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/lit/ - Literature

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18687081 No.18687081 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related ruined literature for me. Ever since I finished it it's all I can think about and in the middle of whatever I'm reading I just feel a near insurmountable urge to go back and read TBK again.

>> No.18687807

start with the greeks

>> No.18687817

You'll get over it. Just read more books, you'll get some new favorites

>> No.18687899

I really wish I felt that way about it. My experience with this shit was hating every page of it and forcing myself to read all of it, which felt more like dragging my balls through 5 miles of broken glass. Well, it definitely could have been the fault of the translation, maybe it is a great book in the original Russian.

>> No.18688009

What's you're favourite part? I can't decide between The Grand Inquisitor, Ivan and the Devil, the whole chapter with Kolya, and Cana of Galilee

>> No.18688016

Smerdyakov is based

>> No.18688163

Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. You are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the super market.

>> No.18688169

>was paid by the word
Why do zoomers seethe so much over this?

>> No.18688177

hoooooooooooly based, someone bring an end to the madman

>> No.18688460

fuck off shill, you retards overrate dostojewski. he's BORING! muh inquisitor! muh christianity! any short story, or essay, from Tolstoy is better than all dostojewski has written combined.

>> No.18688559

holy fuck I just read right now the 'The Death of Ivan Ilyich' and it is so good.
Did I fuck up by ordering so many dovostky books when tolostoy is utterly amazing?

>> No.18688587

Anna Karenina > Oblomov > Fathers and Sons
> A Hero of our time > War and Peace >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>> Brothers Karamazov > Doctor Zhivago > Crime and Punishment
That is my ranking of russian novels. Order all those novels anon!

>> No.18688607

Just finished that a few days ago, Tolstoys writing is unmatched, whereas I found TBK to be quite a struggle (although definitely worth finishing).
I really liked "Polikushka" and "The Forged Coupon" too. I've read "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace" by Tolstoy as well. Is "Resurrection" any good? I haven't seen it mentioned here before.

>> No.18688616
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>mfw I think I am only allowed to read one Russian author

>> No.18688639

I just spent 1k on novels.
I got vintage classics russian series and pretty much anyting notable from dvostky etc..
should I read in order? to read dovostky I read I needed to read in order so I am doing that.

>> No.18688659

haven't read it, but if it's tolstoy it is probably good. It's crazy how much this board talks about dostojewski compared to tolstoy, considering who is obviously the better writer. was dosto an incel?

>> No.18688684

no, switch up the least best novels of each author (War and Peace and Crime and Punishment), then read their magnum opus (Anna Karenina and Brother's Karamazov) last to compare them, imo

>> No.18688689

It's crazy how people will only talk about Tolstoy to shit on Dostoevsky.

Actually on second thought it really isn't that surprising. Contrarians love doing that sort of shit

>> No.18688709

why does /lit/ read the most overrated Russian authors of all time and argue which of them is the best? Can you guys at least read someone that isn't on some millennial's Goodreads list before judging?

>> No.18688717

I need to read more Russian authors than Tolstoy and Dostoevsky to discuss who is the better author between them?

>> No.18688738

Resurrection is not a very good book. Feels like he phoned it in for that one, which he kind of did.

>> No.18688742

Referring more to people calling shilling either author, saying one "ruined literature", etc.

Either way, comparing the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky is like arguing over whether "The Great Gatsby" or "Grapes of Wrath" is the better American novel. It is a useless argument.

>> No.18688760
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God do Dostoevsky threads always bring out the most pretentious /lit/izens?
Either make some recommendations, contribute to an actual discussion or stfu.

>> No.18688768

Say what want about him, at least Dostoevsky showed us the ultimate consequences of atheist thought by drawing such brilliant logical inferences as "If there is no God, then I am God". What other writers can boast such a feat, hmmm?

>> No.18688780

I swear I'm never gonna see a Russian lit thread on this board that isn't about Dostejewsky or Tolgoy. Both are great authors, but you've ignored all of these chads:

-Anna Akhmatova
-Vasily Aksyonov
-Leonid Andreyev
-Mikhail Artsybashev
-Isaac Babel
-Andrei Bely
-Andrei Bitov
-Ivan Bunin
-Lydia Chukovskaya
-Sergei Dovlatov
-Venedikt Erofeev
-Afanasy Fet
-Vsevolod Garshin
-Aleksander Griboyedov
-Vasily Grossman
-Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov
-Daniil Kharms
-Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
-Mikhail Kuzmin
-Nikolai Leskov
-Vladimir Makanin
-Osip Mandelstam
-Vladimir Mayakovsky
-Yury Olesha
-Nikolai Ostrovsky
-Victor Pelevin
-Ludmilla Petrushevskaya
-Boris Pilnyak
-Andrei Platonov
-Zakhar Prilepin
-Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin
-Victor Serge
-Varlam Shalamov
-Mikhail Sholokhov
-Fyodor Sologub
-Vladimir Sorokin
-Tatyana Tolstaya
-Lyudmila Ulitskaya
-Mikhail Zoshchenko

>> No.18688790

Personal recommendation is Petty Demons - Sologub and Red Cavalry - Babel

>> No.18688810

Why cant people appreciate both without having it turn into a kindergarden fight? Havent read much of Tolstoy, but The Devil was a great short story and I look forward to reading more of him while still enjoying Dosto

No Platonov?

>> No.18688837

Will check it out.

>> No.18688842

>Why cant people appreciate both without having it turn into a kindergarden fight
Tribalism and the inability to separate the things you like from yourself as a person

>> No.18688849

also based

>> No.18688850

Very silly and I expect more from /lit/. Some of them are trolls obviously, but there are still people with that knee jerk reaction.

>> No.18688985

>Tolstoys writing is unmatched
Is Russian your first language? If not, how long did it take you to reach fluency?

>> No.18689009

You'd think an anonymous posting format would lead people away from thinking that way and it assuredly used to but that seems to be less and less the case for this board

>> No.18689027
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>> No.18689122
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Faggy list

>> No.18689454

No its not, I don't know any Russian so I've only read translations. I mainly mean Tolstoys descriptions of everyday life and the human condition, rather than his use of language. I found Tolstoys writing much more engaging and vivid than Dostoevskys. I suppose its hard to say for sure without reading the original Russian but Tolstoy is often praised for the points I've made. Dostoevsky is more philosophical whereas Tolstoys stories are mostly dramas.

>> No.18689471

Crime and Punishment is better

>> No.18690108

Its better to know a few books well than to barely know anything about mahy

>> No.18690417

Why has there never been another writer as good as Dostoevsky?

look at the modern dumpster fires that get published. look at the absolute state.

>> No.18690442

It's like these tards on /mu/ spamming obscure music to prove how much more in the know they are, yet most of the artists are obviously not of the same quality.
Why is that list supposed to be good? What is that even meant to show?

>> No.18690460

It's my personal favorite book but you sound like a faggot and make me almost regret having it as my #1

>> No.18690461

tolstoy is a pompous richboi hack. Big D was a soulful poorboy

The rich do not possess a soul.

>> No.18690473

>Why cant people appreciate both without having it turn into a kindergarden fight?
Because /lit/ is just becoming /v/ for books.
In fact all of 4channel is becoming more and more /v/-like