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18663830 No.18663830 [Reply] [Original]

>make fake coin
>get punished worse than if you killed someone
Did he ever explain this?

>> No.18663837

Holy shit, he predicted George Floyd

>> No.18663852

That's right. He wanted to warn us about fractional reserve banking

>> No.18664401

No, he explained it like sitting down and showing you a series of fucking powerpoint slides and testing you with flash cards because he expected you to understand it intuitively, you cretin. Killing is perfectly normal and mankind have been killing each other in droves since millions of years before we speciated into modern man. Thus, killing itself is venial, not a mortal sin (you'll find lots of generals and such on the slopes of Purgatory Mountain if you ever brainlet yourself that far). Killers consequently get sorted not according to "durf he killed someone" but according to the *nature of their mortal sin*, e.g. murdering in anger gets you punished for wrath, whereas killing in treachery gets you punished for treachery (and killing yourself, of course, which *is* inherently a mortal sin, has its own special region). There are innumerable exemples of this in the Inferno: just to name the most obvious, Cassius and Brutus are literally sharing the absolute nadir of Hell with Judas for committing a treacherous murder. Ugolino is another example, gnawing the head of Ruggiero in the lowest circle as both are punished for betrayal: Ruggiero for his betrayal of Ugolino and Ugolino for the betrayal of killing and possibly eating his children.

>> No.18664407

>No, he explained it
God dammit, meant to say:
>No, he NEVER explained it

>> No.18664451
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>> No.18664462

People simply had different values and morals back then

>> No.18664464

All coins suddenly become worthless because no one trusts them
now no one can buy food
millions die in fighting and starvation from lack of trade

kill someone
one man dies instead of millions

>> No.18664470

What circle of hell is George Floyd in, lads?

>> No.18664483

afaik the canonical Dante answer is that niggers have no part in the afterlife due to not having souls

>> No.18664489

this. go read the code of hamurabi

>> No.18664491

but in the (purely hypothetical) case that he does have a soul, where does he go?

>> No.18664541


>> No.18664945

in the circle of violent niggers

>> No.18664966

yes, Virgil explains the rationale of the hierarchy of the circles of hell in canto xi, Dante based it on Aristotle's ethics.

>> No.18665124


>> No.18665196

Sowers of discord without doubt.

>> No.18665225
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where would you be put anons? be honest

>> No.18665258

>Contorted until their heads are backward and they cry until blind.
I named my backtesting framework after this circle.

>> No.18665266
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If Paulie Walnuts thinks he'll make it to purgatory I think I'll surely make it to heaven

>> No.18665271

9th circle

>> No.18665278

>be nice to someone
>get dunked in shit

>> No.18665289

>likes to eat tiramisù
>gets bombarded with rain, hail and black snow

>> No.18665309

I had gay sex a couple of times but I really regret it.

>> No.18665789

Which Canto is the coin one in?

>> No.18665803

Second cirlce. I literally can't stop craving for ass

>> No.18665825

>crave for ass
>gets constantly btfod by wind

>> No.18665846

Is that from the bible or it's a sneaky pagan addition?

>> No.18665849

Can you go to Hell if you get canonized as a Saint?

>> No.18666386

are you retarded? do you not know what the divine comedy is?

>> No.18666403

Incredibly based.

>> No.18666434

Because by making fake money you indirectly destroy everything good. Art, beauty, architecture, spiritualism, peace of mind. And all these, being the pillars of civilization, are more important than a single human being.

Wrong, it’s literally still the same nowadays.

>> No.18666486

>kill someone
>one man dies instead of millions

Umm World War one?

>> No.18666557

Where are the drunk drivers in Hell? Which punishment do they get? Blood makes the grass grow!


>> No.18666687

That diagram misses out the place where most anons would find themselves: the preliminary room where all the mediocre nobodies appear who never really believed in anything and never did much good or much evil.

>> No.18666692
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You know, Quasimodo predicted all this.

>> No.18666697

>Did he ever explain this?
Yes, as you'd know if you read it. The leopard, lion and wolf at the beginning are the three main classes of sin (voluptuousness, wrath, malice) in increasing order of severity. Killing someone tends to be the second class and minting false coin tends to be the third. Obviously there are exceptions. There are people who killed as an act of betrayal, for example, who appear in the ninth circle.

>> No.18666702
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>commit every sin
>can't be put in a single circle
>get away with it

>> No.18666710

probably gluttony, but its ok cause i will probably only mind the cold

>> No.18666713

Other way around, you can’t be canonized if you are in hell.

>> No.18666721
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>Whipped by demons while marching

>> No.18666729

You get put in the lowest circle that corresponds to one of your sins.

>> No.18666771

>Because by making fake money you indirectly destroy everything good.
How come?

>> No.18666784

Inflation ruins more lives than murder

>> No.18666813

How would the Church know whether you are in hell or not?

>> No.18666878

pedo catholic expeditionary forces

>> No.18666885

George Floyd was a reincarnation of Saint George and no one can prove me he won't come down to strike down the lot of you when the time comes

>> No.18666968

The dead cannot intercede for miracles unless they are in heaven

>> No.18667002

Underrated, the Jews won't tell you this

>> No.18667067

Just look at the world around you. I understand it’s difficult to grasp the connections at first, but all the ugliness, the decadence, the ignorance of today’s world is based upon economy. Pound wrote several essays on this.

>> No.18669009

>take snickers bar from work fridge
>get garden snakes eating my ankles

>> No.18669130

His "canonization" as a "saint" was a complete heresy. There's a reason a lightning destroyed his mural.
His torment probably got worse

>> No.18669137

This nigger is going to feel pretty dumb the day of Revelation

>> No.18669189

currency debasement has no goal or purpose, no one debases a currency in a fit of rage or to protect their honor. it is simply evil

>> No.18669229

Fifth circle probably

>> No.18669245

Violence is giving in to your animal instincs, fraud is twisting the intelligence God gave you to exploit your fellow man. Or something idk.

>> No.18670014

hanging out with my niggas in river styx

>> No.18670355
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Spamming fake money is a lot more harmful than killing someone

>> No.18671631


>> No.18671653

See this system is dumb and he should have known it was dumb. Anyone can commit all of those sins, why punish them for only one in particular?

If anything the souls of the damn should have been depicted as making the rounds in all the circles of hell.

>> No.18671694

Let's see... I just recently learned that I was never baptized, have been extremely lustful my entire life, I do tend to be a glutton on occasion, I do have a bunch of shit I don't need and spend way too much, I do have a bit of an anger issue, I'm fairly certain I've blasphemed on several occasions, I've probably been a hypocrite before I've used shit like the I Ching and tarot before...

And I've probably been a betrayer of a benefactor before...

Technically I belong in just about every circle of Dante's hell.

>> No.18671735

>>>People who spend "too much" of their own money or own lots of stuff get their own circle of hell

Wtf? Was this guy secretly a kike or something?

>> No.18671764
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>> No.18672806

Because Usury is violence against art and nature (both derive from God) which is worse than violence against man.

>> No.18672822

George was High on Fentynal and could not forsee the shit show that his death would cause. I'd say he'd be on where the thieves are.
What ever circle the masturbators go

>> No.18672955

brahs, what's the best translation?

>> No.18673211

I think you go to the one that is worst. i.e. if someone is suitable to be in the first circle and the ninth circle, they will be put in the ninth circle. You are punished for your greatest sin.

>> No.18673217

First, second, fifth, third ring of the seventh (I like anal - with women, but it's still sodomy).

>> No.18673962


Is this true? Source?

>> No.18673990
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>be prodigious warrior of history
>be a little vengeful in your life
>your reward is unending combat to hone your skills and become literally the perfect fighter

how is this punishment?

>> No.18674109

Based and citationpilled

>> No.18674181

At least the fifth, but might end up in the seventh

>> No.18674185

>measuring the badness of things against murder
You're not going to make it if you honestly see human life as the central and most important thing in the world. Let your modern biases go.

>> No.18674264

Judging by this, who does not end up in hell?
You just need to cough in the wrong direction and you are in hell.

>> No.18674296

Based. Fiat currency apologists will burn in hell.

>> No.18674326

>What ever circle the masturbators go
Probably in the same circle as the sodomites, because Aquinas (whom Dante followed) reckoned sins against nature (that is, against God's natural order) worse than sins against persons. Thus masturbation, as a sexual sin, is more perverse than, e.g., fornication, because masturbation is "against nature," and fornication, while sinful, is not.

See discussion here: http://www.pathsoflove.com/blog/2009/06/aquinas-on-sexual-sins-dangers-of-speaking-formally/

See also: https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/35491/did-thomas-aquinas-rate-masturbation-as-a-greater-sin-than-rape

>brahs, what's the best translation?

Speaking as non-expert, I think the Mandelbaum is quite good.

>> No.18674349

Second, probably.

>> No.18674659


>> No.18675384
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Probably heretics as I am an atheist who regularly makes fun of religion.

I find my punishment to be extremely cruel.

>> No.18675783

>Judging by this, who does not end up in hell?
All those who do not reject Christ eventually end up in paradise.

>> No.18675804

Dante's poem has two other sections full of examples. You could read them (or read about them) to find out.

>> No.18675815

Flattery in this case is not just "being nice to someone," it's being deceitful to someone (by telling them dishonest things that please them) for your own benefit.

>> No.18675836
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Brother, the world is blind, and you come from the world. You living ones continue to assign to heaven every cause, as if it were the necessary source of every motion. If this were so, then your free will would be destroyed, and there would be no equity in joy for doing good, in grief for evil. The heavens set your appetites in motion; not all your appetites, but even if that were the case, you have received both light on good and evil, and free will, which though it struggle in its first wars with the heavens, then conquers all, if it has been well nurtured. On greater power and a better nature, you, who are free, depend; that Force engenders the mind in you, outside the heavens' sway. Thus, if the present world has gone astray, in you is the cause, in you it's to be sought; and now I'll serve as your true exegete.

Issuing from His hands, the soul, on which He thought with love before creating it, is like a child who weeps and laughs in sport; that soul is simple, unaware; but since a joyful Maker gave it motion, it turns willingly to things that bring delight. At first it savors trivial goods; these would beguile the soul, and it runs after them, unless there's a guide or rein to rule its love. Therefore, one needed law to serve as curb; a ruler, too, was needed, one who could discern at least the tower of the true city.

The laws exist, but who applies them now? No one, the shepherd who precedes his flock can chew the cud but does not have cleft hooves; and thus the people, who can see their guide, snatch only at that good for which they feel some greed, would feed on that and seek no further. Misrule, you see, has caused the world to be malevolent; your nature is not corrupt, not prey to any fatal astral force. For Rome, which made the world good, used to have two suns; and they made visible two paths: the world's path and the pathway that is God's. One has eclipsed the other; now the sword has joined the shepherd's crook; the two together must of necessity result in evil, because so joined, one need not fear the other: and if you doubt me, watch the fruit and flower, for every plant is known by what it seeds.

>Infernofags get filtered

>> No.18675858

Look up the term "brown nose."

>> No.18675881

That's not heresy, it's infidelity. Heresy is perverting Christianity, not rejecting it.

>> No.18675888

I thought Epicurus ended up in that circle for denying the immortality of the soul?

>> No.18676050

I guess that's Dante's view, it's not the catholic church's though. Aquinas says:
>There are, therefore, two ways of deviating from Christianity: the one by refusing to believe in Christ Himself, which is the way of infidelity, common to Pagans and Jews; the other by restricting belief to certain points of Christ's doctrine selected and fashioned at pleasure, which is the way of heretics.

I guess if you're particularly vocal about your atheism (to the point of convincing others) then Dante'd probably put you with Epicurus.