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18265638 No.18265638 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18265666

What a pointless and useless thread.

>> No.18265767


>> No.18266658

...and the hentai monsters were finally here. Japan was not needed anymore, therefore it was nuked again, this time for good.
The hentai monsters then proceeded to rape everything that was alive on this planet, including microorganisms. It was the end for our civilization but a start for a new intergalactic hentai series. We just hope it get good reviews.

>> No.18266926

Josh was fucking Samantha in the alley, when they heard low-frequency noises and bright yellow lights. Josh said to Samantha:

- Are you gonna cum? What are those noises?
Samantha said:
- They are not coming from me.
They heard strange language, with blurps and slurps. Josh put his dick back and took a look behind the corner of the stonewall. Then he saw the alien creatures coming down from a strange dish-like flying machine. The creatures were levitating and marching forward, armed with ISIS weapon arsenal.
Josh rememberd when he served in IRAQ and the Iraqians had such anti-tank weapons and he knew damn well who sponsored them.
Samantha said:
- Josh, i know a way out, gonna offer them my body for exchange of our lives.
One of the creatures was smelling her pheromones and their hive-mind turned right behind the corner, then in the same strange language, they said, but this time Samantha understood:
- We found you Queen, you were long missed. HAIL HITLER!!!

>> No.18267146

when i was young the only thing i ever felt close to terror as a child was my uncle trevor they used to call him teddy well when my eyes were shut it didn't matter who they called him but this wasnt teddy these were something else this wasnt anything we actually knew they weren't from this planet and yet i knew deep inside they had the same feeling that foul slimy stench that teddy always carried when he was alone with me.

>> No.18267176

The rape alien is coming, make no noise for it has no ears and stay still

>> No.18267390

All He could feel were cold cobblestones under his feet. The ship's warm lights faded into the background, and He felt like a research probe detaching from a deep-space rover as the night washed over him. He didn't even want to go on this expedition, nor was He supposed to be there. He signed up as an understudy for the ship's crew, in case He ever needed extra money. But, someone got killed. So He took the dead's place, as his contract dictated. Not much to complain about, He thought, I did this to myself.

The invasion started single file, then they broke off, imbedding throughout the city. Screams sounded, windows shattered, glass crashed to the sidewalk as the invaders cataloged, studied, and photographed their planetary neighbors. He, however, was less eager. Slumping down the dark streets, He heard whimpering behind a brick wall. He stopped. He could either kill them for fun, dutifully examine them, or bring them back to the ship and be hailed as an explorer hero. Three choices.

The young couple whimpered behind the brick wall. Don and Ann had gotten new clothes for their date, a new Italian restaurant and a walk on the waterfront.
"Oh, Don." Ann covered her face in horror. "What are they?"
"I don't know." Don said shakily. He clasped his arms around Ann's waist. "But they sure are ugly."
The light shined, and they found themselves, illuminated face to face, with one of the invaders.
Don screamed and backed against the wall. Ann was frozen.
"Don't hurt us." Don said, trying to sound stern.

He, the invader, cocked his head. They were so scared of him, and yet He had done nothing yet. Then again, invading a planet was quite intimidating, so He understood. He felt a cloying pit in his stomach, though. As if they would never look at him as anything other than a monster, and worse, what if He deserved to be seen that way? In the seconds between Don's fearful words and the invader's thoughts, he realized he had a fourth choice. Peace.

He put his hands up, leaned against the wall, and chittered at Ann. They stared at him and blinked, so He pointed at them both and did a horrible alien wolf whistle through his disgusting tentacle mouth. Don and Ann both laughed, and the three of them went for a beer.

>> No.18267499


Year 2351. Humanity has been replaced by the jews at this point.Humanity's progress has stagnated due to jews being blind sheep incapable of anything besides subversion.

Aliens, who sought to establish relations with humanity since hundreds of years, but did not do so because the humans hadn't advanced enough monitored the situation the whole time.

Seeing the decadence of humanity due to the jews' subversion, the aliens reached a verdict related to humanity: it is incapable of evolving anymore (because jews). Thus, they deemed jews as inferior entities and decided to erase them from the face of the Earth to allow new actual intelligent life to develop.

The aliens eliminated in just 3 days most of the jew population on Earth. Only a few pockets of jews survived by hiding constantly, fighting to survive day by day by betraying each other.

The aliens' advanced technology though allows them to track the last jews in all the corners of Earth.

It is the last day of subhuman-kind. Aliens board off their alien ship and approach one of the last jews alive. One of the jews covers the other the other's mouth (habit of censorship) to not draw the attention of the aliens.

But the aliens know where they are. It's too late. The jews meet face to face with the aliens, facing extinction.

The male jew says: "Why ? Why are you doing this to us ??"

The alien, loading his weapon and aiming, replies:

"Because 6 million wasn't enough. Let's go for 6 billion."

The weapon goes off and the last jews are murdered. Hitler is avenged.

>> No.18267648
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>> No.18267953

>this planet sucks
>the beaming to earth ray makes my tentacles ache
>this gravity isn't powerful enough
>i forgot to bring extra ammo for my nuke launcher
>these humans look hideous
>why did I join up
>i bet my wife is at home ovipositing chad
>my feet hurt

>> No.18269715

I'd buy this in the leatherbound (jew skin) limited edition.

>> No.18270466

An emerald ship landed in the city's ghetto.
Nearby, a couple watched.
As the ship's hatch opened, creatures wearing dog skins and octopus heads filed out. They had weapons.
The girl trembled. "We should call police."
"Shh," the boy said.
"I'm serious," she said, "we shoud--"
The boy grabbed the girl and covered her mouth with his hand. "They'll hear us."
The creatures marched down the street. As the last one passed by, the boy let go of the girl. "Police? Fucking really?"
"What the fuck are police gonna do against them?"
"We gotta call someone..."
The boy scratched his head. "Chuck!"
"Your uncle?"
"He's got an armory.
"Okay. Good. Let's call Chuck."
Chuck didn't answer.

>> No.18270503

The Rapoids from planet Rapetopia came down from their rape shit to rape human holes. They had raped across the galaxy, leaving countless civilizations traumatized and sore. They knew no other purpose, had no other aim.

Michael and Cassie, two love birds, were the last unraped human specimens in the devastated, highly raped region. Rapeoids leave no man or woman untouched. Tragically, they were saving each other for marriage. Now they would have to witness each other's violation while suffering the agony of the Rapoid's peculiarly shaped reproductive organs, which resembled spiked clubs. All while the impassive, insensitive insectoid eyes gazed with yellow indifference down at their exposed bodies and disgusting head-tentacles slithered and prodded whatever orifice was currently being spared the probing violence of the Rapoid's menacing club dicks.

>> No.18270506

>rape shit
rape ship