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/lit/ - Literature

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18255182 No.18255182 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I received dante's divine comedy as a gift. I had told a family member that I would like a book that was old and rich with story and characters. I really want to read this but I'm just not at a level in which I can articulate what is being said. I tried to find podcasts or audio of someone reading it but the translation was different to the one I was reading. is there any way around this?

>> No.18256589
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>> No.18256602

read some easier poetry, then come back

>> No.18256859

You just have to read older stuff and get acclimated to the language.

Being able to infer a words mea ing through the context of the sentence is a skill you should be building.

>> No.18257763

Just keep reading, you'll get used to it. Make sure you're reading the notes. I highly recommend the Ciardi translation for ease of reading and notes, maybe shop around for a version that flows well for you, you can come back to the gifted one later.
Here are some interactive websites which might help:

>> No.18258365

I think I would like to read the translation by Dorothy Sayers. Has anyone?