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File: 178 KB, 304x475, holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1876813 No.1876813 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: book nostalgia and YA books.

Aw shit, just remembered this exist. Might just reread it

>> No.1876821

The film adaptation with Shia Lebouf is much better.

>> No.1876822
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God tier.

>> No.1876835

I never understood why people liked these books as a kid. I guess I just had trouble connecting to a kid protagonist.

>> No.1876839
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One of the first actual books I read relative to the "caterpillar book" and the giving tree.

>> No.1876844
File: 564 KB, 1048x1048, brilliant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you must have been SO mature as a kid! Good for you!

No other book has had as much of an influence on both my political thought and literary taste.

>> No.1876880

God damn I loved Holes.

Fuck you in the ass OP. I'm about to go relive my childhood.

>> No.1876881
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>> No.1876893

Freak the mighty. you fags

>> No.1876894
File: 109 KB, 330x392, Maii_cover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember my mom reading this to my all the time when I was very young, the Toad even feng shuie's the coyotes organs after the Coyote swallows him, pretty much guro for kids, good book and a adaption of a classic Navajo tale.

>> No.1876896


Harry Potter.


>> No.1876901

Currently re-reading the Belgariad and Mallorean.

Thoroughly enjoying them, too, however clumsy they sometimes are.

>> No.1876908

RA Salvatore's vast swath of identical Drizzt books.

That man rode my effusive goodwill off the first trilogy and into an endless mire of him recounting his DnD campaigns, bless his soul.

>> No.1876915


My mom read this one to me.

<3 <3 :')

>> No.1877101

I also read all the Drizzt books
he's still fucking writing them too

>> No.1877127
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>> No.1877129

Animorphs fuck year

>> No.1877158

was I the only fggt reading these as a kid?


>> No.1877160
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>> No.1877162
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aw shitzz the pic

>> No.1877173

I'm probably the only person from my generation who read the Mad Scientists' Club stories as a child. All that merry-prankster stuff they did made me want to go and do likewise, but then I grew up to be not that smart or motivated.

>> No.1877179

I keep meaning to buy The Ear, The Eye, And The Arm for my collection.

>> No.1877212

>i was a hipster even as a child

>> No.1877219

>he still says "hipster"

>> No.1877228

>doesn't say hipster

>> No.1877230
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>> No.1877266

Holes was great. Did you guys read any of Sachar's other stuff?

>> No.1877309

he said hipster before it was cool to say hipster. Now it's too mainstream for Vdubby.

>> No.1877327
File: 47 KB, 340x500, 51J55ZEVQ8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Phantom Tollbooth guys? C'mon...

>> No.1877330

I read a book in my early years of high school about a homeless kid who ran away to London, then it told of how he met a girl. And An army guy who lost his job or something. It was actually good, well till the end then it took a whole new turn and was like "lol the army guy is killing homeless people, ur next kid". I enjoyed it up to that part. Can't remember it's name though.

>> No.1877345

I'll explain this once.
It's misused 90% of the time now by clueless plebs and it either already has or soon will take on such a broad meaning as to be useless as a descriptive term. It's the same thing that happened with the term "emo" whenever ago. I remember when people started applying that label to everything and I was so very confused. I would think to myself "but...but that's not emo at all. That's not even close." Calling someone a hipster in 2011 just betrays you as a completely out of touch rube.

>> No.1877389

yeah hipster is meaningless now, and has been for a couple years frankly

especially on the internet/4chan where it just means "person i don't like/elitist"

>> No.1877392

No, I agree with you. I was just saying the whole mainstream thing to be ironic.

>> No.1877400

post-modernism is dead bro, grow up

>> No.1877408

the fuck?

>> No.1877428

>just saying the whole mainstream thing to be ironic
>irony is part of post-modernism
>post-modernism is over
>you're a child
Understand now?

>> No.1877449

irony is not 'part of post-modernism'

it's an already existing thing outside of post-modernism that post-modernists thought was pretty cool/important

are you seriously claiming that anyone who uses irony is a post-modernist. is alanis morissette ironic.

>> No.1877451

it's cute that you're this stupid

>> No.1877453


what is going on here

this seems pretty ironic


>> No.1877461

Just read this the other day.
king azaz represent.

>> No.1877490


i don't think a person can be ironic per se but alanis morissette is certainly a postmodernist

>> No.1877514
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>> No.1877518
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I'll be alone here, but I still remember this shit in its entirety.

>> No.1877524
File: 26 KB, 311x475, n35894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes Phantom Tollbooth.

Also did anyone read these? They're English children's novels from the 40-50's that my mom gave me while I was sick at home with the flu once. I devoured them.

>> No.1877529


that's not a pizza it's a suitcase

>> No.1877538
File: 99 KB, 1256x800, series_of_unfortunate_1-2gjzb9m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this guy.
I also read these books religiously and fucking... that ending was so.... not good. :(

>> No.1877543

>implicando que no lei el pizarron encantado cuando era chico

>> No.1877587
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Though, I don't think I ever finished the series. I came into them just as I was getting out of that 'reading level'.