17939049
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>It's the sale of the most intimate part of humans.
No it isn’t you virgin. The only case of people being treated like merchandise is slavery. When you pay for sex you don’t “own” the person you just pay for a service. Besides, data shows that legalizing prostitution actually helps combat human trafficking.

>> No.17939253

A lot of the female classical Marxists in the Russian Revolution wrote about abolishing sex work. A good place to start would be Kollontai's "Prostitution and ways of fighting it." https://www.marxists.org/archive/kollonta/1921/prostitution.htm

>> No.17939267
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>Besides, data shows that legalizing prostitution actually helps combat human trafficking

>> No.17939291

House in this case more describes the location of the work. Cleaning and maintenance is work.

>> No.17939302

Ever watched a concrete pour?

>> No.17939402

You wish, sperg. These are just facts. But you can keep trivializing real issues with your autistic high school morals. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.17939470

It’s a service. It’s generally wage labor. Thus it is wage slavery, it is as bad as any other job.

The question is why does it seem to piss me off more than other forms of labor? Why do whores and the destruction of language that is “sex work” piss me off so much?

It has to do with the sex part obviously. A masseuse for an hour isn’t the same as a call girl. A streamer isn’t the same as a cam girl. It’s the sexual nature of the work that makes me angry. Is this because it’s a removal of the veil of all social dynamics and an outright trading of value to those who have power? That the effort I put into getting laid is nothing compared to someone who can just pay for it? Maybe it’s the way “sex work” is sold to the public. As if integrating sex work into normal work is going to some how help the revolution instead of just make girl power whores richer. It’s the empowerment of a field that is so morally decoupled from the human experience. I mean, graeber goes into the whole history of social currencies and debt and all that in 5000 years of debt and I think it’s the last bastion of a real human event or experience. The interpersonal relation between lovers, the chase, the chemistry, alll is stripped away if you have some government backed dollars. All sacred or personal things are no longer outside of capital.

>> No.17939484

Have sex

>> No.17939496

It doesn’t really interest me anymore. Too much work these days. I’m getting too old to chase tail anymore.

>> No.17939498

>the effort I put into getting laid

If you're not going to go into a romantic relatonshop iwith them anyway then what's the difference?

>> No.17939529

Don't even know anymore man. Was just shooting out some thoughts on the question.

>> No.17939556

That's fine anon

Imo sex and relationships are still quite sacred (at least in a modrnern sense of importance rather than anything holy). Once you realise 500k to a million women are trafficked every year and 70% of all men operate on a diet of sex, booze, food, and their jobs that they hate, sex work isn't really to suprising for our time, or any time i nhistory for tha t matter.

>> No.17939558
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>It doesn’t really interest me anymore.
>Too much work
>I’m getting too old
These are basically the primary reasons people pay for sex. Just do it Anon, you know you want to.

>> No.17939577

>500k to a million women are trafficked every year
How? Wouldn't that number of people catch some authority's attention?

>> No.17939584


Watch this entire thing. It's a little over a decade old or no quite more, but the same structures remain just like always

>> No.17939799


>> No.17940073

It has to do with how entitled whores are.
>I needed the money for college!
You could have picked a variety of jobs, you literally just decided to do it because you thought it was going to be an easy and "fun" way to make money
>Why is everyone treating me like a whore now, no fair!
You ARE a whore. You should have informed yourself on what you were getting into. I'm sure there were friends and family that tried to discourage you but you went ahead anyways.
Why should anyone have sympathy for them?

>> No.17940081

>>It's the sale of the most intimate part of humans.
That would be your mind.
Which you can also sell, I guess.

>> No.17940089

How do you explain wages from normal jobs?

>> No.17940100
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This was rage-inducing and depressing. I wish was God for a moment, just to fix stuff like this. You would think this sort of stuff is what the various international and national governmental organizations would be trying to fix, but nope.

>> No.17940156

I need a sex slave in my life.
Aside from being prohibitively expensive, there's the dilemma of how one should be treated.
I'm a young guy, 23, and I wouldn't want to act like the old ugly bastards that typically own such slaves. I was thinking that treating her nicely would be better, I would buy her some clothes so she could walk outside, we would take walks together, etc. We would basically just be a couple except she's forced to do the chores around the house and have sex with me. But this approach would never work, she would probably escape the first chance she gets if you treat her humanely.
But then again the opposite approach is equally unappealing. Keeping her locked up in a closet or somewhere else and only taking her out for feeding and for fucking would be too horrifying, even if it ensured that she couldn't escape.
You really can't win when it comes to relationships as an average male can you?

>> No.17940181


>> No.17940185
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>I wish was God for a moment, just to fix stuff like this
That's why you'll never be God.

>> No.17940237

Sorry just had Easter dinner desu

But yeah i t is fucked

>> No.17940267

Marxists have always been anti-prostitution. It's just house-retards on twitter and in journalism that support it.
>world oldest profession
Retarded, being a hunter is obviously the oldest profession predating humans.
>monkeys have transactional sex
They simply do not.

>> No.17940299


>> No.17940819

the idea of exchange predates the idea of capitalism doesn't mean it wasn't capitalism

>> No.17940832
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Read Pasolini

>> No.17940843

>Judah and Tamar
Sex work all over that bitch lmao

>> No.17941154

>be me average looking normie
>have college debt/rent to pay
>work a minimum wage job while in college >realize hoes sell pics of their feet and ass and make 10x as much as I do
>make only fans next day

>> No.17941171


>> No.17941213

>No it isn’t you virgin.
Cope. I hope your wife's daughter ends up being a whore on OnlyFans btw.

>> No.17941276

>Retarded, being a hunter is obviously the oldest profession predating humans.
It seems likely to me that the first transaction in the world (possibly the universe) was food for sex, in which case both would be first.

>> No.17941350

yeah the secret and mystery around sex has pretty much vanished even in normal average society since it's so widely displayed on the internet now. sex is now way less 'sexy'

>> No.17941369

>5000 years of debt
Is this good? I’ve heard it’s written by an anthropologist so does he really understand economics?

>> No.17941391

What do Twitter Marxists think they’ll be doing on the commune if not working? Watching ‘ethical porn’ and taking naps?

>> No.17941565
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>data shows