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17942132 No.17942132 [Reply] [Original]

I read BAP's book last year, and something that's really stuck with me is the concept of 'owned space'

He spoke about the mastery and exploration of space as being a fundamental human development:

>Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does… He is concerned with mastering space: solving problem of life in and under trees, mastering what tools he can, mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. Deprived of this drive to development and self-increase he devolves to pointless masturbation, in captivity, where he senses he is in owned space and therefore the futility of all his efforts and all his actions. The onanism of modern society is connected with its supposed ‘hyper-sexualization’ and its infertility... Life in owned space becomes drained of energy through low-grade pointless titillation

I'm writing a University paper and I want to incorporate aspects of this, though obviously a) I can't cite this and b) he offers no 'evidence' for his claims. Does anybody know where he got this idea? Has anybody citable explored something similar? I've tried looking in anthropology/psychology journals but am getting zero luck.

I'm basically trying to assert that frustrating and controlling the time and space of an individual is contrary to our nature and psychologically harmful.

>> No.17942140

Slavery and serfdom predate modernity

>> No.17942164

He got it from his ass as masturbation has been observed many times among primates in their natural habitat

>> No.17942173

Merleau-Ponty "Phenomenology of Perception"
Bachelard "Poetics of Space"
could help you here?

>> No.17942175

Also Nietzsche obviously. All the usual suspects. Genealogy of morals, beyond good & evil, etc

>> No.17942221

Thanks mate - I'm a bit of a retard so I didn't know which field to look in. Will definitely check these out.

>> No.17942268

I was also impressed by concept of owned space, very good application of Nietzsche in new world. BAP has an extensive list of reading recommendations on his podcast. Jünger was also a Nietzschean in BAP's vein

>> No.17942721

Juger wasnt concerned with "owning space" or the juvenile shit BAP rambles on about, he had a fufilling life with friends and family

>> No.17942796

>I'm basically trying to assert that frustrating and controlling the time and space of an individual is contrary to our nature and psychologically harmful.
Feels like you should look more into shit like gigantism (I think that's the term), the psychological effects of living in a city with disproportionally large buildings. Or simply the studies on the gap between the type and quantity of experiences we were evolved "to have" and the number that we do get in modern times (for example we meet a ridiculously large amount of people which have an insignificant impact on our lives, we travel and memorize more locations than our ancestors, we have a schedule which is both unnatural and overcharged)...

>> No.17942809

>Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does

This is false, but I don't really expect someone like BAP to bring truth to the table.

>> No.17942822

It's called private property and Marx already beat you to it 2 centuries ago.

>> No.17942828

pretty useless recommendations for the specific topic

>> No.17942844

>he offers no 'evidence' for his claims
this shouldn't be a concern since FOUCAULT is the most cited dude in the Humanities.

>> No.17942864

So Junger owned space, and was happy for it. Good job proving his point, dumbass. This is why you need to read a book before having an opinion on it.

>> No.17942922

Jünger wrote extensively about man's relationship to space and the expression of will within it
Read Eumeswil, pseud

>> No.17942974

I feel sorry for you

>> No.17943861
File: 18 KB, 302x379, strauss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested in this sort of thing I'd advise you to become familiar with the works of Leo Strauss and Straussianism in general. There's a lot of good work happening in this field right now and Strauss is respectable enough not to set off the system's sensors. If you're totally unfamiliar with it watch this interview with Harvey Mansfield, a disciple of Strauss.

>> No.17943869

I don't even think about you.

>> No.17943871

the only thing i know about "straussians" is that the word is often used by people who say "neoliberal" a lot

>> No.17943887

>I'm writing a University paper and want to incorporate some Slavic guy’s Twitter shitposts into it
Seriously though, closest I could think of would be Max Weber. It’s more about rationalization in general than space per se, but might be what you’re looking for.

>> No.17943917

>muh bononos
bye bye

>> No.17943934

>yo bro, you should like, be like a chimp bro
>yo you should like, not fap bro, chimps do that bro
>yo bro we should go like to Target bro, and like screech incoherently bro, chimps do that too bro, it’s the ancient mentality bro
>so like bro, there was this chick bro, she was like ‘you down?’ but I like showed her my inner animal bro, I screeched and pooped on the floor and threw it at her bro, and like ripped her arm off bro, it was sick

>> No.17943971

BAP's a Straussian. Not going to say how I know because I don't like talking about the identities of people who choose to remain anonymous, but he is. And if you're familiar with both of them the influence is obvious on a surface level. If you're OP you should read On Tyranny, Natural Right and History and City and Man.

>> No.17944007

Or if you want a brief overview of his political philosophy first you should read "Between the End of History and the Last Man: World History and the Dialogue between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève." You should be able to find it through your university library website.

>> No.17944043

Based and Redpilled. Just like Junger!

>> No.17944055

You should be reading Nick Land. He shows how owned space is impossible because of capital.

>> No.17944102
File: 17 KB, 400x400, Costin Alamariu BAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows who he is,

>Costin Vlad Alamariu
>doctorate at Yale
>mentored by David Sidorsky
>funded by Jewish Institute for National Security of America
>brother is an exec at a major international bank

>> No.17944125

He larps in his own thesis

>> No.17944147

lot's of post-modernist and lots of liberal arts academics in journals write about these things. I know we beat Debord's drum a lot here but it's true, Society of the Spectacle and the Situationist movement in 1968 was partially about Psychogeography and conceptualized structures inhibiting individuals and bodies politique and material. Flip through some wiki's on Structuralism and probably the 'architecture' subset since that deals with physical space and try not to veer off into 'the physical queer body in cyber-space' stuff

>> No.17944191

No "based redpiller" reads the academy. Why do you think BAP hides his elite academic background and very wealthy family. He knows how to play a rube

>> No.17944210
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>> No.17944228

I don't know who that is but I was speaking to OP

>> No.17944237

kek kek kek kek

>> No.17944246

I dont know what a Straussian is and I dont intend to look it up. Ideology is gay shit for fags.

>> No.17944264

>And if you're familiar with both of them the influence is obvious on a surface level.
So what is the influence, what does he say that you see the influence in

>> No.17944419

The concept of owned space is very interesting I have also tried to find sources/influences. What I find more relevant to our times is also in the first part of BAM. What if you have been misled about what is life? This whole lockdown is supposedly there to protect life. But isn’t there a difference between living and mere survival? Whether or not you think lockdown is just supposed to keep hospitals going and avoid a legitimation crisis of the ruling elite asking yourself what is life is still interesting. Anyone in here can think about works that approach this in detail?

>> No.17944479

It's political philosophy, not ideology. And you're saying that BAP, who presumably you're interested in since you're in this thread (or are writing a paper on if you're OP) is a fag, since he's a scholar of political philosophy.

>> No.17944512

And if you're genuinely not interested in this sort of thing you should stop posting on /lit/ and go become a soldier or cop.

>> No.17944518

Have you seen his Twitter?

>> No.17944526

yeah, what's your point

>> No.17944531

I dont know how you could do so without concluding that he is a gay man.

>> No.17944550

If gays were usually like that the word wouldn't even be an insult

>> No.17944561

He’s probably not a homosexual, but he does get very defensive when people bring this up, without actually ever explicitly denying it.

>> No.17944586

>Strauss was born on September 20, 1899 in Kirchhain, a small, rural town in Germany. He was raised in an orthodox Jewish home
>intellectual godfather of the neo-conservative political movement and thus of being the intellectual force behind the Bush administration’s plan to invade of Iraq
Thats a pass from me queers.

>> No.17944598

yeah maybe, I don't really care about that, the point is that I'm pretty sure the anon who's against reading or knowing anything about Strauss is also a fan of BAP, and BAP is strongly influenced by Strauss, which is kind of like being interested in Aristotle while being aggressively opposed to knowing or learning anything about Plato or Platonism.

>> No.17944628

you need no citations. give them what for.

>> No.17944645

What is the connection between what bap says and Strauss

>> No.17944679

The neocons joined with the Dems to side against Trump, who bap is always praising.

>> No.17944744

Bto what are you talking about, all of his post-ww2 writings were about coping with living in owned space.

>> No.17944757

>I dont like reading but I'm posting on a literature board

>> No.17944789

Strauss was a Nietzschean, and the main concern of Strauss' political philosophy was to prevent the coming about of Nietzsche's last man and the advent of the universal homogenous state. He once wrote "The state through which man is said to becomer easonably satisfied is, then, the state in which the basis of man’s humanity withers away, or in which man loses his humanity. It is the state of Nietzsche’s “last man.”. . .If the universal and homogeneous state is the goal of History,
History is absolutely “tragic.” Its completion will reveal that the human problem, and hence in particular the problem of the relation ofp hilosophy and politics, is insoluble." In order to avoid this Strauss argued that we needed to return to classical political philosophy, particulalry the Greeks. Strauss stuided under Heidegger and considered Heidegger the greatest thinker of the modern age, and was also heavily influenced by the thinkers of the German conservative revolution (Spengler, Schmitt, etc.). Of course it goes deeper than this but I'm not going to write a whole paper for you right now. If you want to learn more read ""Between the End of History and the Last Man: World History and the Dialogue between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève.""

>> No.17944790

He also recently posted something about how he couldn’t be a fed because he’s been posting for 10 years which is basically how long Richard Spencer has been around.

I don’t really think he’s a fed, but he makes a lot of really retarded posts like that.

>> No.17944797

BAP either got duped by Trump like everyone else or he was in on it. Trump the president was nothing like Trump the candidate.

>> No.17944806

The fact a lazy, incoherent, crass fantasist like BAP is taken so seriously should concern anyone who is right wing. You should look down your nose at him.

From Quine, Heidegger, Kripke, Von Neumann, Wittgenstein, TS Eliot and WB Yeats to BAP, pathetic really.

>> No.17944813

I could provide more direct evidence but like I said I don't like talking about the real identities of people who choose to remain anonymous online.

>> No.17944817

How’s that now?

>> No.17944831

Trump was not effective and it's not even clear he wanted to be, but there is no doubt that the few policies he did manage to push through absolutely alarmed the Neocons and they wanted him out enough to side with the DNC

>> No.17944836

Kantbot already let that ship sail lol, and even as a critic it struck me as rather pathetic.
>Oh, you think you’re a big deal BAP? Well let’s see how big a deal everyone thinks you are when I reveal you to be a healthy rich Yale alumni!

>> No.17944842

Is the connection just that they both like Nietzsche and the Greeks, because that doesn't seem like it means much and applies to a lot of people

>> No.17944845

Based on how the Capitol looks now I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was controlled opposition.

>> No.17944847

I’m fairly sure he has posted publicly about being a Straussian both as BAP and under his other handles.

>> No.17944849

BAP was also published by the American Mind, which is a publication of the Claremont Institute, a conservative think tank which is the home of what's known as "West Coast Straussianism."

>> No.17944860

Not one correct answer in dozens of replies, testament to /lit/'s illiteracy.

Start here, there are plenty of citations and avenues of exploration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum

>> No.17944873
File: 35 KB, 317x535, strauss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up a Yale dissertation named "The Problem of Tyranny and Philosophy in the Thought of Plato and Nietzsche" and go the bibliography.

>> No.17944886

isn't Kantbot a literal FBI informant or something

>> No.17944888

>Many I’ve met who call themselves Straussians were reduced to sputtering indignation by the arrival of Trump, incomprehension of what was going on, and desperation that the grift industry that has grown around such people as Bill Kristol was going to come to an end. Many of the younger Straussians are fanatical believers in the public religion of the regime—they’ve internalized “antiracism,” hysteria about “anti-Semitism,” and similar taboos—and their own professors are scared to tell them otherwise even in private. They are regime toadies and kapos, much like the journalists attacking me; or in the case of the older professors, they are simply scared into silence—often shamefully, and failing to make use of their tenure.

OK that does clear it up a bit basically he is saying that the 'real' reading of Strauss is closer to Fascism than to the neocon position that most Straussians seem to support, is that the gist?

>> No.17944898

What's BAP?

>> No.17944950

I haven’t heard about that, no.

>> No.17944978

Yeah that's hitting pretty close to the mark. I wouldn't call Strauss a fascist but he's definitely way to the right of most conservatives today, including most people who consider themselves Straussians.

>> No.17945018
File: 126 KB, 490x495, german nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excerpt from his 1941 lecture on national socialism, "On German Nihilism."

>> No.17945030

Both KB and BAP have accused each other of being feds and doxxers.

>> No.17945058

I think the capital storming was genuine and that it really alarmed the neocon-liberal uniparty that there's a large cohort of the citizenry that has absolutely no regard for their institutions. The hysterical and over-reaching response is evidence of this and is really par the course for the American elite.

>> No.17945073

Strauss said something along the lines that as a Jew he was obviously opposed the Third Reich but if he was German he would have been right there with them.

>> No.17945076

Yep. A quick glance at YT like/dislike ratios on Trump vs Biden content reveals that at least 80% of the USA is opposed to the uniparty. The overreaction to the Jan 6 peaceful protest is genuine fear on the part of the elites.

>> No.17945079

>imagine unironically thinking that feds would waste time like this

>> No.17945080

This is very neat, cheers

>> No.17945086


>> No.17945089
File: 57 KB, 693x633, 1588963125093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube like/dislike ration is a repressentation of popular opinion

>> No.17945090

I couldnt imagine a fed being creative enough to be either account, honestly.

>> No.17945091

I have wondered occasionally if there was some form of German national identity that could have assimilated/integrated German Jews into the Natsoc movement, or if that is just incoherent.

>> No.17945096


>> No.17945124

>he doesn't remember the leaks showing the CIA posted on 8kun as ponyfags and furries

>> No.17945128

Italian Fascism had heavy Jewish involvement initially. I suspect that if National Socialism wasn't anti-Jewish, the same phenomenon would've happened.

>> No.17945146

i'm more inclined to belive that it's just anons creating sophisticated larp shitposts than actual agents

>> No.17945148

This >>17945128 the antisemitism of national socialism has more to do with the peculiarities of interwar Germany than it does the tenants of third position ideologies as a whole.

>> No.17945161

It came out in an FOIA request a couple years ago around the time that Tarrant shoah'd the NZ mosque. There were a bunch of post numbers that the CIA admitted as having come from their people and they all ended up being MLP and furfag posts lmao

>> No.17945164

I'm highly amused imagining this timeline >>17945128 where common /pol/ boogeymen like Adorno become the most ardent Nazis.

>> No.17945171

>though obviously a) I can't cite this
Why though? Are there any rules that say "you can't cite BAP" or something?>>17942822

>> No.17945185

Nobody on /pol/ has read Adorno he complains about the same exact shit that they do he just didn't want to get gassed as part of the solution. All of the super degenerate life-denying pomo writers were French, not Jewish: Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze.

>> No.17945192

The University of Chicago is also in the process of producing transcripts of many of his courses. A few are available in full for free already, including courses of Nietzsche, Plato, Hegel and Thucydides. Some are also available in audio form. His class on Beyond Good and Evil is available in full on youtube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkFqkUmK32U)) but I think for most of them you have to go the university of chicago website. Gives you a window into his thinking, much more frank and direct here than in most of his books. Great material for an enterprising grad student, opportunity to break new ground.

>> No.17945230
File: 27 KB, 1023x164, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no official rule but the first thing you get when you google bap is shit like this so probably not a good idea in this political enviornment

>> No.17945233

On the other hand, Adorno wouldn't be Adorno in this timeline, since reaction to the Holocaust understandably colors much of his work.

>> No.17945236

Adorno is mostly known on the far right for The Authoritarian Personality, which is basically antifascist, antiwhite, and antiChristian. It seems most fans of Adorno don't even like that book which is maybe why this divergence of opinion about him exists.

>> No.17945505

I don't believe this is him, because this man is an authentic Slav, whereas BAP's accent is obviously fake.

>> No.17945530

Read the thesis and judge for yourself:
It looks to me like it contains many of the same ideas and points of reference as BAM as well as BAP's other discourse on Twitter or in podcasts.

>> No.17945582
File: 1.72 MB, 2048x1372, frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Eternal Frank

>> No.17945604

Derrida was Jewish though. Not that I assign degenerate life-denying philosophy to an ethnic group in any case.

>> No.17946120

You literally haven't read either

>> No.17946357

thanks mate

>> No.17946390

Even if he wasn't an 'alt-right' figure, it isn't considered an 'academic source'. One of the things I hate most about academia is that they fucking circlejerk about only using 'verified' sources like peer-reviewed journals (and sometimes textbooks) as evidence. I understand the rational, which is fair, but there should be exceptions when the source is good.

>> No.17946392

Actually the first result is a group of Korean homosexuals

>> No.17946435
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Kek, he's not joking

>> No.17946447
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>> No.17946488
File: 54 KB, 1194x395, hoax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limiting citations to primarily peer-reviewed sources wouldn't be a bad idea if the current standards in academia, especially in the humanities and social sciences, weren't so fucking abysmal. Pic related

>> No.17946653

I agree. Any retard can get a journal article published (so long as they are in the academic circle). But it's what they want so ill just lie down and take it

>> No.17947345

Thanks, interesting new discovery for me!

>> No.17947532

Rekt. This has always been my issue with trad cults and communist groups. They represent the same fundamental desire for power and leadership, just with different flavours. Both movements are largely constituted of lemmings.

>> No.17947539

cope manlet

>> No.17947570

Yeah, since these Biden vids show up on every single person's youtube front page.

>> No.17947571

There were more than 150.000 jews serving the reich, thou.

>> No.17947586

>Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does
This objectively isn’t true lol

>> No.17947594

Prove it

>> No.17947628

>In around 80 species from all major radiations of the living anthropoid primates, males were observed to exhibit masturbatory behaviours that slightly differ in some peculiarities. In several species of New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, lesser apes and great apes, males are reported to masturbate frequently using their hands, feet or mouth to stimulate their genitals until ejaculation occurs. In prosimians, one of the most evolutionarily ancient primate taxon, masturbation is known in mouse lemurs and galagos. In females, masturbation is described in 50 primate species (Jones 2005). Females exhibit more sophisticated kinds of masturbatory behaviours than males. Besides the whole ano-genital region they include stimulation of the breast region using various substrates. Females of species that are known for the use of tools use "tool-like" objects to masturbate. Orang-utans prepare sticks of adequate size, bonobos use pieces of lianas and capuchin monkeys use plant parts for vaginal stimulation. However, it is more difficult to rate the level of arousal in females. Vocalisation, distinctive facial expressions or excitement visibly occur in some taxa (macaques, cebids, guenons), but usually female orgasm (if any) seems concealed.

>Autoeroticism also occurs widely among animals, both male and female. A variety of creative techniques are used, including genital stimulation using the hand or front paw (primates, Lions), foot (Vampire Bats, primates), flipper (Walruses), or tail (Savanna Baboons), sometimes accompanied by stimulation of the nipples (Rhesus Macaques, Bonobos); auto-fellating or licking, sucking and/or nuzzling by a male of his own penis (Common Chimpanzees, Savanna Bonobos, Vervet Monkeys, Squirrel Monkeys, Thinhorn Sheep, Bharal, Aovdad, Dwarf Cavies); stimulation of the penis by flipping or rubbing it against the belly or in its own sheath (White-tailed and Mule Deer, Zebras and Takhi); spontaneous ejaculations (Mountain Sheep, Warthogs, Spotted Hyenas); and stimulation of the genitals using inanimate objects (found in several primates and cetaceans).
—Biological Exuberance, Bruce Bagemihl

>> No.17947668

Okay now do one for wild primates

>> No.17947684

I don't see how respect for elders and neighbors is antithetical to trad ethics. This poster sounds like an angry troon with a bone to pick.

>> No.17947691

the cope is real holy fuck

>> No.17947694

Do you have any evidence or indication that masturbatory behaviour differs in the wild than in captivity? They observe apes in the wild all the time and presumably would have noticed if there were differences in sexual behaviour

>> No.17947699

He was bitching about his neighbour lol. He wasn’t doing it out of respect, but powerlessness.

>> No.17947717


>> No.17947734

post podcast or it didn't happen, and even if it did I don't give a shit

>> No.17947739

>even if it did I don't give a shit
The state of fedfaggots

>> No.17947746
File: 428 KB, 1440x960, 95E01AD2-B959-46F0-9E6F-1673B414D531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn’t BAP support homosexuality?

>> No.17947802

I don't care if he sucks cock and works for the anunakki, he's still a good writer and podcaster, and I have no reason to care about him beyond that

>> No.17947807


When living in a major metropolitan city in America basically any type of person could get jumped by a group of spics and being unable to overpower several men doesn't say a lot about your health or character lmao. wtf it took you like 5 guys to kill me

>> No.17947824


>> No.17947826
File: 89 KB, 460x675, aWEmPz6_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the one he made the night RBG bit the dust. So around sept 18th 2020. Look for that. He privates his public shit and i don't know if you have access to shows that old or not if you're a subscriber because lmao imagine actually paying money for that

>> No.17947829

Wow, so he's both a secret neocon fed collecting Jewish money and a LARPing loser reject. Amazing what you learn on this board.

>> No.17947832

>owned space
Pop-philosophy tier. Have no idea why teenage boys find this guy impressive

>> No.17947878

okay well I'm just gonna assume it's bullshit then. Sounds implausible anyway, if he actually had no choice but to whisper through a podcast he would've just recorded it at another time or in another place

>> No.17947890

Check out Sloterdjik's Spheres trilogy. It's the 'Being and Space' version of Being and Time.

>> No.17947897

>a good writer and podcaster
oh no no no no no no

>> No.17947910

>Have no idea why teenage boys find this guy impressive

I imagine their fathers are unimpressive shlubs in some horrible suburb somewhere, so they're desperate for a strong father figure to cling to. It's also why Jordan Peterson has any traction.

>> No.17947913

Yes my source is Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.17947961

It's like BJJ nerds. Act like tough guys but the majority of them are passive aggressive, 5'8", 165lbs dorks

>> No.17947984

Read Land and Sea by Carl Schmitt

>> No.17947987

wtf im gay now

>> No.17948016

It was rumored that Julius Caesar took it up the ass I believe

>> No.17948309

read anything by Carl Schmitt

>> No.17948636

So....TLDR edition:

"The modern world is trying to reduce all of academia and intellectualism into bugman bullshit, and the only way we can prevent this is to fall back to the classics and speak in code."

Am I on the mark?

>> No.17948710

>The modern world is trying to reduce all of academia and intellectualism into bugman bullshit
Not just that but life itself. The end of humanity as we know it.
>the only way we can prevent this is to fall back to the classics
And tradition, religion and mysticism, things which have been discredited by modernity but which the classics (especially Plato) took account of.
>and speak in code
Boiling it down to a slogan like this doesn't do it justice (kind of like saying that the plot of Crime and Punishment is "college student kills two women with axe, feels guilty afterwards") but that is the core of it.

>> No.17948792
File: 94 KB, 194x276, el_coomeador.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B: Boning
A: Your
P: Mom

>> No.17948893

Trump's main base of intellectual support in what can be broadly called the conservative mainstream was among the West Coast Straussians (Claremont, Stanford to an extent), who are mainly distinguished from the East Coast Straussians (Harvard mainly) by their willingness to actively participate in politics and to state their views more directly. Pompeo spoke to the Claremont Institue (West Coast, published BAP, Curtis Yarvin and other /pol/-adjacent figures) in 2019 and mentioned Strauss, Michael Anton is an open Strauss follower and a student of Harry Jaffa, who is probably his most prominent disciple, Peter Thiel has written about Strauss, and Trump's 1776 Commission was written by Claremont. Bronze Age Mindset was also apparently popular in the administration.

That's just the tip of the iceberg in a sense though. The vast majority of people who have been influenced by Strauss don't talk about him openly. It's basically a very loosely organized secret society.

>> No.17949024

Still no proof

>> No.17949080

Got it. Thx.

Always fun to be part of the secret club

>> No.17949088
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>Always fun to be part of the secret club

>> No.17949176

made me kek

>> No.17949795

its shit like this that makes you realise just how much you don't know about the world

>> No.17949935

Find an anthropology paper describing the phenomenon

this is BAP

Wolfowitz, for instance, took one undergraduate course from Strauss — his influence among NeoCohens is overstated hence >>17944789
>the main concern of Strauss' political philosophy was to prevent the coming about of Nietzsche's last man and the advent of the universal homogenous state

>Their Yes was inarticulate: they could say only No!
Still the problem

The theft was transparent, and should’ve happened in 2016 but for medically MIA HRC abstaining from campaigning, and focusing the wrong states (NV & NM in particular)

Hundreds of thousands of mixed to full ancestry fought for Germany — depended on whether you ran afoul of a careerist or got special dispensation with the help of references

>Zorn und Zeit


>> No.17950041

In BAM it's clear he doesn't NOT support it, though he posits the modern homos are created overbearing mothers and a feminized west in contrast with the Greeks

>> No.17950171

>"Rhythmic masturbation or masturbation with ejaculation was observed in 34 of52 species (65.4%). Masturbation with ejaculation was observed in 21 of 52 species(40.4%), and only masturbation was observed in an additional 13 of the 52 species(25.0%). Eighteen species (34.6%) were not observed to masturbate (Table II). Twenty-two of 30 wild species (73.4%) and 9 of 17 (52.9%) captive species masturbated eitherrhythmically or with ejaculation. There was no significant difference in the occur-rence of masturbation between wild living versus semi-free and captive living"

>There was no significant difference in the occur-rence of masturbation between wild living versus semi-free and captive living


>> No.17950180

You're allowed to cite BAP. I have done so twice.

>> No.17950190

>X wasnt concerned with [philosophical concept], he had a fufilling life with friends and family
Oh, guess we all have to go home now. No more /lit/, no more books. It's all pointless because you should LIVE LAUGH LOVE instead.

>> No.17950192

way to fail
It isn't andrapology
it is anthropology.

>> No.17950196

One of Anne Waldman's most famous poems is called "Makeup on Empty Space," and it has some similarities. I'm sure that a search for 'empty space' + 'Waldman' on Jstor will turn up countless papers to work with.

>> No.17950206

>Find an anthropology paper describing the phenomenon
Yes, but where might one find such a thing? What might one look for?
t. retard

>> No.17950209
File: 434 KB, 657x822, Ert9VyuW8AQ6GsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh strauss
>muh strauss

>> No.17950324


Too undialectical a relationship between free, wild, pre-social space and fixed, controlled owned space. Reminded me of this riff from Dialectic of Englightenment, on The Odyssey:

>The hero's peregrinations from Troy to Ithaca trace the path of the self through myths, a self infinitely weak in comparison to the force of nature and still in the process of formation as self-consciousness. The primeval world is secularized as the space he measures out; the old demons populate only the distant margins and islands of the civilized Mediterranean, retreating into the forms of rock and cave from which they had originally sprung in the face of primal dread. The adventures bestow names on each of these places, and the names give rise to a rational overview of space. The shipwrecked, tremulous navigator anticipates the work of the compass. His powerlessness, leaving no part of the sea unknown, aims to undermine the ruling powers. But, in the eyes of the man who has thus come of age, the plain untruth of the myths, the fact that sea and earth are not actually populated by demons but are a magic delusion propagated by traditional popular religion, becomes something merely "aberrant" in contrast to his unambiguous purpose of self-preservation, of returning to his homeland and fixed property.
>[. . .]
>It is a yearning for the homeland which sets in motion the adventures by which subjectivity, the prehistory of which is narrated in the Odyssey, escapes the primeval world. The fact that - despite the fascist lies to the contrary - the concept of homeland is opposed to myth constitutes the innermost paradox of epic. Precipitated in the epic is the memory of an historical age in which nomadism gave way to settlement, the precondition of any homeland. If the fixed order of property implicit in settlement is the source of human alienation, in which all homesickness and longing spring from a lost primal state, at the same time it is toward settlement and fixed property, on which alone, the concept of homeland is based, that all longing and homesickness are directed. Novalis's definition according to which all philosophy is homesickness holds good only if this longing is not dissipated in the phantasm of a lost original state, but homeland, and nature itself, are pictured as something that have had first to be wrested from myth. Homeland is a state of having escaped. For this reason the criticism that the Homeric legends "withdraw from the earth" is a warranty of their truth. They "turn to men."

>> No.17950341


>> No.17950353

Explain the election theft

>> No.17950407

spartacus war of the damned isn't historically accurate bro

>> No.17950574
File: 85 KB, 1080x1266, 97ee21dc95431ef1764094e20862b949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now reproduce it

>> No.17950645

Check your sources dude. If you believe this and can argument it then you can bring it up, but BAP is a pseud. Every 'intellectual', 'academic', 'artist' using socialmedia beyond family and friends interaction, e.g. shilling their art and dogma, is a huge midwit, pseud

>> No.17950703

Okay dude sure thing dude but pseud midwit dude bro? Dude pseud midwit midwit pseud midwit. BAP dude

>> No.17950921

i will only reproduce with your mother

>> No.17951334

Dude sources midwit pseud sources dude

>> No.17951600

I read it in Will Durant's history of Rome, he said that Cicero used to tease Caesar for losing his virginity to a king, forget which king it was now

>> No.17951614

got him bro

>> No.17951672
File: 184 KB, 824x968, C655D114-08E3-4E44-9CCB-78EE521F9839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read ""Between the End of History and the Last Man: World History and the Dialogue between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève
Could anyone upload this I can’t find it at the usual places

>> No.17951688

He's a Romanian-American. Fake accent probably comes from his imitation of his family's accent or something

>> No.17951700

>his influence among NeoCohens is overstated
In this Mansfield interview >>17943861 Kristol states that he never understood what Mansfield/Strauss meant by Machiavelli being the founder of modernity, which demonstrates that Kristol, the ultimate neocon "intellectual," doesn't possess even a basic grasp of Strauss' thinking. There was more Strauss influence in the Trump admin than the Bush admin by far, and as far as I can tell in the Trump admin they were mostly a very positive influence.

>> No.17952015

I think academia.edu gives you one free paper or something like that.

Armon, Adi
Telos (New York, N.Y.), 2019, Vol.2019 (186), p.8-24

>> No.17952070
File: 13 KB, 329x499, mansfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this is a good book

>> No.17952196

Seemed like the only thing the Trump administration was interested in intellectually was sucking bibi netanyahu's cock, because other than that they really accomplished nothing

>> No.17952299

American democracy is on the verge of total collapse, the US is quickly losing control over continental Europe, the left has become a horrifying parody of itself and a massive percentage of conservative voters are now explicitly or implicitly in favor of a right-wing military coup. If you can't recognize these as major accomplishments I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.17952335

never gets old

>> No.17952338

Nice try

>> No.17952447

>American democracy is on the verge of total collapse
Democracy was always stage-managed, the US has never had a legitimate election by the standards of contemporary India.

>the left has become a horrifying parody of itself
The population will shift leftwards greatly during the next few totally-not-Obama-administrations. The masses always identify with power.

>a massive percentage of conservative voters are now explicitly or implicitly in favor of a right-wing military coup
No they aren't, also a military coup would largely end up enforcing American Leftism because that's what the generals believe in, most people will just continue to believe that conservatives are evil and racist.

The Trump admin accomplished absolutely nothing (aside from being funny, which is worth something). But that's okay, no "conservative" government can really accomplish anything within the confines of the Civil Rights extended universe.

>> No.17952511

>because that's what the generals believe in
The actual relevant fighting troops don't though, the military is absolutely incoherent right now

>> No.17952531

Doesn't matter, they only care about their pensions. At best, some are Constitutional Conservatives who "Swore an oath to uphold the Constitution!" who would never stage a military coup. Plus, even these types will get purged soon (which will make the US army even more hilariously incompetent than ever, and it's always been among the worst of the developed countries).

>> No.17952554

It definitely does matter, they are made up largely of the demographic least likely to support that stuff. The very fact that they are starting to purge them proves that it does matter.

>> No.17952570

True, they can go home to become police officers where they will, in the future, arrest people for mean words when hate speech laws are passed or carry out the same gun confiscations they used to fret over.

>> No.17952590

You're assuming that, you don't know it

>> No.17952593

There are definitely trends (though I'm not sure I agree with the ones you have identified). But regardless, Trump and his entire administration were a bunch of clowns getting played by Jared Kushner and Bibi Netanyahu

>> No.17952620

>Democracy was always stage-managed
How many more people are acutely aware of this now vs 2015?
>The masses always identify with power
If that were true every regime would last forever.
>No they aren't
Yeah, they are. If one happened tomorrow there'd be dancing in the streets in red counties all across the country.
>a military coup would largely end up enforcing American Leftism because that's what the generals believe in
The generals take orders from civilian leadership. I doubt many of them even have strongly held political beliefs. And the ones who do likely aren't particularly enthusiastic about obliterating the distinction between men and women and erasing the United States border.
>most people will just continue to believe that conservatives are evil and racist
Most normal people don't believe this, and among those who do the belief is paper thin. Media, mainstream and social, make it seem more widespread than it actually is.
>no "conservative" government can really accomplish anything within the confines of the Civil Rights extended universe.
I think you're underestimating the impact of the ongoing collapse of America's status as world hegemon. Progressivism emanates from Washington, New York and Los Angeles. The cultural influence of the US will diminish along with its military and geopolitical power. We're only seeing the beginning of this now.

>> No.17952643

I don't necessarily exclude the possibility that things will get worse within the United States itself in the near future. But the geopolitical decline which is beginning to set in now will have much more significant long-term consequences, and this decline was accelerated by Trump.

>> No.17952652

>How many more people are acutely aware of this now vs 2015?
Not many imo
>If that were true every regime would last forever.
It is, regime changes happen when one faction of the elite gains the upper hand over another currently in power.
>Yeah, they are. If one happened tomorrow there'd be dancing in the streets in red counties all across the country.
They would dance until the military started lecturing them about "extremism" and started a counterinsurgency against them - of course, since this is the US we're talking about, they'd probably just end up getting free guns and money.
>The generals take orders from civilian leadership. I doubt many of them even have strongly held political beliefs. And the ones who do likely aren't particularly enthusiastic about obliterating the distinction between men and women and erasing the United States border.
Not so. The military supports lax border controls, high immigration rates, etc. because foreigners often serve in the military as a path to citizenship. Normal American kids (rightly) despise the military and have no interest in serving, outside of a few misguidedly patriotic areas in the South.

>Most normal people don't believe this, and among those who do the belief is paper thin. Media, mainstream and social, make it seem more widespread than it actually is.
Give it a few more years under Obama 3.0.

>I think you're underestimating the impact of the ongoing collapse of America's status as world hegemon. Progressivism emanates from Washington, New York and Los Angeles. The cultural influence of the US will diminish along with its military and geopolitical power. We're only seeing the beginning of this now.
I was only talking about a US conservative government here not abroad.

>> No.17952693
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Have you considered Carl Schmitt's take on nomos?

>> No.17952770

>Not many imo
See pic (https://twitter.com/sullydish/status/1364250769713684484))
>It is, regime changes happen when one faction of the elite gains the upper hand over another currently in power.
This is true actually, I should've been more precise. The possibility for extreme internecine conflict among the elites is still there in my opinion, especially as the position of the US declines, the economy goes down and the insanity of the left ramps up. The masses will likely be a factor in this though, even if they aren't the ones to initiate it, so their opinions are relevant.
>The military supports lax border controls, high immigration rates, etc. because foreigners often serve in the military as a path to citizenship.
That's fair, but immigration is only one aspect of what's happening right now. And this will also end up working against them eventually, since hispanics aren't nearly as decadent and depraved as upper-middle class whites and won't become so for the foreseeable future. This isn't an ideal situation obviously but there is some truth to the "natural conservative" narrative.
>Give it a few more years under Obama 3.0
It might work in the short term but not in the long term. The left is too obviously batshit.
>I was only talking about a US conservative government here not abroad.
The decline of US power abroad (which now seems assured) will definitely have an impact at home. Just a matter of how deep and quick the decline is and where the US is forced to retreat.

>> No.17952778
File: 22 KB, 442x407, sullivan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic https://twitter.com/sullydish/status/1364250769713684484

>> No.17952949

I had a dream last night that they made up. Maybe I need to be on twitter less.

>> No.17952959


>> No.17952979

yeah twitter's not good for you

>> No.17953053

What the fuck does Strauss have anything to do with man’s biologically-fulfilling relation to space? Are you retarded?

Strauss never wrote a single fucking word even adjacent to this topic.

>> No.17953071

so all this is just an intellectualized version of the eskimo blood knife fable

>> No.17953081

Read BAP's thesis linked in this thread and you'll see how space and the exploration of space in BAP's thought is connected intimately to the discovery of nature in Greek thought, which links directly to Strauss.

>> No.17953084

It's relevant to BAP, and it generated a lot of discussion so who gives a shit

>> No.17953098
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>> No.17953100


>> No.17953103

good point

>> No.17953128

BAP should write a book on this topic at some point, something more straightforward than BAM but not as dry and academic as the dissertation

>> No.17953137

You completely missed the point. You're low IQ. Don't respond.

>> No.17953250

erroneous pop sci metaphors are bad metaphors, DEAL with it pleb

>> No.17953266

It is bullshit. The "onanism" he is complaining have far more to do with the breakdown of "traditional"(meaning local and familiar) social bonds than any form of mastering space or whatever. Conversely, Ted Kaczynski(yeah the unabomber) explained the modern issue of "tool mastery"(actually labor) in his manifesto far better.

>> No.17953298

i wanna fuck bap in the butt tbqh

>> No.17953317

If the result of the breakdown of local and familiar bonds leads one to onanism, then the will to disintegrate was already present in the person. BAP's point (or one of his points) is that the breakdown of 'tradition' only frees up the nature of superior individuals to master space.

>> No.17953321

Why the fuck does my university not have a Telos press subscription

>> No.17953335

Incisive post

>> No.17953347

You are essentially making an etymological fallacy. The proper place to look for how man responds to his environment would be somewhere in psychology. Again, Strauss did not talk about how humans behave in biologically ideal versus harmful natural environments.

>> No.17953389

>If the result of the breakdown of local and familiar bonds leads one to onanism, then the will to disintegrate was already present in the person
That is the default argument of anti-modernist and anti-enlightenment types, for most part. Humans are not hermetically sealed black boxes and are influenced by their environment(not just in the sense of living in a city or a farm, but their social environment as well, that introduces and reinforces "proper" customs and attitudes), and even the idea that the death of tradition enables the "superior individuals" to prosper at the expense of society as a whole can be found amongst those same thinkers as well.

>> No.17953419

Is it me or does this reduce to 'selection pressures change, those best adapted to new pressures prosper', ie. very basic evolutionary logic. It won't be some unbounded 'freedom' in the new environment either way, it will just be a new set of bounds.

>> No.17953430

one sec

>> No.17953459

Pretty much. BAP might like his goofy nietzschean aryan warrior larp, but once it is boiled down to how it would look in real life it just defaults in a pseudo-Victorian center-liberalism that neetchan despised.

>> No.17953464

No, BAP clarifies that Darwinian selection is merely the condition of life under stress. What he’s talking about with regard to superior individuals is not about survival as such but self-overcoming and the exaltation of life.

>> No.17953510

And you are misunderstanding BAP, who is not talking about biologically ideal or harmful environments, which would merely be Darwinian (who bests survives). Read the thesis and you will see that he links the evolution of aristocratic morality to the exploration of space and from that to the development of a standard of nature in Greek philosophy, which is where it links to Strauss.

>> No.17953579

Look up Leo Strauss German Nihilism pdf on google, it should be the first result. It's a 1941 lecture by Strauss on national socialism, deals with many of the same themes. I posted an excerpt here >>17945018

Otherwise unless you're going to school in Botswana or something you should be able to get a lot of writings about and by Strauss through your university website. On Tyranny is his best one imo and should be available through most universities either physically or online. If that doesn't work a lot of his lectures, like German Nihilism, can be got through a simple google search, and the University of Chicago has released transcripts and audio files of many of his courses >>17945192

>> No.17953590

went to school with jim from the office

get a life kuntbot

>> No.17953679

>humans need a space where they can confidently master things in a masculine spirit
>the modern world has deprived us of this since of mastery while instilling low self esteem
You will find more information on this subject in Csikszentmihalyi, or even Jordan Peterson, than Strauss.

>> No.17953794

The original point was whether Strauss was relevant to this concept or not, and if you read the dissertation you can clearly see that for BAP he is. Whether the concept should be understood primarily as a philosophical or psychological one is something you can debate but the fact that Strauss had an impact on it isn't.

>> No.17953799

I am begging you to please read BAP's thesis which explicitly makes clear that the meaning of space and the 'state of nature' here is linked to Strauss and the discovery of nature/natural right. Owned space is effectively identical to the nomos as understood in the sense of Schmitt >>17952693. BAP does not take these ideas from psychology. If you think he is misreading his influences, you are free to take it up with him, but to read his statements in BAM at face value, to be about psychological health as such, is almost certainly contrary to his meaning.

>> No.17953812
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, EE7CC325-7DB8-4569-B895-2034D8427C80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for all the info and poasts straussanon, any lectures available you can recommend over the others? I just read his Persecution essay, seems even more interesting now that you say he was more direct in his lectures...
What’s this? Nomos of the earth or another book? Makes me rethink the put out to pasture quote, though it might be different in the German original.

>> No.17953844

You are asking me to read a 600 page thesis that I don’t even have access to in order to reply on a Guatemalan hacky sack enthusiast listserve.

Feel free to post an excerpt, if you have one.

What I’m saying is that, if you want to understand the reality of “why are modern men unhappy in their current state of living”, you will find a succinct answer by looking at psychological theories that relate to the testosterone-promoting and health-promoting benefit of mastery activities as discussed by a number of psychologists.

>> No.17953878

Not the anon you're responding to, but the thesis was posted earlier in this thread, isn't that long (not many words per page) and if memory serves most of these ides are dealt with in the section on Plato which is only 1/3 of the dissertation. Other people here are more qualified to speak to the arguments themselves but in terms of whether or not Strauss had an impact on the argument of the dissertaion, just look at the bibliography >>17944873

>> No.17953890

And it's closer to 300 pages

>> No.17953917

It's posted here >>17945530 and you can see the Strauss citations here >>17944873. I'm not asking you to read it but you barely need to glance at it to see that Strauss is a major and explicit influence on his argument.
>if you want to understand the reality of “why are modern men unhappy in their current state of living”, you will find a succinct answer by looking at psychological theories that relate to the testosterone-promoting and health-promoting benefit of mastery activities as discussed by a number of psychologists.
Maybe so, but this won't help you understand where BAP specifically gets the concept of 'owned space'.

>> No.17953987

I've only read his courses on Beyond Good and Evil (https://leostrausscenter.uchicago.edu/nietzsche-beyond-good-and-evil-st-johns-college-1971-72/?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off)) and Plato's Laws (https://leostrausscenter.uchicago.edu/plato-laws-st-johns-college-1970-71/?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off)) so I can't speak to the quality of them vs the other ones, but they're both very good. They're very long, since they're not just individual lectures but entire courses, including excertps from primary sources and interactions with students.

Like I said before, these provide a great opportunity to break new ground in terms of scholarship since these only started coming out in the last few years.

>> No.17954086

I was in this thread and everyone called this guy a faggot because the neighbor but was obviously staged

>> No.17954124

I just looked it up on the archive and no, all the replies were either agreeing or commenting that the moment was reminiscent of Dosto's notes from underground.
are you actually part of the cope-squad straight from twitter? do you not understand how the chans function?

>> No.17954158

>all the replies were either agreeing or commenting that the moment was reminiscent of Dosto's notes from underground
Why are you lying when we can look it up?
Three of the seven replies are agreeing, including the Dostoevsky one you mention. The rest are making fun of the shallowness of the critique, and one guy points out that it's all theatre.

>> No.17954178

Of the 7 replies to that post, 5 disagreed and 2 agreed (weakly). One of the agreements said Curtis Yarvin was better and the other said it was his "weakest episode indeed." Congratulations, you succeeded in wasting 2 minutes of my time.

>> No.17954186

Haha. Your critique fails again

>> No.17954193

The Dostoyevsky reply was saying it was "based and funny," that doesn't count as an agreement, so the score is 7-2

>> No.17954202

5-2, my mistake

>> No.17954213


>> No.17954345

>230+ replies and /lit/tards still can't come to a coherent answer

>> No.17954405
File: 89 KB, 413x575, pindar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the dissertation. I think this might be the germ of the idea.

>> No.17954429

Take this plainly and literally for a second: what does it mean to "have more being"? What does it mean to have a "sufficient amount of nature within oneself"?

>> No.17954492

>Take this plainly and literally for a second
This would be an error as a major aim of the thesis is to clarify what the word 'nature' is used to signify in Greek poetry and philosophy. Taking this passage out of context admittedly makes it difficult to parse.

>> No.17954511

Lol the replies are full of butthurt

>> No.17954587

According to the argument of the dissertation what for Pindar separates the noble (esloi, esthloi, the rightful rulers from the aristocratic point of view) from the non-noble is that they "have more being." On the next page he writes "Pindar maintains the earlier meaning of "noble," of esthlos, of an organism that has more being, more reality." I'd need to do more research and read the dissertation more thoroughly to draw out a foolproof argument for this but this seems very close to the concept of "owned space" as laid out in BAM. It also dovetails with his emphasis on working out.

>> No.17954651
File: 77 KB, 462x565, plato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might also be relevant

>> No.17955139

One of the most glaring contradictions of the current system is that immigration will, in the long run, undermine the social and cultural values of the current elites. Very few hispanic farmers or Indian computer programmers give a shit about overthrowing the patriarchy, and the intense fervor of modern "anti-racism" is perpetuated by upper-class whites (the most significant BLM riots occured in places like Portland, Minneapolis and Seattle, not Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago).

>> No.17955151

This. America will become socialist due to Hispanic influence.

>> No.17955180

anyone have a link to his dissertation on Plato/Nietzsche? I recall it being posted a while back. I honestly just want to see what he reads

>> No.17955186

nevermind im retarded and just saw it was already posted in the thread, ignore me

>> No.17956026
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Jim takes money from Peter Thiel

>> No.17956179

>pulling up monkey masturbation statistics to own the trads with facts and logic

uhhhh im thinking based

>> No.17956195

>Every 'intellectual', 'academic', 'artist' using socialmedia beyond family and friends interaction, e.g. shilling their art and dogma, is a huge midwit, pseud


>> No.17956200

Drinking beer, eating tacos, fucking latinas with white boy fever, and living in socialism? sign me up right now.

>> No.17956215
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>> No.17956226

The elites don't give a shit about trannies or blacks or mestizos, they will use any weapon at hand to destroy their only real threat: a powerful White middle class. When a weapon is no longer useful, they throw it away and find a new one.

>> No.17956246

A lot of latinas are just southern european (the master race) so even if I cared about hamsun’s opinions it wouldn’t matter. Southern european spice >. I love me some latinas

>> No.17956255

In this context by "elites" I mean the top 5-10%, not the top 0.1%. The type of people who genuinely believe that men competing in women's sports is some form of justice or progress. We may be fucked, but at least they will be too.

>> No.17956257

the white middle class served the purposes of the elites for decades. what they are really afraid of is citizens coming together as a whole. to actually set aside racial differences and recognize who the true oppressors are.
as long as coloureds are shouting about whites, and whites are shouting about coloureds, nothing will happen

>> No.17956262

White hispanics are also significantly more racist than the average non-hispanic white American.

>> No.17956341

Yes, the upper classes in Latin America tend to be White or almost White as God has ordained, but that's not the refuse they ship north to us.

>> No.17956352

Am I crazy or is that not obviously a bit? Are all of you retarded or something? I listened to like 2 episodes with a friend and this guy always has these random cuts to music out of nowhere for bizarre reasons.

>> No.17956361

It's a bit

>> No.17956377
File: 833 KB, 2318x1547, B561DA5E-DF2A-475B-99A5-2E4C8C2CCDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole thing is a bit, the whole BAP persona is a bit. But why would you expect /pol/ retards to get that? They’re the type to take cum town seriously

>> No.17956383

Upper class hispanics and asians are all well assimilated to trendy white social values. Look at all of the asians advocacy groups whining about white supremacy in the wake of black murders, or Neera Tanden, or that Jorge whatever his name is who's on CNN all the time. The high IQ ones, and ones with money and connections will go to elite schools and get the same indoctrination that they've been getting from watching TV and reading the news their whole lives and come out thinking and acting the same way. To the extent that they aren't good little woke drones yet it's because they're new here and haven't picked up the programming yet, the third generation ones will be unbearable libs just like most of the WASP kids are now.

Seriously, have any of you guys attended an elite university and met these people?

>> No.17956388

So why are people acting like it's a BTFO if it's just part of the bit? idgi

>> No.17956406

Give it time

>> No.17956421

It's probably just one guy looking to start shit, anyone who's vaguely familiar with BAP would know it's a bit just from the description. Look at the replies to the original post in the archives >>/lit/thread/S16672631#p16673763

>> No.17956584

Why are you on 4chan?

>> No.17957495

No they aren't. Many are heavily mixed with the indigenous peoples. Latin America is a prime example of what is spoken about in the image, everyone knows this.

>> No.17957508

Why do the elites favour mass immigration, which destroys pre-existing communities, so much then? There will be no coming together of people who were apart for 1000s of years prior

>> No.17957964

>have more being
>kallos kagathos
The citizen has more being than the freeman, the freeman the helot, the noble more & over all [regardless of nominal class]
>part of human envy, ... the convention of covering ... distorting [truth/nature]
enantiodromia summons its complimentary, or countering forces (sometimes the entirely new), whether the individual psyche or a society — one Eris Spurs one onward and upward, the other Eris spoils what it cannot have for all

>Upper class hispanics and asians are all well assimilated to trendy white social values
Strictly: Yankees, as shabbos to the UK (or banking) are neither white nor American; if assimilation were occurring at all, the voting split for ‘dreamers’ would approximate 50:50, not 9:1 in Dems’ favor

>> No.17957986

Cheap labor, duh.

>> No.17958500

Dick Cheney is funding him to revive the world of piracy on the high seas

>> No.17958613


>> No.17958802

>This is a barrier to unity, and the problem is YOOOOU!!
Absolutely hilarious how they don't see the irony in this.

>> No.17958862
File: 316 KB, 2000x1000, cheney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Cheney

>> No.17958878

you're assuming that they care about the long-term health of the society, which is a dubious assumption

>> No.17958892

>Hispanics will break a multi-decades long trend and for the first time in history not vote 70-30 Democrat

>> No.17958907

consistency was never their strong suit

>> No.17959101

>What’s this? Nomos of the earth

That's it. It's from Nomos of the Earth.

>> No.17959537
File: 44 KB, 777x437, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where we're going we won't need votes

>> No.17959592

In all fairness to them Trump's unwillingness to concede definitely jacked up those numbers bigly. Most Republicans would've just surrendered.

>> No.17960098

The fact that Kantbot doxxed him is extremely depressing because I used to enjoy both of them. However, despite BAP clearly being the one with more elite connections than Kantbot, I feel that BAP speaks more for the good of countrymen, whereas Kantbot betrays all principles (ideal for an academic).

I was told for a very long time BAP is a Jew, BAP is a fed, BAP is a larp - I read the book. It resonated with me. That is enough, and that is all. In the anonymous online right wing revolt, the message is what matters. BAP has the better message, Kantbot couldn't inspire his way out of a paper bag.
I am a BAP respecter, I do not care if he is a gay Jew who buttfucked Jim from the Office for all we know.

I am lifting weights so he will hopefully one day include me in a Handsome Thursdays tweet. That will mean more to me than pretty much anything Kantbot would give me in an interaction.

>> No.17960152

Kantbot doxxed BAP? Kantbot is a FBI informant? When the fuck was this, wasn't Kantbot in an episode of Sam Hyde's podcast? Can someone summarize this?

>> No.17960196
File: 616 KB, 1750x702, EqxYHuLXAAE2B1W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i respect both as artisans of their respective crafts

>> No.17960211

>Kantbot doxxed BAP?
Yes, though he wasn't the first one to do it. Kantbot believes that BAP is comprimised for having taken money from groups with historical links to the CIA, or somesuch thing.

>Kantbot is a FBI informant
Maybe? He detailed talked on an old TekWars episode (the one with Shaun I think?) about how FBI agents visited and interrogated him. They asked him all sorts of questions about his Twitter posts and items on his Twitter feed.

>> No.17960239

>about how FBI agents visited and interrogated him. T
Well that explains why he became a prog, can't really blame him tbqh.

>> No.17960402
File: 333 KB, 1200x1600, cheney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did Kantbot get the Cheney thing from? Did he just make it up out of thin air? If true it would make me like Dick Cheney more as opposed to BAP less

Anyway if he did just make it up out of nowhere, as I suspect he did, he's a massive (literally as well as figuratively) piece of shit

>> No.17960600

I've always found it cringeworthy how Americans always make appeals to "unity" and then in the next second go on to make appeals to free speech. "Even though we have free speech in the US, it sure would be nice if everyone believed the same thing so that no one's feelings were hurt!"

>> No.17960621

Your category of 'americans' as some homogenous group is not very useful in terms of the free speech discussion in that country