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18637666 No.18637666 [Reply] [Original]

>You should only criticize the world when you have your life in perfect order
>proceeds to almost die from drug addiction

Why are people taking this hack seriously again?

>> No.18637688

you're talking as if that discredits his argument rather than reinforcing it

>> No.18637695

Ah here come the mental gymnastics of the average Peterson cultist

>> No.18637700

No thanks

>> No.18637712
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>> No.18637725

>You should only criticize the world when you have your life in perfect order
Pretty sure he didn't say that. He probably said something along those lines, and then you took it out of context.
He was prescribed those drugs by his physician. His wife had cancer. He became dependent on the drugs (which many do), and he wanted off (which many never manage), so he went to rehab for them, under medical supervision, because withdrawal from benzodiazepines is dangerous.
I don't believe he continued to give advice during this time.

>> No.18637941

see >>18637695

>> No.18638127

I didn't say I supported Jordan Peterson at all. I just stated some facts. Also, I fail to see the gymnastics. If anyone's doing gymnastics it's you, pal.

>> No.18638230

In today's world many men (and women) aren't taught the most basic things about how to get their shit together and deal with hardship so for such people Peterson becomes a much needed lifeline. It's not that he's great it's that the the standard is so low he seems great by comparison.

>> No.18638245

Tried to report this spam as such. Because it got 666get its black.
Also it’s been exempt from flagging. Why the fuck is this allowed?
Get this Koch Industries bullshit off, janitor.

>> No.18638252

... what?

>> No.18638265

Meds. Now.

>> No.18638283

I respected advice from him before his drug addiction because he spoke like a man who had fucked up in life before and not taken it trivially nor forgotten about it.

I will still respect advice from him now because I've seen him stumble and right the ship again and not lose any character or self-belief in the process.

The whole idea of "getting your shit together" comes from a place of not having it together. Nothing about him spoke to me as a guy who was always perfect.

You're 100% missing out on the value of this type of dialogue with this type of person.

>> No.18638306
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That's beside the point, the reason why you shouldn't take him seriously is because he got brutally assraped by Zizek despite the fact that Zizek was gentle and used copious amounts of lube. his cock is simply that big.

>> No.18638379

Seriously. Did you try it?
Am I the only not allowed to flag it?

>> No.18638386


Also... Jordan is a gatekeeper surrounded by jewish handlers.

>> No.18638400

What's he gatekeeping?

>> No.18638409
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>Why are people taking this hack seriously again?
Streisand effect, Satan. You never learn. In fact, you're not capable of changing your strategy after failure - it's just a peculiar mental weakness of yours.

>> No.18638412
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>Koch Industries is Jewish

>> No.18638421
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Anyone digging deeper into freemasonry, the symbolism behind it and on the dollar, the fake 2-party system, neoliberalism...

Why has he never commented that like 1% of the USA is Jewish yet the government is MUCH higher in representation?

How much money goes to Israel every year?

Why does every president wear the little hat and visit that wall?

There are so many things happening in the world right now and Jordan gatekeeps the attention so that neoliberals can continue staging the entire show behind the scenes.

>> No.18638426

Maybe you've flagging shit that shouldn't be flagged (because you're off your meds)...so the privilege has been restricted on you IP. Or, maybe you're just paranoid and tilting at windmills (which, given your statements is very likely).

Take your meds.

>> No.18638445
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Peterson's stuff before he was famous was interesting and that interview with that British woman "do you're trying to say we should be lobsters?" was one of the top TV moments in recent years.

But once he got catapulted into the role of public intellectual he started to utter opinions on everything (as is the function of that role) and it went downhill fast.

He wasn't equipped to handle his success, which in my opinion indeed puts into question the wisdom of a lot of his self help advice.

His old lecture videos and seething attack on Canadian trans pronoun laws remain very entertaining.

>> No.18638448

I think you're overestimating how much attention he gets. Not that I agree with you, but, surely if anyone is gatekeeping is plain old MSM. Also, if Peterson was part of it, you'd think they'd mention him more.

>> No.18638453

>His wife had cancer.

>> No.18638456

>Why are people taking this hack seriously again?
He spoke out against the tranny stuff, which makes him better than 99% of academics.

>> No.18638461
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That is retarded. The top picture is an example of advertising to sell useless junk to xanax'd up whores. The people in power were equally content with 50s housewives and modern career women. They are each the product of their time. Of course you don't get that because you're a retarded chud.

>> No.18638490

>tranny bad, therefore he good

>> No.18638500

Ah. Perhaps that’s it. Too much quality control. They could send a little feedback. Like “nu-uh. Jordnad peterman is a respected arthur and this isn’t spam”. But why not just disregard? Dumb jannies.

But the report screen is black. And probably because it’s a satan get.

>> No.18638524


>> No.18638573

I agree it doesn't discredit, since hypocrites can be right.
But how does it reinforce it exactly?

>> No.18638651

>His old lecture videos and seething attack on Canadian trans pronoun laws remain very entertaining.
But he was completely wrong on that as well. Bill C-16 was passed and years later there still haven't been any arrests related to misgendering or misuse of pronouns (which is what Peterson preached was going to happen).

>> No.18638678

What if the problem of the world is the inability to clean rooms? (Or wash penises)

>> No.18638680

Never followed up on that. I said it was entertaining, I don't care either way about obscure Canadian laws, that has no impact on my life.

I Actually like this recent tranny normalizing very much: without those photos of huge men identifying as women crushing small women at sports like handball, wrestling or lifting weights this timeline would be much less hilarious.

>> No.18638868

Zizek is the epitome of "Don't use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do." His philosophy is incredibly similar to Peterson's, which was shown during their "debate" where they just ended up agreeing with eachother constantly.

You can always identify a fanboy because they will claim either side "won" over tve other.

>> No.18638900

Which either proves C-16 was unnecessary (proving Peterson's point), or that Peterson was right to warn parliament of the dangers the law could pose so they could make appropriate enforcement regulations.

>> No.18638966

Yeah neither side won. I love Zizeks documentaries about film.

>> No.18639620

Lol this you're over /lit's head

>> No.18640035

>His philosophy is incredibly similar to Peterson’s

Peterson is a mystic reactionary retard

>> No.18640057

His objection was more so that any law that limits speech is not good. Canada recently introduced a new law that begins to regulate the internet, and he's against that too.
t. Canadian

>> No.18640272

>His philosophy is incredibly similar to Peterson's, which was shown during their "debate" where they just ended up agreeing with eachother constantly.
The reason why they ended up agreeing with each other is because Zizek is a nice guy to almost everyone, and its in the nature of his approach to dialectics that he's able to find points of agreement with people across the political/economic spectrum. Zizek didn't win the debate, Peterson was just a little out of his depth and Zizek merely pawed at him rather than clawing at his jugular. He even jests about being "gentle" with him. That's why it was only rape, and not full-blown slaughter.

>> No.18640284

And the US Government didnt start arresting its own citizens under the Patriot Act (even though the arrest is unrelated to terrorism) until the Obama administration.

>> No.18640352


>> No.18640392


>> No.18640520
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Lmao, what is this tiktok line of thinking? We arent in star wars and you aren't anikin
>if you're not with me, then your my enemy
You can defend something you don't like or even back something up that you don't nessiseraly agree with to counteract misinformation. That doesn't mean you support or are a fan of the person.

>> No.18640540

Is Zizek actually worth reading or is it leftist bullshit? What books do you recommend by him?

>> No.18640548

For the record he didn't go to rehab like a normal person. He found it too difficult and volunteered for an extremely dangerous induced coma treatment that has given him permanent brain damage.

>> No.18640687

Zizek is only worth reading if you want to look through the world through a psychoanalytic (Freudian / sexual) and communistic (economically / power theory) lens. Is it fun to watch him describe the matrix in this way? Kind of. Does he mean he's at all correct in his axioms and assertions? No. Mostly he's just a social critic whose only solutions involve some combination of saying the words "system," "Lacan," and "sniff" with no explanation.

>> No.18640719


>> No.18640734
File: 132 KB, 1078x1156, Degenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here comes the Daily Jordan Peterson Hate Thread again sponsored by Brainlets of /lit/!
Don't forget to say your carbon copy "Fuck you, Dr. JBP!" and have a nice day!


>> No.18640901

"Fuck you, Dr. JBP!"
Upvotes to the left.... no, wait.

>> No.18640918
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He talks to Jews way too much

>> No.18640921


>> No.18640926

Peterson doesn't criticize the world. In fact, he's usually supportive of the current institutional powers. So, I think he's a very good example of what he wants other people to do. I don't like the guy, but this criticism just seems excessive.

>> No.18640943

>You should only criticize the world when you have your life in perfect order (otherwise you're full of shit/shouldn't be listened to)
>Proceeds to almost die from drug addiction
>Point proven

Is /lit/ even more retarded than I initially thought?

>> No.18640993

I looked into this.

Actually he was on 1-2, maybe 4mg (it's unclear) a day of k-pins. He experienced withdrawal symptoms because, as he knows being a fucking clinical psychologist, benzos are fucking horrific long term and severely addictive. He then, instead of withdrawing like literally everyone else, travelled to fucking russia to get himself put into a coma for a week straight, because he literally couldn't deal with the withdrawals.

Why anyone would think taking benzos would be a healthy way to deal with grief is beyond me, and even worse still is we've known since the fucking 50's just how bad and dangerous benzos are, so seeing him become addicted to them is just ridiculous.

And personally I cold turkeyed a 4mg a day clonazepam habit and it sucked shit, but nowhere near bad enough to consider going to fucking russia and being put in a coma lol. I doubt anyone has even got seizures off this dose.

Of course its bad his wife died and bla bla bla but his whole schtick is sort your shit out be a man etc, and he basically bitched out and couldn't deal with something literally millions of people have gone through and been fine (benzo withdrawal).

>> No.18641000

>Proceeds to almost die from drug addiction
>You should only criticize the world when you have your life in perfect order (otherwise you're full of shit/shouldn't be listened to)
>Point proven

>> No.18641002

>criticizes jbp for making sweeping generalizations and talking outside his realm of expertise
>does the exact same fucking thing when it comes to his benzo addition, totally removing all nuance from the argument in favour of personal shitty anecdotes

Peterson is fucking retarded when it comes to how he allows his daughter to act and how overly emotional and intense he can be, but I'm starting to think fags like you are nowhere near any better

>> No.18641022

yeah its a dumb comment
i mean ideally i would criticize something when i have something else to offer
but it could be a huge disjoint between me and the environments expectations that have my life in disarray
and then what, i should accept and succeed at the established environment, then criticize it?

how many modern types have been completely botched by this culture. their voice is invalid even though culture fails them?

>> No.18641028
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>> No.18641038

You're acting as if a person's only flaws come from culture and the expectations culture renders on people. People are quite fucked up, narcissistic, and have little to offer almost wholly independent of that. At least asking them to curate a little dominion over their personal surroundings can offset that a little, lest you become a screaming troon shouting into the void on Twitter (harmless in itself, but put hundreds together and all of a sudden they're an unbearable 'movement.')