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19124230 No.19124230 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19124234

fuck off

>> No.19124245

My metabolism slowed to a halt and I don't know why. I'm scared an I'm thinking of going to the doctor for help

>> No.19124276

Where is the best place to buy cheap used english books if i live in Mexico and I want to read more English books?

>> No.19124284

Going to a doctor might be a relief to get some tests done and knowing that you're not dying.

But try sleeping and going for long walks.

>> No.19124314

I unironically daydreamed about choking and fucking this woman from work this afternoon and I'm not incel. I don’t know why I dreamed of her.

>> No.19124331

Going to a doctor legitimately scares me because what if I find I have some illness or medical condition. Shit like that keeps me up at night, though I know I have to go eventually. Its still something I don't want to do even though I have to.

>> No.19124344

How do I solve my inner turmoil within myself?

>> No.19124353

Confront it, know it, interrogate your feelings and understand what they arose from. The only way to move past these things is to cultivate a greater understanding of yourself through introspection(meditation) and it's not easy.

>> No.19124358

>Where is the best place to buy cheap used english books if i live in Mexico

>> No.19124361

I love writing for fun, but I feel like I have to turn all my hobbies into profit.

>> No.19124389

My first year of community college I had a really rough time. I still don’t know if I made the right call and if I should have went to a technical college to learn a trade. Feels like I’m making all the wrong decisions lately. Has anyone else felt the same way?

>> No.19124409

Aren't American products expensive in Mexico?

>> No.19124410

So much great blessings tempered with the sensousest of melancholies!

>> No.19124438 [DELETED] 

Always thought I’d write but now it’s too late for that. Don’t turn your gun hobby into some business. It always ends terribly.

>> No.19124446

Always thought I’d write but now it’s too late for that. Don’t turn your writing hobby into some business. It always ends terribly.

>> No.19124447

try the 5:2 diet. fast for 2 days and eat normally (not excessively) for the rest of the week. But yes, see a doctor

>> No.19124458

Have that but in a retrospective way. I'll see someone I knew who was beating the same drum as me but then I in my stubbornness decided to go on my own path and beat a different rhythm. They always seem to be doing better than me. This may be a lesson to let the wind blow and the waves crash. Or as its commonly said, "go with the flow"

>> No.19124480

>5:2 diet
Is that healthy? I've never done any fasting before, much less intermittent fasting

>> No.19124496

I can tell you my experience; it's okay. They say to spread the 2 in the 5:2 diet up but i go full force in fasting. I feel a bit weak but nothing else of note. Plus, I lose weight.

>> No.19124514

I've traded actual love for book reading and approval from anonymous strangers online.

>> No.19124523

I want to get big into reading and writing but I can't

>> No.19124535 [DELETED] 

What books do you read? You should set a goal and make it small.

>> No.19124557

What type of books do you read? As for writing, you should set a goal and make it small. Start writing short stories or flash ficitions.

>> No.19124579

I'm lonely and poor. Is there still hope for me? Or is 4chan the highlight of my life?

>> No.19124607

ay anon who liked the muslim chick: sorry if it was too cheeky to recommend a Quran. i thought of it half as a jab and half as an option, but if you thought I was being a cunt then I'm sorry.

>> No.19124612

Make some real life friends and stop coming to 4chan.

>> No.19124644
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I'm lying in bed. I'm hungry. I feel like shit mentally and I don't know why.

>> No.19124650

I just want some fucking money.

>> No.19124657
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It was the year when they finally immanentized the Eschaton

>> No.19124661

Sometimes I feel like an idiot for wanting to give up my safe, pensioned, bureaucrat job, but I know my life will never really be worth it if I don’t.

>> No.19124677

What do you want to do so badly that you're willing to give up your safe, pensioned, bureaucrat job?

>> No.19124686

My focus is so easily lost, so easily led astray. And I feel so horrible for how I have spent my time in the past. There is no doubt that I have improved in organizing my energy, dedicating my time to worthwhile activities, especially since beginning work, because my weekdays have grown shorter and so on. But I often feel compelled to reduce my time online. Maybe this is not due to an abundance of time spent on the internet, but for how it makes me feel, how it makes me act, what manner of thinking it encourages. An alcoholic cannot drink with moderation. They cannot poor themselves a little wine at the end of the day and let that be the end of their indulgence. While I would not refer to myself as an addict, I think there is truth in the comparison. Once I have indulged, I indulge a little bit more. I never restrict my participation appropriately. I'm seduced at every click, from image to image, from message to message. So many minor and uninspirational thoughts spring up and pass away, so much of it I see and forget. What good does it make of me? At one moment I'll have a surge of clarity and be repulsed by what I am doing and then the next I'll be giddy and entertained and totally lost, outside of reality. I'll probably keep browsing, keep telling myself it will be the last, again and again...

>> No.19124713

Get a job

>> No.19124754

I would if I could. But I haven’t interacted with people since highschool.

>> No.19124766

Lads I am crippled by self-judgement. I want to write poetry but hate everything I write, I want to play music but when I play guitar all I hear is the spots that could be better. I write papers for my supervisor but I hear the criticism before I even submit it. I can't express myself artistically at all but I go crazy if I don't. Another night drinking in front of a page that I know I won't fill.

>> No.19124779

I broke up with my girlfriend today. I thought I would regret it the instant I leave her apartment but I don't, I don't feel one any way about it. I'll see how I feel tomorrow, but it was for the best.

>> No.19124789

I hate that we think of ourselves as above animals when we have the same drives and instincts they do. I honestly don't believe humanity will ever transcend its' animal instincts, in fact it will be our down fall. We're still deeply flawed products of evolution and that's all we'll every be.

>> No.19124795

Hope everything is alright anon, I'm sure you made the right call.

>> No.19124865

All is well, just feels weird to be alone.

>> No.19124973

Why do you have to be an incel to dream about sex?

>> No.19124975

You got Family or friends?

>> No.19125006

Yeah, I'm fine on that front. Weird to be alone as in not being with her. On a sunday night she would most likely be here and sleep over and now I'm just alone. But I feel fine, mostly glad it's over.

>> No.19125021 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19125068

man this guy's intonation is annoying

>> No.19125128

What’s was the posts

>> No.19125212


he reposted it as a thread, engineer midwit complains that philosophy isn't his discipline for 20 minutes and thinks it's a valid criticism of any of the ideas he has never interacted with

>> No.19125213

For me 16 hours of fasting is the best and restricting eating to a 6 hour window. It really just equates to skipping breakfast which is a shitty meal filled to the brim with garbage IMO.

>> No.19125218

It's okay, anon. I forgive you.

We're cringe and retarded as a species. It's truly surprising to see how much we have advanced when you think about how incapable we seem.

You're right, anon. It was a popular myth at the time and during the history afterwards. Science and rationalism has since made religion lose it's lustre. I'm surprised when I meet people who are still wholly devout though, like Muslim woman. Hearing someone unironically talk about hellfire and praying to save my soul is very weird when you're an existentialist.

That's how artists are though. It was really eye opening to hear some of my favourite artists talk shit about some of their work, because you, the audience, hold it in high esteem, which is juxtaposed against the artists self-hatred. I feel like the common sentiment on published works of any serious artists' are "eehhh, it was okay".

>> No.19125271

Christ. The fuck is this shit?

>> No.19125278
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I took a psychological survey for school and it revealed I have a strong automatic preference for cis over trans people
Now that this information is out there, I’m worried I’ll have trouble getting a job

>> No.19125290

Those "tests" are so fucking retarded

>> No.19125295


>> No.19125304

Every other person had the same result as you.

We are above animals, in that we can be aware of those instincts, those drives, those impulses and control them. Most people already do on some level and people meditate all their lives looking inwards to understand and move beyond them. This deterministic fatalism is so cringe and the ideology of a person that's given up.

>> No.19125371

No i don't think most people do reflect on their instincts and impulses. Ask men why they cheat on their spouses
and you would give up too if you were me

>> No.19125386

I think I might finally be on the cusp of controlling my weed habits. I bought some and I'm confident about being able to manage it, I think I'm finally close to loving life itself enough

>> No.19125484

That's good hope it works out for you.

>> No.19125641

>Ask men why they cheat on their spouses
Stop generalizing men.

>> No.19125655

A few days ago I woke up to the sudden return of a chronic medical problem. I sat up in bed and my stomach was full of air. Whenever this happens, I have to manually expel all the air by belching, which takes several minutes, and it sucks because whenever I eat anything the whole process begins again.

For about 7 years now I've had this problem, and it comes in waves. I can be fine for months at a time, and then out of nowhere it returns. Until this weekend, I was convinced it had to do with my diet. Yesterday though, I learned there's a muscle in your stomach that controls the intake of air, and when it's weakened it takes in more air than usual, which is why the problem occurs in the first place. I realized that during my sleep, I probably slept in a bad position and irritated that muscle so it's all fucked up again. And I just have to wait until it rights itself.

I'm wondering if I should see a doctor about this. It's a real pain in the ass.

>> No.19125673

Ive got the same problem but it was brought on by damage to my gut from GERDS. Some days when I get up in the morning I've got to go through 2 or 3 glasses of water to force it all up and out of me. Completely disgusting.

>> No.19125719

I like Schopenhauer. Hope I have time to read before I die of "Clinton19"

>> No.19125721

>No i don't think most people do reflect on their instincts and impulses.

people are stupid but they are sentient

>> No.19125731

There's a person I know who got it from a back injury. It sucks, but hell, could be worse.

>> No.19125836
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I spent the past three years working as a substitute teacher in a small country town while working on my writing. Perfect work/life balance. Loved it. Then COVID happened, and I missed my students so much during the lockdowns that I considered going back to college and getting my master's to become a "real" English teacher.

Now I'm in a big city doing a one-year certification program, and I hate every waking moment of my life. Everything in this program is a clusterfuck. Most of my professors are unqualified dolts who can't even structure a syllabus. My classes all "alternate" and I can't even keep track of which ones I have each week without checking a calendar. None of the courses have any rigor. Social justice has so pervaded the department that 90% of them are about "dismantling whiteness."

I'm in these shit classes all day on Monday and Friday, and I spend Tuesday through Thursday in a high school, doing my "practicum." I'm with a new teacher every week, and some of them actually let me engage with the kids, but most of them just want me to sit in a corner and do nothing. I'm somehow doing less teaching than I did as a sub.

Then I spend all weekend doing an insurmountable load of busywork assignments -- pointless "reflections" and papers about nothing practical. I have no free time for any of my passions. Writing and lifting are only things that keep me sane, and without any time to write, I'm starting to despise my very existence.

I feel such genuine fulfillment when I actually get to build relationships with students, help them learn new things, and watch them succeed. But those moments are drowned in a sea of bureaucratic tedium, which has always been poison to me. I can't stand "doing nothing," and this entire program is just ritualized nothingness. I keep telling myself that it's just a year of misery, then I can have my own classroom to run (mostly) my way... but I don't know if my autismo-schizoid psyche can take a year of this shit.

>> No.19125863

t. ignatius

>> No.19125942
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Woke up this morning and depression just washed all over me. Had a pretty good run where all was going fine until it wasn't and now my life will change and this all came in the span of a day. I am anxious and my morale is very low.
My birthday is in a little over a month. I will officially enter my late 20's with nothing to show for it, when I compare myself to others my age, and this is especially bothersome when I realize these are the same fears I had when I was a teenager but now these fears have matured and I experience them as an alleged adult, but I still feel like a kid inside but with the hope and expectation of a better future diminishing little by little every day now.

>> No.19126073
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I can empathize with you, I'm 20 and in community college now after going through the bureaucrat hell that was hs, I hoped things would have been different, but I've found that I'm just going to have to grit my teeth and get through it. I was depressed for most of hs, parents were on edge and in the middle of a divorce, mom is unmedicated bipolar and my dad blew all our savings on some whore in Germany. Then I had to go to school and listen to a minority teacher lecture me on "privilege" all day while my classmates looked at me funny for being depressed when I'm white. (inner city high school btw) Community college isn't that much better, but the schedule is easier to work around. I'm working a job (graveyard shift) while going to school because my mom has some new nerve disorder making her unable to work, and sometimes unable to even get out of bed. Having to help her has inspired me to do more, and I'd like to finish school and become an engineer. I was never the best at math, but I hope if I work hard enough I'll be able to meet these goals and provide my mom with a decent life. I don't care about women, being discriminated against, having friends, the world ending, whatever. All I need is God, and a sense of purpose. As long as I have that, I'm willing to put up with being treated worse than a dog.

>> No.19126082

Godspeed man

>> No.19126085

Told my good friend about my troubles. He gave me a bottle of vodka and gauze. Pretty funny.

>> No.19126100

whats the gauze for

>> No.19126109

We're barely sentient

>> No.19126116
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I am going to get my doctorate in philosophy and theology, but I really wouldn't mind doing a second doctorate in mathematics. I never applied myself in high school (paid 0 attention in class, didn't study or do homework) nut still got pretty good grades. In terms of innate ability, I probably could've gone down that path

>> No.19126119

i told my mom about my troubles and she gave me one of her boxes of tampons and told me to grow a pair of balls

>> No.19126127

Be holy anons, and the things you deserve will come to you, but only once you abandon all desire of actually having them.

>> No.19126129

I'm just building my skills to the job that I have no real passion for or really desire aside from the pay.

>> No.19126134

cutting. hey, i like those endorphins!

>> No.19126330

Unironically thats gotten me through the worst.

>> No.19126337

I really would have liked to go that far. i love philosophy and theology. But I just hated school so much that I dropped out. Feels bad

>> No.19126366

i'm most happy when i'm writing code but i always hesitate to get started. i don't get it, i know i will enjoy it, but i put it off anyways.

>> No.19126422

God helps those who help themselves. Thanks for reading my post, I hope all your hard work bares fruit.

>> No.19126452
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This may come off a little wrong but the only reason why I'm tied down with my family is basically because of my (old) dog. I love him but I seriously cannot trust my family that much in taking care of him. As such, I've still been living with my family. Had he not been there I would've booked it out of here a long time ago.

>> No.19126461

You just described myself anon, glad to hear I'm not the only one. I'd say something about it getting better or other, but I'm just as stuck as you, so, keep playing those chords with no words to sing over and I'll do the same.

>> No.19126494

I've been doing rolling 48's for about 2 months and I feel ok i think

>> No.19126549
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I have to have a root canal tomorrow

Can anyone tell me what it's like? I'm scared. I'm worried it will disrupt my autistic rituals. I just want to be back to normal.

>> No.19126592
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I had a rough week, one filled with a few highs but mostly lows. The events that triggered this in a way occured monday. That day I had a third date with this girl who I was speaking with for about 2 or 3 weeks now. The first two date had went extremely well, the first one had lasted 3 hours and the second one around 6 hours. I had a blast at both dates, the conversation was fluid and there a never a dull moment. Time flew by very quickly when I was with her. Due to multiple circumstances, the third date was scheduled a bit later but between that time we would text through snapchat everyday. It was mostly banter with a touch of flirt. Things were progressing in the right direction in my eyes. For me, this was a breath of fresh air that filled me with optimisim. For someone who's been dealing with severe depression and anxiety since my early teens and who's been slowly getting out of that hole, this felt like my big break. Third date came around and everything was going fine. I was very nervous though because I felt like we had to take the relationship to the next step, something in which I have 0 experience in, me being a virgin due to crippling social anxiety. Anyway, 5 hours in and I finally find the courage to open up about me being nervous about having 0 experience and I just feel her shutting down. She starts to slowly unravel next to me as she tells me how she's scared about me getting attached to her, how she's afraid she will cause pain to everyone again, how she's not over leaving her ex-boyfriend, how she caused pain to him, to his family and how she lost friends due to their breakups. And I'm just there stunned on the couch, a reaction I had never seen coming based on our interaction and what she had told to a common friend. All my optimism just crashing down and somehow I'm the one who has to reassure and tell her that's okay to feel that way and that you cannot let your fear of hurting others get in the way of your own happiness, that in the end you got to live for yourself and not for them.

>> No.19126596
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Once I got back home, I broke down in tears. Years of frustration just all came out at once. What frustrate me the most is how little control I have over some of my goals. All these jobs application that got rejected or getting turned down by a girl, there's not much I can do about either. I feel like my life is stagnating despite my best efforts to improve. To add insult to injury, I got a 200$ ticket for some bullshit two days later.

This events led me to further introspection. I was thinking about what I could change about myself, things I can work on that could give life a greater sense of progress. The goals I arrived to are to take my works out at the rock climbing gym more seriously at to be more open about all my wierd interest especially through the use of social media. The second goal has been hard, just posting a normie tier song on my instagram storie made me anxious as fuck. Just a lot of insecurities that need to be squashed once and for all.

I had trouble sleeping and had barely any appetite all week and I also find myself still thinking about her occasionally. Despite all this I still think this was a very positive experience for me and the start of somehting good for me. I just wish I would've been a positive experience for her just as she was for me. I can see she's hurt and I wish I could help her. It doesn't feel like she just wasn't into me, the dates went so well after all. It really feels like it was just bad timing. There is still a part of me who's hoping she comes around, but I'm not banking on it and I know the best way to heal is to sadly move one.

This the end of my way too long blogpost

>> No.19126602

Nigga speak for yourself. There are plenty of people that either make the attempt to look inward, or succeed in overcoming base instincts. Just because you've given up doesn't make it everyone else's lot as well.

>> No.19126606

I felt compelled to take the prayers to a Middle-Eastern Christian saint in English, autotranslate them back to Arabic, and read the rough translation aloud.

There is a very powerful rhythmic cadence to Arabic and I can understand why verbal recitation in that language became such a major part of Islamic spirituality.

>> No.19126611

It's not so bad with enough local anesthetic. Just hope they don't screw it up like they did mine, and you end up having to have it extracted ten years later, as THAT sucks.

>> No.19126614

Try deleting your blowjacks. That’s how painful.
(You just have to chew on the other side of the mouth for a while)

>> No.19126620

It's okay man. I wouldn't worry too much about trying to be "normal". We are what we are. There's no escaping it, so let's not begrudge ourselves for it.

>> No.19126621

>Anyway, 5 hours in and I finally find the courage to open up about me being nervous about having 0 experience and I just feel her shutting down. She starts to slowly unravel next to me as she tells me how she's scared about me getting attached to her, how she's afraid she will cause pain to everyone again, how she's not over leaving her ex-boyfriend, how she caused pain to him, to his family and how she lost friends due to their breakups. And I'm just there stunned on the couch, a reaction I had never seen coming based on our interaction and what she had told to a common friend. All my optimism just crashing down and somehow I'm the one who has to reassure and tell her that's okay to feel that way and that you cannot let your fear of hurting others get in the way of your own happiness, that in the end you got to live for yourself and not for them.

Instantly I wonder what she could have possibly done that made them break up that ended with everyone involved feeling so hurt and betrayed that they cut contact with her.

>> No.19126639

My hatred for women is beginning to interfere with my life

>> No.19126658

I'm so far into dislike for them that I just see them as obnoxious badly mannered immigrants who barely speak my language. Annoying, but more to be avoided than to be raged at on a daily basis.

The real problem is still craving sex with them. I don't crave sex with the Vietnamese nail technicians, so I don't think of them unless they are specifically bothering me. It's hard to completely avoid thinking of sex with women.

>> No.19126675

Hatred is degenerate, harmful to you. You’re stoking a fire within you. You’re like a cutter.

>> No.19126718

I dont think she cheated. it was just a long relationship that seemed to have ended badly and she's very sensitive. I assum the friends she lost were mostly friend with her ex

>> No.19126727
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In the west, one exists purely in an economic sense. I want so much more.

>> No.19126729

Okay first of all you're in no position to talk about degeneracy, and second I am a former cutter. I have literally no problem with self immolation

>> No.19126842

I wish I could help.

>> No.19126896 [DELETED] 

>I can understand why verbal recitation in that language became such a major part of Islamic spirituality.
it's cuz their not allowed to do sacred music like the church can, so that's as much as they can get

>> No.19126922

My whole week is about waiting for Sunday because that's the day I know I'm going to see her again and she's going to share my table at meals. All the rest of the time I just want to sleep, so I miss many of my duties and I can hardly distract myself without getting more distress than joy. And in the midst of all this she is too modest and too cautious to let me know the smallest detail of what she might have of friendship or inclination for me. It is a laughable suffering, but having never had any cause for suffering, the convulsions of my heart give me immense pain.

>> No.19126931
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My fear of the future and what it entails is only based on the fear of the unknown and the consequence of the unpredictable. I hide in my box and shit away my fears for brief lapses of consolidation but when the walls fall I am left naked and unprepared for what lies ahead.

>> No.19126933

I realized recently how little I actually just sit and think. I am surrounded by people a lot, and when I am not I’m either reading, watching/listening to something, making something. I was wondering how much the average person just sits and reflects on their own thoughts. I like reading and doing things but I feel like there is something to just sitting and being with your thoughts.

>> No.19126966

>Nice guys finish last.
I don't mean this in a sexual/romantic manner. But look at history. The nations/groups which were isolationist, pacifist, and empathetic were erased. To survive is to be brutal and cruel and sadistic, because if you are not these things, those who are will overrun you and crush you. A while back I read this:
And I can't get it out of my head. I can't think of a counterargument. I am forced to accept that to survive and thrive, one must be as ruthless and brutal as possible: not as "much as it takes", but "as much as possible". Otherwise you doom yourself, because those with less qualms than you will crush you.

Does anyone have a counterargument to this? Everything from evolution to business to geopolitics to personal relationships, this idea seems irrefutable. But I don't want it to be true.

>> No.19126970

my fits of intospective thinking occurs most often in solidarity or after something stirs my mind peculiarily. often times it disturbs yet calms myself, and allows me to stay sane around those around me.

>> No.19126973

I spend a lot of time doing nothing but thinking and there is definitely something necessary for intelligence in that. In thinking, I would say that one gains lucidity on one's own condition, but also that there is a deeper decantation and a more coherent sedimentation of one's being that are impossible if one is constantly agitated by others.

>> No.19127115

Am an asexual cutter. butters cmon :/

>> No.19127130

I’m 2/2?

>> No.19127172

>not as "much as it takes", but "as much as possible
Yeah there is an obvious counter-argument to this, if you're being ruthlessly egotistic "as much as possible" instead of "as much as it takes", eventually you will become an outlier, a threat for society and the organism you belong to, and that organism will seek to expel you. This kind of mentality works for short-term gain, but not for long term. (i.e. if you're a business and you do underhanded cutthroat tactics to take advantage of your rivals and partners, you will gain a huge profit now but in the long term people will simply avoid working with you.)

It's true though that being more sociopathic generally puts you at an advantage in our current society. Back in the day when we lived in small communities and villages you couldn't get away with that shit because the community would just burn you at stake, but the modern legal framework protects you from that and makes it a Machiavellian paradise.

>> No.19127179

Anon, I have been where you are before. There are many people, from the most skeptical atheists to the most pious believers that have their own reasons to disagree. But, if it is only your "nature" to be violent, then why follow your nature? Why persist as a machine...as a product of external influences. When you embrace non-violence, you're embracing strength. You embrace self-determination, you embrace the shape of your own will. And some might say it is weak to love and strong to hate, and strong to spurn and have power over others but it is just the opposite, as you can see. It takes immense power to love, and even greater power, the greatest strength to forgive. Even one person with conviction can make a small change that ripples out into the world, but if he can convince another, there is two, and between them will be the ties of genuine trust, the tightest bind there is. It doesn't take many more to change the world when they are held by such bonds.

>> No.19127182

I've sinned. I've become a wagie.

>> No.19127197

why the fuck pie so good

>> No.19127221

Just finished some shitty tv show where the reveal at the end was that the main character was the pastor's daughter conceived while her father was at war. Made me sick to my stomach, I find nothing more vile than cheating it seems.

>> No.19127239

I recently established a harem. The first girl's British; the second girl's British/Russian; the third girl's half black. It's like I'm living out the best part of the Bohemian lifestyle, but I know it will have to end eventually.

>> No.19127309

I realised I'm adaptable when it comes to food, if I were to move to another place altogether, eating or making food isn't much of a problem. It's dealing with other people that is much more of a struggle.

>> No.19127314

You've acquired my NEET absolution. Your penance: be a better, stronger, more diligent wagie than your coworkers

>> No.19127324

Genuine question for Christfrens. I'm reconnecting with all this stuff for the first time in my adult life and I have a wealth of inane questions, and here's one. The first lie in the Bible is told from God to Adam/Eve, who claims that on eating the fruit they shall die, but they do not. What did he mean by this? I understand that in the fall and the hubris of man there's an awful lot to take from the story, but as much as I've thought about it, the most insight I can attain from the above observation is the rather trite idea that God reserves the right to act contra human rationality, or to cloak his blessings in curses as it were. I feel I'm missing something here, quite a lot.

>> No.19127399

mandarin isn't that hard

>> No.19127406

With a decent dentist it's a breeze. My last one was with a specialists, I felt zero pain.

>> No.19127415

>The first lie in the Bible is told from God to Adam/Eve, who claims that on eating the fruit they shall die, but they do not. What did he mean by this?
This is kind of hard to explain in a non-symbolic way, but eating the fruit doesn't immediately physically "kill them" but rather introduces human death as a concept into the world. Adam and Eve before being cast out of Eden were essentially immortal.

A more quasi-historical/anthropological reading would be understanding the fall of Adam and Eve as somewhat analogous to the transition from prehistoric hunter-gatherers to actual human societies. Notice how the first thing they do after "gaining knowledge" and death entering the world was recognizing their weakness and using technology to attempt to fix it.

>> No.19127436

Thanks for your thoughts. That's interesting and I'll think on it some more.
Verification not required: God is on my side

>> No.19127555

Putting your hopes for salvation in women is asking for trouble. Women are very ruthless and judgmental, when you offer yourself to her on a platter like this the chances of a positive outcome are slim. You also mention texting with her, being a very active texter is something I'd advice against generally as degenerate behaviour but especially in the realm of serious dating. Might make you appear needy and also kill the excitement in getting to know each other and meeting up.
I'll bet you have a baggage of unresolved childhood trauma, I think the understanding of which would serve to demystify some of your negative thoughts about yourself and allow you to progress into adulthood. Gabor Mate is a great read for this (" In the realm of Hungry Ghosts", could check out his talks on Youtube as well), his focus is the root of addiction and addictive behaviours but I think anyone will be enriched by these insights and what they reveal about the human condition.

>> No.19127761
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>the DBZ thread won

About to go on a 2 month Interrail European tour. As a litizen with a fair few chunky European classics under my belt where do you lads recommend I go? I'm a big Bach fan so fancy Eisenach / Leipzig, and love hiking. Going to go to hostels (yeah yeah I know) as I'm mid-20s, but fancy a wide variety of (preferably affordable) experiences. What do you reckon

>> No.19127798 [DELETED] 

I want to have sex with a femboy, to cum inside of him and after fall asleep while hugging him

>> No.19127970

There was an image posted on /lit/ sometime back of a curriculum curated by a professor for aspiring writers. Does anyone have that image saved by any chance?

>> No.19128005

I don't know how much this will help when you're going through it in the moment, but recently caved in and read Models by Mark Manson, and found some really good tidbits of information, the best being that you should Always place your perception of yourself before the perception others have of you. I hope this will help you get over this girl, and remember that you are a man with worth and agency and eventually allow this to be reflected in your thoughts and behavior.

>> No.19128036

Heavy Metal Dark Fantasy Is a speculative fiction subgenre characterized by very gritty Science fantasy, often mixed with other genres, that often resembles works published by the magazine Heavy Metal/Metal Hurlant, often with actual direct Heavy Metal music references. Some pieces of fiction that fall into this subgenre are the manga Bastard!! by Kazushi Hagiwara (this Is were the name for the subgenre comes from), early Guilty Gear games and the works of Philippe Druillet.

>> No.19128068

but what good are they when you no longer desire them?

>> No.19128135

it is staggering to imagine that God loves everyone as much as He loves me. I can say this because I sure as fuck haven't earned His love

>> No.19128176
File: 3.17 MB, 406x300, 1622294134172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing social media
>see a post about a guy who got nobel prize for economics
>one comment says something along the lines of "didn't that guy get convicted for distribution of child pornography?"
>almost 400 likes
>out of curiosity google search the guy's wiki and whether he was ever convicted
>mfw nothing comes up and the dude was lying
Why the fuck do people do this? It's especially prevalent in Instagram and Twitter. The pose an implicating question and get others to be shocked about it like they had a hunch that it was true from the beginning. It can only be assumed that people who 'liked' these 'facts' are convinced.

>> No.19128246

He already lives there.

>> No.19128271

Bros, that Muslim woman keeps baiting me into not leaving her. I have to commit to this. It's for the best for both of us. We have a meeting to discuss it this Friday. That's it. It doesn't go any further. I will report back Friday/Saturday afternoon.

>> No.19128286

>(i.e. if you're a business and you do underhanded cutthroat tactics to take advantage of your rivals and partners, you will gain a huge profit now but in the long term people will simply avoid working with you.)
Seems to work just fine for Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc.

>> No.19128316

I want to see this too. Anyone?

>> No.19128387

brothers, am I wrong for thinking this >>19126727?
I have to know the truth

>> No.19128424

no you are not. even in more communitarian, everybody-together-now socialism there is just a severe atomism and brutal loneliness and yes, you are a production-unit. You have to find some kind of hobby group or religious group if you want to be valued as more than this. Like, I think it is at the point where you government probably runs policies that undermine families in the name of productivity. It is unspeakable.

>> No.19128431

Just get a temporary marriage and end this nonsense.

>> No.19128438

Novavax looks a little better than the mRNA vaccines. Some of the online conspiracy cranks are fine with it, and the mainstream too. The Atlantic had an article shilling it. Whatever that means.

I don't believe any one conspiracy, but I don't trust anything anymore. I don't trust society at large not to be easily manipulated into "IT'S HORSE MEDICINE" parroting hysteria, and I definitely don't trust the media not to be complicit in a pharma coup to discredit a cheaper alternative to their eternal license to print yearly, untested, state-mandated vaccines. In another time, in another world, I would think there's no way such a simple manipulation of public perception could be pulled off. Too many people would dissent, too many would do their own research. But today, you could absolutely pull it off.

Doctors are untrustworthy too. Like everybody else, they put playing their "role" above everything. If they can sense the consensus of smart connected people on TV and at dinner parties shifting in the direction of mocking grandma for being vaccine hesitant, they will shift their mind that way too. With violence if necessary, willingly suppressing any seeds of independent thought or disagreement within themselves. They are doublethink experts, willingly reprogramming themselves out of fear of being "left behind" by what the other smart rich people think.

It's rough trying to find any real information and make decisions as a layperson in this landscape, of aggressive boomer and millennial simpletons who do whatever the news tells them, overeducated simpletons who have internalized a desire to show the Party how well-conformed they are, vaccine skeptics whose hearts are in the right place but who would believe fucking anything, and presumably actual intentional bad actors and grifters.

>> No.19128458
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Your random choice of OP picture made me think of DBZ. I think the reason why DBZ and "anime" universe, isekai, video games, xianxia fiction, etc. are so appealing to people (but especially young males) is that one can transcend the limits of physical reality with enough effort, grit, and will. It's the ultimate male fantasy, in a good way.

>> No.19128527

I will think about your words here anon, they struck me as insightful

>> No.19128536

Acknowledging The Root’s commitment to engaging the Black community around the myriad issues impacting on our lives, President Joe Biden joins us to help kick off The Root Institute 2021.

>I think that white people are committed to being villains in the aggregate. . . . I wouldn’t be mad at the black people who want to get [white people] back. . . . [White people] are so corrupt. Their thinking is so morally and spiritually bankrupt about power that they fear viscerally, existentially about letting go of power. . . . White people’s birth rates are going down. . . . The thing I want to say to you is we gotta take these motherfuckers out.

Blacks talk about whites the way the most hysterical antisemites have historically talked about Jews, and the establishment promotes and celebrates it.

>> No.19128634 [DELETED] 

>Nearly 13% of hospital patients with confirmed Covid were unvaccinated.

see, the vaccines work! oh... wait.

>> No.19128643

Idk man. I think the more firmly any white person actually goes along with this shit, the more deeply you can sense they have some kind of superiority complex or an idea of the "noble savage" inside that they're projecting outward. I mean if they really saw blacks as equals they wouldn't be putting them in this special little boy status, where you let them say whatever they want because you view them differently, like adult children.

>> No.19128651

At this point the only way the whites will survive in 100 years is if the Asians and Latinos wrest control of the country away from whites. It’s literally for their own good, the whites will kill themselves on a global scale if left to their own devices.

>> No.19128658 [DELETED] 
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>The Crunk Feminist Collective
imagine naming your feminist collective after a short lived hip-hop fad

>> No.19128676

Whether the whites going along with this see themselves as superior is irrelevant. The way blacks are using these tendencies within whites to destroy whites is what matters.

>> No.19128682 [DELETED] 

Oh shit maybe you're on to something

>> No.19128687

Oh shit maybe you're on to something

>> No.19128734

shut up

>> No.19128745


>> No.19128756
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>> No.19128763

I'm probably going to get vaxxed eventually, but I will refuse to carry or use any form of vaccine identification. As will anyone who's not a psychopath or a coward. You have to draw a line somewhere and say, I'm only willing to get ass fucked this much by the powerful, but not any more

>> No.19128780

All women are disgusting cretins. Completely incapable of of thought or reason. I hate then because they hate me. It's only the most natural reaction. I don't spend time seething about them but it's more of a quiet resentment. I can be friends with them but i still hate them from a distance. They have no business trying to be equal to men. I hat them because i know I'll never be good enough for them. I don't hate them. I envy that they control something I can't have. They control the fact that I'll never be happy because the reject me. I don't want that. I want to be loved. Why can't someone love me? Why am I so unlovable? Maybe I associate what my brother did to me as love. Well it was love. I love him and he showed that to me. He loves me. That's why he did it. That's why! But that's not what others tell me. They tell me what happens was abuse. How can it be abuse if i liked it. But i didn't... I know that. I know that it caused me such pain. But It's all I have. Like Will said I'd be lost if i let it go. I don't want to be lost. I just want to be happy. Why does it seems like so much to ask in this world, to just be happy.
What is happiness to me?
The absence of fear and uncertainty. But that will never go away as long as you live. Then to die is the answer. To die would give me what I want . But then it will rob me of my life. I don't want to die but i don't want to live like this anymore. I just want to be happy damn it! Can't i have that. Can't I have anything!? Why can't I have anything!? What is so wrong with me that i must endure this pain?

>> No.19128785

For me the red line is a brain chip, like Neuralink

>> No.19128794
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there should be more big budget animated biblical films

>> No.19128867

>i'll get the vax but not the vax passport
Lmao thats fucking retarded. What a half assed measure. have some fucking balls

>> No.19128878

you really like jimmy dore for whatever reason

>> No.19128910

I ponder the human condition quite frequently. It’s an interesting topic, I’ve never come to any great conclusion that hasn’t already been made. But it has entertained me for hours. Perhaps this is what it is all about.

>> No.19128956

It's been less than 24 hours since I broke up with my girlfriend. Since then two of her friends called to talk to me about it. One called me an asshole, the other couldn't understand why I did it, then got angry after we talked. She's also supposedly in a bad shape now. Fuck this.

>> No.19128961

Well why'd you do it?

>> No.19128994

that's weird man

>> No.19129000

I realized a few months ago that she will never be more than a boring couch potato. It sounds bad but I think it's true. She has no interests besides TV series, no aspirations or dreams, no intention of going back to study or to try building a career (she's been a waiter since leaving college, no plans to find any other job), all these things made me resent her for being lazy. She just simply exists and in the last year it felt like we were growing further and further apart. This realization hit me a few months ago and I knew that sooner or later I had to end the relationship.

>> No.19129012

Lol you dumped the perfect gf

>> No.19129074

I think my chances of dying of old age are reasonable

>> No.19129087

You're meant to put kids in her, not have her become a bugman.

>> No.19129095

Don't listen to the other two retards. You did good.

>> No.19129100

For those who think she was prime tradwife material, she didn't want kids.

>> No.19129117

Can't have a life with a woman that doesn't want kids. Doesn't sound like "prime tradwife material" but a lazy cunt, even a lazy cunt that loves you can be made into a wife though.

I think it's fine for her to not want to build a career or study if she wants to be a homemaker. Not everybody's role is to be a soulless wagie.

>> No.19129120

I know the feel bro. The one girl I genuinely dated was the same. All she did was sit at home and read Nietzsche and watch yaoi porn. She didn’t want to work, she didn’t go to school, and her mother funded her lifestyle. We just parted ways after a while.

>> No.19129124

I've been feeling pretty depressed for past few weeks /lit/bros. Is life even worth living? Need some books to get out of this.

>> No.19129139

Just dump loads of cum into her until she gets pregnant. The maternal instinct is latent

>> No.19129145

I'm not in a hurry to have kids either and if I was, I certainly wouldn't do it with her. The human equivalent of a bag of potatoes couldn't be a good mother anyway. I didn't want her to be a wagie (she already was though), just wanted her to build a life she liked living and be interested in something more than whatever is new on netflix.
Thanks, gotta hear that too.
Did the breakup feel ambivalent for you too? Like nothing important happened?

>> No.19129154

Doesn’t anyone else get the sense that the world over, there’s just nothing which you can do and which is also actually worth doing?

>> No.19129158

Sounds like youre not really interested in having kids either

>> No.19129181

In recent time I am experiencing a great feeling of sympathy towards people who got a bad card dealt to them in life. Literally, for some reason, it pushes me to the verge of tears. My brother for example is experiencing balding while he is still at university. He is good looking but his social life is non-existant. Is not a very intelligent and is average at everything else.

>> No.19129199

>Did the breakup feel ambivalent for you too? Like nothing important happened?
Yeah. We spoke to each other less and less, I visited her less and less often, and by the end of it we were a couple in name only. It wasn’t even a bad breakup, things just faded, and we both recognized that.

>> No.19129273

If balding early is the worst suffering you've seen, and it's extreme enough for you to be moved to tears, bevery thankful that you live as sheltered anda comfortable like as you do

>> No.19129297

While you can't teach someone to have faith, you can certainly help people to not not believe for the wrong reasons. I think the trap is getting bogged down in whether faith conflicts with evolution, problem of evil, original sin and so on. Ask yourself why you've begun to look towards Christianity again.

>> No.19129305

>fell in love with best friend again
>tfw bought this really long book I'll probably hate just to discuss it with her
I've had girlfriends why am I still such an autist lmao

>> No.19129313

men and women aren't to be friends

>> No.19129324
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I will literally never get over being a manlet and having a subhuman skull shape. It disagrees too much with what i consider to be qualities men need to posses.

>> No.19129328

>subhuman skull shape
i know the pain. i have the neanderthal profile.

>> No.19129330

It was going so well anon, 5 years of best friendship then we finally see eachother after Covid and I felt like the kid in Araby.

>> No.19129345

I guess its the modern day suffering.. Social ineptitude and physical ugliness is the modern day equivalent to 19th century starvation and early death.

>> No.19129373

what are you talking about, retard? I'd be getting the vax for my own health and no other reason. I'll refuse the identification based on principle

if that kinda shit starts happening, we'll be well past the line of no return

>> No.19129379
File: 291 KB, 1668x872, AC5B1ED0-2874-449C-A2E6-F720D4EC536E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don’t like being lied to

>> No.19129387

try years. welcome to the club

>> No.19129390

>we'll be well past the line of no return
My hope is that global warming causes the current global order to completely collapse, as soon as possible. If it happens before AI really takes off, we’ll be fine. If not, we might be okay but we also might be doomed. 2050 is the year I have in my mind as when society will collapse thanks to climate change, but if we can speed it up somehow, that would be ideal. Either that or a worldwide movement like the Bulterian Jihad from Dune, which doesn’t seem likely. My point is that humanity will only survive if technology stagnates or goes backwards by 50 years.

>> No.19129394

kind of, but I also hold on to a thin thread of cope about a couple of things that could be worth doing.

>> No.19129416

but neanderthals are based

>> No.19129426

I pretty much agree, and that would be great, but I don't have high hopes for anything to stop the ride.

>> No.19129433

You'll be getting the vax to conform. It does jack shit for your health

>> No.19129437

Our culture values all the wrong things

>> No.19129440

alright, whatever you say anon

>> No.19129446

Absolutely nothing whatsoever is on my mind, I am on the verge of perfecting the art of not having any thoughts at all

>> No.19129449

how do you even manage to fall for someone you knew for 5 years

>> No.19129452

Dont forget your boostershots faggot

>> No.19129461

not when it comes to looks

>> No.19129467

lmao I don't know, just did. She's objectively gorgeous, we share a lot of the same interests and we are really close so I'll assume that has something to do with it.

>> No.19129523

He does his best to tell the truth and be honest, I will always respect him for that.

>> No.19129527

pretty weird, I have a similar friend of over 11 years and I don't see myself ever wanting to date her, I just assume people stop seeing others as potential partners after being friends for years, I mean if I didn't make a move 10 years ago why would I now.
either way I advise you against pursuing it, it won't work to be fair unless you can tell she's into you, otherwise your friendship won't recover from it

>> No.19129542

ok I won't, thanks sweety

>> No.19129553

ALL IT TAKES TO FALL FOR SOMEONE, TO BECOME INFATUATED WITH THEM OR CONSUMED WITH SEXUAL ATTRACTION, IS AN INSTANT IN WHICH YOU FIND THEM DESIRABLE. THAT'S ALL, AND THE SWITCH IN YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS WILL GO OFF AND YOU WILL SEE THEM AS A POTENTIAL MATE. You need to be aware of the systems inside yourself and act accordingly, this is why women and men are to be separated especially when you're taken. Even those feelings are a betrayal, an impropriety

>> No.19129588

Yeah I already know you're compliant

>> No.19129631

Oh yeah I still have that aspect of normality about it, we’re much too close now unless we ended up fucking after getting drunk or something. We started off after I brought her on a date though and just became great friends so idk. I’ll not force anything

>> No.19129632

Which show?

>> No.19129643

aaaaaaa I've been staring at these essay questions for 1 week straight and still have no opinions on them. The questions are so dumb and convoluted, based (cringe, rather) on the professor's own shitty book and articles. Either I deconstruct them and his liberal worldview and then treat it as shitposting, or I just give up. Considering just embracing autism and being a constant fucking pain in the ass for these fucks.

>> No.19129660

If you attack the arguments at least you’ll enjoy seethe writing

>> No.19129678

When young, it always struck me as just the worst betrayal. But not until you’ve been in love, and realize some things, hidden betrayals by the betrothed, and furthermore realize what matrimony is to love, will you begin to relax that clenched stomach reaction to the so-called cheaters.
Not completely forgivable, mind you. There ought to be consequences for such deceptions, though it shouldn’t be so violent.

Sugars, fats and all those nummy flavours. Pie and wine season coming

>> No.19129691

I'll post here every day or so to remind myself that my life is a joke.
29 yr old NEET from India. Living on the money my grandfather left which will run out next year. Dropped out of college twice before finally getting a humanities degree. Just a life of wasted potential riddled with drug issues and obsession with girls.
Funny thing is every Sunday I sleep thinking that I'll start turning things around from tomorrow. And it's the same shit as always. Going on for four years now.
Just need to grind it out for 6 months and probably can get some meagre second rate government job. Will be enough for survival. As it is, I'll be broke as fuck next year.

>> No.19129708

Did you try pooing in the loo

>> No.19129722

Kys fag

>> No.19129797

why are you so uppity anon? is it that time of the month?

>> No.19129805

Your post and pepe remind me of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. You can cast your inadequacies on a vitruvian pedestal man.

>> No.19129913

This job is unbearable but I have no idea what else I’m supposed to be doing for a day job…

>> No.19129920

what are those things

>> No.19129940

What country do you live in and what’s your citizenship status?

>> No.19129952

Midnight Mass, watched it with my wife.

>When young, it always struck me as just the worst betrayal. But not until you’ve been in love, and realize some things, hidden betrayals by the betrothed, and furthermore realize what matrimony is to love, will you begin to relax that clenched stomach reaction to the so-called cheaters.

I'd kill someone or die like the prince of cleves I think.

>> No.19129962

Born here in New Delhi mate. Wish there was some way to recalibrate my mind and focus on important stuff but maybe I've fried my receptors with internet, books and chess

>> No.19129971

Beloveds are not property. Poetry proclaiming such a thing are false and distorted

>> No.19129982

This girl at my lunch bible study said she has people in her major who think Christianity killed all of the native americans. What a hoot! Being 1000 years behind technologically is what killed the native americans and their feeble empires. Might makes right in this world.

>> No.19129988

>I'd kill someone or die like the prince of cleves I think.
You can call me a cuck but I’d try to mend the relationship. If it was valuable enough to create, it’s valuable enough to fix after a mistake.

>> No.19129992

>Being 1000 years behind technologically is what killed the native americans and their feeble empires.
True (smallpox and other diseases helped greatly)
>Might makes right in this world.
I wish this wasn’t true

>> No.19130003

>at my lunch bible study
>Might makes right in this world
what is even happening right now. like why would you care if christianity killed the NAs if killing people is not bad?

>> No.19130004

>I wish this wasn’t true
me neither, but facts and logic just can't beat a swift strike to the head.

>> No.19130016

I sent a message so cringe that I won't be picking up my phone for the rest of the day.

>> No.19130026

What about the military?

>> No.19130028

What was it?

Last night someone said a girl had "big dick energy" and in my anatomically-correct autism, corrected him by saying "no, she has big clit energy" and they said what I said was "weird" and then I started to argue that they're basically the same thing and just got everyone more mad and "weirded out" by me.

>> No.19130029

post it pussy

>> No.19130037


>> No.19130056

Am I gay if I enjoy when the shit gets out of my asshole?

>> No.19130062

>enjoying prostate stimulation
you could say that if you touch your penis - you're gay

>> No.19130063

I don't know why I said that, I'm thinking about the "Right of Conquest." What I meant to say was it's dumb to think it's something special for Europeans to conquer land from Native Americans via the Right of Conquest when Europeans do it to each other, and Natives do it to each other as well. Somehow when people do it to someone else from another continent it's "morally different"

>> No.19130099

Too old. As I said, there's a path to "salvation"( becoming a bureaucratic paper pusher) but it will require effort. Whatever it is, I'll need money starting next year. Only have around 50k INR/$700in savings. Family hates my guts and I don't want to go begging from those abusive pricks anyway. I'll rather die than meet any one of them again.

>> No.19130110

>Beloveds are not property. Poetry proclaiming such a thing are false and distorted

It's the essence of love, the desire to own and be owned by your beloved.

It's not even about being a cuck, I am just so consumed by my love that it would ruin me.

>> No.19130130
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i am a closeted coomer

>> No.19130140

Does she know? Is she single? I feel like "after covid" is a good time to bring it up if she's available.

>> No.19130197

My mind is so fucking scattered bros
On one end I want to get into business and I am studying business in uni and learning advertising and stuff on the side
On the other hand I am studying 4 hours a day for an exam 4 years away to become a diplomat of my 3rd world country
On the other fucking end I want to open a pub and casino
Why am I so childish, should I just go with all this stuff and try to achieve it and see what hits or not?

>> No.19130202

I have been suicidal for months. Now I feel like doing drugs, even though I've never consumed. I'm having a horrible headache. Feel the need to create something, but nothing I try to make satisfies me.

>> No.19130216

Acting in gay porn may have outed you, Doug.

>> No.19130217

The bookstore crashman

>> No.19130222

Forget books. Take as long as you can, regularly, outside walking. Somewhere safe obviously, if you're ghetto adjacent. Ideally get out into nature.

>> No.19130231

He warns them not to eat it

God hates humanity he hates these creatures, do you think he likes us?


but he forgives us if we walk the path

And the path to god is through Jesus Christ

That is all

>> No.19130233

That is the distortion I was referring to.
Please wash its stain out as soon as you can.

>> No.19130241

You must be a good soul god for you friend, God judges us accordingly. Try doing something for him light a candle, pray your heart out

>> No.19130251

youll have to explain your idea in more than 2 sentences if you want anyone to understand it

>> No.19130252

Look what the Bible says about women is that they are awful Tyrants. Read Zephaniah. They can be dirty dirty creatures

>> No.19130253

butterfly, I want to have sex with you

>> No.19130255

Pray my friend or die your choice

>> No.19130258

Everything I try to do winds up getting so convoluted and hung up on technicalities I lose interest. I have no career prospects because none of the major jobs in the contemporary market interest me
>slouch in front of a desk as a code monkey
>work with a bunch of autists in le heckin engineering
law and medicine are too corrupt in this country that i have no interest in joining their ranks. whats a man to do?

>> No.19130262

What makes Christianity so powerful that it thrives in societies where it is oppressed? Why was it able to take over Rome, and now seems to be taking over Africa and China? I'm Christian, but I'm genuinely curious, from a sociological perspective.

>> No.19130274

The age of anxiety is upon us.

Climate, shortages, higher bills, rent, home ownership, relationships.

Has life ever been so fraught with these anxieties.

I worry about bills. I worry about my car and if in ten years it will be worth nothing due to electric taking over. I worry about my weight and the hours I chip away at work, small axe strokes striking away fractured bark of existence, clock watching and fake laughter with colleagues I can’t connect with. I worry about my family and parents getting old, the loss of those I love - the hammer blows to the heart and my own sense of life’s frailty at people my age being struck down by disease or cancer or poor choices.

I worry about my children - the type of world they’ll inhabit and if I’m fit to grow them into someone who can handle what’s coming. I worry how I’ll get fucked in the future - broken appliance, bills raising, unexpected issues like no toilet paper or lack of fuel. I worry about worrying and what it’s going to do to me.

I’m laying in bed by my partner whose asleep. I don’t want to sleep as I’m one day closer being back to work.

I don’t know what I want - how to define my self as a person.

>> No.19130284

it's weird cus I want to say something that could help somehow, maybe out of some savior-complex and maybe out of sincerity, but I can't relate. What's weird about that is that I did spend.. like I have been suicidal three times, and the first of those times I did spend months with just the hammering thought in my head YOU HAVE TO KILL YOURSELF YOU HAVE TO DIE YOU HAVE TO DIE YOU HAVE TO DIE THERE'S NO HOPE YOU HAVE TO KILL YOURSELF.. not all day, usually I got respite at night, but.. maybe 8-9 hours a day? constant. But I can't really remember what that felt like desu. A lot of shit has happened since then. maybe it's lost in time. I remember that when I came out of that period I thought "it is not possible to be more suicidal than I was without dying". But I can't remember.

>> No.19130292

You do realize the CCP rewrites the Bible as needed for its political aims, right?

>> No.19130329

>dating gf of 3 years
>1st year was good every year after steadily worse
>everything i do is under a microscope
>all mistakes hyper analyzed and pointed out
>e.g. i dropped a carton of milk walking home from the shop and it fell and burst open
>gf flips out in public with yelling and hysterics
>the rest of the night is spent in silence
this happens over everything. thinking about calling it lads, we're about to have our 4th anniversary but i cant take this kind of living anymore

>> No.19130331
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Just learn to limit your computer time, say, "I'll start to use the internet at 9pm today" that's all you need to do.

>> No.19130351

Hm? Pose it in my thread. It’s on topic.
Desire is fine, but don’t obsess. Not me. Not inclined, I never will be.

>> No.19130358

Better end it sooner than later. Don't wait for the anniversary, just do it now.

>> No.19130359

I started reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra today, just finished Zarathustra's prologue. I'm in awe. How could Nietzsche have seen so clearly what Man was becoming in Zarathustra's speech about the Ultimate Man. Oh, how he would be sickened by us now!

>> No.19130362

Why dont you man up and tell her to shut. the fuck up

>> No.19130394

how did you let it get this bad

>> No.19130398

>ackshually it's a clitoris
As cringe as you were those people sound like a bunch of retards

>> No.19130404

it happens faster than you think. confrontation bores me.

>> No.19130434

confrontation seems to be mandatory

>> No.19130443

better to find out and treat it than progressively get worse symptoms until you end up in a hospital and find out when it's debilitating or deadly

>> No.19130450

ثُمَّ قَسَتْ قُلُوبُكُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ ذَٰلِكَ فَهِيَ كَالْحِجَارَةِ أَوْ أَشَدُّ قَسْوَةً ۚ وَإِنَّ مِنَ الْحِجَارَةِ لَمَا يَتَفَجَّرُ مِنْهُ الْأَنْهَارُ ۚ وَإِنَّ مِنْهَا لَمَا يَشَّقَّقُ فَيَخْرُجُ مِنْهُ الْمَاءُ ۚ وَإِنَّ مِنْهَا لَمَا يَهْبِطُ مِنْ خَشْيَةِ اللَّهِ ۗ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ

>> No.19130476

مِنَ الْحِجَارَةِ لَمَا يَتَفَجَّرُ مِنْهُ الْأَنْهَارُ ۚ وَإِنَّ مِنْثُمَّ قَسَتْ قُلُوبُكُ???????????????????????

>> No.19130485

this aya was on my mind. maybe a spring will gush forth from this stone

>> No.19130533

one of the first lessons I took when i started college was to stop wearing so many sweat pants - use to be a big timer in this field. I stopped wearing sweat pants and suddenly I started noticing girls again, before this I was questioning if maybe I'd become asexual. The first time I wore jeans was in my sophmore year, I was masturbating heavily around that time and reading James Joyce and Vonnegut (alternating per day). I got to that passage in Angelas Ashes where he ejaculates over a hill top and decided to wipe my cum in the book binding and throw it away. Never finished it, but that's when I stopped masturbating. I also threw away almost every book I owned and then bought a couple new ones mostly about Number Theory (these were not interesting).

So maybe she should just try to find out whats wrong with her approach to making friends. The first time I asked a girl out who was probably like your sister a lot (young ,excited, hoping for a good time in college) I took her to Applebee's and didn't pay for her bill. I could tell she was really let down by that fact, I knew I could have paid for it but I thought maybe it would be more fun to see how she paid for the bill. She did it and we met a couple times after that. I slipped a small book of poems by Yeats in her purse when she went to the toilet and she never called me again. The joke is on her because I rubbed my cock on the first page which she probably touched. I saw her in school some times but I didn't even make eye contact because it was so funny.

I didn't really meet a true girl until I was in Junior year and then we dated for about 5 days before I knew I'd met the one. Needless to say we're now on day 22 and things can't be better for me.

>> No.19130578
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I feel perpetually torn between what i feel is right and the chronic need to be loved, and to fit in and be apart of something. more than anything in the world, i wish i didn't have to choose

>> No.19130611

All those vowels make Quranic Arabic look like Zalgo-Arabic

>> No.19130620

The worst part about your post is I can't even remember my first blow job. I know I've had at least two but for my first one I just don't remember it. I was in High School at the time with a serious bed wetting problem, I also had been taking some prescription medication to help with some "bacne" problems that had sprouted up due to a surge of unstable hormones. I went to a party where some kids had a small bonfire in the back yard, they were okay but it wasn't anything special. We had Bud Light and some Amstel's, I think there was Rolling Rocks too.

I remember drinking a "Jack and Coke" and thinking how bad it tasted. I wanted to go home about an hour into the gathering but decided to stick around. There was a girl there who I had a couple of classes with, we made jokes about the teachers and home work. I told her she looked nice and she said thanks, we talked for about an hour and she was drunk. You can tell a girl is drunk because she starts becoming more physically animated with light flushing around the cheeks and glossy eyes. I knew I'd scored a winner, the problem was it was late and I knew I needed to sleep.

We went inside and started making out. I remember running my tongue along the front of her teeth to see what it felt like. She was so drunk she didn't even care. Sometime after that I fell asleep, but I woke up with my pants undone and my dick was lightly wet. She had vomited at some point, because her breath smelt bad and she had some stains on her shirt. We didn't talk much after that night, I think she is studying in a community college but hasn't declared any real major yet. I can understand that, life is a challenge.

>> No.19130640

It depends on the denomination. Some interpret it as the start of physical death for humans, so before that it was possible for humans to just live forever. Some have it that it's a spiritual death, so that until Jesus came back, basically everyone who died before then was just dead and couldn't get into heaven. I've seen some really weird interpretations, like that is where the human lifespan began to shorten, so each generation until the flood died sooner, until humans got their current 80 year or so life span, down from the hundreds of years people like Methuselah got.
Most of the mainstream denominations think that it's either when physical death started, or else when spiritual death started. For the ones that think spiritual death started then, they usually think only a certain amount of people can be saved and so are usually the more predestination focused.

>> No.19130652

Man, I'm trying to swap out /lit/ for Reddit for the first time and Redditors are fucking retarded.
>inb4 go back
I'm not even really there yet, nigger.

>> No.19130666

>trying to swap out /lit/ for Reddit
fucking why? their faggot upvote system makes it literally impossible to actually converse with other people and as a result that site is infested with faggot tranny niggers

>> No.19130669

how is it possible that Tobi Fox is still so wholesome

>> No.19130705

Because, well, at least Redditors are making shit, doing things instead of just bitching all the time. Yeah, upvotes are fucking retarded. And so is their artificial nicety and their virtue signalling but /lit/ is just so fucking pointless -- there is 0 (zero) chance of making connections here, or actually having a creative impact. Meanwhile, redditors are getting their plays produced, their music performed, etc. I want a piece of that.

>> No.19130719

>In another time, in another world, I would think there's no way such a simple manipulation of public perception could be pulled off. Too many people would dissent, too many would do their own research.
>that time when people doing their own research figured it was miasma not cholera so they kept drinking poop water
>that time when the US covered up black death because the people did their own research and figured it could only exist in Chinese people
>that time when the US covered up CJD because it might hurt agriculture (oh wait, that time is now)
>that time when people used refuse quinine for malaria because it was too Catholic or too Protestant
>that time when everyone in Europe cited the origin of syphilis as their nearest rival nation
>that awkward peiord in the 1930s when Communists and fascists were fighting over the rights to naturalist vegetarian lifestyles and the fascists got yoga and weebs in the divorce
Humans are fucking retarded and exponentially so in groups.

>> No.19130721

lol "making connections", we're here because that is the exact thing we are trying to avoid(unless youre a mentally ill tripfag)

>> No.19130723

haha mate are you me. i just chose to be extremely weird and eccentric

>> No.19130726

ok fag, stay irrelevant

>> No.19130733
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>i just chose to be extremely weird and eccentric
yea...pretty much

>> No.19130736

>Meanwhile, redditors are getting their plays produced, their music performed, etc. I want a piece of that.
That happens incredibly infrequently and my view is that it's not worth interacting with Redditors to get that. I haven't been on Reddit in many years but I had far more interesting and thought provoking discussions on 4chan than on Reddit which is why I deleted my account and left. Reddit has only gotten worse since then from what I've seen. Are you trying to get a novel published or something? Why are you trying to make connections with Redditors?

>> No.19130745

Its posts like these that make me realize withdrawing from the world was the right decision to have made

>> No.19130766

Why the fuck would you come here to make connections lmao

>> No.19130801

My name is John Hopkins and my phone number is

>> No.19130838

Oh shit

>> No.19130861

I didn't say that I come here to make connections, I said that I'd LIKE to make connections and get published by ANY MEANS NECESSARY YOU DUMB NIGGER YOU ABSOLUTE FAGGOT YOU UNPUBLISHED KIKEFAGGOT

>> No.19130880

Seeking recognition is decidedly cringe

>> No.19130916

>making something and wanting the world to see what you produced from your own creativity is "cringe"

>> No.19130947

you should have kept your mouth shut

>> No.19130967

discord is much better for making connections and even irl meetings, I did both

>> No.19130973


>> No.19131009


>> No.19131039

Every night I attempt to sleep as little as possible, so that I can be a cool insomniac like Cioran. But I always get a healthy amount of sleep. What do?

>> No.19131048

Be yourself instead of larping as some fucking Romanian pessimist

>> No.19131051

Why does the financial industry have to be so evil?

>> No.19131061

But I have no identity and I am generally unremarkable...?

>> No.19131070

It's in the nature of capitalism.

>> No.19131074

That doesn't matter. Use your will to create meaning for yourself and forge your identity that way.

>> No.19131077

If you try to do it all there's a chance you end up with nothing and are left standing there in your old age looking back at this period of your life with regret. The same scenario is likely to play out if you don't pursue your dreams, you will always wonder what might have been had you gone after it. If you're going to pursue your dreams be ambitious but realistic about it, one thing at a time

>> No.19131078

they say the hindu kush are called that because it means killer of hindus well i say how about the kikeskill mountains ey

>> No.19131100

The Palestine conflict is so bizarre. Almost always Muslims are the ones oppressing other religions, to see them being oppressed is really unsettling.

>> No.19131132




>> No.19131136

I met a girl over the weekend whose dog was named Butters. She was a cute girl and I wanted to fuck her. The dog was really adorable, a fluffy white husky/Eskimo puppy (I did not want to fuck the dog). But it also made me think of our Butters, who I also want to fuck. And it's interesting how I just can't pretend she isn't here. Trying to ignore a tripfag like Butters is like trying not to think of the word "apple" after being told not to do it. It's impossible to not think of something on purpose. Even if I don't reply to Butters, I'm consciously not replying. If I tell her to fuck off, call her a tranny, or other mean things, it could only be on purpose. If I engage with her nicely it'll be self-consciously too. I can't free myself from thinking about her unless I become a fundamentally different person, which is probably impossible.

>> No.19131265
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>> No.19131269

I think is more about the people than religion. Do you think that anti-zionists left wingers care about Islam?

>> No.19131275

for real now, do you have a job? you are here 24/24, get a life! have sex!

>> No.19131284

I don’t follow. Sure, anti-Zionist leftists might take the side of the Palestinians, but at the end of the day it is a religious conflict.

>> No.19131316

I’m off today.

>> No.19131361

Maybe I should be a teacher.

>> No.19131366
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lets not pretend you dont salivate while dreaming of being raped, forcibly dicked down until and explosive orgasm shakes you to your very core. you know deep down this is your place, and youve been brainwashed into resenting it

>> No.19131380

he's gonna swing that axe into the urethra

>> No.19131384

Everyone should share everything with everyone else and owning things is evil and fascist.

>> No.19131385
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i worked 14 hours this month and will be payed just over $200

later neet losers, im making it

>> No.19131403

You didn't (you) me this time but that's okay, you have replied directly to me at least 10 times in the past, and you will do it again. I'll be one of the guys having a mundane conversation with you about something unrelated tomorrow, and for years to come.

>> No.19131428

I was trying to maintain a respectful distance there.
How’s it going?

>> No.19131469

Good, I just got the second vax about 5 minutes ago. I'm currently sitting in Walgreens under observation. How is your evening going?

By the way, I'm not obsessed with you per se. I meant my post as more of a meditation on the presence of women in any context where they're not usually. Another place I notice it is in the lobbies of online games: whenever there's a woman on your team and in voice chat, she always attracts attention. Some guys try to be her friend and give her attention and extra help; other guys are conscious of this impulse and purposely act mean to her in an attempt to do the opposite. Or others will purposely ignore her entirely, either in an attempt to act cool or in an attempt to be respectful, but in either case it's a conscious ignoring. I find myself in this cohort of people who notice myself noticing the woman in a lobby and I'm powerless to change that impulse. All I can do is try my best to purposely act as if I find her presence unremarkable, and give her a consciously-metered amount of attention. I wonder if there's anything like that for you?

>> No.19131495
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Sorry /lit/bros - I made a new thread and didn't realize this one was up.

The long and short of it is, I need your help, /lit/. Something is wrong with me. It's not my will, and it's not my feeling. It's my active intellect. For some reason I find it terribly hard to abstract universals from empirical data like normal people do all the time, without even thinking about it. I'm worse than mid wit, since they're halfway along to the right answer, I can't even get the answer

What did this nigger say about learning, and how could I apply this to cure my obstinacy and general hardheadedness?

>> No.19131506

Dude, I loved Deltarune. I played it that Friday on release and beat it the next day.

>> No.19131530

>and for years to come.
Oh God i'm stuck with you people forever

>> No.19131538


>> No.19131542

Did your mom ignore you or something

>> No.19131551
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I've been here for over 12 years already. It's true what they say.

>> No.19131586

come to vienna and have coffee with me

>> No.19131587
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New thread

>> No.19131598

I still can’t believe you’re still seething because of DBZ.

>> No.19131605

You couldn't wait? Did you really have to make a new thread this early?

>> No.19131618

It could be worse. It could make parallel threads like it did in the past.

>> No.19131907

t. Carl Marks

>> No.19132219

I've been dieting pretty aggressively for the last week or so but cheated yesterday (I use cheated loosely because I still only ate fruits and veggies), and at about 2200 calories today without exercising, which is my regular metabolic rate if I hadn't been starving for the last week so I'm afraid I just wiped it all out. I also took a laxative yesterday so I'm not weighing myself until the bloating clears in a day or two.
Oh, and for any anon wondering--no, being kind of fat doesn't always make it harder to get laid, but it can limit your options. My main motivation for weightloss nowadays is only to test my willpower. I'm also fairly muscular so I'm not actually sure what a healthy weight is anymore but I'm aiming for 180 because that seems decent for Men of my height/frame. Currently around 200, so you can imagine I'm not actually that terribly large. I could post some body comparison shots though they wouldn't be that impressive because of the loose skin.

>> No.19132262

Do laxatives help?

>> No.19132355
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DragonBall is without a doubt Nietzsche approved. Goku is basically an Uberman, and the relationship/rivalry him and Vegeta share is identical to how Nietzsche described a friendship ought to be in order for each individual to realize himself in the best possible way through competition.

>> No.19132533

No I just have residual IBS from an abdominal surgery last year.