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18537936 No.18537936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that give a definitive outline on the Marxian view of Race with an extensive bibliography?

Thank you.

>> No.18537950

He was an economist. Don’t you want the socialists view?

>> No.18537978

In materialist dialectics it is primary economic condition that decides the course of history.

Why can it not be genetics? This to me is not opposed to Marxist materialism.

It depends on the socialist. Many modern socialists in the west seem reactionary to me.

But yes, if any socialist wrote a book on it written in Marxist style I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

>> No.18538066

>Why can it not be genetics? This to me is not opposed to Marxist materialism.
Can you attempt to explain this? I really have no clue what you're trying to say

>> No.18538077

This to me is not opposed to Marxist materialism.
This is because you have not read Marx nor understand him.

>> No.18538098

>Marxian view of Race
Second paragraph

>> No.18538102

He didn’t really give a shit

>> No.18538104


>> No.18538118
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>> No.18538129

Dialetical materialism emphasizes the importance of material conditions such as class, labor, and socioeconomic interactions.
I want to add genetics into the mix, rather that the above conditions (class, labor, economic conditions) are a result of the particular genetics of the individual.

So in order to achieve coopertive ownership over the means of production, eugenics must be put into practice.
Why is using genetics contra materialist critique on society?
Yes but this is just something he said. These aren't his actual views necessarily.

>> No.18538142

If black people cannot make civilization, how can they make socialism?

>> No.18538190


>> No.18538202

As others have tried to tell you, you won’t find any support for your retarded fascist views in Marx you fucking idiot. Go read Mein Kampf and masturbate over that you piece of shit

>> No.18538209

OP raises a good point regarding marxist ontology and idiots here simply become insane. Yes, in a materialist world view racism is more than justified.

>> No.18538210

What happened to a ruthless criticism of everything existing?

Fascism is class collaboration, i don't believe in that. Therefore I am not a fascist.

>> No.18538218
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>> No.18538226

Is ethnic nepotism bad?

>> No.18538283

If youre diehard anti idpol sure, if you understand how people actually interact than nah

>> No.18538297

Spencerian nonsense. Idiotic phrenologist. This is peak liberal ideology

>> No.18538305

>the above conditions (class, labor, economic conditions) are a result of the particular genetics of the individual
In what way? Maybe I'm missing something, but this just seems moronic.

>> No.18538312

There are every few marxists who are not race-libs first, marxist second

>> No.18538315

I have never understood the conundrum of the white nationalist.

White Flight literally solves all problems long-term. It's the primary and defining survival feature of whites.

For that reason alone, I've been contained to remain passively racist, like most people, and not ever felt the need to venture into racialist politics.

>> No.18538319

All politics is identity politics bringing class to a race war is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. The left and the politically correct lgbtsjwtfnpc community will side with multinational corporations against the white working class every fucking time. It is obvious who our enemies are

>> No.18538322

>…on my campus.

>> No.18538328

Not an argument.

>> No.18538330

Jeez calm your mantits mr neckbeard

>> No.18538350

I mean they are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books having thoughts unapproved by corporate media or not wanting children to be molested so you start thinking can 'fascism' really be all that bad?

>> No.18538352

>what does a jew have to say on the issue of race?
For me but not for thee.

>> No.18538364

But he didn't say that.

>> No.18538368


>> No.18538402

>The left will side with multinational corporations against the white working class every fucking time.
Never happened

>> No.18538408

Le immigration face

>> No.18538411

These people believe you should be a second class citizen in your own country they want us broke dead our children raped and brainwashed and they think its pretty funny. They are deranged, violence is the only language they understand

>> No.18538419

tell that to a midwest coal miner

>> No.18538428

Theyre doing a pretty fucking horrid job doing otherwise

>> No.18538429

>Never happened
Yeah because they're not leftists. They're right wingers and pro establishment.

White nationalists are the only left wingers, and once they gain class consciousness and overthrow the bourgeoisie they will bring socialism to America.

>> No.18538432

What's your opinion on Blackrock being owned by Jews and explicitly acting for Israeli interests?

>> No.18538433
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Fascism is an empty term. It doesn't mean anything if you look at it closely. It's a pc way to call someone an asshole, nothing more, nothing less.
You could ask yourself why the media are stupid and irrational when it comes to certain topics. Instead you try to excuse your own stupidity, your own stupid racism, because the media lable it with the same word. That's like saying: I was once wrongfully called an asshole, thus, I realized it's good to be an asshole.

>> No.18538439

Does anyone have Marx reading list? Right now I started with worldly philosophers so I'm reading about all the different economics.

Where do I get started with Marx. Do I need Feurbach and Hegel? Marx is just so dry. Economists usually are.

>> No.18538446

Racism isn't real. It doesn't mean anything.

>> No.18538453

Why are our enemies allowed to hate us but we arent allowed to hate them back? Tell me, if these people are so good, then why arent we allowed to criticize them? They spend all time bashing you forhaving the gall to have been born white and straight and then act like its a crime to dislike them.

>> No.18538455
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Please be bait

>> No.18538462

>Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.
...and now, tell me what Fascism is supposed to mean.

>> No.18538471

>corresponding to physical appearance
Wrong. It'a due to genetics. So no I don't fit into your definition of racist.

>> No.18538480

Fascists were not racists, they are not fans of biological materialism. They were idealists. Hitler kin is something else entirely.

>> No.18538492
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>These people believe you should be a second class citizen in your own country they want us broke dead our children raped and brainwashed
Never happened
Do they have "the left" in midwest? Everyday you learn something new. pic.
I wish it was true, I really do. But it simply isn't.
I don't know what blackrock is. Death to "Israel". Not sure what this has to do with "the left", anyway.

>> No.18538495

>I don't know what blackrock is
Then you are not a serious political thinker.

>> No.18538496
File: 263 KB, 587x827, Sternhell Z., Sznajder M., Asheri M. - The Birth of Fascist Ideology (1994) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and now, tell me what Fascism is supposed to mean.

>> No.18538504

>Do they have "the left" in midwest?
as a part of this country the industries that exist there have to abide by federal regulations that target their entire industry. what the hell do a map like this have anything to do with it? if anything the regions turn red as a result of the liberal government preying on them. there's your fun fact for the day, genius, don't hurt yourself swallowing it.

>> No.18538505

The republican part of the map is all white people, and the only reason they vote republican is because the party is not openly anti white unlike the democratic party.

Both parties are still shit, obv

>> No.18538527

>Then you are not a serious political thinker.
Care to explain EXACTLY what does a bank has to do with "the left"? It seems to me that only a serious political thinker such as (You) can tell me that.
>as a part of this country the industries that exist there have to abide by federal regulations that target their entire industry.
And what exactly this has to do with "the left"?
>anti white

>> No.18538532

What's the issue?

>> No.18538549

>Fascists were not racists, they are not fans of biological materialism. They were idealists.

Today there is no definition of fascism that is unanimously accepted by political science researchers. Tamir Bar-On himself admits, “defining fascism is tricky because there is no universal consensus definition of what constitutes fascism.” He cites in this regard Roger Griffin and Stanley Payne, but does not make any mention of Juan Linz, Pierre Milza, Renzo De Felice, Zeev Sternhell, Ernst Nolte, Klaus Hildebrand, Jules Monnerot and many others who, for the most part, he conspicuously ignores. Worse, he does not even offer himself any definition of fascism. Neither does he provide a definition of racism. This enables him, therefore, to dub someone as a “racist”—someone like me, who has published three books against racism and has demonstrated, based on ample arguments, the fallacious and harmful character of all racist theories. Instead Bar-On prefers right at the very outset to position himself on the side of those who put on display the word “fascism” to insult somebody, a word which is now being exploited for the sole purpose of delegitimizing or discrediting the opponent. It is a common knowledge that the word “fascism” belongs now primarily to a polemical vocabulary having nothing to do with real fascism. In France, just to give one example, General de Gaulle, the leader of the Resistance against the Nazis during the German occupation, was himself on countless occasions labeled a “fascist” after his return to power.
No longer defining a political or ideological reality that can be empirically determined, “fascism” has thus become an empty word, a cliché or a catchword, a Gummiwort (elastic concept), a “sound bite,” a buzzword—a fantasy-prone notion to which anyone can assign an ad hominem defamatory meaning of his own choice. Roger Griffin, for example, argues that “palingenesis” is a specific trait of fascism, whereas this is rather a characteristic of the Christian thought (see the theme on the “new man” of St. Paul in Col. 3:10, Eph. 4:24). For communists, fascism is defined as the “last resort” of capitalism. For liberals, it is a form of totalitarianism directly related to Stalinist communism. Recently, the locutions “red fascism” or even “Islamofascism” have been invented. These conflicting interpretations, these absolutely meaningless verbal formulations, show that the debate about fascism today is at level zero of the thought process. In the words of the great Walter Benjamin, one should never forget that fascism also contains anti-fascism...

>> No.18538552

>And what exactly this has to do with "the left"?
the left-wing of the American government sides with multi-national corporations in promoting policies hostile to vast swathes of working-class communities. and before you can give me the obligatory twelve-year-old's cope about "those are liberals not leftists," none of that means shit so long as you retards keeping mindlessly promoting them as soon a D pops up by their name.

>> No.18538553

Because your construct groups instead of looking at individuals: its "us" vs. "them", the "good" vs. the "evil", "white" vs. black". You judge someone because he's part of a group instead of what he individually does.
There is an experiment during which children are given raincoats of one of two colors. Afterwards, it is tested how those children interact with each other. Result? Children who wear rainbows of the same color treat each other significantly better than they treat children who wear raincoats of the other color. It's ridiculous, it's completely irrational and arbitrary, and it's the root of all unfairness.
So why do you act like a chimp?

...and before you tell me: yes, those activists are oftentimes doing the very same thing and don't understand it's the worst thing to possibly do, because it causes conflicts instead of solving them.

>> No.18538559

I only consider fascist Mussolini's party and to an extent, Mosley's. However Mosley does not nearly have the philosophical rigor of Gentile's Actualism. Gentile's philosophy still has flaws tho and H.S. Harris outlined them pretty well.

>> No.18538566

It's a buzzword. I often hear people complaining how the "jewish marxist trannies blm corporations" want to escalate violence in order to start a race war, but inventing concepts like "antiracism means antiwhite" does not really help you avoid it, does it?

>> No.18538570

I don't understand why would any anon think that it's worth it to argue with you. Your ignorance in the subject discussed and your expressed arrogance show that you have no interest in mutual understanding, but merely in controversy.

>> No.18538576

I mean arent you tired of the ceaseless screeching and snivelling of their shrill, evil 'marginalized voices' wouldnt it just be great if we could make them go away somehow? You know load em up into trucks drive em out to the countryside make em dig a nice big trench? Wouldnt the very air we breathe feel much cleaner? I mean the way things are going its us or them on the trucks.

>> No.18538578

Perhaps you could be interested in the book "Who is a Fascist" by Emilio Gentile, anon. Good insight.

>> No.18538582

It's may be a buzzword but it is true to me. So called "liberals" are just anti-white. The whites hate themselves and have white guilt, and shit like BLM is just reactionary black nationalists. This is my observation.

>> No.18538588

Is he related to giovanni gentile?

>> No.18538596

I want to add that they don't actually want a race war, they just want to keep people divided over petty issues so the status quo of "Liberal Democracy" can be upholded forever.

Politics is just a game.

>> No.18538616
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Ah yes, What is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures?

>> No.18538627
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Daily reminder little girls want to be fucked

>> No.18538642

This actually any good? Sounds sorta interesting but psuedosciencey

>> No.18538651
File: 617 KB, 1137x861, de Benoist A. - The Problem of Democracy (2011) (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You judge someone because he's part of a group instead of what he individually does.

>> No.18538665

>In France, just to give one example, General de Gaulle, the leader of the Resistance against the Nazis during the German occupation, was himself on countless occasions labeled a “fascist” after his return to power.
De Gaulle was considered "dauphin" of Pétain and commuted his death sentence: he was a militarist, colonialist and nationalist. He happened to be anti Nazi, because, well, the Third Reich had invaded France. Otherwise, what ideological divide do you see?

>Gaullism claims to transcend the left-right divide (in a similar way to populist republican parties elsewhere such as Fianna Fáil in Republic of Ireland, the Justicialist Party in Argentina and the ANC in South Africa.)
Hmmm this kinda reminds me of something...
It's not a cope. In fact, yours is
>the left-wing of the American government
The left-wing of a government with no actual "left-wing" is still right. The NSDAP had a left-wing to, this does not mean they were left-wing. Do you understand?
>none of that means shit so long as you retards keeping mindlessly promoting them as soon a D pops up by their name.
Ad hominem + you know nothing about me, so save your breath.

>> No.18538671

The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation.
holy kek

>> No.18538672

Maybe thinking of people in terms of individuals is not universal but a trait associated with white peoples and western christian culture and white nationalism is the only way to preserve individualism. The blacks the jews or the lgbts think themselves as parts of collectives, notice how its only ever whites who are naive enough to bring up the arent we all individuals card? All the media and the powerful imterests are not interested in treating you as an individual, so i thonk its perfectly rational for us to band together and defend our interests against the enemies who want to destroy us.

>> No.18538681

>Your ignorance in the subject discussed
Then educate me.
What does a bank has to do with "the left"? I see no connection. Do you see it? Tell me where it is, then?