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18476607 No.18476607 [Reply] [Original]

I spotted a 4 dollar copy of Anna Kanerina in my local bookstore. It's not the agreed upon penguin classics deluxe edition. It's the signet classics one. To those who have read it, Is it good enough?

>> No.18476619

Who is the translator?
If it’s anyone other than Constance Garnett it’s trash

>> No.18476645

Ignore >>18476619 OP. Maude is more faithful

>> No.18476655

Maude sucks.

>> No.18476824

Op here. Isn't the Pevear and Volokhonsky version the overall regarded best translation?

>> No.18476828

Yeah, by subhumans.

>> No.18476928

So is signet classics fine? it's translated by David Magarshack

>> No.18477012

based. you're gonna make it.

>> No.18477033

read a couple of excerpts from different translations, whichever one you like the best is the one that you should read.

>> No.18478070

>the agreed upon penguin classics deluxe edition
>the Pevear and Volokhonsky version the overall regarded best translation
That's not how it works. There's no absolute consensus in these matters, we're talking about dozens of different translations that are available out there, all with different goals and methods.

>> No.18478088

it's prolly fine. just read it

>> No.18478160

This thread gave me a good laugh

>> No.18478304

Preferring Maude over Garnett

>> No.18478339

Why are you guys not talking about the signet classics edition. That's what the thread is for

>> No.18478491
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>> No.18478495

I had the ending of the book spoiled for me. Is it still worth reading?

>> No.18478565

P&V is what they have you read in Russian language classes in universities

>> No.18478583

It's not to do with the quality of the translation but the accessibility of the penguin edition.

>> No.18478590

>reading for the plot

>> No.18478643

Of course it is.

>> No.18478659

>reading old ass translations

for me it's miriam schwartz

>> No.18478666

no man not at all. the book literally hinges on that single event

>> No.18479008

I thought that the whole point of studying Russian is to be able to read in Russian and not in translation, but American unis are shit and probably bribed by book publishers regularly, so it honestly wouldn't shock me to see that students of Russian are assigned P&V.

No. In fact, you shouldn't read Tolstoy at all now, it's worthless.

>> No.18479346

>Preferring Maude over Garnett
Which Tolstoy literally did.

>> No.18479352

This. I need EZ reading. I don't want accurate shit.

>> No.18479356

If it's not Maude, into the trash it goes

>> No.18479389

This is fine.

>> No.18479428

The Maudes were buddies with Tolstoy. He saw the some of the translation as it was being done and it was published like a decade after his death.

>> No.18479698

>American unis are shit and probably bribed by book publishers regularly
And are the P&V goons in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.18479949

You can't deny that they have received a bizarre level of promotion compared to the other translations. And so are American unis tightly connected with publishers for mutual financial gain. Two plus two makes four - assuming that P&V are indeed used there, which would be an embarrassment regardless of the motivation that I propose here.

>> No.18479983


Not OP.

I can't deal with this anymore. I'm just going to skipping Fyodor till the NYRB Russian translators get to him.

>> No.18480109

Read whichever translation you have.
I was a strong proponent of faithful translation up until I actually started learning other languages in order to read works in their original form.
No language perfectly translates into another.
My tip: Get something with annotations like a Norton crit edition. A bad translation with notes is better than a so called ‘good’ translation without notes.

>> No.18480118

What the fuck sort of logic is that?
NYRB will probably never touch Dosto, he's outside of their focus.

>> No.18480345

>American unis tightly connected with publishers
I'm britbong so you're gonna have to prove this to me

>> No.18480397

it's not P&V, so it's fine

>> No.18480606

I am not an American either, but judging from what I see from my own perspective of a student in Europe and from many American comments on the internet, it is so. You always need the latest textbook, the latest research etc. (even in humanities) that the publishers are churning out with mind-numbing price tags. Speaking of the humanities - the pressure is always to ride the newest methodological wave, old theories get phased out for a series of new ones without any internal necessity, without real accumulation of knowledge, but rather phasing out the old to replace it with the new - new overpriced textbooks, new mandatory "Introduction to X studies", new translations (Emily Wilson's Odyssey is the perfect example). Derrida and Lacan are apparently considered old-fashioned, Freud is a misogynist so you can mostly skip him... but do buy this "Intro to Freud" instead to get a summary of his work!
As for me, I've referenced scholarly works published literally in the 19th century for certain classes, since they're useful and there is just no pressure to use the newest fanciest psychoanalytic-metafeminist critiques all the time. The same text can be read by and useful to generations of humanities scholars, instead of just to one or two - whereas many valuable texts have been completely disregarded at this point by Americans.