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File: 183 KB, 820x1257, the-wheel-of-time@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18969479 No.18969479 [Reply] [Original]

/tv/ here. I know this is kind of off-topic but the Amazon adaptation of the Wheel of Time trailer just dropped and we were wondering if it looks faithful to the books or not.


>> No.18969509

Looks like shit

>> No.18969516

looks good

>> No.18969594

>title drop first 10 seconds
>bad CGI
>niggers and mulattos
hard pass

>> No.18969623
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Since there are inevitably going to be a bunch of retards sperging out about all the non-lily-white actors, I'm gonna leave this here for you to seethe over. News Flash: you speds have been BTFO


>> No.18970123

The trailer is appealing to women because nerd men will be watching regardless. The tone of the trailer is different than the tone of the book. The actual show may be more tonally faithful but will most likely rip off GoT's "edge" based on what I've seen.

>> No.18970605

lol that guy is reddit personified. He has a video chimping out about some shitposts Terry Goodkind once made.

>> No.18970620

Never read the series but I thought femdom priestesses were a thing

>> No.18970641

I agree but the points he made still stand

>> No.18971613

Nobody who isn't already a fan of him is going watch a 45 minute long video to find out what those points are you giga-tard.

>> No.18971938

>He says while posting one of the most reddit """booktubers""" to ever exist.

>> No.18971954

>imagine caring about the shitshow that is the wheel of time
They are absolutely miscast but that is a good thing because the series is shit and the tv show deserves to bomb.

>> No.18972002

Looks awful.
I like how they're trying to sell it as some feminist power fantasy when the series spends literally hundreds of pages showing all of the female characters to act like retards at one point or another.

>> No.18972003

>These clearly defined people whose whole schitk was being decedents from a singular kingdom who almost got wiped out, and are defined by their ancestral linages to said kiddom are diverse and that is ok because.
>well it would take thousands of years for homogeneity to take place (since I'm ignoring they came form a likely homogenous background to start with) and all it would take is one family moving in every so often (which was never indicated to happen in fact the opposite was true), from somewhere really really far away, for these clearly isolated and closed up village to remain diverse... trust me. Matt feeling his literal pure ancient blood trough his veins and having them interfered with him would happen just as well in a miscegenated society.
First argument and he is already full of shit. I'm not going to waste my time on this shit video you retard.

>> No.18972015

They are taking the in universe misandry as if it where a statement of the authors beliefs and "empowering" and not a deep rotted flaw in the societies displayed in the book which partially led to the shitfest the world is in the first place.

>> No.18972026

This would make a far better anime than it would a live-action show.

>> No.18972038

Objectively, yeah, the series is far from the best, but nothing else scratches my itch for autistic overdetailed fantasy like it does.

>> No.18972042
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>watching Daniel onions instead of /lit/'s white queen


>> No.18972125

The director flat out admitted he's butchering it, the main character arcs, infusing his personal fetish of polygamy, removing the fuckups of women characters etc.
It's already completely gone and anyone who expects anything but a complete pile of shit from it is the very definition of subhuman.

>> No.18972180

to be fair the books about women holding dominance in a world where men go crazy when they try to do magic. The plot develops in a way that allows for men to take back the throne that belongs to them.

>> No.18972190

can I get source on this one so I can drop it before it fucking starts.

>> No.18972334

The diversity casting alone is reason enough to trash it. I legitimately haven't watched any TV or movies in over 5 years because of it.

>> No.18972450
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Mat and Perrin would know how to adapt women. They're always good with girls.

>> No.18973047

Damn, literal chud seethed so hard he couldn't make it past the first few minutes. Stay mad.

>> No.18973052
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>guys I called him reddit!!! Am I cool now??!!

>> No.18973127


I'd rather not watch a 45 minute of a faggot try to defend why his fantasy world looks like London/New York 2021.

Racial conflict has always been a thing in human history and I'm sure that over the span of thousands of years, there would have been either complete assimilation of minorities and the dominant race (clearly European-like) would have prevailed in becoming the dominant appearance. I should add that while he added quotes that might make the characters seem black, it could be that they were just very tanned whites (ever seen a white man who works in the fields all day?). At the end of the day, trying to insert modern multi-racial societies (which are already in conflict due to said multi-racialism) into a fantasy setting is silly and boring.

>> No.18973634

>No you are not correct and no I will not listen to what you have to say
Is this board just full of psueds?

>> No.18973908
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>why aren't you watching 45 minutes of some retard who agrees with me on YouTube?
> I can't make my own argument you have to watch him!!! if you don't you are pseud!!! If you don't I will cry!!!!

>> No.18973980
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Who cares it'll be shit regardless of casting

>> No.18974014
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>> No.18974026

This unironically, name me 5 series or movies that are good even thought they have a minority within their main cast

>> No.18974028

From the last decade

>> No.18974039

I wonder how they'll act his schizoid rape scenes

>> No.18974047

The thing is there are black people in the wheel of time, there are swarthy and Asian people, but no you need to have the main cast be "diverse" even when it doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.18974058

Yeah obviously you think that unironically, that's what makes you a chud.
And I wouldn't know, I don't watch movies or tv

>> No.18974064

>even when it doesn't make any fucking sense.
And how does it not make sense?

>> No.18974132
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>Wants more niggers on movies
>Doesn't even watch them
Many such cases

>> No.18974141

All im doing is criticising the retards that start spazing out when ever they see a black person.

>> No.18974157

For example, It has been explained over and over again that the two rivers folk are "people of ancient blood", it's such a huge part of the story that it defines some main characters in the book, and is part of the prophesies. That literally could not happen if they had a constant influx of new blood as it was suggested by all the retards who defend this casting.
There are places where diversity makes a lot of sense like the asedai city, but having multicolored people on the two river is just plain retarded and it makes the story nonsensical.
> oh yes he was raised from the ancient blood by people of the old blood, but that old blood is not really that old hahaha!!!

>> No.18974167

You are clearly the retard in this case, there are black and brown people in the wheel of time, there is no reason to skin change them.

>> No.18974172

Tf are you talking about? They'd still be people of old blood even if outsiders occasionally visited.

Watch the YouTube video linked if you want to actually test your validity

>> No.18974177

There's no reason not to either. Are you spazing out just as hard over rand not being 6'6"? That's way more a part of his character than anyone's skin tones

>> No.18974213

>They'd still be people of old blood even if outsiders occasionally visited.
That is just retarded, by the same metric everyone ins the world has old blood because of everyone has ancestors. Direct dependency and pureness for there to even be any meaning in the "oldness of their blood". Gaian why are just some of matts misegenated ancestors talking thought him? why isn't he having visions of travelers and seafolk?
Also everything indicates there were little to no contact between the people of the two rivers and the rest of the world, they didn't even have tax collectors come to them and there was a sole trader that came and likely only came he was compelled by the dark lord to do so.
Also make your own arguments you brain dead mongoloid, stop linking to some shitty e-celeb as if he is some sort of authority figure.

>> No.18974218

>Also everything indicates there were little to no contact between the people of the two rivers and the rest of the world
Except all the gleemen and merchants. Do you think they are autonomous?
And guess what buddy, Jordan even mentions there being more than one skin tone in the Two Rivers, so you're already fucked.
Watch the video. Or don't, either way you're just gonna keep seething.

>> No.18974229

>stop linking to some shitty e-celeb as if he is some sort of authority figure.
He brings on the founder of the 20 year old The Wheel Of Time Society (aka an actual author figure) to help BTFO the chuds, incase you were wondering

>> No.18974236
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>We wuz channelers n sheeeeeeeit

>> No.18974254

>Except all the gleemen
Did you just skin the book? the fact there even was a gleeman in the village was such a rarity people went crazy over it. And the same thing with The merchants, there wasn't constant trade they came once or twice a year, the fact there were very little to no outsiders is a huge part of the plot latter on when the tinkerers and other people go to the village when Perrin goes back, because they are very xenophobic. But I guess that is irrelevant they were a diverse people with different cultures and ethnicities from he get go, I guess Jordan doesn't know how to write.
It seems you didn't even read the books you are talking about for fucks sake.
>E-celeb literally brings random nobody as an authority figure on the subject.
WTF is an author figure you fucking retard? Jordan is dead. This is his work, there is no "author" outside of him that can speak beside MAYBE Sanderson.
Again make your own arguments, if you even can. Or just admit you don't know the material.

>> No.18974263

>WTF is an author figure you fucking retard? Jordan is dead.
It's a typo you fucking retard. I meant authority figure. I pray to Allah that you may one day have sex

>> No.18974281
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Unfixed it to niggerspeak.

>> No.18974284

this just shows how little culture darkies have that they have to steal from us

>> No.18974286

>And the same thing with The merchants, there wasn't constant trade they came once or twice a year,
And guess what you retard, that's enough for genetic diversity!
What makes you think they were all one race to begin with anyway? The two rivers folk are all descendants of Manetherin which was described as diverse in origins.

One of their first queens was black. Seethe more

>> No.18974336

Blacks will at some point, maybe soon, have to contend with the fact that no other race likes them or wants to have to look at them- not because the rest of the world is irrationally mean, but because they are visually and intellectually offensive. The appearance of Africans in the white man's visual media is the least organic, most contrived and most Jewish thing that has happened to our culture.

>> No.18974370

>And guess what you retard, that's enough for genetic diversity!
how? did the merchant periodically fuck their daughters and leave bastard children in the village? Is that your argument? They didn't come to settle they came to trade.
>What makes you think they were all one race to begin with anyway?
because it was clearly stated they were the survivors of a single kingdom that was itself somewhat secluded from the rest.
> Manetherin which was described as diverse in origins.
Source please because I think you are full of shit. It said that right after the breaking of the world the mineral resources of the mountains attracted settlers, but even assuming they were genetically different at the start( which is a unfounded assumption) the hundreds and hundreds of years since the star of the kingdom to it's fall to the creation of the two rivers village would make them homogenous.

How is this relevant at all? We are not talking about andor you retard. The people of the two villages don't even see themselves and andorians.

>> No.18974510

>how? did the merchant periodically fuck their daughters and leave bastard children in the village? Is that your argument? They didn't come to settle they came to trade.
Extremely telling that you don't know how getting laid works

Mantheren incorporated such a large range of space that incorporated a bunch of different regions with people of all descriptions. They were very diverse.

>> No.18974512

The biggest issue is that the Wheel of Time series is not made for TV at all. It doesn't have anything like the elegant TV-friendly flow of (early) Game of Thrones plot and dialogue. It was written as an autistic Tolkienesque fantasy epic, it is long and maximalist and meandering and full of structure and lore and takes forever to reach any kind of payoff. So practically by definition they are going to butcher it. The danger is that the creators are going to misunderstand the strengths and appeal of the series, butcher it the wrong way, introduce dumb things, reinterpret content using modern sensibilities, and try to force the Wheel of Time to be "the next game of thrones" in a way that doesn't make any sense.

Also just looking at the trailer... the visuals are oddly campy and shockingly low budget at times. Reminds me of the Avatar: The Last Airbender live action movie. Hopefully it's a laugh at least.

>> No.18974530

>Extremely telling that you don't know how getting laid works
I think his point is that that doesn't imply a decent shift in population genetics where it is just seen as normal. There were quite a few Italian traders in 17th century England, that didnt make Italian last names a run of the mill thing.

Just feels like a bit of a stretch that feels like an a prioi justification for it by ingenuine sensibilities. If the film was made in poland or cech republic or something, I dont think it would be a thing.

>> No.18974547

this is one of the best takes i've seen so far.

very disappointed in the channeling we've seen so far. It looks like they're not going to differentiate between different types of flows. How hard would it be to make red flows represent weaves of fire? Not to mention that there's no "weaving" going on at all. Just wiggly white wisps floating around as shorthand for "magic happening here"

>> No.18974562

two rivers = shire
moiraine/thom = gandalf
lan = aragorn
trollocs = orcs
taren ferry = bree
the ways = moria
mt. doom = mt. dhoom
mordor = shayol gul
sauron = shai'tan

bravo jordan

>> No.18974571 [DELETED] 

His point was that he couldn't understand how merchants who were there for business could ever end up fucking.

>> No.18974576

desu, I feel like its par for the course. It seems like films never really "get" mechanical indicators and totally forget them in leau of "thematic indicators" rather than trying to weave both together.

Though it makes ssense in a way since they are story tellers rather than story tellers and world builders like authers often are and can spare to be (I assume since in film everything "costs" some different amount from a more or less finite budget, you want to get to the important/stunning points and "cut chaff" to maximize resources, while a writer isnt nearly as pressured and can spend the time adding aditional details whos "cost" is measured in the minues and hours instead of 10s of thousands of dollars.)

>> No.18974594

His point was that he couldn't understand how merchants who were there for business could ever end up fucking.
Plus, do you think a town of a few hundred is equivalent to the whole of England?

>> No.18974596

>Extremely telling that you don't know how getting laid works
Oh forgive me for thinking the clearly conservative and prudish women of the village of the two river people's wouldn't fuck every dirty padan fain who came over their way,
For fucks sake mate, Did you forget the months of waiting from brethoral to actual marriage that was the costume in the village?
How would merchants, who seldom even go to the village, be able to change the demographics of the place to such an extent?
And assuming that they did how would their blood still count as old? Another thing mentioned in the story is how the lack of miscegenation in the two river allowed magic to still reside in their blood differently from the other places, where the culling of male asedai and the gathering of female asedai made it almost disappear.
But I guess that is just another one of Jordan's mistake. They were diverse and magic is not genetic e-celebs and you know better.

>> No.18974630

>Plus, do you think a town of a few hundred is equivalent to the whole of England?
Yah I was refering to scale. Would 1000 traders come, or a handful of like 5?
A more proportianate examplie might be swiss townships which tended to stay german or french or romanish or whatever through thousands of years being rather remote. while still getting rather regular trade from north Italian states.

Or better yet, the caucuses with literal hundreds of distinct ethnic groups which stayed rather insular throughout.

>> No.18974691

Keep digging that hole dude.

Not everyone in The Two Rivers was of old blood BTW. Only most of them were which kinda BTFO's your entire argument.
"though they have little memory of it, MOST of the inhabitants of The Two Rivers are descendents of the lost nation of Manetherin."
Furthermore, Cenn Buie, one of the oldest people in the two rivers, is described as being "dark as and old root".
except in RJs notes he describes the see folk as "dark enough to generally be remarked 'like old roots" so clearly this is a phrase he uses to literally describe skin tone.

Plus, Robert Jordan made the Aiel paled skin despite the fact that they are desert dwellers. Why? Because he fucking felt like it, no logic included. So your talk about RJ not making mistakes is instant bullshit
"I rather liked the idea of making the desert dwellers blue eyed and fair instead of the usual dark eyed dark complected desert people"

>> No.18974702

Again, none of that is equivalent to a small town. Your talk about ethic groups staying rather insular just makes my point because how tf would that apply to people in a small town?

>> No.18974832

>Not everyone in The Two Rivers was of old blood BTW. Only most of them were which kinda BTFO's your entire argument.
That is the thing it doesn't if most of them are descendent from Manetherin and most of them share a genetical lineage then they are mostly homogenous, which still makes the casting absolutely retarded.

>Furthermore, Cenn Buie, one of the oldest people in the two rivers, is described as being "dark as and old root".
>except in RJs notes he describes the see folk as "dark enough to generally be remarked 'like old roots" so clearly this is a phrase he uses to literally describe skin tone.
How is that relevant to the discussion? same thing with your retarded andor ramblings you are making strawman's and defatting them. If you seen old British farmers they skin is also quite dark and leathery, which I assume is thanks to their exposure to the sun. That does not mean they are trans racial only that their skin is darker.

>Plus, Robert Jordan made the Aiel paled skin despite the fact that they are desert dwellers. Why? Because he fucking felt like it, no logic included.
so making them swarthy is the proper way to do things and Jordan is wrong once again? mate for fucks sake I didn't say Jordan was infallible, but that the producers are clearly completely disregarding his writing. Which is undebatable.
An d you, defending this retardation, are doing the same. At this point just make them all chinses children fighting evil imperial japan, since the original work clearly doesn't matter.

>> No.18974854

>That is the thing it doesn't if most of them are descendent from Manetherin and most of them share a genetical lineage then they are mostly homogenous
Yep, he's irredeemably retarded

>> No.18974857

They made it seem like the Aes Sedai are the main characters, and this is a story of the women.

This book was all about Rand (they showed about 2 seconds of that character)

The casting diversity makes it look like its a play from a very very poor inner city school

>> No.18974864

>Again, none of that is equivalent to a small town. Your talk about ethic groups staying rather insular just makes my point because how tf would that apply to people in a small town?
most of those ethnic groups consisted of small towns. They only changed much with a actual merchan outpost. In the caucuses towns can be miles apart.

>> No.18974881

Blood and ashes this looks like ass

>> No.18974924

>There's no reason not to either.
Yeah fuck consistency, fuck following the author story and descriptions.
I mean why even call it wheel of time, call it circle of Cronus or some other shit.
They are not following the same story, not getting the character right, not getting the relahsinship between them right... It's fine who cares?

>> No.18974932

The fact that you put that much emphasis on race is hilarious.

>> No.18974960

you didn't hear? They changed it so that Egwene is the dragon reborn in the show.

>> No.18974996

Race is but a part of it as a mentioned, they not following the same story, not getting the character right, not getting the relationships between them right, and that is from before the show aha seven started. Race is but yet another fuck up which you can close your eyes to pretend doesn't matter, but it doesn't change the rest of the fuck ups.

>> No.18975022

The show hasn't even aired yet my dude. And do you even know what an adaptation is??

>> No.18975301

Start watching
See niggers
Stop watching

>> No.18975362

How do you trust a Mormon? They don’t drink. Everyone in fantasy times is drunk because the water isn’t purified. How can he actually articulate what it’s like?

Also holy shit that really was diversity casting and women empowerment. I thought y’all were joking/complaining like you normally do but holy shit. The fattest whitest Mormon writes Reddit books for years and amazon is turning it into another flop. Awesome.

>> No.18975558

>so making them swarthy is the proper way to do things and Jordan is wrong once again?
do you know what a desert is?

>> No.18975575

Do you know what fantasy is? If you are going to ignore the author you might as well write your own book.

>> No.18975683 [DELETED] 

Then what the fuck are you whining about? Why do you care so much about the diversity of the cast when RJ never cared to mention race in the novels then you fucking retard?

>> No.18975702 [DELETED] 

Then what the fuck are you whining about? Why do you care so much about the diversity of the cast when RJ never cared to mention skin colour in the novels then you fucking retard?

>> No.18975792

>why do you care ab out proper presentation in an adaptation of a work
Maybe because I care about said work? why are you so happy and defensive about changes done to the adaptation? Like I said race is only one of the many issues, another one of note being the exclusion of rand's wives as they were in the books.
> RJ never cared to mention skin colour in the novels
if you are the same retard who has been arguing with everyone since the beginning your own words when arguing with other anons contradict your statement. >>18974691
So you are outright lying.

>> No.18975885


>> No.18975886 [DELETED] 

For the love of God just have sex. You have already lost, diversity will find its way into everything you watch and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Get fucked

>> No.18975890

>Daniel Greene

Opinion discarded.

>> No.18975919


I was being hyperbolic you fucking retard. The fact of the matter is that RJ hardly ever went into skin colour unless he was describing new races. RJ well and truly would not give a shit about the diversity of the cast and only virgin on lit boards seem to care. RJ well and truly did not give a shit about the logic concerning skin tones because if he did then the desert dwellers would be swarthy and the basement dwellers would be red in the face at the sight of black people.
I can't believe that "caring about the work" includes seething over black people and so far it's only chuds and virgins that have been doing so.

For the love of God, have sex.

>> No.18975920

>Wheel of Time

WoT is a Lord of the Rings rip off.

>> No.18975965

So now all your argument boils down to is "if you don't want to see characters changed and the story changed you are a racist because they are changing said character to black people".
You are just retarded, I wouldn't like if they made rand blond instead of having his hair be red, I wouldn't like if the seafolk where changed to Mongols in boats. That doesn't mean i hate Mongols or blond haired people you absolute retard, just that I don't want to see those clear changes happen for in an adaptation.
How little do you have to care about an authors work to say "well they are changing it to x ethnicity and takin out x relahsinship because it was bad so it's ok".

>> No.18976049

I'm sorry, am i supposed to recap every point i've made every time I make a new post? You've been way to retarded to keep up this whole time so I'm not surprised you still haven't caught on.

You haven't provided any evidence that I haven't already shot down that the villagers were all the same skin tone. There is no evidence in Jordan's books that the skin colour of all the people in the Two Rivers were the same. The fact that seeing black people in the Two Rivers made you seethe is enough for me. The fact that you dimissed the fact that Cenn Buie is "dark like an old root" with some retarded shit about farmers in england getting a tan (which I dare you to back up. My uncle is a farmer and his skin, nor the skin of his friends, are as "dark as an old root" you fucking moron) shows how biased you are. How fucking dense are you that you'd think someone with fair skin could get that dark?
When Elaida meets Rand she is incredulous when she finds out he's from the Two Rivers because they "SELDOM" have such light skin, seldom being an important part because that alone proves diversity.
>How little do you have to care about an authors work to say "well they are changing it to x ethnicity and takin out x relahsinship because it was bad so it's ok".
The fact that you think putting some black people in a village is so big of a deal that you have to not care about the author to be ok about it tells me everthing I need to know about you.

>> No.18976093

The Mannerheim one always gets me, Kek.

>> No.18976148

Imagine fighting and getting mad over a shitty LoTR clone.
Worse yet imagine fighting over an adaptation of it.
You are all pathetic.

>> No.18976177

> Shitty LoTR clone
Imagine thinking inspired work is a clone. Like calling LoTR the NKJ Bible clone. baka.

>> No.18976183

didn't RJ say himself that the first few WoT books were essentially just LotR rip offs?

>> No.18976615

I am rafe judkins

>> No.18976642

This. It is a literal blueprint on how to defeat feminism.

>> No.18976697


That's a huge part of the books. They're LOTR: Simp edition (still like the first three, personally)

>> No.18976715

>tl; dr
>plebbit spacing

KYS cucksimpincel brainlet

>> No.18976795
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>> No.18976968

i read the first book and thought it sucked ass

>> No.18976984

Wow the silence kek

>> No.18977638

the others aren't any better

>> No.18977796

>my dude
Go back to twitter.

>> No.18977807

Everyone drinks wines that are colour coded for their alcohol level in Sanderson's books. His heroes drink the non-alcoholic ones, naturally.

>> No.18978008

I'm willing to bet not a single actor in the show has read all the books.