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18144374 No.18144374 [Reply] [Original]

It all seems so empty. Why do you feel the need to communicate anything?

I think the only reason anyone has the need to say anything is because you don't want to feel lonely and insignificant.

Would you still feel the need to write if you were the last man on earth?

>> No.18144379

>Would you still feel the need to write if you were the last man on earth?

Read The Human Condition by Arendt on this.

How are you doing, anon? Are you okay?

>> No.18144413

>Read The Human Condition by Arendt
I'll look it up and see if I want to read it in a bit.

>How are you doing, anon? Are you okay?
Why do people matter? What not pull a Kaczynski and fuck off into a log cabin in the woods. Kaczynski messed up because he cared about the world. He was a faggot because he felt the need to meddle in the affairs of others, to have his opinions heard and to feel special.

Why do you feel the need to say anything and be heard? None of us are special, we are all going to die. Embrace that fact, shut up, fuck off and die.

>> No.18144425

what the fuck do you think you're doing right now retard? why did you choose to textualise this thought?
>Would you still feel the need to write if you were the last man on earth?
there are plenty of things people do with great enjoyment because of the thing's inherent relationship to OTHER people; don't be an autist. writing is one of them, for the most part. LMoE thought experiment is only really useful for demarcating what is and isn't defined by its relationship to other rational beings.

>> No.18144430
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>Would you still feel the need to write if you were the last man on earth?
yes. I love my language (not english though), how it sounds and how beautiful the things are that come into being when you play around with meanings and structures and sounds.
Transporting a message is pretty secondary to me and so is others recognizing and sharing the beauty I mentioned above.

you are just a useless pleb and should jump into a volcano; vanishing without any remains would be better for human garbage like you

>> No.18144454

>None of us are special
stop projecting your feelings of utter inferiority towards great beings

>> No.18144464

why make this thread?

>> No.18144470

>why did you choose to textualise this thought?
Because I'm lonely and want my existence and thoughts reaffirmed. I'm trying to quit this addiction though.

>inherent relationship to OTHER people
Fuck other people.

>only really useful for demarcating what is and isn't defined by its relationship to other rational beings.
Yes, and the experiment reveals if your paying attention, that the true motivation behind communication is the attempt to escape feelings of loneliness.

>> No.18144498

>Why do you feel the need to say anything and be heard?

Because talking is fun. Also, understanding. Such as we are doing now. Attempting to understand each other.

>None of us are special, we are all going to die.

Erm, were you brought up believing that either you or others were? I mean, what is even at stake when you say something like none of us are special? If that's the case, which it basically is, that makes all of this, the entire human situation itself, special, if you choose to see it that way.

You choose what you want out of your life. If you don't want shit, don't do shit. If you want something, love, money, ease of comfort, big house, you actually have the option of going for it in this world, in this reality, at this particular time on planet of Earth, as a human being, depending on where you live.

Perhaps you have too much freedom of choice? So much freedom that you are paralyzed from choosing? Which is frustrating?

>> No.18144512

>Transporting a message is pretty secondary
Writing and language is all about transporting a message. Why do meaning, structure and sound have any beauty, if you disconnect them from their primary purpose?

>> No.18144531

>Fuck other people
uuuuuh, the cringe

>> No.18144536

>Attempting to understand each other.
No one ever truly will though. Woe is the lonely nature of conscious existence. We all solely occupy our own lives, everything thing else is the other. The other we only derive meaning and pleasure from because it serves to help us distract ourselves from the reality, that we're all going to die and that life entails great suffering.

>> No.18144544 [DELETED] 
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>uuuuuh, the cringe
Don't care fuck you too

>> No.18144576

now it doesn't matter anymore, since language already developed to that point. You know that some of us have an inner monologue/dialogue. Talking and communicating is secondary. Humans could all vanish over night and I'd still come up with beautiful word-structures and dwelling in their beauty

But yeah, I wouldn't expect a le based edgy nihilist 80IQ teenager like you to ever understand this

Now go forth and kys please

>> No.18144582

>Yes, and the experiment reveals if your paying attention, that the true motivation behind communication is the attempt to escape feelings of loneliness.
no, it reveals those things which are given value, and are defined by, their interaction and relationship with other people. loneliness may come from a deficiency of communication, but it is not necessarily defined by a lack of communication. maybe I simply find pleasure from communicating and talking about my thoughts and ideas? this activity is only (for me, and others) enjoyable when there's (surprise!) another person to communicate with.

>> No.18144583

Great book, but what does she say about this? I don’t remember what she says specifically about reading or writing.

>> No.18144599

>So much freedom that you are paralyzed from choosing? Which is frustrating?
What are you supposed to choose? There are no right answers. Its all relative.

>> No.18144604


>> No.18144655
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>You know that some of us have an inner monologue/dialogue.
Correct, and you point is? Why does that matter?

>Now go forth and kys please
None answer

>> No.18144656

>No one ever truly will though. Woe is the lonely nature of conscious existence.

You sound like a character from Shakespeare, which recalls

"...there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so".

If that's what you think, then good. For you. Understand yourself, then. Use others to understand yourself. Understand yourself better than anyone has ever understood themselves in the history of time. Know thyself. Know thyself if you cannot know others.

>> No.18144662
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>imagine being afraid of making own choices
>imagine needing some oedipal daddy-like structure of right/wrong
holy fuck, are you 14 or a woman?
gonread some Nietzsche.. although you'd probably just get "le cool atheist" out of it anyways

>> No.18144664

Whatever leads you to a reality that isn't so conflicting and is actually enjoyable.

>> No.18144684

>this activity is only (for me, and others) enjoyable when there's (surprise!) another person to communicate with.
So what you're saying is that you wouldn't feel the need to write if you were the LMoE. So you admit that writing and communication has no value in it of itself. So where does that value come from? If, as you admit, its dependent upon the existence of other people.

>> No.18144698

>understand yourself.
What is there to understand?

>> No.18144704

you seriously didn't understand that post?
how god-fucking unintelligent can one be and still run around trying to argue with grown-ups?

>> No.18144737

Nietzsche answer are empty. He provides no real foundation for meaning. He just reaffirms, baselessly, that it's important. Why is having a purpose or making your own choices important?
>muh life affirming
Brain dead baseless reasoning

>> No.18144738

with a shallow fuck like you?

you're not a bit more complex and as devoid of meaning than a dead rat rotting away in the streets of phnom penh

but seriously (!!!!) stop projecting your feelings of being a nobody onto people that actually matter as life forms

>> No.18144788

>Brain dead baseless reasoning
so a reasoning "WITH brain" would be:
'I live but I don't have to and therefore should rot away afraid because nobody is telling me what's right/wrong' ???
yeah, that's not the greatest brain, is it?

It's either living or not-living. And since you choose to STILL not kill yourself (as you seriously should, you unintelligent little sissy), you should have an answer in Nietzsche. THAT's the base for your "baseless"-objection

>> No.18144789

Why does it matter if its conflicting or enjoyable?

Neither did you understand me. What I think that you're trying to say is that language has importance in itself, to you, regardless if anyone is around to understand it. You say its because its beautiful word structures, sounds and meanings. What I'm asking is why do those things matter? Especially if there is none to share it with, you still haven't answered, instead you went hostile because you know deep down you have no answer.

>> No.18144803

>nobody is telling me what's right/wrong
Its not about whether or not its being told if there is a right or wrong. Rather than there actually being a right and wrong. There is no evidence that you can show to prove that there is a right or wrong, and there never will be, there are simply people who understand this fact and those who refuse to admit it and become hostile when confronted with it.

>> No.18144806

Because time. Time is relative. Do you want to experience time slowly and painfully or as if everyday were a minute because you're having so much fun? We all die at the end anyway, right? Let's say you are and always were going to die at the age of 50. Those 50 years can either feel like 500,000 years of agony or they can feel like 5 minutes of eternal glory.

>> No.18144819

>What I'm asking is why do those things matter?
you don't know what "matter" means, do you?
do you see how you're still arguing with all of us? There's your answer. Go find it.

>hostile because no answer
no, I'm hostile because I can't stand pseuds like you and it gives me great joy to make you feel like you should feel: Not "nihilistic, smart and too cool for meaning" but "useless and inadequat"

>> No.18144841

being told by a figure (daddy/king/god/professors) is the same as being told by "facts/evidence"
It's the same structure. You ask for an "other" to tell you, instead of recognizing that YOU could tell the other.
Creating art would be the second way for example - and boom, there you go

And stop finding other reasons for your "boohooo, why so hostile" than the reason that YOU are dumb and deserve to be reminded of being dumb

>> No.18144880

I think language and communication is a sick joke. That's my problem with writing and reading. People take away what they want, devoid of the writers intentions in what he was communicating, or the truth. That which is right and wrong, which should be the only thing, if there is a right and wrong, that anyone cares about. Truth and right and wrong, still yet to be proven? And they can't be.

>500,000 years of agony or they can feel like 5 minutes of eternal glory.
Obviously I'd prefer those five minutes, but I don't have a real reason for it. The only answer are primordial and again baseless.

Those years of agony are just pain. Pain that burns, which leads you to instinctively recoil and run. But the pain doesn't necessarily give a direction to run to. It just gives you the motivate to run. What I've been looking for with reading philosophy is a direction to run to. But I find no answers that are compelling to me. Nietzsche no, Satre no, Hesse no, Camu no, Kierkegaard no etc...

All there is, is pain and pleasure. Everything else we are left with is solipsistic and sophistry. And you see, that all the answers in this thread, and that you will ever get go back to this point, that all everything is, is pain and pleasure. But why is one better than the other?

>> No.18144912

>But why is one better than the other?
wanna come to my place? I could slowly torture you to death over the next few months, if you'd agree.
And don't say "no thanks" now.. that would mean, that you already know for sure what the answer to your "entry to philosophy"-dilemma is

(But of course you already have chosen life over death etc. all while calling Nietzsche "baseless")

>> No.18144929

What makes you feel good?

>> No.18144932

>You ask for an "other" to tell you, instead of recognizing that YOU could tell the other.
I don't understand, what basis do I have to tell anyone what is the truth. The hubris of that is fucking infinite.

>Creating art would be the second way for example - and boom, there you go
This is what I'm trying to do, but the only reason, is to escape loneliness.

>YOU are dumb and deserve to be reminded of being dumb
I don't think so, I just think that you're wrong, and you're wrong because you clearly don't understand what I'm trying to tell you.

>> No.18144942

no thanks

>entry to philosophy
You know why its entry, because its so fundamental to EVERYTHING.

I don't man, I'm still trying to figure that out. The obvious ones would be women and drugs. But they too seem empty.

>> No.18144992

You should travel a bit. Do you have a car? You should seriously consider road tripping for the entire summer or just getting out of whatever bubble you are in. The unexpected would greatly help to shatter all of these expectations you have that everything leads to nothing.

>> No.18144994

>what basis do I have to tell anyone what is the truth.
You? None.
[[[ Yet you go around anonymous forums trying to convince others of your view. ]]]
Me? Plenty.
What are you afraid of? Falling? The pain of being wrong?
You change your mind more often than a woman.

>you don't understand
Yes I do.
Your whole shtick is:
"I create out of fear from loneliness, thus every act of creation happens out of loneliness"
And you're obviously wrong and unintelligent. It was like my second post, asking you to stop projecting your feelings of inadequacy. Not everyone is afraid of being lonely, not everyone is a cringy "fuck people, yet I crave them" queer, not everyone creates for others.
Not everyone sees truth as "being told" (by "reality" or people).

Your whole world-view is angsty and full of contradictions.
As soon as you sober up, you should take a deep dive into the posts itt and try to figure out where your issues lie

>> No.18145032

>no thanks
yepp, there we have it

yes, but it's not entry because of that. It is because it is easily answered. There are just people too dumb to understand. Like you: going around like there's no reason to choose pleasure over pain, yet saying no (with conviction!!!) to being tortured to death

Whatever. That's all from me.
Stay a little faggot or take the Über-pill one day.
But stop trying to hinder others from doing so with your queer reasoning. You do nothing than hindering life from blooming. And you'd have the same instincts of disgust towards that if you weren't so sick and rotting as you are

>> No.18145052

>Do you have a car?
Road tripping by myself to where. Probably illegal with this lock down bullshit. Also I don't want to be a bum for several months.

>Yet you go around anonymous forums trying to convince others of your view.
No, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I can't anyway. I just like having the conversation because it gets me thinking thoughts that I otherwise wouldn't think when I'm questioned, I welcome the hostility, if the other person is actually saying something of substance.
>The pain of being wrong?
Being and right or wrong is the only thing that matters if anything matters.

>not everyone creates for others.
No, everyone, just some are deluded and others aren't.

>Not everyone sees truth as "being told"
Truth is what is real regardless of what people say or think.

>> No.18145066

>to being tortured to death
My point is it doesn't matter what you want.

>> No.18145073

>So you admit that writing and communication has no value in it of itself
you're not quite getting it: (for me, mostly) writing and communication are DEFINED by their interaction, and presence among a system of, other people. part of its value is necessarily dependent on those other people; I am writing, yes for myself, but also with an audience in mind; be that my close friends, my romantic partner; or anyone who would take interest in it.

if we take LMoE seriously, I would in fact write, I imagine. probably for the sake of recording my thoughts, events, the day-to-day; to have a record to reference for my own sanity. but also as a means to help process my thoughts; writing can also have an epistemological nature in addition to being a tool for communication.

>> No.18145108

Most people read or write to entertain themselves, not to achieve some grand purpose. In fact most writing is just done to yourself, known as a journal or a diary. Not too different from how you think to yourself. I understand your point though that writing for recognition has a different motive behind it..

>> No.18145120

>to where
>Also I don't want to be a bum for several months.

You have become paralyzed from your own expectations, of people, of the world, of yourself. Doesn't matter what we tell you, nothing will "make sense". You have become numb.

It's really up to you which direction you want to go. Do nothing, become more numb to the outside world and filled with pain and angst. Or taking risks, on yourself, making better decisions that eventually leads you to feel better and see more clearly. You want to take no risks at all.

Then, respectfully, don't complain about how you feel, brother.

>> No.18145123

To pass the time. We will all end up in the same place, so we might as well do something that we enjoy while we're here.

Anyways, I recommend Pascal's Pensees and Camus' Myth of Sisyphus.

>> No.18145130

>And you're obviously wrong and unintelligent. It was like my second post, asking you to stop projecting your feelings of inadequacy. Not everyone is afraid of being lonely, not everyone is a cringy "fuck people, yet I crave them" queer, not everyone creates for others.
I wish I could just take the uber pill. But I can't, it just doesn't make sense to me, religion doesn't make sense to me. Its in part why I also made this thread >>18144287

>> No.18145142

lmao, you seem to be upset because some made up concept doesn’t actually exist in reality. why would you be sad about that? just do something if you want to do it

>> No.18145164

>I understand your point though that writing for recognition has a different motive behind it..
Thank you, but to add an addendum, that different motive is the sole reason for all communication. Communicating to yourself in the form of journaling is a pale imitation of communication with others, but is done for the same reason, as this anon said >>18145073
>for my own sanity

>> No.18145175

Religion should make sense to you because your ideas of life, purpose, and morality came from religion. Culture teaches us the purpose of life is to be a good citizen, be kind to your neighbors, make the world a better place, change yourself so you are more productive/attractive/smarter/empathetic. And the ultimate goal is “happiness”, living in constant bliss and harmony with everything around you. There is your religion right there.

>> No.18145181

>why would you be sad about that?
because I don't know what I should do. What's stopping me from just killing you?

>Then, respectfully, don't complain about how you feel, brother.
You're right. But to be fair complaining wasn't my intention with this thread. I can see how it comes across that way though.

>> No.18145184

Oh god, another one of these faggots who think the meaning of life is "happiness"

>> No.18145193


what country do you live in?

>> No.18145204
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It's all circular reasoning.

Sorry I realize that life makes no fucking sense.

>> No.18145218


>> No.18145222

The intended purpose of communication, what we were built for, is for survival of course. Anything communication past that isn’t essential but is for the benefit of culture. You do need to talk to yourself because if you could stop that (you can’t) then you would lose your social identity and go crazy, so you have to talk to yourself like a madman all the time to live in this society that we made.

>> No.18145229
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lmao at the absolute faggotry of this distinction
>all who see themselves as a being of value are dumb, I'm so smart for being self-conscious
The absolute cope of the inferior, man. Do you think people like Napoleon were "stupid"?

Also: The Über-pill is the REAL opposite of religion. Queer, anxious nihilism lies inbetween

If you're OP, consider checking your test-levels at a lab. "testosterone replacement therapy" really helped a buddy of mine out of this paralyzed state of "mouseness". You will look back at your posts and have a hearty laugh about your younger self

>> No.18145233
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>so you have to talk to yourself like a madman all the time to live in this society that we made.
Checked, very impressive. And yes, I agree, and that is what we are doing by being on a forum, in effect this is self communication. This form of communication is devoid on what is important in communication, which is human connection.

>> No.18145240

how old are you, if you dont mind me asking

>> No.18145249


I never said these are the answers, this is just what our culture teaches us. Everyone wants to be happy, we are all junkies for pleasure. You can deny it but it’s what you really want and at the same time you will never have it. Why do we chase an impossible goal? Because we malfunctioned and became self-conscious, then superimposed the meaning of life onto our experiences. Other animals have none of the issues we have. We are collectively straying from our natural ways and it’s killing us

>> No.18145263


>Do you think people like Napoleon were "stupid"?
Better would be to say they're wrong, but its a thin line between being wrong and being stupid.

>If you're OP, consider checking your test-levels at a lab.
I think my test levels are fine, I work out, eat well. I doubt it's testosterone.

>The Über-pill is the REAL opposite of religion
Why? Its just the long route to the same conclusion, that things have meaning and words matter.

>> No.18145265


I'd be interested in your opinion on this work. Short story by Barthelme titled The School. It's 2 and a half pages, brother.
Please read it, man.
Let me know what you think.


>> No.18145281

Yeah I've read Schopenhauer as well. I agree with what you've said 100%. But it isn't an answer to my question.

>> No.18145300

What is the human connection that you are talking about? To me that sounds like some romanticization of the fact that we depend on each other for survival. So what connection do you really mean? The reason we can tell each other’s emotions is for practical reasons. Only culture teaches us that we need to have this magical experience where we connect with another soul to be fulfilled. Really we are just lonely and we get pleasure from using others sexually or emotionally to distract us from that fact, there’s your human connection. And this is no different from that except the pleasure isn’t as great.

>> No.18145317

I never read him, but what was your question? Why religion exists? I said because we became self-conscious

>> No.18145374

>Its just the long route to the same conclusion, that things have meaning and words matter.
Wait, I'll make a drawing for you, you loveable little faggot
Don't quit the thread

>> No.18145382

That we die, and life is depressing. Also that existence is no place for children, and they should be kept away from these realities of death until they've grown old enough that they can justifiable be abandoned.

It reminds me that you shouldn't fixate on the reality of death though. Well I'm not really sure if you should or shouldn't. I can't help it though. The story was very morbid, that's the point.

You could say as another anon pointed out, that death gives life meaning, but why does duration of anything matter? If it is bad it is bad, if it is good it is good. If it is true it is true, if it is false it is false. These should be the only things we concern ourselves with.

It was gross with the Helen shit. Any time sexuality and children are mashed together I don't like it. But the children are naive, so I suppose it isn't bad.

>The obvious ones would be women and drugs.
Goes to show that "love", which equates to sex and drugs, are an important distraction to the reality of death. That looms over everything.

>> No.18145407

>That looms over everything.
Death looming over everything is the point of the story. Doesn't answer what you should do in response to it though. Besides maybe Helen. Just not in front of the children.

>> No.18145449
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>What is the human connection that you are talking about?
Dubs, very very impressive anon. Human connection is being in the room with that person, smell, touch, their presence, eye contact, mutual feelings of understanding.

>romanticization of the fact
I like romanticism, guess that makes me a faggot, but its one working cope I've found. But I admit its a cope, just another perspective, I struggle to keep a romantic perspective given the reality of things.

> Really we are just lonely and we get pleasure from using others sexually or emotionally to distract us from that fact, there’s your human connection.
I agree, I think you that you though don't believing what you're saying and are baiting me.

>> No.18145461

My question is why does anything matter?

>> No.18145464

>that death gives life meaning

Well, no. From the short story

>And they said, is death that which gives meaning to life? And I said no, life is that which gives meaning to life.

This. I think it's this simple. Life gives meaning to life. That's why we write, communicate, express, inform, entertain, instruct, educate, speak, connect, feel and love another. Because life. It is a project that goes AGAINST death that you can choose to participate in.

Perhaps you're overthinking things, friend.

>> No.18145505
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>Please, please make love with Helen, we require an assertion of value, we are frightened.
It reminds me of this scene -
*sorry couldn't find the scene on youtube, you'll have to watch the movie, but the protagonist has a conversation with his therapist. Until you see that scene this post won't make sense.


>> No.18145518

>Perhaps you're overthinking things, friend.
If everything is so obvious than what harm would overthinking cause?

>> No.18145521

Well, when they're female then it's not cringe.

>> No.18145538

>If everything is so obvious

Things aren't. Nor is life. Nor would I agree with this statement.

>than what harm would overthinking cause?

The classic Hamlet problem. Overthinking leads to inaction, to no action at all. To paranoia. To confusion. To misery. To chaos.

I wouldn't underestimate the powers of the mind at all, if I were you, brother.

>> No.18145545

Well of course I crave human connection, especially with a pretty girl uwu

Who said something matters and why does something have to matter? And really what does that even mean for something to matter? Think about the question you are asking. It sounds to me like you want to be convinced that something matters, but why? Where did this concern with the purpose of things come from

>> No.18145562

>be convinced that something matters, but why?
To stop what this anon pointed out >>18145538
>The classic Hamlet problem. Overthinking leads to inaction, to no action at all. To paranoia. To confusion. To misery. To chaos.

>> No.18145583


>> No.18145602
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lmao, hope the chanzz doesn't fuck my beautiful drawing even worse than my shitty cam already did

The main gist is:
Edgy, angsty, nihilistic teenagers aren't more intelligent than the Herrenmenschen, even though they sure are than the sheeple they so despise. Maybe they are in some cases, but the Über-guys are ALWAYS made up of better genes in totality. The nihilist is a weird creature that had SOME genes.good enough, but not quite all of them to reach happiness and meaning. Yet he can't go back to religion.
(Religion in all kinds.. the SJW-phenomenon is an example of religion aswell, etc. pp.)

now suck my dick, I need a bit of fresh air

>> No.18145709
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Why do you have to make it genetic? If its genetic who gives a fucking shit, its immutable, if where all animals, which was part of the whole bull and mouse analogy. I see you added sheep. Then fuck it, you mentioned, or someone else, testosterone. If we're all just chemical soup, and that determines our philosophy, than why bother philosophizing. You solved nothing, actually I think helped reinforce the
>Edgy, angsty, nihilistic
perspective, that the game and reality is rigged. That we're all animals, things are outside of our control and that meaning is bullshit.

There is virtue in being the mouse.

>The underground man literally dehumanizes mankind by continually comparing people to animals, showing his low estimation of human character. His “overly acute consciousness” prevents him from acting on impulses and results in his isolation underground, comparable to the mouse’s retreat to its hole.

>> No.18145855

>You solved nothing
You assuming that I even tried to do so, is something you should ponder over sometimes. You take us all for your therapists, since you know that you are sick.

>why genetic
>things are outside of our control
You know that it's highly possible to overcome your "genes" in many aspects?
(even though eu-'genos' means more than what you assumed to be mere biology. read some books sometimes)
There are people born without legs who run faster than your average human with prosthetics. Do you have wings? No, we build airplanes.
Feeling depressed and anxious and weak and sick? Change your hormonal profile by a few nanograms and everything chabges.
You can take mushrooms or LSD to break down mental barriers.
Etc. Etc.

Reality isn't "rigged". Neither is, what you do with it. It's up to you.
And you choose the path of the nihilist who is on the bottom of life-fulfillment

>> No.18145885

*and who cramps the Über-guys in the same category with the religious people. That's your biggest crime.
Ask yourself why you'd look at davinci and call him stupid for even caring about anything.

>> No.18146014

>You take us all for your therapists, since you know that you are sick.
And no, I just don't care what you have to say unless I find use in it.

>And you choose the path of the nihilist who is on the bottom of life-fulfillment
Okay so I do you ascend from "Nihilist" (which I never called myself) to ze ubermensch then?
Without losing my capacity to think.

>*and who cramps the Über-guys in the same category with the religious people.
They both arrive at the same place, just take different routes, I didn't say they were without distinction. Look at you own picture, why did you draw it as a bell curve?

>Ask yourself why you'd look at davinci and call him stupid

>> No.18146033

What a whiny bitch!
Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.18146058
File: 103 KB, 1300x951, 1618380746329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm... no

>> No.18146084

I saw this in another thread
Do you agree?

>> No.18146125

yeah, I've finally nothing left to tell you. I can't possibly dumb my argumentation down any further... to a guy who thinks life-affirmation isn base-/brainless yet doesn't want to kill himself - to a guy who claims he doesn't know whether to choose pain or pleasure, yet doesn't want to be tortured

Go on, stay miserable, looking at every great, valuable man in history and present, living a life full of meaning and fulfillment, and proudly mumble to yourself:
"They are soooooo wrong. Yet I who can't even write a poem without thinking about other people and my loneliness got life figured. Thinking anything matters is dumb, that's why I cling to my life. Some people have better genes, thus reality is rigged and I should be angsty."

haven't seen anyone so blind to his own stupidity and inconsistency built around so many excuses for his own misery in a long time

>> No.18146149

I'd choose "happy and right" over "unhappy and wrong"
couldn't care less about any other combination of these properties - especially if you throw in "well-adjusted"

If I'm right, I'm happy ... et vice versa
(not to be confused with "ignorance" - there you'll get the well-adjusted follower of the herd)

>> No.18146170
File: 105 KB, 1050x640, 292_find_happines_within_oneself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to a guy who thinks life-affirmation isn base-/brainless yet doesn't want to kill himself
if affirming life is baseless than so to is suicide. The avoidance of pain is primordial and instinct, belief doesn't come into it. I "cling" to life because it hardwired into my dna.

>Some people have better genes
You brought up genes, and talked in length about their importance, not me.

>thus reality is rigged and I should be angsty
Reality clearly is rigged, what you should do in response to that is the question.

>haven't seen anyone so blind to his own stupidity and inconsistency built around so many excuses for his own misery in a long time
See picture, this summarizes by belief

>> No.18146898

you don’t need to find the purpose of all things to prevent overthinking, in fact trying to find the purpose of all things may cause you to think more. but at the same time i understand your point, having an answer that satisfies you will ease your mind. honestly i don’t think questioning yourself and your thinking too much is a safe thing to do, your search for answers can easily drive you crazy if you are the type to push it hard enough.