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[ERROR] No.18861433 [Reply] [Original]

Books on the future of religion?

>> No.18861453

utterly and unredeemably retarded pic

>> No.18861459

Larpers BTFO

>> No.18861472


>> No.18861475

unironically Guenon’s Reign of Quantity

>> No.18861477


>> No.18861513

The Noble Qur'an

>> No.18861526

I do wonder how all the atheists will react in Europe once that continent becomes an Islamic one.

>> No.18861652

Christianity doesn't offer people the spiritual refuge it used to.
Islam is clearly dominating in those areas. It's like when cats were introduced to Australia. They became wild and killed off many native species into extinction, but that's just order of the nature.
People seem to feel more at home with Islam in their hearts, so that just shows which religion appeals more to the modern believer. Christianity has lost its soul so another (superior) system comes along and takes its place.
In the west nobody's practising, let alone fighting for their religion anymore. Christians are demoralized pussies and won't even rise up to defend, they'll just let it happen. Half of them are practically atheists anyway. The west sucks at religion. The powerful stuff still comes from east.

>> No.18861663

A quick rush, a sharp impact, a sudden burning sensation and a piercing sulfuric smell

>> No.18861726

this is your brain on /pol/ and chicken nuggers

>> No.18861829

I think the worst implication of that pic is the arrogance of being better than those before him

>> No.18861981

Canticle for Leibowitz, but it's cheeky.

>> No.18861988
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>> No.18862006
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>growing up is realising Aten (PBUH) is the one true God

>> No.18862007

Europe will not become Islamic. If it does, it won't be "muh heckin based and redpilled trad Islamic society" but instead a corrupted egalitarian, liberal Islam that permits most of the things in western society that you take for granted. Why? Because no one except for perpetually online brain dead incel teenagers want to join "No fun allowed" the religion.

>> No.18862255

It'll be like in Ottoman Empire, essentially like Sufism.

>> No.18862266
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Catholic missionaries will come from Africa and Asia and reconvert the European Muslims.

>> No.18862274

People want wives and family more than they want tinder and weed

>> No.18862286

I don't understand the way this site repeatedly counts out Christianity in the future of religion. Not only is it the planet's largest religion, it's still adding followers at a pretty brisk clip.

Hell, there are actually MUSLIM parts of the world where Christianity is growing. Christianity is exploding in the Muslim parts of Africa, for example, and it's even growing in Iran. The only parts of the Muslim world where Christianity isn't growing are the parts where it's literally illegal. And even then, there are secret coverts.

>> No.18862288

There's nothing stopping you from having a family now. You don't need Islam to do that. What's stopping you?

>> No.18862289

How many people go to church and believe in church dogma? How many who call themselves Christians actually believe in it, and do not just call themselves as such?

>> No.18862293

A ridiculous claim. The new religion of Europe will basically be some political theology, muslim will join the jews in tge camps.

>> No.18862298

Around the world? Literally billions. Like I said, you're underestimating Christianity. It's not as much of a pushover religion as you think it is.

>> No.18862299

One thing that will disgust the average European more then the radical islam of isis is sufism. Mysticism is and has always been the hobby of a small hated minority in Europe.

>> No.18862303


the amount of seethe here

>> No.18862374

This. Christianity survived through worst and will continue to exist.

>> No.18862399

There is lots stopping people, that's why they aren't doing it.

>> No.18862405

News flash burger boy, your bumfuck town isnt representative of the whole world.

>> No.18862406
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>> No.18862414

That's the Movieblob complain

>> No.18862415

No, there's literally nothing stopping you.
>inb4 money
Doesn't stop poor Africans from shitting out a dozen kids.

>> No.18862463

God you fucking stupid cocksucker moron

No fault divorce


Hostile culture. Marriage and relationships undermined left and right in every way

There is nothing stopping you from calling everyone you meet a 'nigger' either, but we are talking about the reality of the situation. People desperately want families. If nobody is having them, most young men are incel, women are old and childless or else single mothers, etc. something is institutionally wrong.

>> No.18862465


>> No.18862519

I don't know much about Western Europe, as it happens, I'm an Eastern European with little interest in West. Admittedly, I've read a little on Luther and he seemed to have been shaped by mystical literature, then people quite liked him.
Also I know that in early modernity, West Europeans were very fascinated by occultism, think of Theosophy and the fact that the majority of their beloved writers were influenced by that. It's also the period of maximum influence from Masonic orders... and just a little before that became mainstream, majority of guilds had occultism and esoteric practices as the norm.

>> No.18862580

>No fault divorce
Fucking /pol/troon, those aren't stopping you from having a family either. Half my cousins are married with kids and at least 2-3 guys I knew in college are already married with kids. Get off the fucking internet and go outside.

>> No.18862601

You really think all that money would have gone to something as cool as that? And not pissed down the drain for more gimmedats?

>> No.18862638

"Men" are incels because they're socially retarded cowards with porn and vidya addictions.

Can't blame women for hooking up with actual men when most of their peers are worthless, this situation hurts women more actually because the tinder men won't commit to a relationship.

If you're a decent looking, confident and somewhat entertaining man, not a complete incel failure, there are so many good girls out there for you.

>> No.18862651

Just the European variant

>> No.18862656

So the guy in the last panel became a sun worshiper?

>> No.18862669

Protestants are advertising gay clergy and pro-choice on tiktok, while catholics are licking feet of muslim migrants invading their countries. Christianity is cucked and hopeless.

>> No.18862678

Yes. It's the highest form of religion and theology.

>> No.18862698

And muslims are celebrating christmas, jews eating pork, buddhists marrying into churches and hindus killing cows.

>> No.18862724
File: 453 KB, 1350x704, rapefugees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're refering to behaviour of plebs, not official stances of religious institutions. If you insist on pointing out the commoner's hypocrisy, there are no worse offenders than the so-called christians. The average church girl racks up 15 different cocks before marriage.

>> No.18862741

what a retarded image lmao

>> No.18862744

Really ? Or is it just that people from backward parts are immigrating into an increasingly atheistic western culture ? I'm asking because I have not seen the converts one would expect.

>> No.18862781

Not him but I wouldn't marry anyone who thinks no fault divorce is a sound concept.

>> No.18862783

None of the religions cited are centralized like christianity is, and yet you can certainly find contradicting behaviour on multiple leaders of sects in them.
>there are no worse offenders than the so-called christians
Sure, but they aren't any better either, all religions are changing with the times, no exception among the big ones.
>The average church girl racks up 15 different cocks before marriage.
And you think chicks in Turkey are all virgins until marriage? Could you vouch for the virginity of Japanese, Korean and Indian girls?
All religions are being affected by the secular changes in society, in countries urbanized enough to matter.

>> No.18862785

You're making a couple of bad assumptions here.

>> No.18862796

>"No fun allowed" the religion
Christians don't even allow wives to suck off their husbands. Islam permits any sexual act (except anal) with your wives.

>> No.18862806

What's bad about anal? Hygiene or something?

>> No.18862812

Not the other guy, but there is virtually no conversion. On the contrary, some muslims become atheist privately. If Islam ever takes over in the west, it will be by out-breeding the natives.

>> No.18862818

The Ottoman Islam was very lax and permissive, I mean remember all the Janissary homos even? Salafi extremist "no fun allowed" sect was a direct response to Ottoman and Persian "much fun allowed" approach.

>> No.18862821



>> No.18862826

>Why do you pay money to your religion?
>Pay to my religion instead and I will like you
Funding scientism from public funds is no different from paying jizya to Muslim overlords.

>> No.18862834

AIDS and its disgusting

>> No.18862846

>No fault divorce
>aren't stopping you from having a family either
You absolute mongrel. Few men have the balls to kill the unfaithful wife and her male relatives for the unfaithfulness, much less for the "I'm border I'm divorcing you" type degeneracy, which does not mean the lower class of servant men should not reproduce - who's gonna serve us then?
There will always be cowards and laybacks in servant roles, that is their life mission and they should have a cozy servitude.

>> No.18862853

I hate when retarded illiterate poltroons walk into lit with their dumb threads.

>> No.18862866

atheists really are the dumbest people on the planet. can't even bother to learn how religion evolves over time!

>> No.18862867

>who's gonna serve us then?
There's enough Africans to last us for a generation or two. Beyond that - who cares, it's not like you're having children to pass on your legacy to, amirite?

>> No.18862894
File: 1017 KB, 1437x2048, Shot_03_073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The next phase I call the Second Religiousness. It appears in all Civilizations as soon as they have fully formed themselves as such and are beginning to pass, slowly and imperceptibly, into the non-historical state in which time-periods cease to mean anything. The material of the Second Religiousness is simply that of the first, genuine, young religiousness-- only otherwise experienced and expressed. It starts with Rationalism's fading out in helplessness, then the forms of the springtime become visible and finally the whole world of the primitive religion, which had receded before the grand forms of the early faith, returns to the foreground, powerful, in the guise of the popular syncretism that is to be found in every Culture at this phase.

The Second Religiousness began in the early 21st century when the "Four Horsemen" turned atheism into a religious cult. What is striking is that religion itself is ultimately secondary to the religious thinking that produces it. The return to religious thinking already pervades us. This is what we now see with Drumpftards and SJWs who both behave like children convinced of irrational ghost stories. Take either the unquestioning fanatical belief in science or the similarly fanatical belief in conspiracy theories. Both are mysticism.

Catholicism and Protestantism which have been the main historical forms of Christianity will cease to exist in favor of a new idiosyncratic Christianity of the type that Jordan Peterson promotes. Although it will resemble Gothic Catholicism far more than the rationalism of Protestantism. Today everyone is bored of rationalism. What they seek is a return to the mysterious mysticism of the time before rationalism i.e. the Catholic Middle Ages. This is the reason for the ubiquity of medieval themed media in popular culture since the time of Tolkien.

Our entire civilization is unconsciously willing a return to the Middle Ages. Very few today can recognize this. Everything that defined the period 1400-1900 is today disappearing; first and foremost rationalism, but also individualism, the nation state, high art, and of course, the book. Western Civilization is like an old man in his Second Childishness drifting into sleep.

>> No.18862906

>most people are behaving like children
Honestly, wasn't this always the case?

>> No.18862918
File: 183 KB, 680x383, cardinalburke_fairfield_mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with most of your post except where Catholicism is concerned. The Church is very resiliant and I think that any future Christianity would have a place for it. Peterson himself is interested in Catholicism. I do think Christianity will more resemble Medieval Christianity than what it looked like after the Enlightenment, but that just strengthens the hand of the future of the Church. After all, the Latin Mass is getting popular again.

>> No.18862922

>Our entire civilization is unconsciously willing a return to the Middle Ages
Yeah I'm sure that women want nothing more than to give up their Tinder hookups and cozy HR jobs to become captive baby factories again.

>> No.18863025

I am married though and plan on 2+ children. Negro blight never solved anything and is a total net loss, I mean look at the USA, how did that farming equipment go?

>> No.18863042

>the Latin Mass is getting popular again
Didn't the Pope say to not do that

>> No.18863088

Yes, because of course women in the Middle Ages were captive baby factories. I know because the award-winning documentary "The Handmaid's Tale" clued me in on the historical facts of the matter.

>> No.18863094

The "you" was a second-person plural.

>> No.18863097

Should have used ye. Thy fault.

>> No.18863098

utterly and unredeemably based pic

>> No.18863122

Yeah they do. They're in inauthentic despair. It's not possible for you to get this confession from them because as a straight white man, you are the "enemy" and she feels like in opening up to you she'd betray the collective. Her sin is her mindlessness in the face of sin. To move her into a more intense and immediate state of despair you have to get in into her mind that there is something eternal in her "self" that all her actions reflect against.

>> No.18863128


>> No.18863134

I can literally smell your virginities through the screen lol

>> No.18863135

Modern English is so awkward, dost thou agreeth?

>> No.18863153

This but unironically.

>> No.18863163

And what do you make of it?

>> No.18863173

> argument from muh holes
Anon, is "lol incel" your go-to reply on any topic that makes you confused?

>> No.18863190

So what you're saying is that Catholicism will become more popular and we're going to see more converts?

>> No.18863208

Even if it would happen and it would bother me at all, how exactly would being part of another retarded religion help me in this case?
So I can put a cardboard helmet on and larp as faggy templars with you faggots?

>> No.18863239

Francis is old. All these anti-Latin bishops and cardinals are old. They're old men realizing they're running out of time, so they're lashing out. It's the death throes of a dream that was never fulfilled, and never will be.

>> No.18863345

>LE everything evolves juts liek on discovery XD

Definitely the worst intellectual offense of Materialism.

>> No.18863410


>> No.18863427

This. Smells like 2012.

>> No.18863492

Probably not desu, Muslim parents in Bongland are already rolling back LGBT lessons in schools because the vapid, braindead husk of liberalism has painted itself into a situation where Muslims are more oppressed than fudge packers.

>> No.18863494

Tinder for women is porn for men, a caustic ersatz merely emulating the real deal.

>> No.18863515
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Based sun bro.

>> No.18863555

the moon has already defeated the sun

>> No.18863563
File: 35 KB, 1140x797, Eclipse-Science-1568866817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh, sunbros? Debunk this?!

>> No.18863593
File: 276 KB, 1000x1591, 81aDa7FvJzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing up is hugging trees?

>> No.18863656

last panel should be "trust the science and take the jab"

>> No.18863667

Taking the jab is anti-science tho. The only reason I don't believe in this whole scamdemic is because it's extremely unscientific.

>> No.18863682

I wasn't being ironic

>> No.18863684

I've never understood why atheists make fun of religious folk for worshiping someone "in the sky"? No Christian I know, no matter how trashy or ignorant, understands anything other than heaven being an entirely different realm. No one thinks God is in the sky, that's ridiculous.

>> No.18863688

The growing up part is realizing that religion had more of a truth value than irreligion but that you still don't know where to go

>> No.18863701
File: 7 KB, 198x227, 1602001569060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be NIGGERS here

>> No.18863710

What are you talking about? He only asked for a book recommendation on a specific topic. What shit are you trying to pull from the air already, you fucking schizo?

>> No.18863725

ahahahaha... don't be upset

>> No.18863734
File: 171 KB, 476x461, Sol_Invictus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look outside window
>only see moon when sun shines on it
Feeling pretty fucking good to be sun Chad.

>> No.18863757
File: 1.96 MB, 500x313, 84a16fc97063e69a1bf4c53a3f53564618cd7d79_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask not the sun
>Why she sets
>Why she shrouds her light away
>Or why she hides her glowing gaze
>When nights turns crimson gold to grey
>For silent falls the guilty sun
>As day to dark does turn
>One simple truth she dare not speak
>Her light can only blind and burn
>No mercy for the guilty
>Bring down their lying sun
>Blood so silver black by night
>Upon their faces pale white
>Cruel moon bring the end
>The dawn will never rise again

>> No.18863839

>Her light can only blind and burn
>No mercy for the guilty
Das rite.
>The dawn will never rise again
Kek alright. Call me again when that happens.

>> No.18863850

This, polytheism mostly evolved out of ancestor worship.

>> No.18863853

I am a fresh Christian convert, where do Christian sit in the to-behead list of Islamists? After the Jews, before the atheists? I need spiritual preparation

>> No.18863895
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>> No.18863966
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>> No.18863989

Replace growing up with ideology and ideals. Or just 'concepts'

>> No.18864004

Christians are "people of the Book" and in theory would be relatively okay since they both worship the same God. Hatred between the Abrahamic religions is relatively knew and mostly down to politics.
Case in point, same would go for Jews if the continued existence of Israel didn't fill Muslims everywhere with the fury of a thousand suns.

>> No.18864012

Based Islam frens beheading me last

>> No.18864206

Religion is exclusively a third world phenomenon, which is why it's disappearing in the civilized world. An extraordinary amount of military spending has led Americans to believe they're at the cultural forefront, when really it's a backwater.

>> No.18864251

the new religions in the civilized world are femminism and other conspiracy theories

>> No.18864375

Never said so

>literally billions
Just look at church attendance rates or pew polls or whatever you want on religious views of Christians and the like.

>> No.18864544

now just add le cigarette smoking man as the sun

>> No.18864585

woah... made me think!!

>> No.18865004

>which is why it's disappearing in the civilized world
Because feminism, communism, libertarianism and the general plague of SJW mobs are not cult-like behaviors.

>> No.18865908

Sounds like the cult of "scientific research" is shaping up to become just another religion.

>> No.18865959

Yeah no, all girls I personally know backed off once their man asked if they could have a serious relationship. Obviously women are not to blame for the weakness of men, but they are the other half of the problem.

>> No.18866193

>Hatred between the Abrahamic religions is relatively new
Most retarded post I have ever seen. Kys idiot.

>> No.18866340

Based and sunpilled

>> No.18866666

I hope you die irl

Girls like me fine. It is still dangerous and difficult to start a good family. And I am not talking about myself. I am talking about a society wide trend. You callous waste of oxygen.

>> No.18866674

And how many people do you know who are divorced or childless? You fucking pea brain retard. Whether or not some people succeed it is still a massive social problem. How many people do you know who aren't heroin addicts? Does that mean heroin addiction isn't a big problem? idiot

>> No.18866678

Yeah, islam is at odds with the western socratic tradition really. Whether christain or atheist, its equally unappealing.

>> No.18866688
File: 240 KB, 498x337, 87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people dont understand the purpose of a higher power, its always
wisdom is greater than knowledge after a certain point

>> No.18866787

The last square ruins it irredeemably