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17976273 No.17976273[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the leftist rationale for how they’re “fighting the system” when every major corporation agrees with and supports their beliefs?

>> No.17976290

Not literature. Also that isn't leftism, it's coopted liberalism, meant to deflect and disarm genuine leftism.

>> No.17976335

Lmao all these values are coming directly from the corporations. They’re not “disarming” anyone, prior to mass media brainwashing even 15 years ago most people that call themselves leftist would be disgusted by a gay wedding.

>> No.17976340

i’ve never heard a major corporation advocate for nationalizing all major industry and beheading landlords

>> No.17976357

what is the neoliberal rationale for thinking neoliberals are "leftists"

>> No.17976364

those are not leftists, those are idpol cucks, oversocialized liberals who like the leftist aesthetic because its le cool and revolutionary when in reality they would be first to die in any kind of upheaval

>> No.17976366

Define neoliberal

>> No.17976385

Yes I'm sure the major corporations certainly support the leftist ideal of handing over the means of production to the workers, they definitely support this belief.

>> No.17976433
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Corporations just go with what's fashionable among middle class people, which right now is wokeness. I think people get this "corporations agree with you!" taunt kinda mixed up, what it shows is that leftist ideas on race at least (i.e. anti-whiteism) are indeed hegemonic in most major institutions in the Anglosphere, so the left can't claim to be this put-upon oppressed minority like it's 1965 and the Man = a conservative pale Protestant male in a suit. Nowadays the Man is an overweight Lady of Colour or upper middle class woke white lady insecure about her professional credentials.

>> No.17976441

Hang on, let me simulate a leftist response for you.
>You're talking about liberals, you fucking retard. I am a Marxist Leninist. The system doesn't support me or agree with me. I am a revolutionary.

Now I will translate.
>You're talking about tens of thousands of people who also claim to be Marxist Leninists, you fucking retard. I also have basic bitch liberal opinions on gun control and identity politics and I am upper middle class, but I periodically say "it's all about class ultimately," so that means I'm safe from accusations that I'm also a liberal with Marxist sprinkles on top. The system supports many tens of thousands of people with beliefs practically indistinguishable from mine, but if a corporate suit saw the full extent of my communist guillotine memes folder, he wouldn't like that, so that means I'm a rebel and the people actually being banned on all platforms by the corporation's algorithms aren't. I am a revolutionary when the conditions are exactly right, but they aren't now, so we have to organize for another ten thousand years while I continue hanging out with a group of other communists like me, 60% of which are transgender. Now excuse me I have to go watch my favorite youtube grifter's latest video about how Ben Shapiro doesn't understand socialism.

>> No.17976458

They are disarming them.
Corporations use social issues to move the debate away from economic changes.
The majority of lefties are low IQ fall for it, then you're left with a bunch of boomers meeting in communist parties with 5 members over 60 complaining about liberals.
Actual leftists hate liberals.

>> No.17976465


Let me interject for a second here.
The dichotomy left-wing-rightwing is inherently atheist, humanistic, hence nihilist (ie meaning nothing substantial), ie purely symbolic, ie purely for appearance, since it is what the judeo christian bourgeois created in the Parliament of their republics. They put the monarchists on the right & the secular humanists on the left. Left & right refer to where people seat.

you see thus that being right wing in a the republic just means monarchist, but now that the humanists killed any political power of the theists, the right is still socialist but dubbed ''right'' & the left is still socialism but dubbed ''left''

There is no difference between left & right in a humanistic republic.The only change is the symbols tied to each group.
The underlying basis does not change.
The underlying basis of the republic is the constitution about the Human rights. These rights are the jewel of the judeo Christians.

Now the subtle point is that leftists & rightists are okay with that. All what matters for the judeo christian bourgeois is that the theists do not take power again. & this happens exactly by giving the illusion to the midwits like you that left & right are separate doctrinally.
So the plebs can vote one time for the left, then they see that the bourgeois ruling class does XYZ, then the plebs whine that the ruling class is not doing what they promised during the campaign, then the next election the plebs swing to the rightists, which is exactly the same people doing the same thing.

Thus there is no ''capitalism'' or anticapitalism.
What there is the Humanist Republic, the dogma of their Human Rights .
This is what capitalism is in its entirety.

Second capitalism cannot be destroyed without destroying the republic & its dogmas. This is what american liberals hate to hear.

Third capitalism cannot be destroyed because by the dogma of the Human Rights, any doctrine is turned into a bulk of opinions, which are always shat on in their media if the humanists see it as anti Human rights.
The doctrines which are the most appealing to those people are commodified & capitalism remains unaltered.

This is why btw all the motto & slogans in the humanist elections are always about ''''''''''''change'''''''''
the only thing that does not change is exactly the fake symbols made up by the bourgeois about their political dichotomy.

The most important thing for the bourgeois is that the plebs really believe that the ruling class will stop the bourgeoisie after any election.

>> No.17976475


This is part of the fantasy of the humanist of the '''''''''perpetual revolution''''. Those people live on their laurels of doing revolution over & over, fighting the cops in the streets as part of the humanistic ritualistic baptism, because killing theist Christians is the only thing they did in their entire history & they only live for this.
but now that theists are destroyed, they have nothing left to do & get bored, so they try to find new topics to ''''''revolutionize'''', & they turn inwards, IE PURE NARCISSISM, ie they revolutionize the republic, peak Marxism here, which is made from the revolution on the christian society, & just say cops are evil.

>> No.17976482

Corporations are latching on to Leftist ideology because they want to sell them a product. Remember the Pepsi BLM commercial?

It's all obviously superficial. Corporations treat the proletariat like dogshit. Maybe they trick neolibs idk

>> No.17976488

You've mistaken leftism with neoliberalism, identity politics and all that bullshit is just a capitalist creation meant to distract people from actual problems caused by it.

>> No.17976559

>the people actually being banned on all platforms by the corporation's algorithms aren't.
Lol that’s what you really wanted to get out. These people getting banned from social media sites are apparently true rebels in your world. Martyrs to the cause of true rebelliousness. When in reality they’re just pushing disinformation and wacky conspiracy theories that, because there are so many retards now, leads to real life consequences. (usually innocent people, see pizzagate as an example) these people being banned from these platforms are just as retarded as the LARPing communists you disavow. If you really wanted to say something, you wouldn’t use them at all. But no, it’s all optics for both sides.

>> No.17976581

The corporation's goal is to destroy the proletariat by turning it into a lumpenproletariat. Marx hated the lumpen and thought they were useless. Like remnant feudal classes (peasants), they support counter-revolutionary reactions out of paternalism and susceptibility to shallow populism, and because they're short-sighted and can be bribed by mild concessions.

The proletariat as Marx conceived it is mostly dead. The middle class has been shrinking for a long long time. The whole point of limitless immigration has been to import lumpenproletariat scabs to lower wages, further impoverishing native works and turning them into lumpen too, and dilute worker solidarity. This has been known since the 1800s.

Most people calling themselves Marxist are now elites in a two class system (10-20% vs. lumpen). The majority of the 10-20% are useful idiots just jacking themselves off with fantasies of slumming with the downtrodden and being their saviours, like the bourgeoisie has always done. What is really insidious now is that it became part of their slumming roleplay to appropriate the proletariat's own organisational ideologies like Marxism. Now you aren't a Marxist because you're a worker, you're a Marxist because your bourgeois father who resists unionisation attempts at his company sent you to Rice and you spend 4 years smoking weed and pretending to read "theory" to impress your other rich bohemian friends.

When leftists react badly to being told the left is pathetic now, it's a sign that they know they're part of the problem. When they react by saying let's purge these fucking useless morons from our movement, then you know they're one of the rare leftists who isn't just along for the ride because it's trendy.

They're disenfranchised workers who are expressing their misery by accumulating neuroses. The system responds by defining what is "disinformation" and what is "wacky" and then treating them like scum, up to even killing them. The culture war idiocy you're talking about is exactly what elites want, and it's what 95% of the people calling themselves Marxists (read: rich people doing it for some excitement in their otherwise carefree lives) want, because it can go on forever and take place entirely over twitter.

Any resistance to the system is potential negativity. I prefer real negativity to false negativity.

>> No.17976636

Most corporations just pretend have progressive faggy beliefs and don't actually support any actual left wing ideas you retarded dumbass. You're even more retarded for assuming corporations have any morals, corporations don't have morals all they want is to grow and make money.

>> No.17976641

>Corporations just go with what's fashionable among middle class people, which right now is wokeness
If that’s true why are all the big corporations censoring conservatives and trying to shape public opinion in a more leftist direction? For god’s sake the former president of the US got banned on Twitter, Steven Crowder just got banned on YouTube. These aren’t fringe people but mainstream conservatives.

>> No.17976661


>Second capitalism cannot be destroyed without destroying the republic & its dogmas. This is what american liberals hate to hear.

>Third capitalism cannot be destroyed because by the dogma of the Human Rights, any doctrine is turned into a bulk of opinions, which are always shat on in their media if the humanists see it as anti Human rights.
The doctrines which are the most appealing to those people are commodified & capitalism remains unaltered.

Stop, I can only get so erect

>> No.17976662

>if corporations are adopting the leftist strategy then why are they banning anti leftists
do you even understand your own qeustion?

>> No.17976664

Every major corporation wants to be owned by its workers? Well that's news to me.

>> No.17976678

I don't think you know what "woke" means.

>> No.17976687

>every major corporation agrees with and supports their beliefs
They don't. Corporations glad hand the social movements that do no harm to their bottom line while maintaining their stranglehold on the system. It's a way of manufacturing consent to continue to be exploited.

>> No.17976714

What you’re saying is they’re trying to conform to what’s popular. How is that possible if they’re openly going against conservatives which make up half the country, as well as supporting fucking demonic policies like transgender transitions for children that 99% of the population is against?

>> No.17976736

prevailing ideology doesnt have to be popular. It must only have power. And pseudo-leftist woke bullshit has it.

>> No.17976779

You’re absolutely deluded if you don’t think the rich and powerful who direct these companies don’t view them as vehicles for their world making aspirations. They actually believe forcefully hiring and promoting women, niggers and trannies is a moral act of benevolence. They do it because they feel good doing it, not because some drop tables in a spreadsheet tells them too.

>> No.17976780

What kind of retard thinks that companies actually support leftist politics.