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18355568 No.18355568 [Reply] [Original]

The postman shoved a book into my mailbox like a massive cunt and now I’m left with a bent book. Are there any ways to remedy this? Also, this is a general book damage thread: discuss mould, water, light, and other damage, as well as how to remedy it.

>> No.18355589

Hey anon.Like 4 years ago I met and talked with Mary de Rachewiltz for like 2 hours. She's done more then anyone fro Pounds legacy. Wonderful woman.

I might be seeing her again in a few month's. Anything i should ask?

>> No.18355594

Yeah sorry op but there's nothing you can do.

>> No.18355599

I think the seller is responsible for anything that happens during shipping.
I suppose you could file a complaint about the delivery but they never do much.
Press it with something heavy?

>> No.18355600

damn op, hirsute much?

>> No.18355603

I’m a PhD student working on Pound, but I’m in Australia so I cant really go to many of the usual destinations (like the estate or grave) or even the Modernism/Pound conferences. I would have loved to meet her myself (my supervisor has before).

Can you ask her what she thinks about internationalism and whether it’s part of Ezra’s life? I’d also like to know if Pound ever read Edmund Spenser (his early poetry seems to suggest so but the Cantos don’t have as much Spenserian influence).

Thanks for helping! It’s much appreciated.

>> No.18355619

Email any answers, information or anecdotes to ezfan0363@gmail.com

>> No.18355625

>press it with something heavy
Put the ol’ Oxford hardbacks and Oxford Shakespeare on top of it. Might do the trick.

>> No.18355640

I'll be there in about a month and a half. Siegfried will definitely be there, I hope Mary will be too. She's what 95 now? but she was compos mentis enough last 4 years ago.

Honestly, just write anything you want, i'll ask if i can.

>> No.18355646

What about the glue that gets left behind when you take off those faggy stickers everyone puts on used books now? Thoughts?

>> No.18355656

>How to remove stickers from books with rubbing alcohol and nail polish remover: Peel off as much of the sticker as you can, then use a little cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover to rub away the sticker goo.

>> No.18355665 [DELETED] 

they put those bullshit stickers on there so you can't turn around and sell it as new, i carefully pulled on off of a computer science book and the dude at the college bookstore was rubbing his thumb all over it trying to feel if it was used but he couldn't prove it, they still only offered me $7.50 for a assembly programming book that cost $45 used, so i just kept it

>> No.18355669

> Pound ever read Edmund Spenser (his early poetry seems to suggest so

Can you give some examples ?

>> No.18355673


>> No.18355703
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Early poetry frequently uses aspects of knighthood which is filtered through the troubadour tradition. Explicitly, Pound uses a Spenserian word, “Elfin”

>> No.18355713

Spenserian era spelling as well. Similar rhyming scheme too.

>> No.18355735

Alright, i'll bring this up. Im sure she'll be delighted.

I'll send you a Pic as well, so any other emails are not me.

>> No.18355750

Thanks for pointing that out!

You have a massive heart, anon. Thanks so much for this.

>> No.18356706


>> No.18356713
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>> No.18356746

Maybe try putting a wooden board or something flat on top of it and stacking a ton of weights on it. Similar thing happened to me, although not as bad as your case, and doing that helped it a little. I was also thinking perhaps gently ironing it would maybe help? Don’t take my word on the second idea though, idk if that'll ruin the book or not. Good luck anon. This is why I always leave a comment when ordering books to nicely ask for my order to be protected.

>> No.18356749

put smol bendy book under many big book
now smol book straight

>> No.18356933
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A shocking amount of people have no idea how to open a book without breaking its spine and it makes me cringe every time I see someone rip open a brand new book without opening it first.

Do people not have fathers to show them these things when they’re children?

>> No.18356949

I was never shown this. Have a father, he provides but does not teach anything. Only thing he has taught me is what I do not want to be growing up, and that's based on his actions, not his teaching.

>> No.18356965

I only order from Amazon because they respectfully pack their books in corrugated boxes rather than packing paper bags sealed with glue like envelopes. May you learn from this experience.

>> No.18356967

The more time I spend on the internet, the more I realise how good my father was.

>> No.18356990

Yeah, he was a pretty big idiot. His mother left when he was young because his dad was a drunken POS. So after having 3 kids, my dad did the only honourable thing, and decided he too would be a drunken POS. I wanna slap him when he bitches about how hard his life is, because he got a top of the line education, pissed it all away, got given a business, drove it into the ground, and still had enough money to buy a house. Then the neanderthal tells me I'm not doing enough.

He has a hard job, but it's a life entirely of his own devices and choosing.

>> No.18356991

based mailman

>> No.18357003

Damn. My dad had a rough upbringing, neglected and beaten, sexually abused, etc.

But he took it and turned it all around instead. Was a very loving, but strict, father. Made sure I knew how to do things and that I focused on the right things. Showed me how to pick out a suit that fits well, how to tie a tie, etc.

Probably couldn’t have asked for a better dad.

>> No.18357005

it looks thin so maybe dry iron with brown paper

>> No.18357016

My story too, anon. Hang in there. Maybe you could be a good dad one day.

>> No.18357032

Yeah my dad did none of that. In his head he's still an entitled little rich boy. I might not detest him if he weren't such an utterly repugnant person. He gets pretty wasted, starts ranting about foreigners, 'THE GOOD OLD DAYS', all of that stuff. He's the definition of a pseud. I have a linguistics degree and teach English, but that doesn't stop him of persistently accusing me of making up words, and then countering it by literally sitting there and making up words.

He's miserable to be around. Might visit him every couple of months when he's in a retirement home. I'm grateful he put a roof over my head, but frankly, after 20 something years of this vile emotional abuse because he can't handle his liquor... I don't have great love for the man.

>> No.18357071

>Maybe you could be a good dad one day.
No chance. Regardless of having no interest in women, I also have no interest in relationships. I see them as a source of continuous misery. I am not emotionally equipped to handle being around someone constantly.

>> No.18357074

I’ve received books from Amazon in paper envelopes and they’ve arrived fucked up. Maybe if you order more than one book and they have to pack it in a box you may avoid this.

>> No.18357125

'Twas from Ebay, methinks. I sometimes get them in hard cardboard.

>> No.18357236
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I have a similar issue with a manga. I tried the stack method for days but it didn't help at all. I've heard that you can fix it by using an iron. You put baking paper on one page and carefully straighten it with the iron. Gonna try this out now and report back the results

>> No.18357315


How does a damaged spine look ? I never opened books like in your pic, but I don't think I've ever damaged them since I'm careful to not open it all the way when I hold it.

>> No.18357336

really cool if true

>> No.18357351

At least for amazon you can order a replacement copy and then mail the damaged copy back after you receive the new copy

>> No.18357359
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reporting back
it helps a lot. I didn't iron every single page but rather 3 or 4 pages altogether because it would take me an hour. Anyway there are still some little bumps but you could probably fix that with the stack method.
Definitely do this OP unless you return your book. I can't.

>> No.18357402

Tattered paperbacks are incredibly based though.

>> No.18357417

What university to you go to?

>> No.18357599
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Shit happens to me all the time. Also used to have like half my packages never show up. Tried to look up how to find my postman so I could file a report and all I turned up were fellow post-ilk screeching about how it's terrorism to want to know who's handling your mail and that you have no right to know.

I think we should put postal workers in some sort of camps and just start fresh, these people are you incompetent and dangerously unhinged.

>> No.18359477

Put it on the floor and stack 6 or 7 hardcovers on top of it. Leave it for a week or so.

>> No.18359505

try ironing it (make sure to put a towel or paper over it first) and then leaving under a press (a heavy stack of magazines or other books) for a couple of days
t. book restoration anon

>> No.18359546

Get a better postbox you useless cunt.

>> No.18359592
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Depends on how broken the spine is. But it usually starts with a line all the way down the back. The more it’s broken the word it gets, until finally the pages start falling out.

Google image search broken book spines.

>> No.18359596

> the worse it gets

>> No.18359839

This. Real men teach their sons to have big slots.

>> No.18359985

Meg Cabot

>> No.18360220

Put under heavy big books for weeks is my best advice

>> No.18360234

I simply leave them here most of times. Not worth it to risk damage.

>> No.18361205

use a sharp kitchen knife and clean the residue with isopropyl

>> No.18361272

If there's an independent bookstore near you try ordering through them. I've always had issues ordering online, but anything I've ordered from the local bookstore has been in perfect condition
Or else just order through Amazon like >>18357351 says since they make returns free and insanely easy

>> No.18361317

Beyond autism