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File: 212 KB, 3360x1871, bo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18402790 No.18402790 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good anti-tech/anti-internet books? I've read a good chunk of the blindpill books and they're all terrible. It's either Barnes and Noble NYTimes type boomer books or extremist schizo unreadable books. Is there any inbetween?

>> No.18402795

anti-tech is ALWAYS synonymous with low IQ

>> No.18402802

I bet you can't even read Heidegger

>> No.18402807


>> No.18402811

Ted Kaczynski's IQ is 167.

>> No.18402816

no its the bell curve meme. the 90 and 140+ agree it usurps the individual's agency.

>> No.18402818

Why do you only make these for my posts? Second time in a row

>> No.18402822

If you're describing the photograph for a blind person, I regret to inform you that a good chunk of blind people can not conceptualize colors.

>> No.18402824

Mason and dixon to a degree

>> No.18402836

>blind people can't access qualia
literally soulless

>> No.18403302

why no answers

>> No.18403306

Because there aren't any.

>> No.18403320

There has to be one easy to read not cringe anti-tech kino

>> No.18403347


>> No.18403352

You have read Ellul, right?

>> No.18403371

Fuck that, are there any good tech-supremacy books?

>> No.18403374

I actually liked the special, dude is just so painfully earnest but I think it's a character hes doing.

>> No.18403389

That's one example of schizo unreadable

>> No.18403406

anything about the human condition has anti-tech implied.

>> No.18403439

unabomber manifesto is a must

>> No.18403442

Not a book but the history of luddites is super interesting and worth looking into

>> No.18403569
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>> No.18403574
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>> No.18403584
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>> No.18403625
File: 101 KB, 500x392, ted_j_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe take you have to go back

>> No.18405230


>> No.18405237

What, are the forty fucking six authors/books listed above not good enough for you or something? Bumping this garbage /r/ thread for a couple dozen more books you'll never read more than the first couple pages of? That's a big Chuck Sneed from me, bro, yikes!

>> No.18405241

there's not if you want a balanced take. there is either mild tech shilling or fashy/anarchy stuff. no matter where you go, you get indoctrinated into anti tech instead of forming a reasonable opinion.

also, people posting charts haven't read any of them.

>> No.18405255


>Just below 200 pages in The Technological Society
>Extremely mild and extremely clear on its intent, hypotheses, and developments

You should definitely revise what your concept of schizo is anon

>> No.18405258

Basically everything that was posted is schizo shit Ted, Ellul, Heidegger, Spengler, Anarcho-primitivist shit

>> No.18405267
File: 124 KB, 640x474, 123944374_3495496687231932_3449622007844433800_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, the eternal centrist. If something is not weathered down into such a high level of abstraction that it can no longer conflict with any of your pre-existing world views, better avoid it! Gotta keep looking for them reasonable opinions that see both sides as equal huh?

>> No.18405309

Anti-tech is one place that needs some middle of the roaders. It's either look how instagram might be bad for your kids or literally burn everything down start sleeping in your local woods

>> No.18405311

>reddit spacing
>suspicious, non-4chan filename
Yeah I'm sure you're a totally poggers effortposter spreading BASED truths and epic KEKs, but I'm gonna have to ask you to fuck off.

>> No.18405415

It reads like Ellul is masturbating to himself as he writes it.

>> No.18405475

That Kaczynski cover is ultra CRINGE.

>> No.18405503

>Hello, I'm a midwit could you please recommend me midwit books on this in vogue topic I can't be bothered to research and form my opinions about for myself, preferably ones whose arguments I can recite to all my midwit friends without them thinking I'm weird.

>> No.18406187

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18406282


>> No.18406298

I swear if you get a vocaroo or the dreaded
>I am trans btw

you are cursed for the rest of the day.

>> No.18406303

not bait if it's true

>> No.18406308

>schizo unreadable
kek saying that about Ellul.
You are joking right?

Maybe you are just a brain dead retard and should go back to reading Harry Potter.

>> No.18406317

You dont think he writes like a faggot? Maybe he is just bad at writing but I don't enjoy reading him

>> No.18406330

you are underaged and shouldnt be here.

>> No.18406337

Neil Postman is what you're looking for

>> No.18406355

I love the unabombers manifesto. It's very clear and straight to the point.

>> No.18406419

you won't read it but ted tranier is an old Australian hippy academic who's written decently on the topic with minimal schizoaffective break outs.

>> No.18406448

It's easy to claim the internet is awful when you're already famous and have 2 million followers on twitter.

Anyone who wants to have a job as a comedian or a singer songwriter like Bo has to use the internet. There's no choice involved. Producers and publishers will see you don't have a twitter and instantly reject you. If you're not in the internet you don't exist in real life. Sorry, Anon, you were funny, but we need someone who actively engages with their brand.

Bo's a fucking hypocrite. And he's the worst kind of hypocrite. He's worried he'll get canceled because he said nigger in a song when he was in his 20s. So he cowers and preemptively apologizes with all this woke bullshit to befriend the people he should be fighting against, the woke enemies of comedy. Haha, isn't the internet terrible? We should keep it away from our kids, haha. It's unhealthy, haha. Don't forget to stream my new special off Netflix, haha. Without the internet I have no audience, haha.

>> No.18406459

Weird al did it before the internet.

>> No.18406494

> come on in the water's fine
what did he mean by this?

>> No.18407013

God I want to fuck Bo Burnham so bad. He's long. He's a twink. His hair is incredible and his eyes are beautiful. Plus he's obviously talented and hard working. Would love to jizz on this dude like a cinnabun

>> No.18407104

because you keep making shit gay threads

>> No.18407880
File: 516 KB, 1360x2292, Raf1d52d402b53a61b6d9ec2b99aefe23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Walden pill, Anon.

>> No.18408185
File: 2.46 MB, 2304x2880, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18408197
File: 22 KB, 500x508, 1564341990863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he's too smart for pop-science philosophy
>gets filtered by actual philosophy

>> No.18408393

Why is Pentti Linkola anprim and why isevola and Guénon on a ted book list, super retarded list 10/10

>> No.18409337

Tech isn't your problem. Mankind violating nature with self-awareness is the problem.