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/lit/ - Literature

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18503256 No.18503256 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to start writing? My biggest hurdle is being unable to start. Is the best way to do it to just jump in and write shit and then correct mistakes? What do you do?

>> No.18503289

I should also add I want to write a lot

>> No.18503305


>> No.18503312

best way to do it is to first remind yourself that you're just writing a first draft (and if that's not true, at least convince yourself it is), but secondly and most importantly, just write down whatever ideas/lines/sentences/paragraphs/events etc. you already have in your head, no matter how disjointed.
they don't have to be poorly written sentences, but don't spend too much time on them at this stage either.
then, as more ides and sentences come to you, slowly build upon all the disjointed parts you have until paragraphs/chapters start to form.
after a while of doing this you'll basically be like 80% done, and then the final step is to just fill in all the gaps between your completed paragraphs/chapters.
then you can review it all and pretty up any draft-tier sentences and sections.

>> No.18503315

Just go and go and go and don't stop until the story or section is done. By section I don't mean chapter I mean like the first third of a novel. Start in the middle of some action. That will give you the momentum you need to keep a good pace.
Do literary books start in the middle of some action? Rarely.
But you're not writing high literature. You're not writing anything. So start where the energy is, and ride it.

>> No.18503336

Block off two hours of time with no internet. You're welcome

>> No.18503379

The Eyre sisters, the Brontes, the Austen twins, wrote for 10,000 hours, before their masterpieces.
They learned to write as the Brazilians learn to futbol.
The best part was that one Bronte sister could write with the quill in her vagina.

>> No.18503391

Anything else is procrastination.

>> No.18503393

Thank you. I'll try these

>> No.18503396

>10,000 hours,
Malcom Gladwell is a phoney, and that number was pulled out of his ass.

>> No.18503401

Starting where?

>> No.18503406
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Make a twitter and write live

>> No.18503415

What are the best times of the day to post on /lit/ where I can receive advice like this?

>> No.18503423
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anytime outside horny hours

>> No.18503433

Specify the horny hours

>> No.18503441

When Butterfly and :3 are on. It gets increasingly worse until inevitably they fuck on here around 1 or 2 am

>> No.18503450

I'm serious anon. I get incredibly low effort replies whenever I post.

>> No.18503465
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i wouldn't.
I'd give up.
You know why? Because you're hear not to ask how to write, but to broach the subject with people who hold writing in high regard. You want to be SEEN as a writer, but you're not a writer. If you were a writer you'd be writing or fucking around here in your off-time.
You've learned nothing itt that you didn't already know, but you're thanking people for telling you the obvious.

Did you just watch a movie about a writer, or something?
You remind me of people who go to the gym after Rocky airs on TV.
They stop going after 2 weeks because they didn't really want to be athletic, they were just 'inspired' for a moment.

If you wanted to write, you'd have written.

pic related: not a guy who needed someone's advice on what to do, he just DID IT.

>> No.18503474

American late nights, 10pm is too late

>> No.18503490

Imagine being this much of a pretentious faggot

>> No.18503590

but where's the pretension? or did you mean to use another word, fren?

>> No.18504074

Seriously tho, OP says he wants to be not just a writer but a prolific writer, he just doesn't know how to start.
That's either bait or idiocy; think about it.

>> No.18504095

How do you figure out what to write about?

>> No.18504610

Just sit down and write, whatever you feel, think, anything, and try to turn it into a story, if you need motivation you don't really want to do it, if you can't do it, you weren't meant to write.

>> No.18504622

So sick of you retards asking this question over and over. Just check the archive or something.

>> No.18504636

Dont write. Writing will only make it worse. Youre simply not good enough.

>> No.18504754

I've always found journaling to be the best way to get idea out there. The best part is you can expand the details out as far as you want and the structure is already done because it's the day you fucking lived.

>> No.18504770

>The best part was that one Bronte sister could write with the quill in her vagina.

>> No.18504781

I did, its just a whole bunch of people arguing with some butterfly guy and everyone else accusing each other of being psueds.

>> No.18504795
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>> No.18505793

Or ambition? The irony in the reply is that it’s actually the LARP, not OP’s question. The hardest part of doing anything, especially when you hold it in high regard and have ambitions in it, is starting. Why? Because you’re terrified of not getting off to the right start. It’s perfectly natural. It needs to be overcome but it’s perfectly natural. What’s not natural is pretending you’re this genetic gift to writing and somehow you just had it in your DNA to write with no hangups or insecurities along the way whatsoever. It’s nothing more than an opportunity to make yourself feel superior and that’s plainly obvious in his final sentence. He’ll try to justify it further by painting it as some kind of motivational tough love, but it’s not. It’s just him wanting to kick someone else. That’s all.

>> No.18505822

Think of a scene and then write it. Then when you're done, read it back and see what you like/dislike.

Just start small and go from there.

>> No.18505870

Think of the most memorable scenes or parts you've read, read them, think about them, then write them in your own words
Then compare it to the original
You don't just shit on the page unless you're writing wank material or fanfics