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18719088 No.18719088 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18719095

hahaha im so high im like the Xi Jinping of weed smoking

>> No.18719121

haters gonna hate. And that is none of your business.

>> No.18719207

If I can think hard enough I'll know what to do, except I already know what to do and I want to know how to do it. If I think hard enough on this song I'll know why it gives you power and then I will have it for myself, like a black hole exploding in all directions. If a unicorn is real or a thought of a unicorn is real but not the unicorn, the definition of real is being in the set of reality so how can I talk about a unicorn if it isn't in reality? The unicorn doesn't have physical existence. Mental existence, mind continually generates new axioms. God is a structure that generates new axioms, axioms are agreements the mind makes with what? Axioms are true and not provable because the definition of a proof is something that follows from an axiom, is everything reducible to one axiom? Has to be explained recursively because you can't accept your own mind believing something for no reason other than God. Linkage, intelligence is just linguistic linkage ability because everyone already has the same concepts and some understand them better and don't falsely attribute something to something else because the linguistic structure is more intuitive. If you apply a word to a concept the word isn't the concept, then if you apply an image to it it isn't the concept, then if you apply a smell or a touch either it's still not the concept, I am stripping language away and thinking of the thing without it, soon I will be able to think entirely without language and the one won't be delineated into many anymore so I can grasp the whole thing as it is. I can already feel the substance of an idea in my head without needing to apply any sense originated simile to it. But you can't think without words because there is nothing to think about when it isn't separated out by labels, you just already know it. What's the point in trying to describe or give a definition to God when if you remove all words, images, tastes, touches and smells from your head you already know what it is. You can't capture the essence of everything by using something designed to capture parts of something in order to communicate to others which aspect of the thing you are currently holding in your mind because you deem it to be more important than the other aspects at that moment for practical purposes. But every aspect is reductively the same aspect it or it isn't an aspect at all can't have parts and it doesn't because all the parts are the same part but different parts of it at once. It doesn't have many parts it just has created an organism that is somehow able to separate them. Language has no purpose in solitude.

>> No.18719284

Ignorance is the reason we fear the void. Beyond the void is the next link in our chain.

>> No.18719293

the void is ignorance manifest
to dream to understand it, is nothing but a brazen display of human hubris

>> No.18719307

Yes and no.

>> No.18719310

i bought proclus commentary on plato's parmenides. good buy?

>> No.18719320 [DELETED] 

Im going to fucking bomb a Walmart with at least 4 homebrewed cooking pot bombs with G. W Bush's face printed on them.

>> No.18719392

Jung was right.

>> No.18719393

He stood with the good and the bad, he stood by the kings with the little wind-up eyes and the child-rulers who delegated to gentle persons and demons alike. He stood with men who could not stand for themselves and those who stood for everyone else. He stood still as a statue in times of terror and in peace. Time itself stood still and watched the man who would stand by any man who accepted his watchful eyes and care and though he was not always right he was always right there. Some loved him, others spited, but most forgot or never knew to begin with that the second long shadow which languished and lurched out from the beautiful capital was his shadow, hi reminder, his evidence of self. And even when that shadow was gone he remained as a whisper-a gentle nudge of the ruler's pen or a stray inspired thought. And advisor through and through, even until the last day, even after! They called him Son-Son-Sin, and he left behind a single embrace for anyone brave or lonely enough to ask for it. I am told that this is what they call Love.

>> No.18719457

In the last two weeks, I had four separate dreams that I had cheated on my girlfriend of almost two years. The first dream: my college gf; second, an old work colleague; third, a high school acquaintance; and, fourth, a current work colleague that I think I have a crush on. After these dreams, I wake up in a state of panic and take a few minutes to realize that I didn't really cheat on my girlfriend.

I don't know why this is happening. Perhaps it has to do with how boring I think my current girlfriend is.

>> No.18719478

your mind is doing lizard brain shit
are you a slave, or are you a man

>> No.18719479

I got some terrible fever dreams this morning after reading a vn all yesterday. Ever since kid I have always had very strange dreams after playing vidya for long periods of time and I wish it happened with books or even films.

>> No.18719490

>Perhaps it has to do with how boring I think my current girlfriend is.
Maye liven things up with her? Go somewhere with her, or try different things in sex, etc.

>> No.18719497

What are you saying, anon?

>> No.18719508

are you a slave to your lizard brain's need to mindlessly procreate, or are you a sophisticated man, cultured enough to not only entertain yourself, but bring joy into others in your life.

>> No.18719512

Again arguing with my mom.

>> No.18719607
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The land of milk and honey is real, except that’s not the whole story.
In that land tun two rivers, one of honey and one of milk, hence the name.
These two rivers meet in a delta, where the streams cross and the mixture of the waters produces a peculiar substance.
It had been known by many names, including ambrosia, the food of the gods, but more commonly its known as condensed milk.
This delicious substance is one of nature’s endless bounties and it occurs naturally in the wild. However, corporate interests have privatized this public good in the pursuit of profit.
Nestlé sells it at a high markup, has put a factory where the waters meet at the delta and has paid off google to black out the location from google earth.

>> No.18719637


If you love her and she loves you and she's loyal something that petty should be easily worked out.

>> No.18719650

sex with men

>> No.18719667

Been there before, lad. It's your subconscious telling you you aren't happy with her. It's going to be difficult, but you're going to have to break up with her to free yourself from this. Otherwise, it'll get worse. I went through the very same thing earlier this year. Would have panic attacks at night (very uncharacteristic for me) because I knew I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with my then-girlfriend. Heed this advice.

>> No.18719701

Do you think so? I suppose that I meant "boring" in how unambitious and kinda "unlayered" of a person she is. She doesn't work, doesn't look for uni shit she said she wants to do, doesn't leave the house, doesn't learn any new skills.

Right now, all she does is stay at her place and basically just "chill" her life away. All I hear from her now (she's been at her parent's for a while) is that she woke up late, ate food, played with the cat, scrolled through Instagram and watched YouTube. Doesn't earn, doesn't study, doesn't read, doesn't seem to want to learn new skills, she just doesn't have that curiosity. I don't know, man, it's just really getting to me.

>> No.18719715

what the fuck kind of relationship is this
are you dating a minor?

>> No.18719776

Dont do it anon, just break up with her or if you do it you are gonna make her sad, feel guilty and have remorse, i tell you from experience.

Gay sex you mean?

>> No.18719803

She's 26. She graduated four years ago and hasn't ever gotten a job, hasn't done graduate school, still lives with her parents and off of her father's money. That has to be weird, right? I think it's really not a good situation for an adult to be in, but I can't discuss it with her, and I'm scared to discuss it with my friends. I can understand if there an extraneous circumstances in life that cause issues, but she literally just doesn't do it. She's healthy and can do things, but just doesn't. Deep down, I think I'm disgusted, and I honestly don't think I can respect that. I've felt this for a long time, but only recently has it been bubbling up.

When we started dating, she told me all these things she wanted to do, and I was like hey this is an interesting person who wants to do things. Two years in, almost nothing has changed. Still jobless, still at home, still no uni, still asking her dad if she can order out for lunch.

To contrast, I am 25 and graduated 3 years ago. Moved across the world. Got a high-paying job and am able to support myself completely and even partially support my family.

>> No.18719817

*external circumstances no extraneous

>> No.18719888
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Today I did anything but read. And that's fine. It's just not a reading type of day. Maybe tomorrow, or the day after. I've got time.

>> No.18719957

what is the opposite to meditation? i want stimulation, not peace

>> No.18720142

There's a wee pill, pale yellow circle, rounded corners. Quite cute and plump. Right in front of me. I'm going to split it in two in a bit. Have to go down to the kitchen for a knife to do that. The effect is better that way.
I don't want to go down to the kitchen, though. There's a ton of people downstairs. We're in our vacation home. And we've been having people over, friends and family, for the past few weeks. My sister and step sister have had people over, too. Not too far from my age. I avoid them. Once I got inside the labyrinth there was no going back.
This one girl, my kid sister's best friend. Beautiful creature, that one. She left a few days ago. I've known her since she was very small. I've seen her grow up. She's almost eighteen now. We got high together, one night. Nothing happened, just a few laughs, her eyes and mine trying not to meet. She seems so small and innocent but I can tell she's already a woman, for better or worse.
Why am I like this? My psych hasn't helped, at all. This pale yellow pill is the result of my plea for help. This shit only makes it worse, but its fun to go further into it. To have everything go faster and stronger. I'm starting to loose sense of what 'I' even is, anymore. I got lost inside that labyrinth long, long ago.
The voices went away but now I'm all alone.

>> No.18720245

I'm reading a book on daoist alchemy that jung was apparently into, and it's a new translation, and the translator trashes Jung completely.

>> No.18720250

Every kind of ignorance in the world all results from not realizing that our perceptions are gambles. We believe what we see and then we believe our interpretation of it, we don't even know we are making an interpretation most of the time. We think this is reality. – Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.18720254

read Saki's Unrest Cure

>> No.18720337

I've never liked myself.

>> No.18720403

same. feels weird just imagining what it must be like

>> No.18720435

Why do people always ignore me or give me attention at around the same times? I swear everyone is hooked up by some kind of wireless psychic network.

>> No.18720442

what’s on your mind

>> No.18720479

and still thou pourest, and still, there is room to fill.

>> No.18720489

that's not boring that's a real problem

>> No.18720516
File: 35 KB, 300x300, hyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thoroughly anxious. My life is about to take a huge turn (in a positive way I guess) and I don't know how to handle it. I look for guidance but there is none. Wish I was STEM bugman.

>> No.18720525

it would be very practical to not be so shallow about the looks of prospective mates

>> No.18720538

I'm sorry mum, I love you

>> No.18721046

>match with a girl on a dating app
>she has that she "is attracted to emotional maturity" on her profile
>ghosts me a day later

Such is life. We are what we overcome.

>> No.18721066

she's an angel but I might be too dysfunctional to maintain this relationship forever

>> No.18721068
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I keep thinking about worst of humanity no matter the group

>> No.18721073

taking it to heart means you aren't emotinally mature though

>> No.18721129

What’s an effective method for weight loss if I don’t want to lift weights?

>> No.18721135

I would sooner pine for distant stars that would burn my flesh away if I dared to dance with them then spend another five seconds in the dastardly presence of a so called human woman.
Celibacy is happiness, and I will never recover the years I wasted looking for companionship in creatures that can only look at their phones.
Vain, disgusting cretin.

>> No.18721142

my cat likes to rest on my neck as i lay down and phonepost, his eyes just as fixed on the screen as mine. i wonder what goes in his head

>> No.18721225

Numerical analysis is the most boring shit I have ever seen.

>> No.18721232 [DELETED] 

lifting weights makes you gain weight not lose it. to lose weight burn more calories than you take in and the laws of thermodynamics will take care of the rest.

>> No.18721331

Barnes and Noble's wifi test, since the the internet at home doesn't let me post shit

>> No.18721344

I want to masturbate but i am not horny

>> No.18721351

Awe man I've been there. Starbucks is a chill place too :3

>> No.18721527 [DELETED] 


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>> No.18721567

I just really, really want to kill someone. Alexxa, Natalie, Jacquelyn, Jenna. It doesn't matter in the slightest. I want to take a knife and slit someone ear to ear.

>> No.18721575

YOU shut the fuck up when I *ORDER* you to shut the fuck up. DO YOU UNDERSTAND, FATASS? DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND????

>> No.18721578

Not depressed or suicidal but I would rather not exist and I think about and look forward to my death a lot even though I think my life has purpose and there are things that I want to accomplish. I don’t know why I am posting this on a 4chan board about literature in a thread not really about literature to be read by people I don’t know and who don’t know me.

>> No.18721585


>> No.18721629

stop fucking stalking me you can’t get in my head

>> No.18721647
File: 54 KB, 392x400, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a hero and not the weak and effeminate degenerate I am now.

>> No.18721749

My mind is untranslatable.

>> No.18721778

why would you post that, retard... ? it's a well known fact that the FBI does not take threats like that from this site and 8kun lightly.

>> No.18721808

I've spent the last year in a long-distance relationship and the border is opening in 2 weeks. Now that we're finally physically able to meet I feel abject horror. I don't know where this agony is coming from. I spent so many nights longing for this and suddenly I am in a state of complete overwhelm.

>> No.18721816
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One more page done today. You know I microwaved some already cooked bacon I put in the fridge this morning for 45 seconds and it came out too crunchy. I wonder if there's a way to un-burn food.
Obviously not charcoal destroyed food but why does 15 seconds make such a big difference on edibility.

>> No.18721862

just trust that it'll be nice once you're together, the stress of anticipation can do all sorts of weird things to us

>> No.18721865

I honestly cannot fucking stand my brother anymore.

>> No.18721874

I'm struggling to milk any enjoyment out of my life. Everything just seems so goddamn boring

>> No.18721880

Lockdown has really affected by sense of reality. I've always thought that derealization was a tumblr meme for edgy teenage girls, but I really feel completely alien and foreign in this world. It's almost laughable. I wake up each day and I can't believe that I exist. It is not the lockdown alone, but lockdown combined with where I am at in my life. I graduated right at the beginning of the pandemic and my existence currently feels pretty pointless.

>> No.18721981

change what you eat, calisthenics, go for walks

>> No.18722013
File: 80 KB, 1000x1005, kanye many mouths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is not quite a mess yet, but it is clearly on its way to becoming a mess. And obviously the future isn't written yet, but I'm not even quite sure I want to change course!
I just finished jerking off. But this wasn't the jerk-off session of a normal person. I was masturbating over the course of something like 4 hours! To be quite honest, I don't even know how long I was jerking off for, I lost track of time. All I know is that I started around what would be considered dinner time for normal people and the sun set about an hour and a half ago.
This isn't a daily occurrence for me by any means, but it isn't quite uncommon either. 4 hours is on the extreme end. And I've been letting it happen more recently. Instead of pursuing goals that would actually benefit me and that I know I at least somewhat enjoy doing, I've been opting for hedonic pleasure and various activities (watching YouTube documentaries, listening to meh podcasts, etc.) that are passive in nature.
Also, I was drinking throughout that time that I was jerking off. I'm not even a big drinker. There are entire months where I go without a drink without even noticing. But I just wanted to increase the pleasure of the eventual release of the orgasm (aka I didn't cum multiple times in those 4 hours, it was all edging). And I wanted to be mindless. I wanted nothing to do with my responsibilities and the activities in my life that would be worth pursuing even though they're optional.
And I know that I can be better because I've been better before! But I just don't care to and I want to get away from it all.
I have a Good Job™ but it's so easy to bullshit that I'm actually making progress about what I say I'm making progress on. So there are sometimes weeks where I do very little. Not only that, but the company is going to be remote for the foreseeable future so I don't have to ever "go to work". "Going to work" involves unlocking my phone and opening up the chat service my company uses to get that little green dot showing that "I'm online". This means I don't really ever *have* to be awake by normal times. I've managed to get myself waking up at somewhat-normal-but-not-ideal hours at this job before. And I'm all the better for it when I do get like that! I'm generally happier and healthier assuming I'm going to sleep at a time that matches the earlier wake-up hours. I don't feel rushed in the morning. And I know that if I were to wake up an hour or two earlier than that time, I would have all sorts of time and energy for pursuing activities that will benefit me (aka move me closer to the life I currently see as "better") over the medium- to long-term.

>> No.18722019

I walk everyday and have for years. I’m probably around 9,000 steps per day. It doesn’t seem to have done a thing for me.

>> No.18722022

I was on a trajectory to be waking up at 6 AM (ideal time) every day, but I've just completely let myself go recently. It's a sort of "fuck it" attitude partially and partially "well x, y, and z just happened and now my plans are all messed up". So tomorrow is Monday (aka I have work) and I'll probably be waking up around 10 AM (the latest time I should be getting online desu) at this rate and feeling rushed and ending up *actually* starting work at around 12 PM. No one will really notice.
And it's not like I can't handle being fairly disciplined with my sleep when there's no forcing function. I've done it before and could do it again if I built up a streak. But part of me (and a growing part at that) just doesn't really care.
I'm 25 years old. I don't want to be this guy but I'm starting to become this guy. The guy who is letting his worst parts become his default parts even though he *knows* he can do better and *knows* that he's done it before.
I've been thinking about going back to university for a subject that kinda does require a university degree at this point in time. After all, I can't truly see myself existing in my current line of work 10 years down the line. I know I can do better and do something that at best I'm obsessed with and excited about every day and at worst I can tolerate doing on a daily basis. But at this rate it's not gonna happen.
No girlfriend, although I'm certainly no incel (had sex yesterday albeit with someone I wouldn't get into a relationship with because she's not attractive enough (I know I can do significantly better and am not gonna go into a relationship where I know I'm significantly more attractive than my partner)). I say I want a girlfriend but that's probably just bullshit given that I'm very much open to casual flings even with people I'd never consider dating.

Anyway, this is basically just a brain dump that kinda sorta has a theme running through it. There's more, but I'm hungry and think I've sobered up enough to go get food from the one place that's still open. Thanks for reading if you read.

>> No.18722042

eat less move more

>> No.18722050

Oh also, all my masturbation lately is centered around the fantasy of cheating. Even though I’ve never cheated and think it would be a terrible thing to do. But it’s so wrong and so hot

>> No.18722056

Me at 18

>> No.18722059
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So I decided to man up and try and reach out to some fellow creatives that I've had my eye on for a while. Since well, I'm an author and it's normal for people to team up and work together so all I need to do is extend my hand and try to make a good impression, right?
I don't like social media but since it's for a good literary cause I can use it as a mailbox.
xyz person cannot be messaged.
I do it to myself, I swear to god. What was I expecting.
Something to be easy for once?

>> No.18722067

Gee thanks Einstein. I would’ve never figured that out for myself…

>> No.18722076

I’m not ready to kill myself but I think I’m going to be in the future. I see myself headed to a point where I think I’ll just do it.

>> No.18722077

cheating feels good if no one finds out
if they find out it makes you feel really awful

>> No.18722084
File: 294 KB, 1378x2039, 2E8EF999-6BF9-4353-B5EE-E5A5DC1FAF40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lived an extremely fortunate, carefree, and comfortable existence due to the generosity of my father. I fear he may disown me and my partner may dump me, leaving me homeless with no real work experience or money in the middle of a degree that’s credits don’t transfers.

I really question if I would want to be alive if this came to pass. If I could get my feet under me in a couple years, I’d have the freedom to do all kinds of stupid things and go on weird adventures, maybe. If I didn’t get dumped, just disowned, I suppose I could probably get life together eventually. Still, it seems pointless.

I like my life as it is a fair bit. I’m very lucky. If it all comes crumbling down, it doesn’t seem like there’s any point to sticking around. I think I will keep a painless and viable suicide method on hand for the foreseeable future. Worst case scenario, I don’t ever need it and it was a waste of 20 bucks.

>> No.18722092

Nah, I couldn't live with myself if I actually did it. Yeah maybe she wouldn't know it happened but *I* would know that it happened and I betrayed her trust.
It's super hot but just not a good idea if I want to live with myself.
And what's funny also is I'm TERRIFIED of getting cheated on.

>> No.18722106
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Is refusing to accept uneventful mediocrity a good trait to have ? I'm at a place in life where i've had successive failures, and the people who have known me the most keep telling me to give up on my ambitions and just accept living without pursuing them. I know that they mean well with their advice and i completely understand what they mean by avoiding potentially life-ruining risks, but man, i can see my soul decaying and falling apart piece by piece every time we have this conversation. I have never felt more hurt before, to the point where i'm even considering suicide now that the very few things that keep me excited in life seem to get away from me. Should i really just give up ? Is it even possible to move on from these dreams when you're in a state of despair ?

>> No.18722107

I'm coming more and more to understand why sherlock holmes did cocaine when he had nothing else to work on. without a problem to solve I'm bored 24/7

>> No.18722110

you're gonna end up killing yourself

>> No.18722113

Is it just not having a problem or not having a *worthwhile* problem?

>> No.18722122

No I’m not. I’m not suicidal. And I know I have more to live for if I would just get out of this rut

>> No.18722148

it's not having a problem that both interests me and is tough to solve but rewarding once figured out.

I'm getting more and more aware of my adhd as I get older. My brain needs just as much stimulation if not more, but it's getting less and less and I've been around long enough to burn out on every one of my interests

>> No.18722180

>s refusing to accept uneventful mediocrity a good trait to have ?
I think if you have it, you have it and there’s no use talking about whether it’s “good” or “bad”.

>> No.18722189
File: 135 KB, 600x878, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't fucking stop drinking. i know it's bad for me, i know it's wrecking my liver. I know tomorrow I'll wake up and be both depressed and upset at myself for letting it happen again. somehow i always end up giving in to that little voice that tells me to drink. somehow it's always "the last time." it's never the fucking last time, is it. i know intellectually that the desire to drink will lessen with each day that I go without it but i get caught up in whatever my justification-of-the-day is and get loaded night after night. "i walked 5 miles today so how about a drink?" "i had a drink the other night and didn't wake up with a hangover, we can do that again." but no, i fuck up a 6 pack of IPAs and wake up hating myself and disappointing my dog with yet another morning and early afternoon indoors, not actually doing anything with myself.

today i had thoughts of suicide more than any other day in my life so far. i won't do it of course, not with my dog and sister dependent on me. but the thoughts were there, more enticing than ever before. i need to stop completely. i was doing the best i ever did in life when I spent those 8 months sober. all it took was a drink to end up dropping out from my dream university. now my dad is dead, my sister has her own life, i'm single, my best friend is equally lost in a haze of his own and not much of a friend anymore. i'm ruining friendships left and right because i'm depressed and hungover all the time.

guess i'll start on another beer because just like every other night, i'll stop after this time, i swear it, i promise.

>> No.18722197

Tonight was a really good night with my friends. Most days I have a hard time finding a reason to keep moving forward, but it's nights like these that make me realize that I am truly glad to exist. Life is worth wading through all the shit just for these brief moments of real genuine happiness. I love my friends

>> No.18722199

Have you been to AA ever?

>> No.18722207


>> No.18722215

no, i don't know that i'd find much success there given its faith-based nature

>> No.18722219

sounds like you're eating shit then or need some sort of supplement because you have a real issue

>> No.18722222

Why is it so hard to make a decent living?

>> No.18722224


the quints of depressing reality

>> No.18722227

Welllll kinda but also not really. The “faith” it requires is super vague. It can just be “I have faith in some sort of higher power” or “there’s something bigger than me that’s worth doing or serving or whatever”. Don’t let the whole “higher power” thing deter you if that’s been what’s holding you back dude.

>> No.18722233
File: 195 KB, 500x727, 95EB7398-DDB2-4E07-9F3F-361862CD869C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and rec’ed. The wealthy are vacuuming up all the funny money. They didn’t have to work us as hard as this, but they want us exhausted.
I can’t believe this 19th century bullshit is happening in the US

>> No.18722234

i appreciate your posts, anon. i'll keep them in mind as I try to claw my way out of this rut

>> No.18722263

I envy you because I get fucking miserable when I smoke weed. I’m normally a contented person but when I smoke I get this horrible sinking feeling that my life is just a vain, regretful joke. My mind animates these thoughts as absolute truth in weird ways and I just try to hold out until I get sober. Occasionally I get tidbits of good advice, like to be kinder to my parents and stop slouching so much, but mostly it’s a barrage of depression and anxiety that lurks under the surface. What should I do bros

>> No.18722272

The only effective way is to fix your diet.

>> No.18722299

sounds like a potential lifeless leech. if you get her pregnant--it's game over for you, my guy. why would stick around with someone like that for so long? i forced my wife to kick her shit in gear. told if she doesn't make any sort of moves with her life, i'm moving on. it worked out in my favor.

>> No.18722368

i understand that, but now that i've hit rock bottom, i'm starting to wonder if i should stop being as stubborn as a mule when it comes to that subject.

>> No.18722383

>The wealthy are vacuuming up all the funny money
more like buying up real estate. they know their wealth is disappearing into thin air if they dont buy property. also i'm convinced the lockdowns that ruined so many small and medium businesses were done in order for all the cronies to buy prime real estate.

>> No.18722391

Capitalism. We're just work-meat slaving away so that porky can get richer. Imagine if bezos distributed just 1/100th of his asset gains to his workers. Imagine how much stress, suffering, anxiety, pain, sorrow, and misery that would prevent, how much healthier, productive, creative, safe, and rational society would be. But if he did that, he wouldn't have his slaves. Giving his workers even just 1/100, or 1/1000th of a stake in his company would have an imperceptible effect on his life, though it would utterly transform and benefit his workers as if it were mana in heaven. The system is RIGGED from top to bottom.

>> No.18722401
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Georgism is the answer. I want to see a new political movement based around his ideas because it is so obviously the solution. TAX RICH PEOPLE'S FREE MONEY NOT EARNED INCOME.

>> No.18722418


>> No.18722421

i am also convinced

>> No.18722430

what's the answer? what do we do in response?

>> No.18722443

You already know the answer, comrade

>> No.18722484

i do but the answer is not communism but anarchism

>> No.18722502


This >>18722401
Abolish the income tax. If you worked for it, you keep it. That alone would benefit the masses tremendously. And it would only motivate them to be more productive. Why study and work hard to gain expertise and skills if the government takes half? Meanwhile, Increase taxes on unearned income such as the appreciation of uninmproved land value. That way when porky goes to buy up land, they either have to improve it (benefit the community the land is located in) or they won't make a profit.

The only other solution is revolution tier, kill em all and take the power back, which is a bit too ugly for my tastes if there is a rational solution to it.

>> No.18722504

the only thing i can think of creating a self sustaining community somewhere with like minded people. there is no political solution at this point

>> No.18722515

wait for the house of cards to fall i guess, that or move to china

>> No.18722526

>Abolish the income tax
yeah man, there a lot of things that would fix our problems, the issue is that that will not happen.

>> No.18722536

retard detected

>> No.18722558

not an argument

>> No.18722567

I've become so dumb during lockdown. I'm clearly getting filtered by my degree and can't concentrate.
It's over.

>> No.18722578

What’s currently on my mind: this partial turd that’s in my asshole is really annoying. Most of the log came out with the first push but the tail is still there.

>> No.18722585

Does anyone know if there’s a name for this phenomenon?

>> No.18722597

hey man i sometimes get miserable smoking weed too, everyone does. if it happens every time then maybe weed isn't for you.
as for me? Today I realized I'm the Xi Jinping of weed smoking. And it feels fucking great.

>> No.18722627

ahhhhh i can't concentrate! my adhd type symptoms are usually linked to diet, but i cannot figure what i'm eating lately that's fucking up my mind.

>> No.18722633

what have you been eating

>> No.18722642

shit in yo ass nigga

>> No.18722682

you wouldn't have, evident enough by the fact that you're still overweight

>> No.18722713
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Unironically gonna read this before I head to school this year to become a confident, masculine person who gives no fucks and is more comfortable around women. Fuck ‘beeing myself’, I wanna do better than that. Give me films/characters that exude raw, suave masculine energy—I’ll watch the first five and take notes.

>> No.18722714

At this point I just want to wagecuck

>> No.18722716

KEK he is somewhat famous, but why bother faking all this shit. Gets tiring quickly, anon. Just saying.

>> No.18722722

You are probably better coming with better terms with yourself. As in respecting whatever the fuck you are and maybe working on that? In terms of self-improvement or whatever.

>> No.18722724
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>in 15 years I'll be 40
There's just not enough time

>> No.18722726

Not even probably. You are definitely better off doing that.

>> No.18722750

kindly fuck off

>> No.18722752

I can't imagine anyone here would remember, but I had made a post earlier about the possibility of adopting a cat. I have since done exactly that and acquired a feline companion that I cannot stress has already done wonders to my emotional well being. There is just a certain primal satisfaction in spending time with animals, it is so different from working with humans that I seriously don't know why I never considered this sooner.

Even in such short time, I am reminded how utterly... artificial the many problems that plague our minds as people are when this little fellow here finds more pleasure in chasing some cardboard on a wire than I ever will.

And in a way, perhaps that is how God sees us as mere mortals thinking we are so in charge of our destinies as cats do thinking they are in charge. Only when the cat submits to the pleasures of its owner does it earn cat treats -- and so perhaps we too, must submit to be similarly rewarded.

I don't know, it is a Sunday, and I am just ramblings gleefully as I feel as I've already developed a bond with this creature. I was told it that a week, sometimes months, must first pass before these things come out of hiding in their new environment, but this one is already exploring and spending time with me in hours.

I just feel as I've recovered a lost younger sibling or something, as my responsibilities as a first time pet owner already begins to mount with grooming and vet appointments to be scheduled.

But somehow, it is all ok. Truly we too must be animals first and men second if emotional connections like this are enough for me to endure the many respondibilities and burdens of life.

>> No.18722767
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Self-improvement implies there being a self that I would want to improve. I’ve come to terms with the fact that my current ‘self’ is not something I’d like to carry on with any further. Maybe just the broad outline, but I’ve had so many failings that it’s not just for getting with women, I really want a fundamental reboot of how I live in this world. I often think of suicide on a whim, never with any real intent, but I think it signals a desire on my part to become a better man and stop living in the past. Maybe that’s self-improvement with a hint of deception?

What if ‘faking’ just means getting rid of my weaknesses, in favor of someone who is better to himself and others? If a criminal were to suppress the malignant aspects of personality, it would be better overall for everyone else. That’s how i see it.

>> No.18722769

Holy shit this thread is the intersection of blackpill avenue and depression street. Man, I will pray for you guys. Please, if you read this, change your routine. You can win in life still. You have to mix shit up and get out of your rut.

>> No.18722779

I’m happy for you, Xi Jingping of weed smoking! I wish I could do shrooms but maybe not the best idea. Anyways, enjoy your high and rest of your night/day

>> No.18722783
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I'm feeling it, what a life, what a fucking life

>> No.18722784

have you ever done shrooms

>> No.18722791

No, I’m the poster who can’t handle weed without becoming an emotional wreck. I did half a tab of acid once, but It wasn’t enough to feel anything. You done shrooms?

>> No.18722793

Are you self-expressing in real life, anon?

>> No.18722802

I did a ton of mushrooms and watched these movies in a row:
Lost Highway
Naked Lunch
Fucking amazing trip, anon.

>> No.18722804

none of these other retards deserve to be trusted, I doubt they're even real people.

>> No.18722807

It is still yourself, this whole thing might improve your communication skills and that is great. But in the end it all boils down to being in good terms with yourself. If you hate yourself, and think about destroying you. Then you will have a harder time faking that you are something good than trying to quit this hate thing, because deep down you hate yourself. Does that make sense?

I'm not saying for you to not go with it. Just that you should get this whole 'I don't want to be myself' anymore checked. If were just a regular thing that you felt like changing and something, but you are thinking about suicide, anon. I mean, this is a bit serious, because it is your fucking life on the line. You do both, read that fucking book, or something and get yourself checked in a psychologist. Don't wait until things get out of control.

>> No.18722808
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I'm real, just a huge asshole, haha!

>> No.18722810

Great advice for anon, thank you sir.

>> No.18722813

Saddest post iTT.
You alright anon?

>> No.18722818

And honestly, don't accept advice or vent on 4chan. This place is filled with people with crab bucket mindset or some shit. They will do anything to drag you down even further. You somewhat got lucky that I saw your post. Maybe start talking to some family member, don't do it with your friends. Even family members aren't that helpful, look for a pro. Most people don't know how to handle this kind of thing and this might make them uncomfortable around you.

>> No.18722819
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I decided I wanted to play and went to 4degreez too. Pretty sure my upticks to moderate are just because I'm deaf, but I guess I'm normal(?)
I'm surprised I'm not more dependent though. I barely have a voice.
I'm sleepy. So sleep time.
I just turned 35. There is never more time. I have three income streams and I was like okay cool when I get older I'll play my games. Nope. I'm always doing something.
You just gotta figure out something to prioritize. I figured I'd be married by now, but nopes. Every time I complain about it my dad is just like you may have never been married but that means you've never been divorced.
I hope the one I do find sticks with me until the end.

>> No.18722920

yea. i did them a lot for a very long time. now i dont do it so often anymore.
bro i watched lost highway on a shroom trip once too and it has become my favorite lynch movie

>> No.18722977

Not the quoted anon, but what the fuck is that movie? Because there is a cycle, and he 'gets arrested' but don't get arrested. And somewhat dreams about being someone else in prison.

>> No.18722982

I got that the main character is a schizo.

>> No.18722987

And that he definitely falls under the unrealiable narrator category.

>> No.18722990

The fact that he doesn't like pictures and prefers remembering things definitely makes his situation even worse.

>> No.18723000
File: 51 KB, 760x506, SheddingTheHumanSuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. this is it. No more fucking around and no more pity. I have to decide whether to drop her or stay as this servile bitch to her. We had some pretty nice moments and shit like that. But it's just too one sided and it's always about what she wants and her fucking needs. Plus she always makes the effort of the day to talk to my other coworkers but I could go days without even so much as a fucking hello or nod. FUCK MAN

>> No.18723046

you're gonna kill your female boss? what

>> No.18723054
File: 103 KB, 1280x546, 65434534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for putting words into my post and no pic is unrelated. I just needed something to get your fucking attention and maybe spare a bit of advice while you're at it

>> No.18723094
File: 290 KB, 854x1044, nnxw7pv4s81rtynt1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have trouble imagining myself getting older. The tedium of solitude is particularly striking. Waking up, eating, reading, browsing, working; all with nothing but my own mind as a companion. Whenever I feel livelier or more optimistic, I'm confronted by the great void that resides over that which other people would call a life, at which point I do nothing but ask, "How does one start living?". Most days I feel great. My mind does not rest upon such ideas. But a few times a year my heart will begin pumping harder than it should (for the good of the whole), my brain will pinch as if it's trying to fit itself through a funnel, and my whole being will speed up in search of something the how and what of which is unknown to me.

This all sounds gloomier than it really is. I've had one of those fits a few days ago and I'm left wondering more than usual about the past -- and the future with it.

I believe I feel this way because I'm torn between two ideals. I see my inadequacy in the material and social sense and can't help but lament it, but I feel a tremendous amount of futility whenever I try and endeavor towards worldly success and relationships. I truly believe that the only work which matters is to get closer to God. Unfortunately, I don't see the naive and pathetic love I feel toward the world and its inhabitant reflected back onto me. This does not diminish my love for life and its being as much as it simply makes it harder to devote myself to it. I've never been part of any religious community and I wouldn't know where to start looking for one. In the meantime, I feel as if I'm stuck in a world devoid of any sensibility, expected to harden myself to a sore.

>> No.18723124

yes this phenomenon is known as the frightened turtle

>> No.18723153

>and maybe spare a bit of advice while you're at it
that might have been possible if your post was more coherent. also there is a board for advice

>> No.18723156

I'm having a horrible day. My neck and head hurt, I'm losing my fucking mind, and I want to run the fuck away

>> No.18723359
File: 24 KB, 300x300, selena-gomez-teen-vogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the tune for today fellas? I'm feeling this one:

>> No.18723380

Its cold outside but I still wanna go painting.

>> No.18723386

Lately I've been listening to BTS
never really cared about KPOP, because it all seems so manufactured and sterile
but one of my friends is absolutely crazy about it and she keeps trying to push it on me so I caved
I don't know, the tune is catchy and the boys are cute, I guess

>> No.18723407

If Butterfly has hit on me and is okay with me calling her my girlfriend, is this woman mine? Should I expect commitment from her? :3

>> No.18723421

Hard physical work is the other side of the same coin

>> No.18723509

Had a weird dream today.
I went with my family fancy village because my mom wanted to eat at a restaurant there. It was full so we had to wait until they called us over. I strolled to pass time and saw a huge "Tetris Bar". It was closed, but I could see inside it many arcade machines running Tetris.
Then, a tennis ball fell right next to me and a dude soon followed. I asked what the fuck was up with that and he said that he was playing rooftop golf. He failed to hit the next rooftop in the sequence he was going for. He urged me not to tell anyone about what I saw because rooftop golf is highly illegal and if his group went down, they would bring the town's arcade industry with them. He made his shot to the nearest rooftop and leaped to it without further explaining.
We were finally called to the restaurant and it was also full of Tetris machines. Don't remember anything past this.

>> No.18723523


>> No.18723540

Is the population going to start decreasing in the next few decades? Have you guys given any thought to this?

>> No.18723549

what we're seeing now is a war between a group of low population high IQ individuals and a group of high population low IQ individuals

>> No.18723593


>> No.18723641
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Ever since I can remember I've felt like life is just a backdrop. I go through the motions and smile, but I'm never really there. I'm constantly waiting for the next thing, the next weekend, the next vacation, the next degree, and for the past 5 years or so death. Once I get to the next weekend or whatever I just want it be over already.
About a year and a half ago I joined the army for my mandatory military service, and overnight everything changed. I was living. The comradeship, the struggles, the adventures; I loved it all. Last winter I came back home and it was all over as fast as it began. Nothings wrong, I have no real reason to complain, and maybe that's exactly why im so unsatisfied. Wheres the challenge?
How do find that spark again, and how do I make sure i won't lose it?

>> No.18723664

The world needs this kind of energy right now.

>> No.18723707

I loathe weakness in myself.

>> No.18723709

There is no other way. You are deluded if you think there is. Eat less, spend more.

>> No.18723789

Try reading.

>> No.18723791

Join the army again.

>> No.18723799

Are you retarded? The question was about specific exercises, not how weight loss works.

>> No.18723889

cope fatty

>> No.18723914

Go to sea

No don’t listen to me, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Maybe you just need an adventure that will prevent life from becoming too sterile. Sometimes leaving our hometown can do loads of good

>> No.18723944

Working on it but it's not that simple. The realistic option for me is to go on a UN peace keeping operation, and then work from there, but I'm not too sure about the moral implications.

>> No.18723953

you will eventually get it, trust me. try this one:

>> No.18723989


>> No.18723996

Last night I had what I believe was a minor Delirium Tremens seizure. Total confusion and panic and my head splitting for like an hour, once I regained basic functionality I managed to subdue it eventually by ingesting a bunch of salt and putting my head in a particular position I've learned over the years to deal with my headaches. But I lost a good like hour of time there, barely any recollection, like I was on k or something. Was about 4 days since I last drank so the timeline fits, and I had been punishing myself heavily with exercise and not much sleep or enough food, definitely not enough salt I guess. Never had one of these before, very spooky, it really feels like you're dying and I have nearly died before from blood loss so I recognize the feeling.

>> No.18724024

If I manage to go through life and be done with it without slitting my own throat, I will go to heaven.

>> No.18724175

Are you an alcoholic?

>> No.18724268

Someone else said “go to sea”. That’s not a bad idea either. I’ve never done either to be perfectly honest with you but in retrospect, I wish I had joined the marine corps or the merchant marines.

>> No.18724297

you can become some kind of more radical journalist. get killed trying to take down some mobster

>> No.18724325

Wanna trade for a few months, neet?

>> No.18724394
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>> No.18724428

Im still think like a child despite being 29 soon.

>> No.18724481

Omniscient point of view is out of fashion now. Instead of what could be good we have these ever omniscient writers masquerading as characters, hovering egos having their characters replay their own fantasies, thinking that once lubed up with agreeable enough story and with good enough accuracy he can shove any fantasy that’s just good enough down the unwary reader’s throat.

>> No.18724532
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>> No.18724541

Modern fiction narrative perspective is weakly subjective and cautious, hesitant and timid. One should always view thing sub specie aeternitatis. The author is God of his world. His omniscience pervades every aspect.

>> No.18724675

1-5 read book
6-0 study language

>> No.18724683 [DELETED] 

1-5 study
6-0 kill myself

>> No.18724717

This is a deluded fantasy

>> No.18724731

I’m really confused as to what it is I actually want for myself.

>> No.18724821

Luckily I know I'm dumb.

>> No.18724949

I think the tranny janny who was deleting everything killed himself finally

>> No.18725032

I'm so in love and so terrified it won't be reciprocated even though they've already said it back

>> No.18725064

What do you think Rowling did "right" to effectively raise an entire generation of kids on her books? I mean the obvious stuff is having various elements, like a character that grows up alongside the reader, and a boarding school setting works well with that. That and the whimsy of the first books is something to be appreciated.

I would like to emulate it but go further, not just writing a children's book series but also a sequel for young adults (18-30). Though the problem right now is I've got the "young adult" story basically outlined out but the "children's story" is still something of a day dream with me just knowing the ending and the basic premise. However, right now I'm connecting the two stories with a centuries long timeskip (there's some scifi elements that allow two characters to recur, but the main characters will be different, as right now my idea is that most of the original cast tragically die at the end before the timeskip, but that might be too dark for a cliffhanger ending). The main event that the story revolves around is a "once in 300 years" event, and they fail to accomplish their goal on the first attempt.

>> No.18725103

You're asking 4chan to write a millionaire's franchise for you lol

>> No.18725112

I've written a bunch of posts about this because the topic interests me and honestly youd need a long essay to fully explain why those books did so well and why so many adults use them as like a moral framework. Short answer is that almost everything she put in the books mirrors a desire most of the masses have, very often one they're not aware of for various reasons and which she cloaks in plausible misdirection so the desire can be subconsciously fulfilled since bringing it out in the open could cause issues. I dont think she did this on purpose.

The most obvious example is how the wizards are super tolerant towards the muggle borns, but unequivocally superior to the muggles. Think about what this means for your average millennial prole, it's not exactly subtle yet barely any of them seem to register the significance.

>> No.18725114

The body was discovered by a neighbour 3 days later in his apartment. Autopsy indicated that he cut his throat and ripped out his belly afterwards. The floor was covered in a filthy mixture of blood, fat and decomposed organs that fell out of the corpse.

>> No.18725195

>young adults
What in tarnation

>> No.18725199

Haha, you're not wrong. Though I guess what I'm trying to figure out if is I should have continuity in terms of "the same characters you grew up with" vs "the same world you grew up with." But my story is going to be very dark, with some Chinese-tier war strategies being deployed (e.g. throwing bodies at a problem with the full expectation that 9 people will die so that 1 person can open a door) so it wouldn't make sense for characters to live too long, depending on their position within the story. Kind of cycling through characters like it's Gantz. I mean shit, for the adult story I gave the heroes' "group" or whatever you wanna call it a derogatory nickname, The Disposable Heroes because that's how they're viewed by the general public.

That's an interesting take. On the converse of the extreme tolerance, I remember being a teenager and being annoyed by how cartoonish the blood supremacists were with their hatred towards muggleborns. "The You're a muggleborn, so that means you aren't actually a wizard and must have stole your wand from a real wizard/witch" kind of thing irked me. Mostly because there's no reason to actually believe that the most inbred (which is what "pure" usually means) wizards are actually the strongest.

>> No.18725224

I think I only bought a copy of Wuthering Heights in the hopes that it would bring me closer to her whilst I struggled to get over us completely falling out. In the hopes that flicking through the pages of that book would take me back to the night where we sat together on those dusty old seats at the back of the bar and she played the song on her phone whilst we were completely and utterly out of it.

The book's pretty shit desu. I vaguely remember reading up to the point where a Geordie is brought in and their dialogue is written as if the character's a retard because of the accent. Fuck knows why they couldn't have written their dialogue normally after establishing their accent was thick. I can't even remember if it was a Geordie or not lol. Maybe I'll give it a second chance.

>> No.18725228

>"The You're a muggleborn, so that means you aren't actually a wizard and must have stole your wand from a real wizard/witch" kind of thing irked me
That was the whole point, it's supposed to piss you off

>> No.18725230

>The most obvious example is how the wizards are super tolerant towards the muggle borns, but unequivocally superior to the muggles. Think about what this means for your average millennial prole

What, that full assimilation into a culture is possible, but there are some who will never be able to?

>> No.18725242

hey, if you don't get it, it's okay
don't think too hard with your brain.

>> No.18725246

but I want to understand your point. Or is it just that people are blind to their own hypocrisy?

>> No.18725267

Since I was 9, I've wanted to become a software engineer. But after looking into it, competent and wellrounded software development requires a strong understanding of mathematics and the like. I've always sucked ass in mathematics and as such, I gave up on that dream. I gave up on everything, even myself.

I'm 27 and work at a bank--doing nothing remotely related to what I aspire to do with my professional life. I'm married, fit (lifting for years) I guess, don't have to worry about money, and about to have a kid but I still feel like a failure who wants to blow his brains out. Why is life so fucking hard?

>> No.18725275

They want to be part of the 'diverse' elite, that's it, so they can be elite and inherently superior to the masses, live apart from them and manipulate them if need be, but also be tolerant, progressive individuals.

>> No.18725301

Well it's just that there is no rational explanation for them to think that muggles ccould ever use wands when it's established early on that wands are not the source of magical power, but more or less a conduit.

>> No.18725417

>why so many adults use them as like a moral framework

This is the first "atheistic" generation, or at least, the first generation where a notable percent of the youth were raised without religion. Could it be that people are replacing the religious upbringing with their most influential childhood books? If you're viewing the Bible as just "a bunch of stories" then making a dumb comparison of a political event to Dumbledore's Army is just as valid as making a comparison to, say, David and Goliath. It also helps that most of Rowling's values are those of a Blairite and the young are fairly liberal and love a good tolerance story.

It's kind of funny listening to people look back in sheer horror about how the house elves were handled.

>> No.18725422

Seems like I'm finally free from cigarettes.

>> No.18725506

>I mean the obvious stuff is having various elements, like a character that grows up alongside the reader, and a boarding school setting works well with that
This is the part that captured me. Most of us that read it as children did so early in primary education, so it gave us a kind of dream that each year of our school life would be a magical adventure filled with new things and challenges, and experiencing it in Harry Potter was both a vicarious experience through the books' events, and also that feeling that your life would be exciting like that too. Of course, it never got exciting like that IRL, but that hope is part of what made the books so enjoyable.

>> No.18725542

Rowling did right to criticise trannies. I dont give a shit about her books

>> No.18725670

Fiction doesn't have to be "rational," and imo it really shouldn't be. Reading looking for "plot holes" or whatever is the lowest way to engagr with art

>> No.18725692

All I want to do is sleep sleep and more sleep. The time in bed before sleeping is the only time in the day where I feel peace.

>> No.18725733


>> No.18726042

I hear you, anon.

Reconnect with your wife, deal with your fears around the child, see a therapist, and pursue a career change at a more stable time (like when she's not pregnant).

This might sound condescending but I think it could actually be helpful so I'm saying it anyways: take a step back and experience some gratitude. You have more than most.

>> No.18726062

More like the most natural reaction to modern wage slaving.

>> No.18726082



>> No.18726101

You sound like a faggot.
>look at me I have everything
>b-but when I was a child I wanted even more

>> No.18726116

so depression

>> No.18726144

I am reading Being and Time and I feel Heidegger really has the answer. This is the real truth I've been roaming around trying to put my finger on. Bits remind me of Wittgenstein, others of Kant or Nietzsche.

>> No.18726158

Ahhhahahaha. The work induced depression is back. Damn, thought I made a turning point but the job kinda sucks. I just really don’t care what happens here, have no interest in learning anymore about this shitty industry(hvac engineering). >>18722222 has it right. Why the fuck do I have to do this stupid shit just to eat and have a roof over my head.

>> No.18726186

Fuck off am I having children. There's no way I'm going to inflict that on someone. And someone who I am supposed to love and care about? You can fuck right off. That sounds terrible. Forced to watch them suffer and squirm. Seems an easy choice to me. The universe can try all it likes to get me to have sex. I AM NOT FALLING FOR IT. I had a girlfriend when I was 16 to 18. She tried so hard for me to have sex with her. Teenage boy. Full of hormones. IT DID NOT WORK. I DID NOT GIVE IN. Best decision I ever made. Dodged a fucking bullet there. I will not have sex. TOO RISKY. The universe can tempt me all it wants. LIFE IS A DISEASE.

>> No.18726199

I'll pass on my legacy in your stead then
pass my your wife

>> No.18726234

Based volcel.

>> No.18726237


Bro it's a doggy dog world Find your own wife

>> No.18726294
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very edgy i liek

>> No.18726337

Why do I struggle over who I am and what I’m supposed to do so much?

>> No.18726345

because you're weak

>> No.18726358
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what kind of book does he read?

>> No.18726362

And I suppose you believe yourself to be strong?

>> No.18726372

download grindr nad discoverr u'reself NOW

>> No.18726376

I've got 14grams of cocaine arriving by post tomorrow. I live with my parents.. The package is signed for delivery. My dad is taking my grandma for an eye injection (yes that's a thing) at 10am. My mum has yoga at 11am. Will the gods be kind and allow for it to be delivered when both are out? ONLY TIME WILL TELL. I ordered 500 diazepam last month and I overdosed and they found out and now they are super suspicious of any post. But will they suspect me to be so brazen to try it again?? FIND OUT TOMORROW. I will post pics if a success

>> No.18726379

I’m thinking lately that I should abandon my affinity for Japan and Japanese culture. I’ve been infatuated with this culture for most of my young adult life onward but I’ve grown acutely aware that this culture, it’s myths, it’s symbols, none of this is mine. I’m not of it and it’s not a part of me.

>> No.18726392

are you American?
just confirming my bias

>> No.18726468

Obviously, but then you didn’t need me to confirm it. Anyway, I’m sure this has something to do with being a “rootless mutt” or whatever and it’s really not that. So yeah, I can confirm your bias but probably not why the bias exists.

>> No.18726520
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De Blasio said every city worker in NYC has to get the Vax so my mom said she's going to strongly consider getting it. Otherwise she'll have to get tested every week. I think I should get it to support her/make her feel better. But I really don't want to get cancer/become sterile. Normally I'd just talk to my therapist about it but she'd chastise me for being a conspiracy theorist

>> No.18726529

My mom got the jab since she's in the medical field and wanted me to get it.
said I'm not getting it because I'm overweight and have blood related issues so the possibility of me dropping dead a few days later seems quite high

>> No.18726646

I’m really at a loss as to which direction to take my life. I have a couple of routes laid out before me that diverge quite radically and determining which one is best for me seems all but impossible.

>> No.18726745

Have to start work an hour early tomorrow so I can't go to the gym, but I'm going to try and go for a nice morning walk on the heath if I can get out of bed in time

>> No.18726809

I'm in the camper rn trying to sleep and my sister is in the back getting fucked by her bf so the whole thing is rocking. Put in headphones and am trying to lie still. How do I confront them about this tomorrow?

>> No.18726814

I'm not, but managed to smoke only one until now.

>> No.18726858
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Cocaine is only fun when you are partying and will 100% get laid at the end of the night.

How the hell are you going to enjoy 14 grams of cocaine when you live at home? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.18726897

What's this political philosophy called?
>Religion is very important to the health of a person
>However, it is dangerous to the health of a society
>Thus, religion should be an entirely personal/private affair and should not affect political decisions
>Politics/Legislation should be guided by secular ethics and materialism

>> No.18726904

my introspective powers have grown so strong that I can actually see the future

>> No.18726910

sounds like regular social democracy or something.

>> No.18726913

Tell us something about the next couple of months.

>> No.18726967
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Why read novels? I've finished a 800 page long and the first thing a friend asked was "why did you do that when you could have read three history books and actually learned something?". Well, because I like it, of course. But then what do you actually get by reading novels? Is it just entertainment? If so the other day I wrote a post about books and fun and the replies were about how it's not about fun. So what is it about?

>> No.18727022


I will be partying... Soon..


Until then I will be having a cheeky few bumps now and the, enjoying the subterfuge, getting myself through a couple of interviews and maybe landing a job

I will see if coke is useful for that, who knows. I just like having a stash. I'm going to starting my day with a line yeahh budddy

>> No.18727038
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tf u hv against me? yours truly really been living rent free in your heads huh

>> No.18727054

I wish doing nothing wasn't its own reward. I need my time to just exist and not confront the crushing existential pressures of reality such as dirty dishes, allergies, errands, work, bills, smoke from wildfires thousands of miles away choking the air, mass die offs of ocean life from freak heatwaves, viral pandemics, social unrest, political coups, opioid epidemics, inflation, ransomeware attacks, collapsing infrastructure, aging, headaches

>> No.18727063


Thoughts on this ad? It's ridiculously patronising to non-Westerners in its attempts to be understanding.

>> No.18727156

whatever ig? idc anymore

>> No.18727185

be humble if u can ig?
if u cant then eh idc anyw

>> No.18727186

God I just ask you for one second of peace of mind. I'm very tired.

>> No.18727188

Ah yes, Diversity™. What a powerful independent black woman purchasing consumer goods.

>> No.18727213

Be careful with it, so many people get life long addictions that destroy them. It cost me a ton of money and had me in a vicious cycle

>> No.18727217

The average milquetoast lefty-centrist position.

>> No.18727218

History and fiction are basically the same.
>muh january 6th
Even shit less than a year ago has been memoryholed and it was completely fucking fake:

>> No.18727235

But leftists don't like religion

>> No.18727246

fucking thrift books. i spent $7 on a “good” condition and the book comes in filthy. it’s not even the edition that i ordered. i knew i shouldn’t have used that website. i still have four other books being sent to me so hopefully those aren’t as disgusting as this one.

>> No.18727249

nothing on my mind. in this thread. what i am doing isn't on my mind. i can type without thinking about it. i'll scratch my ass without even realising. it just happens. so where is my mind? they say the gut is the second brain. i'm a complex organism i suppose. i might be typing this because of the chinese i ate or the red wine and coke i drank. maybe it's a product of my parents or grandparents, or the colour of the room i grew up in. i hatethe new captcha.

>> No.18727255

npc alert

>> No.18727263

I had a little dalliance with cocaine a few years ago, only a 3 month joyride really. I won't downplay it, I had a blast. But it cleans out your bank account like nobody's business. And there was one night where I effectively had stimulant psychosis and was a gibbering mess sitting down in the shower. And it damaged my nasal cavities.
Know how I know God doesn't exist? Everything fun causes some kind of damage.

>> No.18727271

diddy kong just sucks. what is the point of this character? the hat?

>> No.18727277

if i was a doctor in africa, i'd claim to be a messiah and give out my own jenkum as a cure-all snake oil

>> No.18727297

didnt remember buttblasting anyone hard enough for me to live rent free this long in ur head but aight

>> No.18727307
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I wrote a book based on a half decade of cocaine abuse while living in a chaotic environment within a chic sleazy neighbourhood
>pic related
God 100% does exist because if you go paranormal investigating, you will have experiences you cannot explain.
>pic related

>> No.18727311

people think they are high brow for having read tolkien?

>> No.18727357

Dude people think they're high brow for listening to Lil Nas X

>> No.18727405

How does one cope with the fact they were born an American?

>> No.18727416

Leftists actually believe in a World where Christians and Muslims can live right down next to an Abortion Clinic and see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.18727419

Kek. What would you rather have been born as?

>> No.18727422

secularism, AKA being a retarded faggot

>> No.18727425

I am an American, it is pretty good.

>> No.18727435


>> No.18727449

like this:

Ideology is fed to them through media as the ultimate cope for being born into Babylon

>> No.18727460

You obviously don't believe this sincerely.

>> No.18727486

Why not? I like my community here, I am relatively happy with the wider political landscape, and I am safe and healthier than I have been in the past. The last part might not be because I'm American but being American doesn't make it harder (if anything, it's easier). The only worry in my life is climate change, and that's a global problem.

>> No.18727487

I'm >>18727449
I meant >>18727419 and >>18727425 is how you cope.
>>18727422 is actually based

>> No.18727530

It should be criminal to be bored in a world as endlessly fascinating as our own, and yet I'm often bored.

>> No.18727535

westerners have that kind of smug self assurance its based and cringe at the same time

>> No.18727554

im sorry its pure cringe thanks for coming to my ted talk

>> No.18727557

>I am relatively happy with the wider political landscape
Now this is actual cope.

>> No.18727589

Well, it's true. My guy won for President, things have calmed significantly since last year, and people seem to be doing better. Inflation and the economic bubble is a concern but they'll figure it out. Again, the only thing that worries me is climate change, and that is something all of us will have to deal with.

>> No.18727600

I didn't think people like you were real lel

>> No.18727604

Insulated urbanite neoliberal dogshit non-human

>> No.18727620

I'm not saying my life is perfect or anything, but the troubles within it are not due to being American. Stuff like climate change, making career progress, dating/marriage, resisting vices, getting fit, etc. are common to people regardless of country.

>> No.18727636


>> No.18727641
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There's too much caffeine in my bloodstream, and a lack of real spice in my life.

>> No.18727645

I am not even mad, enjoy your normie lib life, sincerely

>> No.18727843

History: Fiction but with more details.

>> No.18727864
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>> No.18727895

I had many Ds in Maths and still became a software engineer/PhD lol. You do not really need it in practice as long as you are a good design thinker and problem solver.

>> No.18727925

I am not one of these tards that wants to push vaccines on everyone but you are actually one of the few demographics that benefits from it and has an actual justification to need it. Rona has a much higher chance to fuck you up if you are fat and unhealthy. So I would consider biting the bullet.

>> No.18728020

Being a retard isn't easy. When it requires constant effort to tell yourself to shut the fuck up you know that you'll never make it alive out there. I'll take that pair of shoes and sleep in them. Don't cry on me, I've got a pair of tooth and a lampshade to watch my nights. Ciao.

>> No.18728094

Too many pipes on the ceiling. I'll stay on this bed forever, the floor is too cold. Should I go outside and buy some coffee or should I stay inside and rot in the heat? Rain, rain please come here. Urgh.

>> No.18728119

you are both ignorant unlike me. I'm offering enlightenment courses for just $500 at definitelynotascam.in

>> No.18728150
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>> No.18728158
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Well I did it. For once I stepped out of the shadows and put myself out there in an attempt to reach out online instead of just drifting around like a jellyfish in hard current.
Initial impressions seem smooth but...
...now what do I do?
For now the answer shall be as it always is. To write, but I probably need to think of something else to do too in order to succeed.

>> No.18728167

I'm starved for dopamine. my brain can't get excited by anything

>> No.18728170

Rate my absurd man impression. I'll go cook something, I think. Duh.

>> No.18728247


>> No.18728275

man has a sick fetish for crossdressing as a woman. he takes female hormones to enhance his crossdressing and take his fetish to the next level. female hormones kill his libido and ability to get erections. now he can neither get sexual satisfaction or live properly as a man. truly the gods laugh at us as entertainment

>> No.18728286

It's the summer. I hiked, I wrote, I read, I went out with friends yesterday. But the lull drowns me, and even moreso the thought that, when I get back to classes, it can't possibly be the same again.

>> No.18728288

Gay as fuck, anon.

>> No.18728290

no u

>> No.18728295


>> No.18728297

japs did this

>> No.18728300

New thread

>> No.18728301

sweltering offal choking the air, anon has hygiene beyond compare

>> No.18729094
File: 329 KB, 564x564, 3d6a1683d6ae0ddcefa3f75db6cffd46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making music playlists for characters that exist in my head. Feeling conflicted about it, cause its good fun, and I can tell myself that its useful, that I'm defining the story's mood, establishing these character traits in my brain before I write them for real. I'm probably just making excuses though. The playlists are good fun, that's why they're a good distraction.

I haven't written anything in about two weeks. I sit at my computer but I can't focus. The last time I wrote, it was only after I spent my day in some sort of fugue. At work I felt like I was having an out of body experience. My feet didn't move, I glided over the room. My hands would rise up to open a door and I'd pay special attention to them, like they weren't mine. Occasionally I would feel this intense jolt of sadness and I couldn't tell you where it was coming from. I talked to my friends and felt like I wasn't really on anyone's wavelength.

It was a really lonely feeling. But I wrote effortlessly that night. I never write effortlessly, and I'm bad at self discipline. That isolated, scary, out-of-body feeling hasn't come back, and I'm probably happier and more comfortable day to day, but come night time I'm up at 3 in the morning wishing I could bring it back and write again without forcing myself.

>> No.18729388

did you know avatarfagging is against the rules, Jason? more importantly, it's obnoxious. why does anyone need to know it's you making that particular post? are you that lonely?