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18752241 No.18752241 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single good piece of fiction about the globohomo dystopia? Ellul kinda figured out where optimization leads.

>> No.18752266
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Unironically anti-bullying has lead to a nose-dive of standards

>> No.18752418

This approach /is/ kind of interesting, insofar as it probably does more harm than good when it comes to "extremism". Instead of rational debate and the like, which I believe some studies have shown to be more conducive to changing opinion when compared to outright censorship, they simply expunge all dissenting opinion and, presumably, force those not in agreement into niche communities where their contentions are left only to develop further and become more "toxic", as they put it. This probably doesn't really apply to Xbox and their services, as the problem isn't quite serious enough to warrant any real attention, and razing toxicity in its entirety is easier for them, but elsewhere I imagine it's at least somewhat true.

>> No.18752445

>"Defenders of Joy"
This is unironically very Orwellian and intimidating.

>> No.18752475

It’s the only approach viable to spreading their ideology. Woketards consistently got trounced in rational logical debate because their beliefs are fallacious, contradictory and have no basis in reality. The only way anyone could subscribe to wokeness is if it was backed by s powerful propaganda aparatos (which it is) and dissenting opinions are suppressed and silenced (which they are).

>> No.18752495

Fiction? There’s not even a good nonfiction book that analyzes globohomo and details how we got to this point in the historical process. It basically ends with Fukuyama saying we’re at the end of history and no one else has been able to continue with how utterly terrible and decadent that world turned out to be... which is also why there are no great works of fiction about our era

>> No.18752504


>> No.18752513

The most interesting thing to me really is how well their message is spread. Of course capitalism helps in that every company now wants their piece of the pie, but when you look at the statistics of something like Twitter, perhaps the most prevalent proponent of this kind of thing, it just boggles the mind.
>The platform now boasts 330 million active users worldwide [...] (4.2% of the world’s population). And "active users" include anyone who checks Twitter at least once a month. Less than 1.9% of those active users (about 6.25 million people) check Twitter daily. The number of people who post content is smaller still. A 2018 Pew Research Center study found that 80% of that content is generated by 10% of users.
I don't really give a shit if you're gay or whatever but the reach they've amassed is astounding.

>> No.18752514
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>defenders of joy

>> No.18752526

On xbox you can't even report gaming problems anymore. It all just leads to hate speech reporting or terrorism or someone self-harming.
None of which ever happens.

>> No.18752528

Ministry of Joy, perhaps?

>> No.18752565

It’s not that astounding when the big tech market isn’t essentially controlled by an oligopoly of like 5 companies.

>> No.18752572

Xbone was a flop. They are not relevant.