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19079530 No.19079530 [Reply] [Original]

The basic shapes are found all over nature, they being the line, circle with a point/concentric rings in the middle, and the balance of the two, the spiral. They are NOT the triangle, square and pointless circle. These shapes are nowhere to be found in nature.

The line is the boundary/electric principle. So if you're getting shit from your boss and don't say anything about it, you're obfuscating your line drawing capacity in that moment. You're letting him be the story-teller of your life. If you stay at a social situation that you'd rather not be at any more, you're giving the boring/abrasive people in that situation authority over your time. If you disagree with someone and don't speak up about it, you're giving their perception of the world authority over yours, just by your silence.

The circle is the inclusive/magnetic principle. If you're creating lots of made up stories in your mind about how "I'll never fit in with them", you're obfuscating your magnetic capacity in that moment. You're letting a puny little thought dictate to you not to have the positive outcomes from that social interaction in that moment. If you're thinking "I'll always be depressed" - guess what you're going to attract? Scenarios and mindstates that bring you more depression. If you want you circle-formation of your bodily, mental and emotional form to be well established, do not believe the conditioning that runs through your mind, enquire to the Witness inside of you which allows all thoughts to exist, but doesn't believe a word of them.

The spiral is the balance of the two, it is the masculine and feminine working together. Whirpools, tornadoes, our galaxy, fibonacci ratios on animals, shells, flowers, snails, fossils. This shape turns up EVERYWHERE in nature. It is only when you've mastered the masculine and feminine poles outlined above that you can reach Magic in your life again through this spiral dynamic.

>> No.19080631


>> No.19080665
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>> No.19080862
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Bump. Based post. Any books on this? SpiralPill me, bros.