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19042673 No.19042673 [Reply] [Original]

Post good books about economy.

I'm thinking of getting Debt: The First 5,000 Years.

>> No.19042686
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Hey, know any app designers?

>> No.19042688
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I've liked this lil nigga ever since he BTFO'd Bob Diamond

>> No.19042698
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a good econ textbook > any esoteric non-fiction marketed to the masses

pic related

>> No.19042933


>Thinking that padded out shit that gets needlessly updated with even more padding every year by publishers is good learning material

That will be $1200 please

>> No.19042956


>> No.19042970


>> No.19042977
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>> No.19042978

Do you want good books about economics, a scholarly discipline whose field specifying assumption means that it does not in fact describe external reality; or, do you want good books about human economies?

For the latter start with Engels, then read Marx, read some of the 20th century critiques of Marx from within Political Economy (Mandel obviously, II Rubin), then move into anthropology, sociology and labour history.

For the discipline of economics just do an economics degree. They're pathetically similar because a US trade association controls the curriculum. No I'm not joking.

>> No.19042986

Buy a used older version for practically free then dummy

>> No.19042991
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In before So-unwell

Hahahaha. He does explain exactly how he came up with the theory. It’s besides plain old shit jobs too. So so fragile

>> No.19042994

Immaculate bait

>> No.19043013

Why didn't you show up on the thread where the anon refuted Vaush's video on Sowell, which you had recommended?
You think we've forgotten how you ran away from arguing against him?

>> No.19043031

can you link the thread

>> No.19043033

Marx. Ignore his political rantings, of course. Just benefit from his otherwise brilliant analyses.

>> No.19043036

Marx Capital

>> No.19043059

No, it was months ago and I'm on my cellphone, you can try to look for it in the archives. It was a 27-part refutation of Vaush's video on Sowell, which Butterfly had recommended, because she hadn't actually read Sowell even though she shits on him every now and then. She doesn't read. It's well-known.

>> No.19043068

Henry George's Progress and Poverty.

>> No.19043069

>which you had recommended?
I didn’t. This video is something some anon brought in a previous thread ago. Not only did the dude debunk him easily, I did it again in the next thread someone rehashed. The argument was stupid. Sowell fanboys can only win by hiding their heads in the sand.
I don’t care about this vaush guy either. YouTube drama. Don’t need it.

I don’t read shit capitalist apologists. He’s a money grubber uncle Tom

>> No.19043071

Economic Facts and Fallavies by Thomas Sowell

>> No.19043077

Yuck. Read Hoppe instead of commie filth.

>> No.19043080


>> No.19043131

>autist-rian economics

lol no

>> No.19043132

>I don’t read shit capitalist apologists

You don't have to say it. We know you hate reading. That's why you're a failure even at 50 y.o.

>> No.19043225

Read human action from Mises. It's the best book on economics anyone has ever written.

>> No.19043252
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Currently reading The Art of Not Being Governed by James C. Scott and The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony by Roberto Calasso

>> No.19043736
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All you need.

>> No.19043815


who cares how much it costs, like >>19042986 said just pirate it online if you can't afford it. Not that it costs anything close to $1200 anyways. Library is free too, by the way.

the pic I posted is the most comprehensive text I have ever found on econ. This is coming from someone who has read countless texts and has a degree in economics. It covers absolutely everything and I mean everything (macro/micro, econometrics, keynesian, marx, austrian, behavioral econ, neuroeconomics, feminist economics [yes I did say everything, and that includes the BS], game theory, markets, monetary policy, labor econ, history of economic thought, etc. etc. I've only listed a fraction of the topics). Hell when I first found this book buried in the library archives I even found some stuff that I had never heard of before, and this was years into my degree.

big problem with reading "econ books" posted on this board is you get a slice of the pie instead of the whole picture. Hell, OP pic is a prime example; it covers one small topic and was written by a freaking anthropologist of all people. Then you get the platoon of commie larpers posting Marx philosophy from 100 years ago. Then the Adam smith larpers posting about how retarded they all are and spamming wealth of nations from 250 years ago. Add in a sprinkle of how the modern economy is doomed and how the jews control the entire world and you have the breadth of 99% of economic knowledge on this board summed up pretty well.

>> No.19044060

it literally says free on the side retard

>> No.19044636

I'm about 75% through OP's book. It does sometimes fall into the "this grand rational pattern explains so much of history" trap like lots of anthropologists, but there are enough bounded specific anecdotes to make reading it enjoyable. his bigger thesis on the role of bullion and coinage on history cycles seems a bit grandiose, but he does well support other ideas about the "everyday communism" he so desperately wants to coin across societies and times.

>> No.19044648


>> No.19044656

>This is coming from someone who has read countless texts and has a degree in economics. It covers absolutely everything and I mean everything (macro/micro, econometrics, keynesian, marx, austrian, behavioral econ, neuroeconomics, feminist economics [yes I did say everything, and that includes the BS], game theory, markets, monetary policy, labor econ, history of economic thought, etc. etc. I've only listed a fraction of the topics). Hell when I first found this book buried in the library archives I even found some stuff that I had never heard of before, and this was years into my degree.
You're an idiot for selling the book this way. It is impossible to give all those topics the proper overview, that's why it's called a reference handbook. You're doing the equivalent of recommending a dictionary or encyclopedia.

>> No.19044665
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>> No.19044835

Iv'e looked into this question. The books iv'e purchased were and am reading in order are:

1. The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
2. Man, Economy and State by Murray Rothbard
3. Human Action by Ludwig Von. Mises
4. The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek

This is probably the most non-meme answer you will get in this thread.

>> No.19044844

>non-meme answer

>> No.19045147
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"Rothbard argued that the progressive movement, which he regarded as a noxious influence on the United States, was spearheaded by a coalition of Yankee Protestants, Jewish women and "lesbian spinsters"."


>> No.19045184

>Karl Polanyi: The Great Transformation (1944)

>> No.19045191
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Jew boy loved his Dixiecrat neoclassical liberals. Probably under the impression they wouldn’t want old chattel slavery back, and would settle for corvée. Imagine that. Orphans serving corvée. Once they get “too old” they set em free.
Liberal paradise, hu?

Yes, I have a problem with Rothbard.

>> No.19045242


I stand by my post 100% anon, OP asked for books on economics and this is the best one I've found. There is more "proper overview" on the majority of topics covered in this book than you will ever find in any other book that's not another textbook/academic literature (the exceptions being esoteric, modern, or avant-garde topics).

You can't give these topics proper overview in those books because they are marketed to the masses and putting in IS-LM models or explaining linear regression in more than 3 sentences is a quick way to put your reader to sleep and make sure no one buys your book. Whereas in a textbook you can fully expound without worrying about book sales. Not to mention when you write a "book about economics" you are really writing an (ultimately biased) critique of a particular school of thought. Just look at the recommendations in this thread

The topic of this thread is "books about economics" not "books about Keynesian theory" or "books about Marxism" "books about corporate finance" "books about the debt problem"

>> No.19045818

>Trying to talk about economics with a commie
Don't even bother, anon. He likely never read Rothbard or anyone of the Austrian tradition and just gets his opinion by reading what his own school of thought has to say on them.

>> No.19045987 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19046020
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>> No.19046040

>3. Human Action by Ludwig Von. Mises
>4. The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek
Garbage, The Austrian School is devoid of merit.

>> No.19046312


>> No.19046512

t. Marxist whose knowledge of Mises comes from leftist critiques of his work rather than reading the actual works.

>> No.19046581

Read a book on basic economics like Sowell or Hazlitt.

Then move on to the only relevant economic school, the Austrians. Read Hayek, Mises, Rothbard et al

>> No.19046634

I find Hayek a bit overrated. He's good as an introduction, but if you are reading Mises, Rothbard and Hoppe you don't really need to read him.

>> No.19046903

Bastiat - Seen and unseen
Hayek - Use of knowledge in society
Sowell - Basic Economics

The first two are short reads, not really books.

>> No.19047050

I don't think economists know what a primary source is.

>> No.19047053

Reading economics is pretty much useless if you don't want to study it as an actual science -- not as bag of memes and battle pics servicing your ideological viewpoint. There's science -- its virtue or value (that is, the last answer you will get if after asking a person "Why?" question ad nauseum) being trying to discern an actual state of affairs, and there's politics -- trying to change the present state of affairs. You can have two degenerate cases of both: an activism, this is when you run around with a couple of battle memes, usually whining about mainstream economics ("bourgeois pseudoscience", "ideology", "SMD theorem", "cambridge capital controversy", "revealed preferences"/ "cardinal utilty", "central banking", "the FED") coupled with some one-line solutions to all problems ("raise minimum wage to 15/20/30..$", "deficit spend" , "UBI", "abolish the value-form", "destroy the fed", "institute gold standard", "abolish the state"); and politicized science i.e. "heterodox economics" which is mostly reduced to production of aforementioned criticisms and solutions.
The result is, instead of having actually politically engaged people or people doing an actual science, we have a bunch of terminally online zoomers engaged in shitty "political philosophy" debates, who use garbage science while thinking they are doing something by "changing the discourse".

>> No.19047097

The two best books on economics that I've read were Piketty's Capitalism in the 20th Century (great overview of why capitalism as it is today sucks and why inequality is such a problem) and Turner's Between Debt and the Devil (best explanation of the 2008 financial crisis and the role of banks)
The Road to Serfdom is a just a pointless read, it's all ad hominem and no substance. I don't always agree with Hayek but he's put out much better stuff.
This is also great, more political economy than economics though.
Definitely do not read Sowell or Hazlitt, they are probably the worst way to start learning about economics. It's just neoliberal trash about "taxes are bad".