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18240455 No.18240455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that the white working is a myth?
It's not possible for a white person to be poor?

>> No.18240466

Settlers was literally an FBI psyop, and I'm not even a leftie.

>> No.18240473

>It's not possible for a white person to be poor?
It isn't, for exactly the same reason a POC can't be racist.

>> No.18240476

shit bait

>> No.18240522

>Is it true that the white working is a myth?
no but middle class whites definitely want it to be

>> No.18240537

Omg that's so awful those poor black people that don't get to live amongst the people the oppress them (???)

>> No.18240556

>It's not possible for a white person to be poor?
well shit, I'm either not white or I'm secretly wealthy.

>> No.18240558

The level of vitriol that middle class people have for "white trash" is almost unbelievable in contrast to the teary eyed, simpering, hand-wringing pity they have for colored people. God it makes me sick.

>> No.18240571

it will be soon once they learn how to export cheaper labor to the boonies.

>> No.18240582
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>> No.18240608

It's true. Not a single white person is even on welfare!

>> No.18240615

I work in nyc and fucking hate this. They think youre weird if you dont have a seething hatred of rednecks. Its just a double standard and a "correct" boogeyman you can beatdown

>> No.18240630

Yeah I'm from Europe was shocked to hear how middle class Americans talk about poor white people, a lot seething hatred towards them

>> No.18240682

It’s class posturing. The white bourgeoise in my city will cross-examine you if you say you wouldn’t date a tranny just to paint you as backwoods.

>> No.18240690

Kek and you just KNOW none of those fags would either.

>> No.18240719

just look at appalachia

>> No.18240747

White people are the poorest people on the planet in that soon they'll be beggared of the thing that matters most - an actual homeland

>> No.18240756
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>> No.18240762

Yes, that's why white people should have more racial-solidarity. The coloured underclass is after us, we have to defend ourselves from them.

>> No.18240770
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These privileged little shits disgust me. So do all the White men who died to abolish slavery.

>> No.18240779
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>> No.18241472

Date a tranny

>> No.18241479

Everyone who tells you to this piece of trash of historical revisionism and shitty analysis is an useful idiot for the alphabet bois

>> No.18241500

In their eyes, poor Whites are pathetic because they receive the benefits of White privilege but still weren't able to make it to the middle/upper class. Poor POC are "held down by the White man", so there's an excuse for their situation, while poor Whites are just failures. It's not right, but it's just how they see things.

>> No.18241523

That book is utter nonsense and the author was a jew

>> No.18241524

I'm proud of my European ancestors coming to America and making a life for themselves :)

>> No.18241573

Unless they are rich they don't exist

>> No.18241615

Redskins go back to Mongolia

>> No.18241651
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IDK, makes sense to me

>> No.18241693

Is this just idpol but trying to apply it to the somewhat fetishized identity that "prole" has become?

>> No.18241713

Always has been

>> No.18241725
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Wouldn't that mean grouping up with the white yuppies who hate your guts because you're some redneck? How the fuck is that supposed to work

>> No.18241739

Rednecks have always been privileged elites. They were never working class.

>> No.18241750

The book completely breaks with Marxist analysis and anyone who tells you otherwise is either an idiot or a shill.

>> No.18241763
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Settlers is like really blackpilled Maoism. The basic theory of the book (written in the early 80s) is that the U.S. is like a really big Israel or South Africa. It's a settler-colonialist regime that turned into a big empire and there was plenty of land to go around. There are poor white people, but that's just how it is. Thing is, people don't know, Sakai shits on black nationalists a whole bunch. He said this:

>European capitalists actually took over title to the entire planet and its planetary population (including–as my comrade Butch always says–not only all humans but every animal and plant down to the last seal and tree and stalk of grain) in the Berlin imperialist conference around 1895 or so. But as rising Asian billionaires can happily testify, Whitey is definitely losing it double-time. In this real new world order, militarily victorious Vietnamese “Communism” is begging for more Nike sweatshops. Post-colonial Ethiopians and Eritreans with their own tanks and artillery aplenty slaughtered way more more of their own people in one year’s little Black-on-Black border shoving match than the u.s. military killed in Iraq and Afghanistan put together. The post-liberation Black “socialist” men’s gerontocracies in South Africa and Zimbabwe are killing more women and children with their deliberate AIDS plague right now than the u.s. empire did in eleven years of invasion in Vietnam. Many more killings than Hitler did Jews. Remember that funny Black cultural nationalist line from the 1980s that Africans are the supposed “Sun people”, genetically predispositioned to be more humane and civilized than those admittedly nasty “Ice people” from Northern Europe? Clowns don’t always make you laugh.

>> No.18241773
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Yes it's a complete myth. And these totally aren't 10 year old white children that worked in coal mines.

>> No.18241774

>Today, in contrast, the u.s. bubble empire, with its heavy-technology storm troopers, struts and preens itself in decadent ecstasy whenever they can recapture any small, poverty-stricken Third-World capitalist neo-colony (often done in a fake war, as in Afghanistan and Iraq, with cooperating bribed warlords and generals). Hollywood invasions of Haiti, Afghanistan, Panama, tiny Philippine islands or dysfunctional oil field dictatorships mark the true level of their beat power now. But if a few hundred or a few thousand of its mercenary techno-legion GIs get whacked, then the whole society is weeping and wailing. Privileged amerikkka is too soft to slug it out anymore. We might say that the u.s. empire is less like a great military power in the old sense and more like a superbly-armed private mafia for a gated suburb. Its power is very dangerous on a tactical level–like a SWAT team blowing down your front door will really put some concern on your mind–but strategically it is more and more dysfunctional and immobilized.

>> No.18241803
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>Essential production and socially useful work occupy a gradually diminishing place in the domestic activity of U.S. corporations, in the work of its settler citizens, in the imperial culture. Decadence is taking over in an even deeper way, in which non-essential and parasitic things become the most profitable, while worthless activities are thought the most important. Always present within imperialism, this decadence now becomes dominant within the oppressor nation.

>We can see this in the dramatic increase of the non-productive layers in economic life. While this phenomenon is centered in the rule of finance capital, its manifestation appears in all imperialist institutions. Advertising, marketing, package design, finance, "corporate planning," etc. mushroom with each corporation. Management on all levels grows as numbers of production workers shrink. When one includes the large army of white-collar clerical workers needed to maintain management and carry out its work, the proportions become visibly lop-sided. At Weyerhaeuser, the large timberland and natural resources corporation, top executives and professionals alone (not including supervisors, foremen and clerical workers) account for one out of every six employees. At the Southern Pacific Railroad, one out of every ten employees is in management.

>> No.18241841
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>The life of European settlers — and the class structure of their society — was abnormal because it was dependent upon a foundation of conquest, genocide, and enslavement. The myth of the self-sufficient, white settler family "clearing the wilderness" and supporting themselves through their own initiative and hard labor, is a propaganda fabrication. It is the absolute characteristic of settler society to be parasitic, dependent upon the superexploitation of oppressed peoples for its style of life. Never has Euro-Amerikan society completely supported itself. This is the decisive factor in the consciousness of all classes and strata of white society from 1600 to now.


>Most importantly, Euro-Amerikans share an exceptional way of life. What is so exceptional about it is that almost all get to live in a bourgeois way, "quite Philistine in the mode of life, in the size of their earnings and in their entire outlook..." Thus, the mass of the lower middle classes, the huge labor aristocracy, and most workers are fused together by a common national way of life and a common national ideology as oppressors. The masses share a way of life that apes the bourgeoisie, dominated by a decadent preoccupation with private consumption. Consuming things and owning things, no matter how shoddy or trivial, is the mass religion. The real world of desperate toil, the world of the proletarians who own nothing but their labor power, is looked down upon with contempt and fear by the Euro-Amerikans.


>The most significant fact about the real consciousness of the Euro-Amerikan masses is how anti- communal and private it is. Settlers recognize no common bond with the rest of humanity. That is why everything they build is perverted: why settler trade-unions are anti-proletarian, and settler "Women's Liberation" is happy to exploit the women of other nations. It means nothing to Euro-Amerikans that the winter fruit they eat was really paid for by the lives of Mexican or Chilean or Filipino children. For them the flavor is so sweet. Euro-Amerikans don't even really care too much about each other. Lower taxes are more important than food for their own elderly. This is a diseased culture, with a mass political consciousness that is centered around parasitism.

>> No.18241847

Only anarkiddies and retarded maoists recommend reading this dogshit

>> No.18241863
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>The metropolitan elite, university-educated, residing in major urban areas, dominates the computer industry and global corporate sectors like finance and media. While backing Hillary and LGBT human rights for public politics and all that, in their own worlds they live in apartheid racial/gender discipline. In the futuristic Silicon Valley, computer firms like Twitter and Pinterest are each coincidentally 92% white and Asian for tech employees. Google is right there, too, with tech employees being 94% white and Asian. Same at other computer corporations. It isn’t hard to guess that there are ethnic quotas or near-blanket exclusions secretly agreed upon between these outspokenly liberal corporate leaders. It’s ironic that conservative white factory workers and small industrial employers in the Midwest may be for Trump, but have much more integrated workplaces. Incidentally, the liberal icon New York Times, where Paul Krugman’s columns appear, has 6 White House reporters, but none of them are Black. It has 21 sports reporters, but none of them are Black (although basketball and American football, for instance, are heavily Black). Their lifestyles section has no Black writers, although Black people do have real lives. So who is more racist and backward?

>> No.18241937

Yup, american whitoids BTFO

>> No.18242012

All of this is true though? Western europeans are barely competent at anything they do and most of the are in "management".
t. Eastern Euro

>> No.18242019


>> No.18242132

I don't have too many strong political beliefs but I do feel that these types who try to divide the working class on racial lines should face the firing-line.

>> No.18242142

I don't have too many strong political beliefs but I do feel that these types who try to divide ethnic groups on class lines should face the firing-line.

>> No.18242185

>The myth of the self-sufficient, white settler family "clearing the wilderness" and supporting themselves through their own initiative and hard labor, is a propaganda fabrication. It is the absolute characteristic of settler society to be parasitic, dependent upon the superexploitation of oppressed peoples for its style of life.
I think this argument is silly. The idea that oppression and exploitation don’t require a great deal of labor to execute and maintain is just untrue. The myth he points out and the “reality’ he contrasts it with are in no way mutually exclusive.

>> No.18242266

Explain how an incompetent whitoid doing "management" in the west gets paid more than a Chinese man producing steel?

>> No.18242269

Liberal whites are the ones dividing themselves along this line. Liberal whites claim that poor whites cannot exist and then liberals fight those poor whites and destroy them with policy.

>> No.18242290

Unemployed Whitoid rednecks get paid more by the government than Chinese men producing steel.

>> No.18242302

This is true, but that's also a purposeful strategy of the elite to divide the white American electorate.

>> No.18242310

My favorite is the not voting in your interest thing they love spewing where 1. Shit like the rustbelt historically voted for the democrats and 2. Poor whites straight up do not have a party that is in their interests. So its either the party that explicitly hates your or the one that hates you but isnt nearly as obvious about it.

>> No.18242328

I think that’s probably a too complex for a post on here to do justice. But I do think it is partially because labor was expended and is still expended by westerners to create and maintain a system which is exploitative, and the Chinese government has strategically decided to play along in order to benefit themselves in the long run.
I think there is a huge different from benefiting from the labor which a group you are part of has itself expended labor in order to create a direct and accepting charity. Sakai seems to be conflating the two.

>> No.18242335

A lot of that vitriol is because they are deathly afraid of being classified as part of that group.

>> No.18242346
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The middle class really is worse in every way to the old elites they overthrew a few centuries ago, and their inferiority complex means they constantly have a genocidal impulse on the lower class.

>> No.18242369

Part of that is the peculiar ethnic disposition of jews. As for the gentile middle class, I don't think it's so much as a 'genocidal hatred' as a lack of a feeling any obligation. Under the old order, the aristocrats understood themselves as having a divinely ordained relationship between themselves and their subjects, it was their duty to protect them to a certain extent. The bourgeoisie feel no such compulsion, instead entertaining the conceit that they've earned their position and anybody could if they were just competent enough. That combined with ethnic collaborationism with the jews leads to their total disavowal of the white working class.

>> No.18242393

Yet those "poor" whites are responsible for everything bad that happens both in America and abroad. One day they'll get what they deserve

>> No.18242407

Yeah, they totally have the power and agency to bear that responsibility, right.

>> No.18242418

Most of that is corporations and goverment agencies that are largely not based in the irrelevent shitholes rednecks live in

>> No.18242423

I have no fondness for either but the sense of superiority the middle class feels over the poor is the most delusional thing I’ve ever seen. I more it think about the white race as a whole, the more I start to think of myself as anti-white. The comments about decadence posted above are spot on.

>> No.18242426

Jews are obviously a problem, but I can't say the Gentile hands are clean either at this point.
For example the Anglo Gentiles heavily collaborated with them to build the British Empire, and it was the Gentiles that went full Puritan Schizo mode on the American South (at least initially, now both groups egg each other on).

>I don't think it's so much as a 'genocidal hatred' as a lack of a feeling any obligation. Under the old order, the aristocrats understood themselves as having a divinely ordained relationship between themselves and their subjects, it was their duty to protect them to a certain extent. The bourgeoisie feel no such compulsion, instead entertaining the conceit that they've earned their position and anybody could if they were just competent enough. That combined with ethnic collaborationism with the jews leads to their total disavowal of the white working class.
Regardless if it is due to inferiority or just a lack of obligation, I pretty much agree with all of this - It is just more evidence they are completely inferior to the old elite they deposed.

>at business meeting looking at economic trends over the next 20 years
>"hey guys, it seems our modern economy is creating a new gig economy where workers have no protections and people are going to lose their job to automation
>lets do absolutely nothing about it, it is more of their faults anyway for not adapting to progress"
I hate these whig believers, whiggers if you will, like you can not even believe.

>> No.18242438

I don't think of myself as anti-white, I just don't consider most middle class people white with they way they act and carry on.

>> No.18242450

resentful brown hands typed this post

>> No.18242464

Retarded maoist faggot

>> No.18242468

My problem is that many of the attitudes middle class whites express towards low class ones are correct in certain aspects, but middle class ones often do the same or similar things in different ways, and the hints that they actually do differently are no better that what’s done by the poor and working class.

>> No.18242571

they just use money to clean up their mess, it's the only real difference middle class americans have

>> No.18243650

His book is more than the popular characterization of it caused by people who haven't read it and by its edgy title.

tl;dr of the book is-
Early colonial America was mostly tradesmen, merchants, yeomen farmer and plantation owners. Most people who were wage workers were immigrants(European and non-European). After a generation or two these people would become merchants, bourgeoisie, tradesmen, owners of ranches and farms. These people zealously guarded their status and would attempt to keep new immigrants and coloreds from reaching these new classes.

To me what was new in the book is how many colonial Americans had slaves and servants, it was everybody not just plantation owners.

White working class is really the loser. I don't say that to shit on them, but to emphasize that these are people that despite generations in America still work Mexican-tier work. They and their ancestors obviously suck at building intergenerational wealth and those people are usually identified as losers and as automation and outsourcing makes that type of work disappear they will have two choices, stop sucking at life or suicide. Or die for Israel.

>> No.18243707

>Blacks are really the losers. I don't say that to shit on them, but to emphasize that these are people that despite generations in America still work Mexican-tier work. They and their ancestors obviously suck at building intergenerational wealth and those people are usually identified as losers and as automation and outsourcing makes that type of work disappear they will have two choices, stop sucking at life or suicide. Or die for Israel.
Funny how if you say this you'll likely lose your job and have a lynch mob show up at your house.
Almost like it's some sort of double standard.

>> No.18243718

The white working class(we are talking here really about a subsection of rural whites I take it, especially Scotch-Irish) were fucked by the same dynamics that destroyed black america, especially outsourcing of industry, drugs, and the destruction of their family structures through new marriage laws, the welfare state, etc. People rarely seem to make this connection but the two situations are obviously parallel.

>> No.18243749

>Early colonial America was mostly tradesmen, merchants, yeomen farmer and plantation owners. Most people who were wage workers were immigrants(European and non-European). After a generation or two these people would become merchants, bourgeoisie, tradesmen, owners of ranches and farms. These people zealously guarded their status and would attempt to keep new immigrants and coloreds from reaching these new classes.

This sort of thinking has always struck me as a bit silly. If you hate crackers so deeply why do you care about being around them so much? What does it matter if you're a New Immigrant and feel Excluded? It's one thing if you're black and born in the US and feel that integration is a necessary evil to be endured for access to US institutions. But if you're not black, what are you even doing, just go back to where you came from.

>> No.18243765

Reminder that niggers shot themselves in the foot by exterminating the French living in Haiti. So much for black excellence!

>> No.18244177

>This sort of thinking has always struck me as a bit silly. If you hate crackers so deeply why do you care about being around them so much? What does it matter if you're a New Immigrant and feel Excluded? It's one thing if you're black and born in the US and feel that integration is a necessary evil to be endured for access to US institutions. But if you're not black, what are you even doing, just go back to where you came from.

This is why I tend to dislike immigrants to America, they go to America to make money, if they fail they whine, if they succeed they whine; and even if they don't whine they are still people who chose money over blood and soil ties. I kind of feel bad for their children because they grow up as racial aliens, I would suggest they go back to their own country, but given that their parents are losers, immigrants=losers/cowards in the native country. They are genetically predisposed to staying in the powerful, wealthy country for the sake of security and wealth rather than RETVRNING to tradition.
Scotch-Irish were fucked by lack of forethought and group cohesion, the same goes for blacks. I don't mean to put words in your mouth, so this point I am about to make is more for my sake, not to attack you. The only people who ought to care about the Scotch-Irish or Blacks should be the Scotch-Irish or the Blacks themselves. If you can't write the laws that provide a future for your children then find other means to secure a future for your people. Organize and pursue your own interests outside of the government. I am not talking of a secessionist government, but the formation of a local elite(the more successful) or of the masses(not really possible in societies that aren't communistic) to dedicate themselves to dealing with problems in the community. The government is terrible at working in the interest of local communities, it pretty much only operates in the interest of national and cosmopolitan elites.
>Funny how if you say this you'll likely lose your job and have a lynch mob show up at your house.
>Almost like it's some sort of double standard.

if you don't say this about losers(black and white) nothing will get better. Losers will keep on fucking and having loser kids.

>> No.18244178

"Lack of forethought"? they were fucking indentured servants that were dirt poor, what are you even saying?

>> No.18244259

>The only people who ought to care about the Scotch-Irish or Blacks should be the Scotch-Irish or the Blacks themselves.
I can't say I agree, it is the responsibility of the ruling class to guide these people. They are not even 'leaving them alone', which would be callous but maybe understandable, they are actively fucking them up.

>> No.18244274

Whites can be poor.

>> No.18244304

idk why some people just can't come to accept that A. everyone has their own struggles and more importantly B. adhering to an established system doesn't make you superior. this sort of culture trade off comes at a cost

>> No.18244352
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Boo hoo nigga I don’t care

>> No.18244358

It's because they think the rednecks are human so have contempt at their failure but thing the minorities are subhuman and so have endless pity for them

>> No.18244472

And Zimbabwe. And South Africa. And the American inner city

>> No.18244659

If the elites aren't noble, then replace them with noble elites.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, once the elites ditch their responsibilities they lose legitimacy. But it is the responsibility of the masses to keep the elites in check, if the masses fail, they have no one to blame. Whether the inability of the masses to control the elites is genetic/economic/cultural/astrological/environmental doesn't matter.
what is your point? Lack of forethought often leads to being an indentured servant. And Indentured servants and their descendants can become more thoughtful about their actions and future consequences.

My point is that if a community is having problems it is because it has a lack of forethought and group cohesion.

>> No.18244680

>Settlers was literally an FBI psyop,
This should have ended the thread. The whole thing was made to weaponize Idpol against organized labor.

>> No.18244770

Some absolutely insane statistic like 98% of straight people wouldn't sleep with them. IIRC even most bisexuals don't want to stick their dicks in crazy. They don't even want to fuck each other.
Tutting someone because they don't want to fuck a tranny is the definition of performative, they have absolutely no intention of doing it and probably live in terror of having to put their money where their mouth is.

>> No.18245671

This is only because whites live in mythology where rednecks are supposedly the underclass. Once the blinds of it fall and are replaced with racial identity they will stop.

>> No.18245682



Shitlibs and the rightwing libs who love to seethe over them

>> No.18246019
File: 154 KB, 800x600, 7F3EB746-DF1A-425E-B7C1-25495B56E5EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The writing in this book is so snarky and sardonic in its cruel edginess it reads like it was written by Mencius Moldbug. The odds that this mysterious “j. Sakai” character was a leftwing activist or a real Asian is pretty low in my estimation. Definitely a glowie

>> No.18246057

Based butterfly, for once.

>> No.18246785

Ethno-Marxism is the next big thing.