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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 387 KB, 1069x1107, liberalarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1813861 No.1813861 [Reply] [Original]

so i know a lot of you are close to finishing high school as well and are finding yourself having to choose a major

since this is /lit/ i'll assume you all will be majoring in one of the many liberal arts and i made this definitive tier list to help you on your way

love fab <3

>> No.1813864

>Women's Lit on any tier

Oh it's a troll. Nevermind.

>> No.1813867

>Women's Lit/ Gender Studies > Anything
>Troll thread.

>> No.1813870


see since you have male privilege you can cry about this and not have it ascribed to your gender

>> No.1813872


sure is communications major in here

>> No.1813873

you forgot enlightened tier - which includes mathematics, physics, and other sciences - you know, real degrees

>> No.1813878

>implying Linguistics isn't a real degree

>> No.1813881

>implying Linguistics is a real degree
>implying it is 300k starting and any job i want

>> No.1813882

>liberal arts

>> No.1813883

>implying Noam Chomsky doesn't make +300k

>> No.1813886
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just a reminder, PrinceCharming is Fabulous and he changed his trip to get away from this image.

>> No.1813889

don't de-rail my thread

i try to do something nice for this board once and awhile

you're ingrates!

>> No.1813890
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>implying you will be an eighth of what Chomsky was

>> No.1813891

ill take my shit tier and nietzsche your god tier.

>> No.1813893

Linguistics is pretty unarguably a social science, and a lot of retards would argue the same thing for art history and political science. If you define "liberal arts" strictly, you should be including all sciences, including hard sciences. If not, please leave the social sciences out of your circlejerk intuition-based faggot-majors.

>> No.1813894

Potential Classics major here.
Why do you think Classical Language is Faggot Tier? Just curious.

>> No.1813895

you could do it without the trip, fag.

>> No.1813898

>once and awhile
ling major detected

>> No.1813904

they call it hard science to overcompensate for a deep seated insecurity over erectile dysfunction, you can look it up

>> No.1813907

This is so wrong. I got a BA in English - Professional writing and a BFA in Creative Writing - Nonfiction, and my BFA has been much more useful because an actual focus. A degree in "professional writing" is a degree in writing memos and resumes.

>> No.1813909

How about East Asian lit?

I'll preemptively put it in Top tier for you.

>> No.1813910

Chomsky's fame comes largely from him being a well-known figure in ultra-liberal political commentary. I know many people who find his work in linguistics laughable (although his work in Artificial Intelligence is rather decent).

>> No.1813911

Seriously. Math major reporting in.
"I got a degree because I can read a book."
Give me a break.

>> No.1813914


My word! I do not mean to be rude but this fellow made a similar thread earlier just to cause a row. I shan't put up with this. I am certain he is a splendid fellow but his intentions are misguided.

I urge you not to be trapped by this silliness.

>> No.1813918

you don't know me and i don't know you


>> No.1813919
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>replying to this thread

>> No.1813920

I was joking, dude. Jesus.

>> No.1813921

hurr durr 2 + 2 = 4

Anyone can add numbers, not everyone can plumb the depths of the classics. go derive something, tryhard

>> No.1813923

>he thinks mathematics are arithmetics

this is why science major laugh at liberal art majors.

>> No.1813924

try harder troll

>> No.1813929

>this is why science major laugh

this is why liberal arts majors exist, so someone understand the difference between singular and plural

>> No.1813940

I want to know why women's lit and gender studies aren't the same thing

>> No.1813942

Not trolling at all. UG and the LAD, arguably Chomsky's largest contributions to linguistics, are VERY questionable theories.

>> No.1813946

I once again must make a call of arms to combat this tyranny of silliness on the part of OP. He is a dedicated and mild mannered fellow but he is misguiding the energies he should be using to read.

>> No.1813954


ur so annoying

>> No.1813965

OP, why is Philosophy in the low tier?

>> No.1813969


shit tier, dawg

>> No.1813974

I mean, the shit tier...

>> No.1813976


why would it be anywhere else?

>> No.1813984

ayyye double majoring in low tier and god tier, good for me. plus minor in BA.

>> No.1813987

Because most of this bullshit is an offshoot of philosophy?

>> No.1813994

Philosophy is shit-tier because in any other decent program you're going to have to learn everything you need to know about philosophy anyway, but without constantly wanking over ancient greeks and romans

>> No.1813995


so why bother studying philosophy when you could better invest your time in something useful and productive?

hurr durr

>> No.1814003

>without constantly wanking over ancient greeks and romans
Unless you're a Classics major, in which case... well, yeah, obviously

>> No.1814004


>> No.1814012
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>> No.1814013
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>> No.1814029

Fab I think it's a wonderful tier list. You done good, kid.

>> No.1814042


>> No.1814051
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>> No.1814053

Seriously. The only one with even the slightest reason to major in unless you're an engineer is political science, philosophy and linguistic. What the fuck does someone who majors in Art history and communication science do?

>> No.1814061

>implying someone with a degree in philosophy uses it

>> No.1814062

Hi. Allow me to end this thread and maybe save you wasting three precious years of your life:

God: Maths. Philosophy

Top: Physics. Any language, living or dead, provided it's not your first tongue.

Mid: History, Geography, Chemistry, Biology

Low: x-y-z-"science," psychology, linguistics, engineering

Shit: Cultural studies faffing

>> No.1814068

itt: mad creative writing/philosophy/library science/communications/theater majors

>> No.1814088

Hi. I study aerospace robotics. Shortly after after I submitted a paper for an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conference, the US Department of State warned me to bear in mind that some of my knowledge can be officially classified as weapons and governed by international arms trafficking legislation. I guess I don't get a tier huh?

Must be because my work is so trivial.

>> No.1814106

"after after"
Should have gone for an English degree, retard.

>> No.1814111

glad to see someone recognize that PW is god-tier.

>> No.1814115

You are an engineer. Necessary, and functional like the robots you fiddle with, but on the whole not too interesting.

Enjoy pleb tier and the decent wage.

>> No.1814123

>insignificant typo, which had no implications towards a lack of meaning or clearness of thought
>justification for spending $50,000 to learn English for four years and have no job upon graduation

>> No.1814125

Psychology is a real major.


Shut up guys, you're hurting my feelings.

>> No.1814127

>go into education with english degree
>not respected
>deal with little shits
>shit pay

>> No.1814128

>not too interesting
you think your taxes are paying me to build things? that function? bless your heart

>> No.1814132

god tier: world travel/vagabond/true love/revolutionary
good tier: celebrity/spiritual path/family
mid tier:drug use/activism/vacation/religion/scene 'celebrity'
shit tier: good college/good house/trophy wife/tripfag infamy

>> No.1814135

Must i renew my objection to this silliness? Its getting late and my focus has been restored. Please see that this is an aim at a tyranny of silliness.

>> No.1814141

Well you said you'd studied aerospace robotics. I think it's a legitimate to assume from that producing bits of tech is what you do. Perhaps you get to make decisions about how the people below you produce the bits of tech. Or something somehow related. It's not intersting though, is it? Really? Be honest.

My jobs dull too. Let's share and commiserate.

>> No.1814148


It says right in the OP that this is a tier list for liberal arts majors. Aerospace robotics is not a liberal arts major.

>> No.1814152

even /sci/ doesn't like engineers. looks like they're trying to butt in to another board where they are disliked and not respected

>> No.1814158


Sorry, forgot I was at /lit/, critical thinking and avoiding fallacies isn't really that popular here around.

>> No.1814159

Yeah buddy, fuck off where you came from. And don't come back till you've designed us a coke can that opens itself

>> No.1814160

I'm a professional researcher, and I love every single minute of it. I don't build technology per-se; that step is a half-dozen down from where I am. I develop, extrapolate, and expand upon the limits of human knowledge in aerospace. Ultimately my work is driven by the marriage of my curiosity and my stubbornness; I could explain the current problem I'm working on if you're interested.

I suppose its because I played with one too many Tonka trucks as a kid. Jet planes made me giddy as a kid, and they still do.

>> No.1814165

/sci/ is 90% engineers and one running joke about them...?

>> No.1814172
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>> No.1814184


You're lucky the world is happy to pay you for doing something you love. All I want to do is read books and write. I've got a degree in philosophy and I've worked in a call centre for seven years.

What are you working on? Do you make weapons?

>> No.1814201

I actually work in wind energy. But the unfortunate fact about aerospace is, you're building weapons whether you're building weapons or not. Its so closely integrated with the defense establishment you either use weaponized research for peaceful purposes, or your peaceful research will be repurposed into weapons. Right now I have a wind turbine blade strapped to a robot which yanks and pulls it through weird motions in a water tunnel. The purpose of this would be difficult to explain without getting extremely technical.

>> No.1814209

Computer Science major here. Hope I am able to fit in with all you literary geniuses.

>> No.1814221

Yeah the weaponry thing is unfortunate. Though they had Archimedes building siege equipment so I guess it was ever thus. At least you're not working for the Nazis.

>> No.1815183


>> No.1815199

Since when is Film Studies considered to be a legitimate degree?

>> No.1815217


>Literary geniuses
You must be lost, this is /lit/

>> No.1815223

you're not funny

>> No.1815230

If you believe this board is full of literary geniuses you're dumber than I thought.

>> No.1815236

no i just

don't be a cynic

>> No.1815294

i'm only replying because your little troll is so cute. in an almost cuddly way. why do you want to annoy me from time to time though, stay cute okay.

>> No.1815296

yes maim

>> No.1815319

too cute, can't get mad at you

>> No.1815359

Since Cahiers du Cinema

>> No.1816734

Fabulous and Onionring post the most retarded shit on this board, I'm serious

>> No.1816738

and you thought you'd bump this thread 9 hours later to let us all know?

>> No.1816741

You better be trolling, bro. Liberal studies are SHITE
And if you are learning a foreign language, you receive some actually useful information.

>> No.1816743


>> No.1816746

Just extend faggot tier alllllllll the way to the top.
There you go.

You may not like engies, but what the fuck are you going to do about it - critique us?

>> No.1816749
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>Women's lit is top tier

>> No.1816756

Philosophy majors have one of the highest acceptance rates at law schools, so that's what I'm doing. I'm doubling in political science because it's interesting.

>> No.1816777
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Oh my god... You put Linguistics, Women's studies, and Gender Studies above Foreign Language, Political Science, and Philosophy...
What are you... some kind of retard?
I think I'm going to vomit.

>> No.1816785

How are the sciences not on there?

>> No.1816790

hory shet.

Doing the exact same thing you're doing/studying.

>> No.1816800

Ross Finlay assaulted me in 2008 the same way and he was never welcome to any repeat assault here or to prevail in that conversation.

>> No.1816807

>brb Gender Studies and Women's lit double major
>Bishes be mirin my intelligence
>get laid all the time
>245k starting salary

>> No.1816837

God tier, taking linguistics and low tier because chinese french

though i will say I don't think linguistics is as much a liberal art as the rest, imo its much closer to a true science

>> No.1816852

>take African American studies
>don't get to dissect any African Americans

College is bullshit.

>> No.1816895
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>mfw completed Medical degree

>> No.1816906

Linguistics is in god tier, while any foreign language is in low tier. explain.

>> No.1816909

I am not certain why this thread is still around? It is a triumph in silliness to believe anyone could consider the thoughts expressed by men of questionable merit can be considered plausible for discussion. The creator and those who persist in keeping this going are being fooled into it. I beg that you retain your senses and read or discuss literature. This endevour is fruitless and will only lead to more silliness.

>> No.1816915

I think you just took the award for most annoying tripfag on /lit/.

>> No.1816916
File: 9 KB, 225x225, everybodys mad..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1816919

Wow, you're one of those guys! One of those guys who understands the literal definitions of words but not their connotations, so you try to sound smart but in the process choose your words clumsily and make yourself look like an ass.

>> No.1816921


Well actually I am drunk and have done some silly drugs. Drugs which are very bad for you. But no, I am not perfect and I shall freely admit it. I do type clumsily even when sober. But I enjoy books and like to use funny words so here we are.

>> No.1816928

ugh. you're worse than brownbear.

>> No.1816932


Well I am awfully sorry.

>> No.1816949

lol fabulous, instead of this post some of your thoughts on literature so we can laugh at how stupid you are. Better yet post some of your original work so we can laugh even harder

>> No.1817057

fab fab fab, you cutie

>> No.1817125

What would rhetorics go under?

>> No.1817134


Prof Writing and Film Studies major

>> No.1817138
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>mfw anyone who believes this shit will never publish anything

>> No.1817212

Because being a philosopher of language and psychology is better than being a teacher of high school french.

>> No.1817283


because linguistics is about as close as you'll get to a real science, artfag

>> No.1817321
File: 25 KB, 289x320, Hades+Oil+Print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stylistics and Linguistics.

Master race reporting in.

>> No.1817329

Why? What's wrong with teaching French? Or, let me guess, you just want the big fancy title.

I'm actually taking linguistics as my major. But not for use in any job, really. Or to look smart, and deep, and edgy. I'm actually taking it so I can learn shit.

>> No.1817332

>implying you can be taken seriously in academia without a PhD

>> No.1817348

>implying I want a PHD. If you're not enjoying, or learning from your courses that you take, why bother taking them? Seems a waste to go to school for four years or more if you only want a degree.

The pursuit of knowledge has become a chore, rather than a privilege.

>> No.1817357


lol sounds like classic state school underachiever excuses bullshit to me

>> No.1817519

Clearly you've never had the unenviable experience of having to teach a foreign language to people who have no interest in learning it.

And I am about as uninterested in titles as a person can be. Foreign Language degrees suck compared to Linguistics degrees because if you pursue the latter seriously you will get everything worthwhile you could receive from the former, but three-fold.

>> No.1817751

>114 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>ctrl + f 'religous'
>no results found

really /lit/?

>> No.1817766

Overachieving snob. You're one of those people who's only getting a higher degree so you can lord it over people who otherwise wouldn't give two shits about you and your pathetic life.

>> No.1817768


and you will still have neither credibility or a title. enjoy obscurity :)

>> No.1817777

Neither of which I care about. Have a nice day. :)

Knowledge for Knowledge's sake, I couldn't care less if people are impressed by a piece of paper hanging on my wall.

>> No.1817795

Bravo, sir. I'm with you on this one.

Ancient Greek, Sanskrit and Latin scholar here. Fuck you all.

>> No.1817798


>Goes on about how he'll be well respected with a PhD
>Doesn't capitalize


>> No.1817811

philosophy is a struggle against the very fabric of everything. it is quite serious beyond degrees and publications. of course, those things will come to those who fight well. still, as a first rate philosopher, you are going to leave the world with some bits of contribution to humanity that binds subsequent history.

>> No.1817813

it's good that you like to point out spelling and grammar mistakes, you'll be doing a lot of that as a middle school english teacher

>> No.1817826

The fact that you're making Middle-school level mistakes says a lot more about you than it does me.

I mean really, is your shift key broken or something?

>> No.1817832

Assuming I did become a Middle School English teacher, at least I'd be helping our next generation to not be dumbasses.

What'll you be doing in your ivory tower?

>> No.1817848

you're acting like a bunch of babies

>> No.1817871

says mr diaper wetter himself

>> No.1817872
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>Got a trip to make himself seem more legitimate.

>> No.1817908

Of course if you actually compare any of these to real majors then they're all shit tier.

>> No.1817925

engineering major here.
a.) I love it, it's incredibly interesting and it truly requires you to think and work in creative ways, and
b.) I'll be enjoying my money and bitches when I graduate, so enjoy your shitty liberal arts degree your parents are paying for while you can.

>> No.1817943

>Engineering PhD here. I work for Toyota now, dont be so smug kid, yeah you earn money but it's soul-less boring as shit work. I wish I could have been a journalist or science writer or something.

>> No.1818043

>Linguistics is pretty unarguably a social science
>If you define "liberal arts" strictly, you should be including all sciences, including hard sciences. If not, please leave the social sciences out of your circlejerk intuition-based faggot-majors.

As somebody who has a bachelor's degree in each of linguistics and biology, and is currently in a graduate program studying linguistics, I can assure you that you are full of shit. The vast majority of the research that linguists do follows the scientific method in the same way that biologists and chemists follow it, with two exceptions.

Since linguistics is still a developing field (think biology in Linnaeus' time when they were still characterizing all the life on the planet and hadn't fully developed the now standard two word nomenclature of genus and species), there are many studies published with a very small N. I have read papers about language acquisition based on studies that involved three participants, which would be far too low of a number in any respectable biology journal. The majority of papers are not like this, though. Mostly, it's just when there are 0-1 articles written about a certain topic, and the idea is just to get SOMETHING out there.

Since language resides in the human mind, rather than the physical world, and moreover since no two human minds are alike, understanding the grammar of a "language" is often a matter of teasing out logical paradigms and making assumptions that have their basis in empirical observation. Because the theory for understanding these sorts of things is still evolving, you often get logical leaps of faith about the relationships between words in a sentence or the more subtle ways the grammar is working that turn out to be too shallow when analyzed by different theories.

I know I'm replying to a troll, but somebody might find that interesting.

>> No.1818051

>linguists do follows the scientific method
>implying scientists still use the scientific method

>> No.1818052

Discourse analysis doesn't follow the scientific method. You're American, right?

>> No.1818056

>The vast majority of the research that linguists do
= subject
= verb
= either incredibly butthurt or incredibly stupid

>> No.1818064

I haven't studied discourse analysis too much, but you're right that there are sub-fields in linguistics that are less scientific than others. That doesn't make the more scientific ones not exist, as your cute little strawman implies. Explain why my nationality has anything to do with anything.

>> No.1818072

Faggot Tier: calling yourself "PrinceCharming"

now thats some faggotry

>> No.1818079


>> No.1818092

A person may appear a fool and yet not be one. He may only be guarding his wisdom carefully. PrinceFabulous, you are a consummate guardsman.

>> No.1818095
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>mfw I'm double majoring in biotech/peace studies and double minoring in art history/classical studies

>> No.1818106

If you study somewhere with a tradition of analytic philosophy you're more likely to take a scientific approach, usually viewing language as a subset of psychology (which is also the view of Pinker and Chomsky). This is useful, but not entirely true since language exists both within us and outside of us as a separate entity. This is something looked at more by those on the continent.

>> No.1818130

Ah, I see why you asked. Yes, I am American. I guess I'm not very familiar with the variations each country has in their approaches to linguistics, but that doesn't change that the linguistics that I know is a science.

>> No.1818133

>proving that you are an idiot

>> No.1818145

>proving you are not a scientist