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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 142 KB, 952x640, feltrinelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19173416 No.19173416 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck it, italian thread.
Falk about the state of literature and publishing in italy or something like that

Ma la feltrinelli fa davvero così cagare nelle sue traduzioni? Ho letto la loro versione dello squalificato (aka no longer human) e mi ha fatto cascare i coglioni

>> No.19173582
File: 177 KB, 480x554, FB_IMG_16326873654874311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, non solo la feltrinelli.
Una marea di libri mondadori e, aihmé, anche adelphi hanno traduzioni terrificanti.

Odio così tanto il mercato dell'editoria italiana che è irreale, cazzo.

>> No.19173603

Come faccio ad evitare i libri tradotti male? Ad essere onesto non ho un buon metro di paragone dato che non li leggo quasi mai in inglese

>> No.19173614

pizza pasta ah ha ha boobity bappa, wahoo!

>> No.19173624

Ti tocca stare attento e guardare i nomi dei traduttori e farti la tua agendina nera personale.

Nel caso, sforzati di leggere in lingua originale più che puoi.

>> No.19173628

Friendly reminder that I once got a warning for posting multiple comments in Italian

I'm not sure why people are so obsessed with translations. Even if it's bad, what can you do about it?

Feltrinelli merda btw

Anyone has ever been in a "Ubik" bookstore?

>> No.19173658

Yeah, Ubik it's quite decent but it's just a reseller.
You can find everything there.

>> No.19175229


>> No.19175240

It doesn't work if you don't do the finger pinch thing.

>> No.19175249

Viva Salvini!
Viva la Lega!
Viva Italia!

>> No.19175814

è il mondo di lettere italiane anche pozzato come l'anglosfera?

>> No.19175952

Stop using retarded neologisms, stop getting your news from twitter, and stop giving attention to attention whores writing shitty books purely for attention's sake.

>> No.19175990
File: 225 KB, 634x904, Ritratto_penna_e_acq._verga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delightfully unsentimental

>> No.19175995

>e farti
I-a did-a not

>> No.19176702

Not sure if gtranslate or someone who thinks this is funny & clever

>> No.19176710

I'm still relatively early on in my Italian learning journey
Is favole al telefono good?

>> No.19176718

Janny is probably a monolingual anglo - he seems to delete anything related to studying languages to read literature in them.

>> No.19176766

>Is favole al telefono good?
I can't swear I've read that one in particular, but Rodari is a genius, there's no other way of putting it.
>I'm still relatively early on in my Italian learning journey
Gianni's stories are aimed at people that are early on their Italian learning journey, too, after all.
I just googled a random story ("Ascensore per le stelle", you can easily find it, tell me if there's any word you do not know.

At first glance, I can notice "sgattaiolò" (passato remoto of "sgattaiolare") which could give you some trouble. This word is informal, you would never write or say this in a professional setting. It has to do with "gatto", and it basically means "to sneak/escape/flee like a cat would do - unnoticed, silently, etc" (my definition developed on the spot). It's a nice word, imho

On a side note, tell me if you want a free software with Iliad, Odissey, Aeneid, Divine Comedy and a bunch of other free Italian classics

>> No.19176774

What software is that?

>> No.19176815
File: 165 KB, 1318x839, free Italian software.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the "Biblioteca" issue of a CD encyclopedia of early 2000s.

Run the iso with Daemon tools or similar
Install the software
While running the iso, run OmniaPBib.exe in the folder where you installed the software

As you can see there's more stuff than what I mentioned earlier, but I guess the civil code is not that interesting, lol


>> No.19176855

I forgot, you might have to run OmniaPBib.exe in compatibility mode (win98/2k or something around that)

>> No.19176857

Thread altamente ebraico

>> No.19176877

So I get Daemon, download this, then open it with Daemon?

>> No.19176923

The link I posted is a .rar (compressed) file
Inside of it there's an .iso (CD image) file

You run the iso with Daemon Tools
Your pc will treat it as if you had inserted a disc in your reader
This "virtual CD" will ask you to install a software - follow the instructions
When installation is complete you should have something like

[your hard disk]:\DEAMM\OMNIAED

in which you can find OmniaPBib.exe

Run it *while Daemon Tools is running* (you can't skip this passage - the program wants you to have the "CD" in your "reader") and you should end up with picrel >>19176815

>> No.19176946
File: 144 KB, 720x615, figlio-del-secolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Italians read pic related? Is it and good? There's a translation coming out in the US next year and while it's supposedly gotten good reviews there isn't much information on the English-speaking internet.

>> No.19176992

I didn't, but it seems interesting. I never buy new books though, and I will not make an exception for this one.

>> No.19177078

learning italian through dante and some esoteric authors
>tfw no white northern italian gf

>> No.19177081

Dante isn't from Northern Italy.

>> No.19177129
File: 60 KB, 1337x556, aryo-romans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't claim he was, the comments were sort of unrelated. i guess you call florence central italy? dante and italians back in the day were way more white though. even today there are still some red-haired ones. the roman emperors were white af. maybe the commoners looked like meds today, in fact i think i've seen some studies on grave sites showing this. doesn't mean you can't inherit their legacy, like evola.

>> No.19177346

>dante and italians back in the day were way more white though

>> No.19177485

the upper classes were at the very least

>> No.19177496

>at the very least, the co-founders of Western-European culture were Europeans

>> No.19177510

yes, european as to european with more african admixture, which is unfortunately the case with the more southern italians

>> No.19177608

wait, so I've opened daemon and have the rar downloaded, but how do I run the iso?

>> No.19177797

Oh and also how do I exit the thing once it's opened?

>> No.19178251


>> No.19178650

I buy foreign books in their original language if I can read it, or an English translation. My only issue with this is that it makes me inexorably tied to Amazon. The last Italian book I have read was Terzani's Un Indovino Mi Disse, some 10 years ago.
I'm thinking of picking up another language so I can stop dealing with grotesque Twitter era English in my daily life. I'm considering Russian.

>> No.19179256

Lo squalificato tradotto dall'inglese invece che dal giapponese. È inaccettabile che continuino a fare queste cose. Fa capire quanto gliene frega dei lettori.

>> No.19179517

Which "thing"? Daemon Tools or the encyclopedia?
Did you figure it out?

>> No.19179526

>using Daemon Tools in 2021
Windows added native iso mounting quite a while ago, grandpa.

>> No.19179568

Don't care, didn't ask, kid.

>> No.19179653

>install adware on your PC
>get told not only that you're retarded, but how to accomplish your goal in a non-retarded fashion
>try to act tough
You're posting on an anonymous imageboard, faggot, not on your Facebook.

>> No.19179758

>how to accomplish your goal in a non-retarded fashion
>try to act tough

You have to have used win 3.1 to post here

>> No.19179835

Right now no, not by a long shot. But we usually follow suit on everything that trends in the US, so we are fucked too.

>> No.19179841

>Iliad, Odissey, Aeneid, Divine Comedy and a bunch of other free Italian classics

Iliad, the ultimate Italian classic

>> No.19179858

Stay away from italian culture you filthy american

>> No.19180087

Either one. I don't know much about computers and am a bit worried about messing something up.

>> No.19180095

>can't read
Ammazzati, terrone

>> No.19180108

>he doesn't know

>> No.19180127
File: 924 KB, 1280x720, 1557950566052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paradise Lost, molto bello

>> No.19180155

Americans make me die from laughter ahahahaha

>> No.19180173

I fucking hate mutts...

>> No.19180267

The canonical translation by Vincenzo Monti counts as a legitimate work of Italian poetry in itself.

>> No.19180495

There's nothing in the DEAMM folder

>> No.19180932

il bumpo

>> No.19180944

Morte all'occidente!

>> No.19180971

Anyone know where to find "Le Forme della Lingua"?

>> No.19181117
File: 614 KB, 1440x1332, aproust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, anch'io sono ossessionato da sta cosa, quindi eccoti un po' di consigli. La prima cosa che ti direi è di insistere con l'inglese e di imparare qualsiasi altra lingua tu riesca a imparare. If you come here, you're probably capable of understanding most basic english literature, and you can step up from there. It opened a world for me: Nabokov, DFW, Pynchon and Joyce are so much better in the original than they are in translation. As for other languages, I usually found that Italian translation from romance languages are, for obvious reasons, better than those from other languages, so I tend to read spanish and french literature in Italian.
When I move onto other languages, such as Russian or German, I mostly check two things:
>1. date of the translation
>2. academic background, qualifications and other works of the translator
I tend to trust academics more than writers and journalists, unless they have specific ties with the author. Take the Italian translations of Ulysses: most of them are terrible, Einaudi included, because the choice of the translator was very poor. Terrinoni's, fairly recent and from a Joyce scholar, is far superior to all others both in style and notes, being possibly the only readable one in our language. It somehow got published with Newton Compton, which is a shit publishing house for translations, but it came out great. I think that if you combine academic background and date, and go for a mix of the most-recent/most-informed translation you can likely get something good, especially on Russian stuff.
The real problem is new novels, for which you only have one translation available. That's where knowing English helps, because some english translators are very good, and if you know English you have the options of checking their translations as well.
If you are generally distrustful, which is a good thing, another tactic is to check available translations beforehand in your local libraries (or by pirating the books online), see which one reads best according to your taste, and then buy that one. Also, there's a lot of online discussion on translations (that's how I found out about Terrinoni's Ulysses being the best, for instance), so a quick google research can also help. Last resource? Email a university professor. Find someone in Bologna or wherever who is an expert on a given author and ask him what the best translation is. Usually professors are very approachable for these kind of straightforward questions and are vain enough to not lose an occasion to show how many things they know more than you do (but remember you'll be the one getting the best book, in the end).

>> No.19181191

I'm not the anon you are replying too, but I like your advice. Have you learned other languages besides English? I've started a few years ago with German and Russian. I figure I'm pretty safe with French because it seems almost isomorphic with Italian so a good translation shouldn't be too hard to produce. I'm thinking of tackling Japanese next (just because I like their literature).

>> No.19181241

I can read in Latin and Greek and I have studied a bit of German, but it's a bit too difficult for me. My aim at the moment is to improve my french and spanish enough to be able to read their literature entirely in the original like I do with English. As for Asian languages, I would really like to learn at least one, either Chinese or Japanese. I don't know much about Chinese literature but experimental stuff in their language must be (or at least has the potential to be) absolutely insane, from the little I know about the language. If you have the time, definitely go for as many languages as you possibly can. I sadly don't, but I'll do my best with what I have

>> No.19181276


How did you learn Latin and Greek? High school? As for going for as many languages as one possibly can, I like that idea. I'm not very gifted though, so every new one takes me a few years before I get to reading fluency.

>> No.19181297

pasta spaghetttttiii

rigatoni meatballini, capiche?? alfredo penne ala vodkaaa

>> No.19181395

High school and then a bit more in uni. They say the more languages you learn, the faster you become, so maybe that will be true for you. Asian languages might be tougher, though

>> No.19181420

Ma c'è qualche anon che vive al sud? Come fate a non suicidarvi? La gente qui è cerebrolesa, c'è lo stesso fermento intellettuale che troveresti nel Burundi

>> No.19181469

Is the Omnia Biblioteca anon still here?

>> No.19181738

Non tutte le traduzioni italiane fanno necessariamente schifo ovvio poi che sta a te evitare le traduzioni di traduzioni cioè onestamente sei stato un po’ mongoloide a non controllare chi l’ha tradotto. In ogni caso impara altre lingue e comincia a leggere in lingua originale

>> No.19182229

Augh dunno why DEAMM is empty, anon

>> No.19182526


>> No.19182694
File: 179 KB, 1686x953, exit encyclopedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And in fact this software has the Monti translation
Più nordico e più bianco di te, senza alcun dubbio.
To close DT, there should be small icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Right click on it and click "Exit"

For the encyclopedia, in this pic>>19176815
you can see a big black X in the lower right corner

In other pages, such as the one in picrel, just click the X on top right

Hmmm, weird. I'd say you should try to rerun the installer

I'm back
Try to rerun the installer ("Setup.exe")

Btw, my mistake, the CD image is not an iso file but mdx

>> No.19182709

Just making sure of this: should the "omdb" icon be under "images" in Daemon? And I open the file folder by clicking on that, then run the setup?

>> No.19182746
File: 282 KB, 904x2180, tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19182815

What if I'm not using mount n drive?

>> No.19182842

Oh and the Daemon tools folder is empty

>> No.19182989

Damn this is frustrating

>> No.19183189


>> No.19183220

I wonder if it's possible to extract the text files from that encyclopedia

>> No.19183274

any other authors like tommaso landolfi?

>> No.19183511

ciao gianny

>> No.19183622
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211007-141349_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dante isn't from northern italy

>> No.19183806

I wonder if I should just delete Daemon and the current folders from it (hopefully that wouldn't mess up the computer) and download another program to try and open the file
On a different note, is Dante's style of Italian legible for non L1 speakers?

>> No.19184880

>is Dante's style of Italian legible for non L1 speaker

I'm a native Italian so take that with a grain of salt, but I'd say it's the same difficulty as reading middle English for an ESL. Not a completely different language, but some vocabulary is not used anymore, some is spelled differently, and some looks familiar but doesn't mean what you would expect. Fortunately, virtually all editions have extensive footnotes explaining difficult sentences and words.

>> No.19185956


>> No.19186957

How much Italian literature is written in a dialect rather than Standard Italian?

>> No.19187169


>> No.19187244

I don't give a shit about learning Italian, but I gave this 5 minutes of my time, and didn't have any issues. Too bad the uploader made it a retarded Daemon exclusive .mdx, instead of a universal .iso, forcing me to install Daemon just to try this shit.

>> No.19187267

Only one I know is the pentamerone which is written in neapolitan

>> No.19187282

Maybe it has to do with the fact that it's from the early 2000s

>> No.19187365
File: 252 KB, 1000x1000, 9fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck it, italian thread.
>Falk about the state of literature and publishing in italy or something like that
>Ma la feltrinelli fa davvero così cagare nelle sue traduzioni? Ho letto la loro versione dello squalificato (aka no longer human) e mi ha fatto cascare i coglioni

>> No.19187368

Why would that impact the disk image choice?

>> No.19187379

I’m trying so so hard to learn Italian bros. I took a few years of Italian in high school, but that only gets you so far. what else can I do?

>> No.19187412

come to italy duh

>> No.19187417

I dunno, have you tried duolingo

>> No.19187445
File: 103 KB, 457x713, cff9b121c8bd2276777a632674adb041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you pasta niggers read pic related? I can't read Italian but an Italian I know irl has been endorsing it and I wanna know if I should keep it on my radar in case a translation appears.

>> No.19187489

Read and listen to Italian content.

>> No.19187513

Duolingo and maybe Anki can help. Or find a Teach Yourself Italian book or PDF. Then try exposing yourself to more Italian media once you've got a grasp of the basics.

>> No.19187990

Just tried to install that program. It froze up at 22% installation.

>> No.19188041

Guys you should know better than recommending shit like duolingo. This kind of novelty apps may work for people who want to learn how to say 'I love you' in different languages, but at the end of the day they are just games for dabblers.

Did you learn English by answering quiz cards? I know you didn't. You learned English by surfing the web every day, and maybe watching tv shows. Only way to become fluent in a language is to consume a lot of material. From anecdotal experience + an experiment someone did with a montecarlo simulation, it's about 100 books for complete, native-like fluency.

>> No.19188062

Where did you find that book? How do you find books in general? That books seems very interesting and I had never seen it, even if I spend my whole day browsing amazon and goodreads.

>> No.19188691

Che cazzo fai?

>> No.19189065

>I don't give a shit about learning Italian, but I gave this 5 minutes of my time, and didn't have any issues.
>Too bad the uploader made it a retarded Daemon exclusive .mdx, instead of a universal .iso, forcing me to install Daemon just to try this shit.
It was my first time doing something similar (except that time I uploaded Take No Prisoner on KaZaa in 2003) - I have to say I mostly cracked it for myself, I don't have a CD reader anymore
>Just tried to install that program. It froze up at 22% installation.

>> No.19189146

I don't blame you for the thing not loading lol. If I want to reinstall it, do I delete the MDX file and DEAMM folder?

>> No.19189165

>If I want to reinstall it, do I delete the MDX file and DEAMM folder?
I guess that deleting everything and downloading again it's the best choice, yes.

Trust me, I'd be glad if some random people over the internet could get those texts for free. I realize the software in itself is retarded, but it has a couple nice features (you have many short audios, read by professionals, just to name one)

>> No.19190739

>non conosce Sellerio editore

>> No.19190808

A bit, first things that come to mind are the early versions of "Promessi Sposi" and Verga.

>> No.19190814

I agree completely, Duolingo is shit and so are all learning apps. Read read read. Do you have a link to that study? It sounds interesting.

>> No.19191636

Non ho contatti con il mondo esterno

>> No.19192386


Not really a study, just a montecarlo simulation using data that comes from research (how many times you must see a word in different contexts to learn it, how vocabulary is distributed, and so on)

>> No.19193437

Anche io! Basato!
Vado solo al supermercato.

>> No.19193469

Northerners generally believe that everything south of where they live counts as Southern Italy and everyone there is a "Terrone" (a word that means subhuman). Ask someone who lives in those mountain regions in the Alps and he'll tell you that if you still speak Italian instead of German or French you're a dirty Southern Terùn.

>> No.19193748

L'Alto Adige non è Italia e non conta
Per quanto riguarda la ricchezza linguistica del Piemonte, favorisce l'apertura mentale e gli scambi culturali, ed è nemica mortale del campanilismo spicciolo
That said
> everything south of where they live counts as Southern Italy and everyone there is a "Terrone"
Toscana is not northern Italy and it will never be. They are not teroni, they are in Central Italy and therefore a transition between N and S
Simple as.

>> No.19193763

Ma in Toscana fa freddo, devo mettermi il cappottino quando vado a Firenze

>> No.19193808
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, sordioooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19193829

I meriti altoatesini? Tutti italiani.
I demeriti sudtirolesi? Tutti crucchi.

>> No.19193875
File: 574 KB, 1322x1136, Clima Torino Napoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>O nord ten sol a nebbj, a piogg, stann umid rind l'oss!! Annabl ce sta o sol!
>Se a Firenze fa freddo vuol dire che è nord Italia!

>> No.19193881

>I meriti altoatesini
Tipo? A parte lo yogurt

>> No.19193958
File: 226 KB, 830x1100, pulcinella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>O nord ten sol a nebbj, a piogg, stann umid rind l'oss!! Annabl ce sta o sol!
è o ver'

>> No.19194030

Dipende sempre dal libro, ma se dovessimo fare un discorso generale qui quelli da redarguire sono specialmente la Feltrinelli e la Mondadori. Einaudi ed Adelphi mi sembrano più accettabili per le traduzioni. In ogni caso non è sano ossessionarsi per le traduzioni, anzi i traduzionefag li trovo cringe

>> No.19194078

Torino è la vera città del caffè. >>19194030
>Feltrinelli e la Mondadori. Einaudi ed Adelphi mi sembrano più accettabili per le traduzioni
Ma sbaglio o feltrinelli/mondadori VS adelphi trattano libri completamente diversi?

>> No.19194082

Qualcuno può consigliarmi una buona edizione rilegata della Divina Commedia coi disegni di Dorè? Dell'usato purtroppo non mi fido più, le condizioni sono sempre peggiori di quanto descritto.

>> No.19194117

Ma ve la ricordate questa pubblicità /lit/?

>> No.19194124

Non ti so consigliare niente, ma del resto la Commedia con illustrazioni di Doré non è neanche una roba da stampare in milioni di copie, da ristampare ogni anno. Quanto vuoi spendere? Sono sicuro che con qualche migliaio di euro trovi delle cose fantastiche.

>> No.19194130

Whoa... Who could have imagined...

>> No.19194161

>Sono sicuro che con qualche migliaio di euro trovi delle cose fantastiche.
Guarda, pensavo 100 euro. Non mi va di prostituirmi per una meravigliosa edizione di pregio in pelle del costo di 800 euro, anche se sarebbe molto /lit/
Per adesso sto adocchiando l'edizione 2003 della Artistica Editrice ma non riesco a trovare alcuna immagine del libro, soltanto la copertina. Mi piacerebbe capire la qualità della rilegatura, perlomeno se è cucita o collata.

>> No.19194192

ho intenzione di leggere quel libro da qualche tempo. mi sapreste consigliare una traduzione decente oppure conviene leggerlo in inglese?

>> No.19194217

Non sono un restauratore di libri, ma non penso che il cuoio si possa incollare più di tanto. Ciò detto, dalle mie parti c'è un sito che raccoglie tutte le biblioteche della regione, in cui puoi cercare ogni libro che possiedono, e a sto punto puoi cercare l'edizione X, andarla a vedere nella biblioteca Y e capire se ti piace o meno

>> No.19194220

>Come faccio ad evitare i libri tradotti male?
Leggi in lingua originale oppure in inglese. La qualità delle traduzioni inglesi è generalmente buona perché gli anglosassoni, così come qualsiasi altro popolo, leggono molto più degli italiani.

>> No.19194229

>Guarda, pensavo 100 euro. Non mi va di prostituirmi per una meravigliosa edizione di pregio in pelle del costo di 800 euro
Aggiungo: in ogni caso ciò che conta è la tua attitudine al supporto. Io ho letteralmente raccolto libri dai cassonetti. Se a te interessano le illustrazioni di Doré devi pagare.

>> No.19194261
File: 370 KB, 2048x1619, Signatures and Threads-smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ma non penso che il cuoio si possa incollare più di tanto.
Il cuoio è soltanto la parte esterna di una copertina, è il blocco interno che è incollato o cucito. Tecnicamente sopra un certo prezzo ci si può aspettare una rilegatura cucita che dovrebbe durare molto di più, ma non si sa mai.

>> No.19194272

>Se a te interessano le illustrazioni di Doré devi pagare.
Le illustrazioni in sé non costano, ci sono anche edizioni economiche con le stesse tavole. Mi interessava un volume rilegato decentemente per questioni di durata. Per quanto riguarda la copertina potrei rilegarla in pelle io stesso in futuro perché sono capace, ma se il blocco è una schifezza non ne vale la pena.

>> No.19194287

>Il cuoio è soltanto la parte esterna di una copertina, è il blocco interno che è incollato o cucito
A prescindere dalla mia ignoranza sul tema, il discorso è invariato: è come chiedere "voglio una lambo ma senza il volante in plasticaccia".
>>Se a te interessano le illustrazioni di Doré devi pagare. Le illustrazioni in sé non costano
Se uno compra l'edizione economica tascabile senza note, in copertina morbida, è perché le illustrazioni di Doré non gli interessano.

>Per quanto riguarda la copertina potrei rilegarla in pelle io stesso in futuro perché sono capace
Insegnami, maestro

>> No.19194332

Comprami una bella Divina Commedia e un bel pezzo di cuoio e ti insegno come si fa!

>> No.19194394

>il discorso è invariato: è come chiedere "voglio una lambo ma senza il volante in plasticaccia".
Non necessariamente. La copertina in cuoio gonfia tantissimo il prezzo perché la pelle buona costa. Puoi avere una buona rilegatura, anche equivalente, ma in carta.

>> No.19194639

>a e un bel pezzo di cuoio e ti insegno come si fa!
Ho una giacca di pelle vintage (non chiodo!) che ho ereditato da un parente. Al momento non posso fare una foto. Si può riciclare?

>> No.19194673

Sì assolutamente. La pelle è pelle, rilegare un libro è un uso come un altro.

>> No.19194714

Di dove sei? Io nord

>> No.19194770

I hate Italo Calvino.

>> No.19194803
