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17961022 No.17961022 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books to make me based and idgi-pilled?

>> No.17961035


Scroll down.

>> No.17961051

Idgi desu

>> No.17961495


What happened to this guy?

>> No.17961564

a young khazar economist embarks on a journey into the recesses of the darkest corners of the internet egregore armed with nothing but the critique of pure reason. along the way he finds a young elf named daedalus and together they point out every oss mi6 cia glownigger. but beware, there are demons in these woods and soon our hero is assaulted on all sides by bronzed straussian body builders, nazbol brooklynite spinsters, and all the money saruman can muster looking through his palantir. WHAM! BOOSH! BANG! our you hero enlarges his mass and deflects all comers throwing out doxes and shitposts in an adderal-fueled whirlwind. but alas while the body is plump and sturdy the mind is fractured. they hate him because he is right, but how much longer my dear kantbot? how much longer?

>> No.17961568

He posts book recs all the time. Read those

>> No.17961572

Good post lol

>> No.17961584

Holy.....I want more.....

>> No.17961790

Public Opinion

>> No.17962792
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>> No.17962828


>> No.17962892
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this is now a kantbot copypasta thread

girardfag worries me because becoming a kantbot miniature e-celeb is one of the great counter-initiatiory cul-de-sacs of this pivotal world-historical moment

i think all the girardfags and proto-girardfags out there, even the kantbots, should take a step back and ask "is what i'm writing right now actually pushing me or others toward qualitatively higher knowledge? or am i spinning my wheels as a consolation prize for there being nothing else to do, no reward for all my seeking up until this point, except to come down off the mountain and do parlour tricks for the plebs?"

kantbot is all speed with no acceleration, he's falling back into the reign of quantity by ceasing to be novel and generative, and becoming merely explicable, by a formula like "i guess one of these alt right faggots was eventually going to be a real grad student with some talent and authenticity instead of just some fag watching evola youtube videos. it makes sense taht there would eventually be A Kantbot"

if kantbot wants to be more than A Kantbot and girardfag wants to be more than A Girardfag they shouldn't fall into the same trap all the french niggers did by becoming so good at weaving metaphors and associative complexes together and such "erudits" that they don't do anything fucking else, again all speed with no acceleration. the better you get at this shit, the more garbage articles you can churn out for upstart faggot twitter magazines, and you just plateau, as a little gay sorcerer who can do some magic sparkles for the rubes. faust is supposed to get bored of his parlour tricks and strike out again on a new homoerotic shaman quest, not accept the parlour tricks and the trickle of dopamine he gets for showing them off as his fag reward for a lifetime of failures.

i hate these niggers. i don't like these big jerkoff threads. i don't like the fucking french and the academic bigwigs and zizek wannabes who hit the wall of What Can Be Done With Philosophy So Far As We Know It, get a single drop of authentic initiation from their journey, and immediately go "Well I guess taht's it then" and start writing IRONIC!!! HEGELIAN ANIME ANALYSES. i'm a 60th level heidegger mage, dual classed into all kinds of weird GIRARD shit.. i'd better impress rubes by showing how effortlessly i can see girardishly while looking at th emovie "Johnny Mnemonic".... isn't it cool that i can be both an amazing philosophy sorcerer while also being so laid back and casual about it?

the entire 1960s was a mind parasite invasion counter initiation psychic trap for the species, and the french were its hollowed-out zombie servitors. in fact they did the same thing with the enlightenment. the french have to be stopped. they set this whole gay pussy trend of being counter-cultural while also being a master philosopher. i want german angst back. adorno saw some tits and died of fright. where are the adornos? everyone's jerking themselves off on twitter.

>> No.17962893

fucking class

>> No.17962923


>> No.17962931
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>> No.17962945

Dumb post, kb is good because he provides an excellent history of neoliberalism/globalism, simple as

>> No.17962975

Your man logo is trying to write a novel’. Twitter comes across as pseudy pub convo because that’s what a 240 character limit creates. One hopes that this medium of online shitposting isn’t the primary driving force in a lot of young people’s lives. There’s actually side projects happening on the sides

>> No.17963004

Logo seems like an interesting human bean but his writing leaves a lot to be desired. His novel was atrociously written based on the preview pages and his tweets are suffocated under has affected style of em dash ampersand barrages. He's just too self conscious. Needs to get laid, most likely

>> No.17963031
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no idea who any of these people are i just remember the names and copypastas

>> No.17963032

He’s married apparently.

>> No.17963049

Just as with KB's claim to the same, I simply dont believe it. They wanted to stop being associated with incel culture after that documentary and the "wife who lives in Canada, you probably dont know her" is their strategy for accomplishing that.

>> No.17963105

I mean you don't even know these people, only their twitter posts. Would anyone get an accurate picture of who you are just from your 4chan posts, probably not.

>> No.17963209

You're right, Kantbot, the former nrx incelposter for years and years, who was in a documentary about literal incels, probably did get married mere weeks afterward to someone with no known identity who has never been witnessed, named, glimpsed, or referenced by another human being. It may be true.

>> No.17963377
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All of them.

kb ratings on twitter:


RAND Corporation

Panagiotis Kondylis
Paul Helliwell
Economic Warfare Board
Spanish tortilla
Sylva Sylvarum, Or, A Naturall Historie: In Ten Centuries
Yogi Bear
Jürgen Habermas krautrock sound collage
political economy of the sentimental novel

>> No.17963386

That's how it happened