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18555789 No.18555789 [Reply] [Original]

Can the Nietzschean Übermensch include merging with machines?

>> No.18555844
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uhhmm,..Yea ..like totally dude...

>> No.18555850

Sure thing, "Aristocrat."

>> No.18555942

The ubermensh have no need for machines.

>> No.18556119


>> No.18556226
File: 113 KB, 960x401, birgintrashumaist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no

>> No.18556236

I always interpreted the idea of the overman to be something that's already inside everyone, but not fully realized. To become who you are is to fully realize this latent god inside of you, to merge with machines would contradict this, as it would mean bringing something foreign into your spirit.
But then again Nietzsche's writing is so vague it can mean really whatever you want it to

>> No.18556274

relative in a sense. take accidentally disabled people or from birth, would prosthetics deem them lesser if they perform as they would with a non disabled body?

>> No.18556351

A lot of inappropriate merging going on around here

>> No.18556426

Are there someone who merge Nietzsche + machines?

>> No.18556442

That's not for the Untermensch to decide.

>> No.18556616

>That's not for the Untermensch to decide.
That's not for the Untermensch to decide.

>> No.18556692
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>> No.18557008
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Nick Land, "The Thirst for Annihilation":
"Nietzsche wholeheartedly subscribed to the basic tenets of Schopenhauer’s diagnosis but sought to deepen his cosmology, and to jettison the residual egoism that lay in its continued obsession with redemption. Nietzsche no longer considered the sufferings of the self to be a serious objection to the basic cosmic processes that underpinned it. Where Schopenhauer had depicted the unconscious striving of nature as a ‘will-to-live’, whose most sophisticated form is the egoism of the individuated human animal, Nietzsche renamed this fundamental drive the ‘will-to-power’, for which survival is a mere tool. For Nietzsche, life is thought of as a means in the service of an unconscious trans-individual creative energy. Mankind as a whole is nothing but a resource for creation, a dissolving slag to be expended in the generation of something more beautiful than itself. The end of humanity does not lie within itself, but in a planetary artistic experiment about which nothing can be decided in advance, and which can only be provisionally labelled ‘overman’. For overman is not a superior model of man, but that which is beyond man; the creative surpassing of humanity. Nietzsche read Christianity as the nadir of humanistic slave-morality, the most abject and impoverishing attempt to protect the existent human type from the ruthless impulses of an unconscious artistic process that passed through and beyond them."

>> No.18557052
File: 427 KB, 1900x2852, das-cyborg-dasein-beginnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has that to do with the Übermensch?
>Mankind as a whole is nothing but a resource for creation, a dissolving slag to be expended in the generation of something more beautiful than itself. The end of humanity does not lie within itself, but in a planetary artistic experiment about which nothing can be decided in advance, and which can only be provisionally labelled ‘overman’. For overman is not a superior model of man, but that which is beyond man; the creative surpassing of humanity.
Seems to not exclude technological intervention, maybe even a hint that it's the right direction.
According to Nietzsche or according to what you would like to happen? If the latter, why do you think it's a bad thing?

>> No.18557058

The question is if according to what Nietzsche wrote the possibility can be excluded, if you are simply posting your own opinion and predictions then say so.

>> No.18557059

>genetic modification
literally transhumanism retard

>> No.18557065

>Seems to not exclude technological intervention, maybe even a hint that it's the right direction.
fuck off, you're the one making dubious claims about the correlation between nietzschean thought and transhumanism.

>> No.18557094

You wanna post something he said that excludes the possibility of technological intervention on the Übermensch or what? This is not to claim that it is what he had in mind specifically, but more to clarify that he didn't exclude it. Just read the quote and tell me how it excludes transhumanism. Everything else is just "you're wrong because I don't like the idea of transhumanism personally" which isn't what I'm asking for.

>> No.18557124

>You wanna post something he said that excludes the possibility of technological intervention on the Übermensch or what?
no one ever said anything about that, but there's a clear baggage associated with accepting transhumanism thought as a whole.
>Just read the quote and tell me how it excludes transhumanism.
sure. what transhumanism is when you whittle down to its essence is nothing more but a mere commodity to "elevate" the populist masses to ensure humanity becomes nothing more but a shapeless amorphous blob where great men are undermined.

>> No.18557130

>maybe even a hint that it's the right direction.

"Whispered into the conservatives’ ear.—This is what was unknown earlier and is known today, or could be known today—a reversion, a reversal in any sense or to any degree is completely impossible. We physiologists, at least, know this. But all priests and moralists have believed in such a thing—they wanted to bring humanity back, wind it back to an earlier measure of virtue. Morality was always a Procrustean bed. Even the politicians have imitated the preachers of virtue in this: even today there are parties whose dream and goal is for everything to do a crab-walk. But no one is free to be a crab. It’s no use: one must go forwards, that is to say, further, step by step, into décadence (this is my definition of modern “progress”...). One can hinder this development, and in this way block up the degeneration, gather it up, make it more vehement and sudden: more than that one cannot do.—" ("Twilight of the Idols", #43)

>> No.18557140
File: 217 KB, 543x833, Roden D. - Posthuman Life. Philosophy at the Edge of the Human (2015) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transhumanism is when you whittle down to its essence is nothing more but a mere commodity to "elevate" the populist masses
Only if by populist masses you mean "phones and toothbrushes"

>> No.18558234

ehh kinda, but people that think the more 'posthumanist' transhumanism is akin to the ubermensch don't understand the concept. a machine, even a true AI, is still a machine, is still 'numbers' and systems thinking. true transcendence is beyond numbers and systems.