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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 1332x675, comic3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1896534 No.1896534 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1896536
File: 49 KB, 1036x244, Fabulous Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896538
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>> No.1896539
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>> No.1896543


>> No.1896545


>> No.1896548

the work of a genius

>> No.1896549
File: 47 KB, 1168x702, nofun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896552

thank you i've put a lot of myself into these and i wouldn't want them to be forgotten

i've actually come here today because i've run out of material

i won't ask for recommendations but im hoping that /lit/ as it is will provide me with inspiration

>> No.1896553

You shouldn't be allowed to repost these until you've made a new one , lazy-ass.

>> No.1896554

someone post the Atonement version

>> No.1896556


>> No.1896571

it might be a good idea to bump this during the day when most people are awake cause then they will be able to give you ideas

i'd give you some but i'm not as deep of a thinker as you are and even if i did have ideas they wouldn't be the right type for you i think

>> No.1896577

your shit is an insult to sequential art everywhere.

>> No.1896584

i'm a rich white man and this is actually what i believe in real life
this isn't a joke or "ironic" either.

>> No.1896588

Pooplagio I am sure you have some good ideas, don't get so down on yourself. For example, I am sure you have some fascinating ideas about poop. What do you think on this subject (the subject of poop)?

>> No.1896609

So OP are you the one who is always right???

>> No.1897095

thank you, sometimes i wonder what i would do without you

no i like to think that i have a role in comics as kind of using them to talk about social problems and people and their feelings

yes i've made it for people like you

has it changed you?

>> No.1897099

wrong tripcode, fagulous

>> No.1897106
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>> No.1897113

why does that pirate man have boobs

>> No.1897178

Leftist trash like you should be killed.

Or if you are non-white, you should be thrown out of countries which you so obviously hate.

Also are these comics written backwards?

>> No.1897185

Funny how you are making fun of "20 year old deep thinkers" in one of your comics, and yet you think you have all the answers to all of lifes tough questions......

Also, whats up with liberals and making strawmen arguments in comics? They concede they can't argue their point at all, yet think making up some bullshit presenting the other "side" as ignorant/naive/dumb/hateful/etc proves their point?

>> No.1897186
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>> No.1897199
File: 46 KB, 468x551, stalinDM2109_468x551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're free to move to your classless utopia

>> No.1897232

fab is 15

>> No.1897278

fuck politics

>> No.1897285

>you have all the answers to all of lifes tough questions
there aren't any tough questions whatsoever if you're not a fucking scumbag degenerate

>> No.1897288
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>> No.1897294

silly rabbit, trips are for kids!

>> No.1897295

what do trips have to do with anything

>> No.1897298

why do you keep posting this comic fab? It's old as fuck and has no value to a society where everybody has already heard retards like you complain about how socially sensitive you are

>> No.1897308

That sounds like something a fucking scumbag degenerate would ask.

>> No.1897310

Is that you and your girlfriend? It's 2deep4me, man.

>> No.1897312

where did I ask anything

>> No.1897321

>yes i've made it for people like you

>has it changed you?

>> No.1897324
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>> No.1897342

I am a lower middle class white gay man and have never experienced a hardship in life because hardships are for pussies. Seems to me gays are far worse off than minorities so they should fucking deal with it.

>> No.1897345

i dont know, i think there are some pretty hard to answer queries out there

>> No.1897348
File: 7 KB, 259x194, chuchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're changing yourself in order to fit in with mainstream society

>> No.1897349

>believes in classes
>chooses to be gay(mental illness)
>calls non-whites minorities when whites are a minority in our own nations now

>> No.1897350

All of mainstream society is gay? Why would I lie about something like that? Don't straight people try to avoid being called gay at all costs?

>> No.1897361


trolling is more subtle generally

>> No.1897372
File: 7 KB, 268x188, chuchu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're softening what you perceive to be the edge of your homosexuality in order to appear as a sort of "normal" ambassador for modern day homosexuals

>> No.1897375


>> No.1897390

I am normal. Am I expected to take part in bathhouses and getting rammed in public restrooms in San Francisco just because I am gay because those are part of "being gay"? People like that are exactly why gays are discriminated against. I'd rather be your idea of a normal ambassador than partake in gay "culture".

>> No.1897405
File: 10 KB, 194x260, CheckityHovity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normal gays do exist

you aren't one of them

it's obvious you're scared of yourself

>> No.1897406

Do you drink the urine of elderly strangers? Do you have unprotected sex with the aim of getting HIV?
That's being gay.

Once you base your life around a sick fetish, just a slippery slope all the way to the bottom.

>> No.1897416
File: 11 KB, 225x225, JJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closet fag detected

>> No.1897417

What do I really want then? You seem to know me well enough so please indulge me.

You're silly.

>> No.1897419


Let's unpack that a bit. You stigmatize the idea of "getting rammed in bathhouses". That's what gives gays a bad name.

Well, what about ramming somebody in a bathhouse? What about Tucker Max fucking 8 different women in a single week, all one night stands?

In other words, there's a double standard on issues like promiscuity which has nothing to do with gay behavior. It predates whatever it is gays do, and instead is based on how culture chooses to define gay behavior as non-normative, pathological, diseased, etc.

Read some Richard Goldstein and Michael Warner. Read Leo Bersani's "Is the Rectum a Grave?" Gays are only stigmatized for behaviors that are frequently valorized in heterosexuals. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

But in any case, if you do the reading and manage to desconstruct the dominant heteronormative paradigm, then bend over and I'll drive ya home.

>> No.1897421

That's "logic" to a fag or one of those "oppressed sorts" thinking that they have some sort of connection with the hordes of non-whites because they are gay.

And of course any criticism means they are a closet fag.. LOL. You are sick, morally perverse. If you promote your sick fetish as "normal" and indeed encourage children to be queer, then that is EVIL.

>> No.1897431


Isn't it quite clear by now that there are plenty of children who need, and receive, no encouragement but manage to discover same-sex attraction all on their own?

Also: Freud said the only thing that keeps heterosexual men from having homosexual experiences more often is the sense of disgust. That's why when you play up your level of disgust in everything you post, it seems like you're trying very hard to convince yourself that these things are too disgusting for you to try. And when you talk about how everybody attacks homophobes for being closet cases....well, it makes you seem like you're perfectly aware of how you're coming across, and the fury behind your words is a fury at yourself.

Just sayin.

>> No.1897434

Well the getting rammed in bathhouses part is part of gay culture. As are campy disco clubs and trips to Mykonos to dance at their campy disco clubs. Heterosexuality is different in that it does not have a very bad "culture" to it. As a matter of fact it has no culture at all. But that's because a culture based around sexual orientation is just a stupid idea and I've never wanted to be a part of it and that's all there is to it.

>> No.1897439

I hate gays.

>> No.1897441
File: 13 KB, 189x266, adam6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the gayest

>> No.1897448

>Read some Richard Goldstein and Michael Warner
implying anyone wants to read subversive jews

>Tucker Max
no, also they are filthy whores
>double standard
There is none. Men produce millions of sperm every time they ejaculate. Women have a few hundred eggs.
>Leo Bersani
yet another jew.

No surprise that a queer gets his information and ideology from subversive elements who are hostile to the white race, western civilization, christianity, etc.

That is what we need to understnad. It's not an argument of morals or w/e. It's an argument of anti-christianity, anti-white, anti-american, etc.

>> No.1897449


Yes, Tom. That's because you weren't castrated by the family dog, like dad told you. That's a vagina, Tom. You'll understand some day.

>> No.1897453

Yet another mentally ill jew.

>That's why when you play up your level of disgust
Um. You queers don't understand the level of disgust and hatred directed at you by EVERYONE.

>> No.1897456

>Michael Warner
>implying anyone wants to read subversive jews

Ironically, Michael Warner was raised in a evangelical Christian household in the American south, and was into glossolalia and the whole 9 yards.

He may be subversive, but there's no way on the planet you could claim he's a Jew.

>> No.1897458

>Heterosexuality is different in that it does not have a very bad "culture" to it

So I guess OJ Simpson, Robert Blake, Casey Anthony, Susan Smith, Lorena Bobbitt, Amy Fisher, etc don't indicate any kind of "bad culture" to go along with heterosexuality?

>> No.1897459

I don't know what you're talking about, but sperm and eggs are irrelevant as most heterosexuality revolves around sex not for the purpose of reproduction. Oh but wait you're the silly guy.

>> No.1897460
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>> No.1897463

Ah well i couldn't find any biography on him. But whether or not he is jewish, he subscribes to jewish ideologies like secular humanism.

>> No.1897468

he really does look like a woman, you know

>> No.1897472

Did you know men and women don't properly speaking exist? There's simply no coherent definition.

I'm sure you know defining it by having a penis or not is silly (beyond transgenders both operative and biological, you can just chop it off or have the bad luck of being born without one or whatever).

So many people think that, really, it's the chromosomes, right? But there are people with XXX and XXY and XXXX and whatever, they are neither men or women, then. And there are people with XY but female characteristics or vice versa.

Why? Well, there's this SRY gene. That single allele can either be there or not. If it's there, you're a 'man'.

But it is not even that easy. Because it can be there but not be expressed, leaving you with 'female' characteristics.

So there are far more genders than man and woman and they do not neatly fall into either. It's not communist bullshittery, it's simple new SCIENCE and denying it is just foolish.

It's certainly a useful shortcut though.

As for your racist white power trolling, it's not good enough, you need to go deeper, I'm not feeling that RAGE and buttfrustration rightly.

>> No.1897476

Irrelevant to their sexuality. That's just who they are as individuals. The gay culture revolves around everyone acting exactly the same and being an enormous slut. That is literally the whole thing.

>> No.1897480

That'd be why lesbians are hitting on me then.
and then my only friend who is a lesbian confesses she loves me lol

>> No.1897485
File: 7 KB, 204x246, JJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tom harper

>> No.1897487


Well, I'm gay, 29yo, and I've had sex with over 300 guys. But that's because whenever I get the urge to masturbate, I realize that I could probably find a hot guy to get me off. So I do it.

In other words, the basic issue that straight men have against gay men is simple jealousy.

Imagine if a straight guy could get some no-strings pussy within 30 minutes (like Domino's Pizza) whenever he had the urge to jerk off.

>> No.1897489

Who's that ugly strumpet?
Some gay icon?

>> No.1897491

So the core of your argument is that because we're white we cant face any kind of hardship ever?

Oh wow.

>> No.1897493

that's not even an argument, are you stupid?

Yep. "free love"
That's what queer/degenerate hedonist leftist "culture" is about.
Individual gratification. No morality, no spirituality, no ethics, no sanity.

For the validity of concepts, very simply you need to think. Does this build a successful civilization which will survive beyond this generation? Homosexuality, liberalism, and all that trash is a resounding NO. They talk about equality and freedom, obviously caring about neither. They want and get special privileges for themselves and will "party" their life away to spend the rest of eternity in hell.

>men and women don't exist

I bet you think races don't exist either.
>It's not communist bullshittery
Um. Ya it is where do you think these obviously fucking false concepts come from?

>> No.1897500

>is a fag
>have sex with hundreds of men
>prove that every complaint we have mentioned in this thread is FUCKING TRUE
>think that we're "jealous"

This is why you will be hanging from lampposts.

Liberals have a childrens view to reality and history.

>> No.1897503

>They want and get special privileges for themselves and will "party" their life away to spend the rest of eternity in hell.

Considering that Christ said "Judge not, lest ye be judged", I have a feeling you'll be joining all of us in the brimstone and marl, pumpkin.

>> No.1897504

>I bet you think races don't exist either.

It only takes a very elementary comprehension of biology to know that they don't, and are incredibly gross abstractions useful only every once in a blue moon, so yeah.

Good counterargument too lad, really spiffing.

>> No.1897505
File: 6 KB, 190x265, siouxie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a tard

>> No.1897506

This thread perfectly illustrates why nobody likes faggots.

Also, I want to fuck-start fab's head until his lungs blow out.

>> No.1897511
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>> No.1897512

I love how liberals blindly follow science and evolution, yet at the same time claim that evolution stops at the neck.

Blacks as a race are better athletes, east asians as a race are smarter, etc. How can you ignore this? All you're doing is following another ideology while claiming you aren't.

>> No.1897520

Proving my point yet again. Only an ignorant and naive child believes the communist propaganda that race doesn't exist. It is misinterpretation of the facts.

There is no specific "gene" which tells you race, but groups of genes very clearly illustrates different ethnic groups and races.

Who's judging?

>> No.1897522

There are no races.

There are haplogroups and clades, which are vaguely similar. Even they are abstractions though.

>> No.1897524

>Blacks as a race are better athletes
this is not true.

>east asians as a race are smarter,
Neither is this.

But notice how liberals will be so easily believing of postitive "stereotypes" of non-whites? But of course, only negative stereotypes of whites huh?

>> No.1897525

Could be. Easy sex is something to be jealous of, but doing it is your choice.

>> No.1897532

needs and wants are abstractions.

News at 9: people use abstractions and generalisations of all sorts and throughout history to good use to further their relative ends.

>> No.1897533

And non-liberals only negative stereotypes of liberals...

By good jolly it is as if a stereotypying worldview leads to massive distortions! But that can't be?! No! PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME IT IS WHOLLY FALLACIOUS AS WELL

>> No.1897536

That post had no semantic content whatsoever.

>> No.1897538
File: 38 KB, 575x375, dirty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a gay
stop posting
the gay
stop the gay

>> No.1897540
File: 33 KB, 317x240, 1268357314678_20100312_1272529441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally Fagulous has a thread full of replies thanks to the racist dudes.

>> No.1897542

false, simply through the fact that you responded to it.

>> No.1897544

Oh boy, reality has a conservative bias and liberals really are naive brainwashed children?

Tell me more!

Tell me about that magical utopia which will occur when whites are extinct! Tell me about how wonderful it will be when everyone is gay and having sex in the streets!

>> No.1897547

>non-liberals only negative stereotypes of liberals
That's not true. I believe their hearts are in the right place but they'll believe anything their ex-but-still-totally-hippie (but also rich so he can preach his crap without doing anything himself) university professor tells them. It's also true that eventually they'll grow a mind of their own though.

>> No.1897548


>> No.1897549
File: 79 KB, 480x640, 1309548991293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys seriously arguing about race?

Goodness' sake, people are the product of their environment (for the most part) and whilst genetics has a hand in things it is not an ace in the hole.

>> No.1897552

Hearts being in the right place is besides the point. When you fall victim to illogical emotional fallacies, you are part of the problem.

paved with good intentions etc.

Inheritance studies have proven you wrong.
Environment has it's roles, but genetics is 90%+ of it.

>> No.1897553
File: 24 KB, 317x281, fatblackguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm positive this black male is an amazing athlete.

>> No.1897554

Why would you instinctively assume I was a liberal?

Protip: I'm conservative to the bone.

I just happen to be proficient in rudimentary logic. I'm conservative because reason has led me here, I do not simply shut out all dissent and shout.

>> No.1897557



how would his responding make it false?
a post lacking semantic content, ie a post without meaning, would duly warrant such a response. Him pointing out that it had no meaning(though it did) would not make it so that it did.

>> No.1897559
File: 91 KB, 500x281, asian-girls-jumping-on-bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these Asian females are absolute geniuses.

>> No.1897564

>Environment has it's roles, but genetics is 90%+ of it.

Ninety per cent of WHAT?

This shit is fucking complex, we don't know what more than a fraction of our genes decide and we know even less about their interactions, and measuring traits in any sensible manner - singling them out, attaching a worthwhile scale, and then collect actual evidence,

I have seen studies proclaim anything from 0 to 100 per cent. They have used goddamn any methodology they could get away with, and in the absence of actually good methodologies this means it's just varying pieces of fecal matter thrown around, carried entirely by the eventual bias of the researcher.

We simply don't fucking know.

>> No.1897565

I believe those studies are subject to confounding or lurking variables, and inaccurate as a result.

>> No.1897566

You are both tripfags. Therefore you are both lacking semantic content.

>> No.1897569

I mixed up syntax with semantics, it's a nasty habit of mine.

>> No.1897572

>We don't know what everything does therefore we know nothing and communist agenda driven ideology is completely correct!

You do realize that filthy leftists like you are responsible for censoring genetics research all over the world? And in the USSR it was completely outlawed?

Transracial adoption studies shows IQ is genetic.
Anyone with a pair of eyes can tell a child will look like his/her parents. Anyone with a pair of eyes can tell phenotype traits are inherited. Therefore everything else will be inherited.

An ideological motivated liberal "believes" something, thus it is true! after all he is superior due to being a liberal, mirite?

>> No.1897573
File: 71 KB, 351x265, dickcheney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


suck my balls

>> No.1897575

i am going to kill all of you, you are all horrible

>> No.1897577

As someone who has taken a course in statistics I'm ever wary of studies. It depends very much on the methods and techniques they used, and what they tried to account for or correct.

I think that an environment which encourages intellectual success is key, and without that support most people don't ever let their intelligence shine. They're smart, they just don't use it.

>> No.1897579

>Anyone with a pair of eyes can tell a child will look like his/her parents. Anyone with a pair of eyes can tell phenotype traits are inherited. Therefore everything else will be inherited.


oh, gold

such precious nazi gold

>> No.1897586

>You do realize that filthy leftists like you are responsible for censoring genetics research all over the world? And in the USSR it was completely outlawed?

How do you go from "we don't know" to "we shouldn't research this"?

"We don't know" means WE SHOULD BLOODY WELL FIND OUT.

>> No.1897590


common mistake though it doesn't change anything

>> No.1897595
File: 39 KB, 591x300, S309830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to fuck your ass with a nokogiri.

>> No.1897604

Let me explain it to you.
IQ and intelligence is GENETICS. This is established fact, supported by every single IQ test or study in the world.

There is a reason why white nations are successful, and non-whites are not. Further, non-whites when brought to white nations are ALWAYS an underclass, because the reasons for their failure lie in genetics, not "culture" or "lack of education"

It doesn't matter what environment you put a full blooded negro in. He is still what we consider mentally retarded.
The only way to make a black more intelligent is by adding more and more non-black admixture into him.

Further, the society which leftists produce is very anti-intelligence. Because of the genetic reasons for intelligence and the self-evident superior of the white race. The leftists proposes to cripple whites to level the playing field.

I bet you think a white couple can have a black baby!

We know, and it's supported by hundreds of years of research. It is only in this modern lunatic liberal age which purports to dismiss everything prior to communists making politically motivated studies/research.

>> No.1897611
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>It doesn't matter what environment you put a full blooded negro in. He is still what we consider mentally retarded.
>The only way to make a black more intelligent is by adding more and more non-black admixture into him.

The state that trolling is in these days is just depressing.

>> No.1897614

Congratulations, Fab. Only your special brand of tripfaggotry could resurrect /new/ in a /lit/ thread.

Look upon your unholy creation, fool, and tremble.

>> No.1897624

Thousands of years of history prove conservatism to be correct.
200 years of "enlightenment" garbage, and the white race is on the brink of being extinct.

>> No.1897628

This is why I mainly fuck white bitches. Not because I have a strict preference, but mostly because you honkeys get all apoplectic over it.

It's like I'm fighting for equality, while I'm busting a nut.

>> No.1897630
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, 1285549835081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove me wrong

>> No.1897633

Fab the fag can't spell privilege. I'm so very fucking shocked.

>> No.1897634

I've heard this before before but I'm not ready to fully embrace it.
Can you provide links that prove what you're saying?

>> No.1897645 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 540x498, dubs with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfe in england non-whites make up less than 5%
mfw idiot racists come and fuck up this board


>> No.1897649


that feel when you forget to type in the verification

>> No.1897658

If you can't prove somebody wrong then that means they are right.

Also what is up with calling people a nazi? I doubt very much that he is. Attacking somebodies character instead of their argument is very poor form.

>> No.1897659
File: 42 KB, 401x600, black_power_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's like I'm fighting for equality, while I'm busting a nut.

Truly worthy of Eldridge Cleaver. No troll. That's the best thing I've read on /lit/ for time.

>> No.1897663


Yes, intelligence has a genetic component. However, genes cannot account for the entirety of intelligence. All those studies that demonstrate the heritability of intelligence also demonstrate that it is not 100% tied to your parents.

Secondly, learn what the bell curve actually entails. Yes, blacks have a mean intelligence lower than whites. The key word is MEAN. Although the African population is, as a whole, intellectually inferior, there are still African individuals who will be just as, if not more, intelligent that whites.

Third, the reasons for European success are more complicated than just genetics. For example, Song Dynasty China (960–1279) was on the verge of the industrial revolution, but missed out because their system was so efficient that there wasn't much immediate gain. The Europeans largely lucked out because they were in an environment capable of providing enough food for people to have artisans, while simultaneously being shitty enough for people to want to innovate.

>> No.1897667

>If you can't prove somebody wrong then that means they are right.

There is a teapot orbiting around Jupiter.

>> No.1897668

USA is 60% white.
UK is 90% white.

However when you look at births its very different, 40% of all births in UK are to non-english mothers. And naturally that won't include mongrel children born to whites.

Further, even ONE non-white on white land is too many. This immigration is only one way.
100 years ago whites were 1/3rd of the worlds population. Now we are 7 % and dropping rapidly with only 2-3% of the fertile women.

Now i know as liberals have already shown in this thread, they don't give two shits about their country, their race, their people, their future. And won't be having children.

But sane people take such things into consideration. Any founder of any white nation would be utterly appalled at leftism today.

>> No.1897669

I'm pretty sure there isn't, though the possibility exists.

>> No.1897670


it's invisible to the naked eye, don't forget that

>> No.1897675



>> No.1897681
File: 41 KB, 450x248, 1292240690239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm let's see if there's any more news about A Dance with Dragons on /lit/
>What's this on the front page
>Keep reading
Oh god /lit/, I know every board has shitty topics but your board moves so slow it takes ages for them to die. This thread is a scourge on the front page, go ask a Janitor or mod in the IRC to clean it up.

>> No.1897685

>there are still African individuals who will be just as, if not more, intelligent that whites.
You deliberately misrepresent statistics. There are NO blacks above 120 IQ.
Further mean intelligence is UTTERLY CRITICAL when it comes to building nations and civilizations.

The "intelligent" blacks are all mulattos and quadroons and octoroons.

Now you are getting into subversive jew propaganda territory, citing environment as the excuse for why non-whites never have and never will measure up.

>However, genes cannot account for the entirety of intelligence.
noone claimed so, if you cut out half your brain, your environment has changed.
However what liberals claim to be environment have little to zero influence on intelligence.

>on verge of industrial revolution
Doubtful since they had absolutely none of the prerequisite sort of inventions and developments. Kinda funny the sinophile propaganda about CHINA STRONG yet they all magically disappeared before europeans showed up to document them?

>> No.1897687

And you're the one who wants to talk about shitty fantasy books. Maybe you should leave.

>> No.1897688
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The British Space fleet ought to send a mission to harness this resource. Any government that gave the entire populace free tea for life would be re-elected in a second.

>> No.1897694

So much butthurt all around.

>> No.1897695

worst shit posting faggot ever

>> No.1897710

Y'know, moot really should make a board about books.

>> No.1897726

i think my comics are pretty insightful and relevant to today and its problems

if you're scared of tackling the big issues then maybe /lit/ isn't the board for you

>> No.1897727

So much fucking trolling in this thread. Fucking politics.

What is it that gets people so hung up on bullshit societal constructs like this

>> No.1897732
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>> No.1897734

Hey there. I just came here from another board after seeing a collage of the /lit/ tripfags posts in a rage thread. Just wanted to say you guys are not special snow flakes or elite in anyway. You're a laughing stock and should stop before you shit up /lit/ any further. Specifically Deep&Edgy and Fabulous.

>> No.1897739

You sound like just as much of a troll as everybody else in here.

Who cares if race or IQ is a social construct or not, neither side of the debate is willing to listen to the otherside.


>> No.1897795

>societal construct


If only there was a reason why all liberal policies and governments and ideologies are ultimately self-defeating. Oh wait, it's because they are based on FANTASY and DELUSIONS.

The concept of race being non-existent comes from SUBVERSIVE JEWS who are DELIBERATELY LYING. The jew thinks of race as being, the chosen people, jews, and then there is everyone else, the gentiles, the goyim.

>> No.1897810


I didn't mean race was a societal construct you fucking mongoloid. I meant politics.

Any government will fail no matter if it is right, left or just plain fucking stupid

>> No.1897811


How old are you and how bad do you smell

>> No.1897817

Well. Be more clear next time.
Also: Politics is politics. It's not "fucking stupid" It has been made into being largely stupid since liberals are brainwashed into believing they know something. Women are given the vote. And leftism is rampant.

fallacies, thats how libs argue.

>> No.1897824


Not liberal, not trying to argue anything, I'm just trying to envision you sitting there capitalizing the word JEWS. On a literature board. Do you smell? Is your back hairy? How fat are you? How big is your penis?

>> No.1897877

The unfortunate thing is that while this comics (supposedly) intend to inspire a rational debate on privilege and topics such as; all they do is turn into a lot of drama from people who are attacking the creator 'ad hominem', with a few very reactionary (possibly trolls i hope)..and no one actually making substantive arguments either way. That is the case with most debates on /lit/--they almost instantly descend into shallow dogma or just generally obtuse or crass statements that represent a total ignorance of the issues at hand. I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from young people who live in such isolation from the material consequences of these issues (i.e. spending most of their time in an internet forum) And, before anyone points it out, no I haven't made an argument for either side--and this is because I won't pretend to have the knowledge or mental capacity (in my current, inebriated state) to actually have a decent argument.

>> No.1897906

Reactionaries ITT: Do you realize that when you attempt to characterize and attack ''liberals'' you are really just addressing an abstraction--one that you, perhaps inadvertently, project all of the qualities that you feel undesirable onto? Wouldn't you prefer to actually deal with specific, substantive realities rather than just make a lot of dogmatic statements? For instance, when saying that race is not a social construct, one of you has just made a anecdotal statement about Jews coming up with this idea. I wonder, how would it benefit the Jews? A lot of the major discourse about why Jews have a right to Israel comes from the fact that they claim that Judaism is a race, and this is a very tenuous argument to say the least..the Jews would have a lot to lose by denying that Race is nothing but a social construct. It is shit like this that undermines the integrity of anything that you say.

>> No.1897916

I meant to say they would have a lot to lose by denying that race is anything but a social construct..or by saying that race is nothing but a social construct..i'm really smacked out right now so forgive these lapses.

>> No.1898885

Fuck you I masturbabte with irrationality

>> No.1898923

Stop doing heroin. It makes you retarded.